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Chapter 19


returned to Mirella the next morning, “The job is done, sister.” She sounded so
proud, the woman already looking more like the battle-hardened warrior she was
before conceiving the God-King’s child. “The noble leaders were wiped out,” she
declared with a slam of her fist on the table. “Damn it feels good to be back
in action!” Mirella knew just how much it had troubled her that the giant of a
woman had missed so much of the fight already.

laughed, and for the first time in many days, she truly felt it reverberate
through her. “I’m sure there will be more before he returns. Has there been any
news?” she asked, that hope creeping into her voice. “What of the Seer?”

wanted to ask what was her price. What had she paid for this? She resisted,

At that
query the mighty Svella lost her spirit. “No further news, though the violence
seems to be dying down now,” she explained. “And no, the Seer has not moved of
her own accord since, I’m afraid.” It troubled her, for the Seer was a unifying
force for the Raven Guard.


rebellion was quelled and the city returned to some form of peace following
Mirella’s trap. However time dragged. She grew more and more swollen with her
impending birth, and no news had arrived.

spoken to the princess, told her the prince was reported dead though she had no
actual word of what happened on the other side of the mountains. It confirmed
it for her though, for the princess broke down into tears and sobbed about how
she hadn’t heard from him since the week the attack should’ve happened.

Kulav had succeeded on the field of battle. Just as she knew in her heart and
as the Seer had said.

It had
been useless talking to the delicate princess after that. She was a wreck, and
would, with any luck, be ready for the God-King’s return.

It was as
Mirella relaxed one day, the weight of her pregnancy exhausting her, that the
excited Nimala burst in on her talking with Svella. “He’s coming!” She cried.
“The God-King is returning from the west reaches of the mountains!”

she gasped, trying to stand far faster than her body would allow, sending her
off balance for a moment, “When will he be here?” she asked, and already she
was moving as if she could see him. Her heart fluttered, and excitement buzzed
under her flesh.

emerged out into the cool morning air, Nimala talking excitedly, “The outriders
reported seeing his banners just hours behind them!” She said, a great smile on
her face. “He’s coming back to us,” she murmured in a dreamy voice, and Mirella
realized then this sister hadn’t had her opportunity to meet him before he went
on his expedition.

smiled, as if her life had suddenly brightened. Become worth living once more,
and she reached out to stroke Nimala’s hand. “As we knew he would, sister.” Her
hand ran over her stomach, reassuring the child that stirred within.


Chapter 20


the God-King’s forces returned at last, after being gone for months, the whole
of the remaining guard were out in force in their full battle regalia. Horns
sounded that echoed off the mountains and his banners fluttered from almost
every building top. It was as glorious a return for the conqueror as she could
muster, and she watched from the palace walls as his horse and following riders
wound up through the city towards him.

When at
last he led the way into the palace courtyard he looked as glorious as she
remembered him. His armour seemed nicked and more worn, but he looked as
stunning as ever. Those great raven plumes swaying in the air as he rode
directly to her with confidence. She saw that grin on his face even before he
slipped his helm free. He was back. Back for her.

movement was slower, her body nearly ready to burst with the heavy weight of
his child, but that smile she gave him was nothing but radiant. Her love shone
through, and that space she’d tucked aside, that deep loneliness was edged

As she
moved through the palace walls, down and towards the courtyard, her heart
swelled, and when at last her hands grazed him, her throat constricted. “Your
Greatness,” she breathed out.

mighty warlord put an arm around her pregnant form and with great strength and
care scooped her up against him, kissing her before all the assembled soldiers.
It was a deep and passionate embrace, and she knew that her longing hadn’t been
one-sided. A well of intense desire was bubbling forth from him as that dark
man kissed her deeply and stole her breath.

When at
last he broke their embrace he gave her a grin, slipping his dark gaze down
over her swollen belly with intense pleasure. “Go. Run me a bath,” he
commanded. “Bring a tray of fresh meats and a scrub brush, you shall tell me

though he’d made her swoon, she found a great pleasure in doing his bidding.
Her almond shaped eyes gazed at him for only a moment before her feet found the
ground and she was moving back through the castle. Excitement carried her and
made her feel lighter on her feet, despite her advanced pregnancy, and she
could already feel that familiar heat between her legs.

He was


Chapter 21


The tub
which she set for him was formerly that of the royal family. It was heated from
some vein of molten rock within the mountain itself, and the massive
pool—for it was far too large to be a tub—was fit for a God. He
reclined in the steamy water, his gorgeous physique, so brimming with hard
muscle etched in perfect, detailed lines, standing out so prominently to her as
she sat on the edge, scrubbing over his shoulder.

have done well,” he said in a husky groan, enjoying her touch, his long dark
hair draped down his back as he rested an arm up around her. “You took control
of a chaotic situation and kept the city under control. I don’t know if the
Raven Guard could have managed that without you,” he said with a light, placid

couldn’t allow you to come home to disarray, Your Greatness. Not after all the
work you’d done,” her nose nuzzled him, that lovely olive skin brushing against
his ebon flesh. “You deserve a bit of peace and relaxation after the battle.
The Princess is aware of the Prince’s demise. I pray she is in a more malleable
mood with the loss of her forces.”

