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Love Charms (164 page)

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Trinity quelled
the urge to rush after Beth. Intuitively, without even being near her, he knew
when she was very afraid. This time he had the evidence of her features to
confirm what his connection to her was telling him. Beth was in danger from
some direction he had yet to fully grasp, but he knew he was on the cusp of
understanding. Still, he would give her a little time to compose herself. It
looked to him as if some revelation had occurred to her when he'd been
explaining about the mesmerizing.

He stood, not
caring if he ate or not, he'd only been doing it for Beth's benefit.
Nevertheless, he would take some blood; he'd found it better to be well-fed due
to his particular inclinations regarding Beth. Since he would find no blood
from well-funded doctors out on the moors, nor any new corpses, he was left to
animal blood such as Baptiste and Christian preferred. He didn't care to hunt
in the wild because it would raise his primal instinct. Luckily, for him, his
staff had chosen to slaughter a pig on his arrival.

"That will
do for a bit," he muttered, and then he proceeded to find the pig’s blood
he'd set aside. If his staff wondered at such strange requests, it never
showed. They were well paid, in an area that didn't have an abundance of work,
however, he also knew they were loyal beyond that. One thing he and his
brothers had learned intimately was to treat with respect if deserved.

Trinity gave
Beth the morning, mildly hoping she might come to him. However, his
disappointment was not great. They were newly married and had much to learn
about each other. If anything, he was surprised by how quickly she was fitting
into his life. He'd denied that he wanted a wife for so long, because he
thought it impossible, he'd obviously forgotten he really did desire a woman of
his own. Somehow, he was going to make the impossible into the possible.

He found her in
the gardens sitting on a bench, thankfully under a large oak tree that shaded
the sun. He could appear fairly normal under such conditions. Although his wife
didn't look particularly happy to see him, he thought, as he looked down at her
luxurious long black hair framing her pretty face and multi-colored eyes.

Trinity stopped
short before reaching Beth. That was something he should have noticed before …
one blue eye and one green eye. He speculated that he'd been too interested in
her generous curves to notice.

Beth watched him
take a seat beside her. "I need to return to London," she informed
him in a soft voice, the moment he settled. "I've, um …" she
continued. "I need to speak in person to my brother. You see I just sent
him this erratic letter and he won't accept it. I-I'm certain he will try to
find me." Her voice trailed off and stalled.

It was Beth's
first lie to him. Oh, he believed the erratic letter, erratic circumstances,
and that her brother would be very concerned, but what his expanded instincts
told him was Beth used this as an excuse to hurry back to London for another
reason …

"You are
that close then?" Trinity asked, also thinking about the fact of how many
of Beth's relations were going to have to be privy to the fact that the Lords
of Blacknall were vampires.

are," she said. "Adam and I are all each other had after our mother

"And your
father?" he asked as a natural progression.

Her petite hands
smoothed the skirts of her dress, while he glanced at her slender fingers
carrying the chunky Blacknall signet ring. He ended his survey on her
extraordinary eyes, as she answered. "Our father died when we were very
young of small pox."

Trinity grasped
her hand and he brought her fingertips to his lips, momentarily. He asked,
while he kept a hold of her hand, "And your stepbrother, you do not speak
about him?" Instantly, he knew her previous lie was used to cover this
unknown quantity called

"We are not
very close," she replied, looking down.

Very well then …
He realized his wife wasn't going to tell him. She would evade or lie to cover
up something greatly disturbing her. His first protective instinct was to force
it from her and he might have grown quite fierce looking, because her features
grew concerned, but he realized gazing down at her … wanting her and needing to
build a life with her, that he wasn't going to be able to force her. That left
him piqued.

apologize for having to ask you to take me back," she said softly, looking

He let go of her
hand, and said quietly, "We shall leave in the morning."



Chapter Twenty Four


Trinity felt
anything but quiet as he left Beth, not having as much luck containing his temper
as he was also containing his bloodlust and physical arousal. He wondered about
her capability to keep important issues from him, when he'd dauntlessly saved

"She should
trust me like no other," he muttered to himself, while his irritation
moved in and out of anger, until late that evening. He'd not gone to dinner
with her and he was certain she'd gone to bed. If he could get drunk, he might
have … because he was indignant that his new wife would treat him so.

He might have
noticed his emotions were out of proportion if his brothers had been present.
As it was, he'd decided that wives must need firm handling and he was being
much too lenient with his. He went upstairs with the intention of demanding she
tell him everything about why she was afraid of this stepbrother of hers.

Upon entering
the bedchamber, he was immediately staggered by the vision on his bed. Sound
asleep, Beth lay on her side, obviously having waited for him.
She lay wholly and lustfully naked on top of the covers of his bed. A
possessive growl rolled from his chest at the offering.

His wife had to
break down many of her maidenly barriers to do such a thing, he thought, with
heat thrashing through him at seeing the puffy lips of her slit caught between
her turned thighs. Arousal beat hard in his shaft. Her bare bottom was so full
and alluring that his fingers twitched to grab both cheeks.