All she
wore was the scandalous mix of silver chains and transparent fabric. He scooped
her up, taking control of her with such ease as he pulled her into the steaming
water with him. He let it soak her meagre things as she was pressed to his lap,
feeling that godlike manhood against her as he kissed her hard. “You have
served me well,” he said, brushing her dark hair from her face and eying her
with such desire and appreciation. “You were faithful when you could have
turned against me and perhaps shifted the tide.”

hadn’t even occurred to her, and her mouth found his throat, her body so eager
against him. She was his, body, mind, and soul, and her arms wrapped around
him, that pregnant orb pressing into his hard abs. “I mean every word I say to
you, Your Greatness. You are the reason I exist. You are the tide, the spring
rain. The one all should worship,” her mouth ran along his jaw. “We will have
crops this year, and it is because of your graciousness. I offered them a stay
of execution, but you are the reason they will live. Our lives, our future. We
entrust these things to you. It’s only fair we mind them when you’re gone.”

wasn’t the way of the Ka’reem to offer mercy or forgiveness. They knew nothing
of farming, only hunting and tending animals. But he did not question her
decisions while he was away, only offered his quiet acceptance.

And his
throbbing desire.

her in his powerful arms, those hard muscles jabbing into her all around, he
was careful of the life in her womb, suckling her lip as he probed her mouth
with his tongue. A hand came to one of her large breasts, squeezing the full
mound, so tender with its milk.

was such need in him, and he lifted her, rising up onto his knees in the steamy
pool, turning her away from him and placing her hands on the edge of the
stonework so that she bent forward. Feeling his dark hands run up her arms and
over her full form was such bliss, and he felt out every inch of her, as if
rediscovering her at last.

didn’t quiet those moans, the sighs of pleasure and joy at his battle hardened
hands, her body quivering against him. She wanted this, and had spent the long
months of his absence craving him. Needing him.

had it occurred to her to bed with someone else, nor even to pleasure herself
in the dark of night. It wouldn’t be the same, and how wet she was, even as the
water tried to lap it away, attested to her built up desire.

Greatness,” she whimpered. “I missed you.”

One of
his fingers hooked into her flimsy undergarment, pulling it aside to reveal her
puffy, darkened folds. She felt one of his arms hook up in under her chest, his
hand palming one of her large tits, squeezing as she felt that bulging
thickness press to her.

sweet were his dark, gravely words in her ear, “I thought of you often when
need shook me,” and she knew it was true. He was above false compliments; he
didn’t need such things with her.

into her she felt that massive cock, so far beyond any other man’s, pry her
folds open again. Though he had never been able to fit his full length inside
her, even less fit now as her full womb pushed down, yet it didn’t keep him
from moaning with his own satisfaction at that tight cling.

been so faithful to him, and yet she was surprised by how much it enhanced the
experience. She almost felt like a virgin once more, untouched and innocent,
even as she swelled with his child. Her moan was one beyond any other
sweetness, beyond pain or simplistic, animalistic pleasure. It was love and
devotion, bliss beyond understanding, and her hands gripped the edge of the

night, you were the first thing I dreamed of. Every morning, you were the first
thing I saw. I knew you would make it home before your child was born,” she

It was
wrong in the eyes of her sisters to spill the God-King’s seed fruitlessly in an
already pregnant womb, but it didn’t stop either of them from doing so and
enjoying it. His hand grasped her teat, squeezing so delightfully, the other
moving down over her generous hip and ass as he began to pump his godlike
length into her.

He was
so gentle for a man of his size and with his need, careful of the life within
her, but still that throbbing dick beat into her with a fast increasing pace.
His husky voice such a delight on her ear as it groaned each word out, “None of
the young ones can hold a candle to your devoted lust. To your beautiful form,”
he bit her neck then, inhaling deeply through his nose as he stifled his moans
on her flesh.

whimpered with her need, and his words made her cunny tighten around him, those
muscles massaging him so lovingly. She swallowed against his mouth, against the
feel of that warm, heated breath over her olive flesh, and she knew she was in

She’d been
waiting so long for just this, to be his once more, and it felt so right to
have his body pressed against hers so tightly. Mirella fought back an
overwhelming urge to cry his name, to tell him all she’d done, all she wanted
to do just to have him back. Of the fear when the mountain collapsed, of that
sense of failure and worry, but she didn’t.

All she
did was cry out his name, his true name, in a husky, lust ridden voice,
following it up with “Your Greatness.” The words—his name, his
title—were one in the same. He was born of a woman, but that didn’t
lessen who he was. What he was.

He came
in her then, clenching her tit and bucking his hips. Kulav, the God-King,
spilled his seed within her fruitlessly, but so satisfyingly. His pleasure was
thick on the air, and she knew she brought him such joy. More even than the
pristine young virgins he took, her mature form, so ripe with his child, milked
him of his essence and made him shake with satisfaction.

didn’t stop though, his long absence drove him on and he pumped his shaft into
her without pause. She knew it wouldn’t end then, or soon. He had to have her
again. Again.


Chapter 22


God-King’s return went fluidly. He never showed the slightest displeasure with
her choices while gone, did not countermand a single one of them. He went about
revitalizing his forces and getting the city into shape.

the north we’ll bring in our remaining herds,” he explained to the chieftains
gathered around his command table, pointing to a map. “We need the extra meat
and cheese to help feed the citizens as best we can.”

was kept with him at nearly all times now. Nothing was kept from her, she’d
proven her worth. Though as he spoke she felt it happen. Her water broke and
pregnancy was upon her at last.

She thought
back, for that brief, surprised second, and what she’d said to Svella those
weeks ago.


grin broadened and she felt no shame for being in such a delicate position near
such powerful men. Instead she touched her God’s arm, and as he turned to her,
giving her his attention immediately, he seemed to understand everything with
just the look on her face.

BOOK: Love Charms
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