A word he'd
never used much in his life beat repeatedly through his mind. "
Most of the control he'd managed up to that point … broke. The onslaught was
too quick. He'd not been prepared to stand against it. He was beside the bed,
not knowing how he'd moved there.

see her naked curves beneath him. She must have sensed his presence because she
startled awake, turning her head and body to gaze up at him. His fangs grew
sharp past his bottom lip, while his gaze stalked down her nude body. Beth
gasped, lifting her hands as though she would cover herself. The command that
growled from his throat stopped her as her nipples hardened and her thighs
quivered. His gaze riveted on the pulse beating on her pale throat.

"You should
have done this," he uttered, and his voice was too guttural; it
rolled from his chest like a cannon being wheeled into position.

A part of him
was bellowing to hold himself back, but then his breath was against her slender
throat as she yelped, arching her nude body beneath him.

Beth clutched
the fabric of Trinity's shirt as he lifted her neck to his mouth, while forcing
her chin aside. He was going to bite her.
She knew it.
Her naked body
arched, anticipation making her quiver. Would it hurt? Would she scream?

She would try
not to. She felt pricks on her throat and she mewled, quaking harder. Yet,
nothing penetrated her flesh. Then the pricks grazed down the length of her

"I can feel
your fear," Trinity's voice rumbled as she trembled, feeling his lips, not
his fangs, on her tender throat.

"I don't
wish to be afraid," she moaned, realizing more than fear was inflaming her
body. She'd been so bold, lying naked … waiting for her husband. Now she would
pay the price.

"You are so
warm," he murmured through his lips pressed to her throat.

She was
surprised as he continued to place kisses over her neck, yielded to his mouth.
The bareness of one of her breasts pressed to the solid weight of his chest,
where his shirt fell opened. She'd never felt flesh to flesh like it before.

"Are you
offering yourself to me, maiden?" he asked. His voice was gruff with the
possessive-sounding growl gone. She could tell he'd regained his control.

Her voice sounded foreign to her, heavier and lower. "I am your wife
now." She emphasized the word, "wife."

"Yes, you
are mine now." As he murmured, she felt him slowly release control of her
neck, until she turned her head and gazed into his yellow eyes. "So
brave," he whispered and his fingers caressed her collarbone. He was above
her this time, but pressed into the length of her body. "We can take a
human’s blood without harming them." He looked over her face. "If we feed
and don't take too much. If we stop before killing them."

determination to share his existence greatly impressed her. She unclenched her
fingers from his shirt, lifting them to his lips. "Perhaps a man and wife
are supposed to." Her fingertips touched one of his fangs.

His entire body
tensed against the length of her. "You will unleash my beast one day with
all your temptations, maiden."

She felt a small
smile reach her lips as the tenseness in her body softened into him. She was
absolutely certain he would never willingly harm her. "I'm not so schooled
on these things, my lord. But I will guess it is a wife's employ to tempt her

Trinity managed, then his hands clasped the side of Beth's face and his mouth
covered her lips as he kissed her with fierce intent … until she was moaning
and her body rolled with need beneath him.

He knew then,
with certainty, why he could feel Beth's fear as if it were a tangible thing
crawling up his spine. It was to protect her when she was in danger, yes. He
felt more deeply that it was to keep his beast from harming her. And it freed
him. To dare what he'd been tempting himself with.

He molded Beth's
mouth beneath his lips and her small moans attracted him. Her body undulated
against his and he groaned, reflecting back the feel of her lush curves
pressing into him. He knew he must use his willpower to hold back for her
virginity. It would prove equally as hard as holding back from feeding on her
blood. Blood he knew would be more luscious than any he'd ever tasted.

He moved his
weight to one side, while heatedly plying Beth's mouth with kisses as he
balanced on one knee. One handed, he tugged his shirt over his head tossing it
aside. Their lips broke the kiss shortly, before meshing again passionately, while
his hand covered the creamy pillow of her ample breast. Her taut nipple poked
the middle of his palm and his body flushed with heavy beats of desire. She
moaned as he kneaded the tempting mound and he slipped his tongue into the
soft, melting haven of her mouth.


He groaned as
their long hair tangled, black against blond, light against dark, him against
her. He withdrew his tongue, giving her a moment to see if she appreciated it
as much as he did. A second later, her dainty tongue peeked forward, inviting
him back. He followed.

Beth followed
the feelings of desire heating her body as if she were a greedy beggar. It
moved her hips, put aroused twinges between her thighs and made her sigh for
more. Temptation skimmed her hands over her husband's body, built like a
warrior with sculpted muscle. Her palms glided over his shoulders and arms,
then across the sinew on his chest and onto his back. Sounds purred from her
throat for the strong feel of him.

And he kissed
her as if she were his one desire, plucking her lips and stroking his tongue
deep into her mouth, until she was lost in the sensations. She felt the coil of
enticing aches from his fingers plucking the tip of her nipple as it raced into
her core, making her body arch against him. Panting as his mouth left her lips,
she felt his thick hair sliding over her face. His hands clasped both her
breasts, kneading them as wetness from his mouth warmed the tips.


She gasped,
clutching her fingers in his hair. Aches tightened and filled her with hot,
syrupy feelings pooling in her loins with each nibble her husband took on the
tips of her nipples. It was astounding and it built searing desire for more.
Her hips moved with each spike that coursed from her nipples to her loins … and
she gasped, moaning his name.

Trinity reveled
in the feast presented to him so lavish with firm tits made for his mouth to
worship. His Beth was passionate and he followed her mewls of pleasure, finding
she liked his sucking mouth on the jutting points of her nipples as his hand
smoothed over her full hip and cupped her rounded bottom.

Lord help him,
she was heady. He wanted every inch of her and she seemed to appreciate him as
well with her small hands stroking his shoulders and upper arms. His erection
strained, wanting to be free and inside her, yet he refused to yield to its
demand. He found his wife a treasure he wanted to stir wisely. A foolish man
would plow his wife without regard. His sweet-sweet wife with a naked body made
for his desire … and love.

His fingers
stroked the satin of her belly. Then lower to the soft and rich curls between
her thighs. Her legs were clamped together and his finger could barely touch
her tender slit.

she gasped with his touch.

He lifted his
lips from her nipple to gaze down on her flush face with blazing eyes.

"You know
this," he told her. "I've touched you here before." His finger
petted the top of her slit and her gaze was wary, but banked with passions
they'd been playing with. One day she would dance naked for him, his timid,
pretty wife.

"Open for
me," he murmured the request, while burrowing his finger to a tender spot
that made her exclaim his name with desirous affect.

Her eyes
clenched with obvious jolts of pleasure, fanning her long, dark eyelashes
against her alabaster cheeks, while her pouty mouth tempted him. He was a very
lucky man and he fell into endless desire for his wife, until it filled his
chest with completion.

He followed
those uncontrolled reactions and twirled his finger more.

she panted, grasping his wrist as though to stop him as her hips lifted for

He tempted her, rubbing harder.

Oh!" She finally succumbed to the sensations and her thighs parted as her
heels dug into the mattress.

Triumph filled
him as his erection beat with the motions of her undulating hips. His mouth
returned to her jutting nipple and he worked his finger and mouth in tandem,
until he had her cleft dripping and she was moaning uncontrollably. At the
moment, she was entirely his and he thanked God for her passionate nature as he
tempted one finger inside her.

he groaned as she piped repetitious yelps of pleasure, while he worked his
finger in and out of her clenching sheath. On each withdrawal, he petted the
bud that unfocused her eyes and made her hips surge with passion.

Dare he take
her? Dare he sink his hard ram inside her? He wanted …
he needed
, and he
hungered beyond respite to rise above her and thrust. Yet, he barely held back
his ravenous lust for the blood he could feel pooling in her sex as she grew
closer to release.

There were many
levels of desire and temptation attacking him. One part of him was fully
engaged as a man revels in his woman's hot passion. Another part of him was the
vampire becoming more primeval as lust and imminent sex stripped away control.
Temptations haunted him … lick her slit and then bite.
You can stop if you
bite her.
What would it feel like to have his shaft buried inside her and
his fangs in her neck?

Beth clutched
Trinity's wrist as he did unthinkable things to her, while her body and mind
reacted to each rub or inward thrust, until she felt the spiral she'd
experienced before growing tighter and tighter. Her entire being yearned toward
it as she felt Trinity's hard muscular body shifting.

Then he was above
her and his fingers stopped their desirous torment, while she mewled with loss
and he nudged her legs open, and then settled between them. It felt wonderful,
and then his mouth was over her breathless lips. She forgot to be disappointed
as she lifted her hips, rubbing the achy spot in her core over a hard ridge
perfect for it. Hot brands of heat from the smooth taut flesh added to the
sensations, making her gasp.

Trinity's voice groaned above her and she loved the affected sound she could
hear in his voice as their lips meshed together.

Her hands found
the bareness of his flanks and her fingers trembled over the fact she could
feel such a thing as she caressed the lean hard sinew. The hard brand nudged
between her legs … and she wanted it there, stroking her core. Trinity's hand
grabbed her outer thigh, lifting her leg over his flank, opening her center
more. It felt as if the intense aching was released and it flowered open,

please, Trinity," she pleaded against his lips, not knowing what she
pleaded for, but her feverish body needed it.

Trinity was
lost. There was no hope he could hold off any longer as Beth's ripe lips
pleaded with him. He could feel the heady need of her arousal shifting around
him … grabbing and pulling him in. He seized his erection with one hand and set
it to her wet entrance, melting with heat.

He moaned as he
braced on both hands trying to steel his resolve to make love to his wife, but
more, as he growled his intentions. Beth's nails dug into his flanks and he
pushed forward as a tremor of pleasure wracked his body and he flung back his
thick hair, while his body arched.

The head of his
shaft was within clenching liquid heat and his fangs punched free, lengthening,
as his eyeballs grew hot. A snarl snapped from his throat as he strained.
Through the haze of lust and control he was exerting over himself, he felt
Beth's nails scrape his chest as she whimpered.

His gaze focused
sharply on her face, afraid she was in pain or fear. But no, she was lost in
desire and just the look on her passion-ravaged face had him rumbling his
intent as he thrust forward.

BOOK: Love Charms
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