Love Charms (68 page)

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Chapter Twelve

Making up is Hard to do


It was 10 PM and Jack was
standing at my front door. My heart, and other vital parts of me, longed to
leap into his arms and have wild monkey sex in the hall. My brain, which was
still tired from the drive from Greene County, researching the symbol all day,
and kinda peeved that he fell off the face of the earth, wanted to put
something sharp and pointy in his chest.

"H-hi," he said,
with an awkward wave.

Anger alert! Anger alert! My
brain screamed. I hadn’t heard from him in almost two weeks and his first word
is Hi?!?

"What do you want?"
I said through clenched teeth.

"I, uh," he kind of
kicked at the carpet, stealing glances at me guiltily. "Can I come

I shrugged.

His green eyes shimmered like
emeralds. "You kinda have to, uh, you know."

I leaned against the door
jamb. "Have to what?"

"Invite me in."

I looked at him like he
sprouted a second head. "I've never had to invite you in before."

"You left me several
messages telling me not to bring my sorry undead ass to your apartment ever
again," he said in a low voice.

I cleared my throat, my
cheeks burning hot. "Yeah maybe, but I also called back and said 'just

With a chuckle, he pulled out
his cell and held it up for me to see.

"I don't ever want to
see you again," I read aloud. "Don't come to my apartment, don't come
to NACA," I coughed, avoiding his gaze. Having moments of longing and
anger recounted through technology was no fun.

"You sent it today

"I got it. Come
in," I said, holding open the door.

He breezed inside, running a
hand through his golden hair. "Before you say anything-"

"Oh, trust me," I
snipped. "I don't have a thing to say."

"Oh. Okay."

We stood there, staring at
each other, waiting for the next move. I looked at his chiseled jaw, set in the
stubborn way that drove me so crazy.

He stepped closer, his hand
reaching for mine. "I'm so sorry, Jade. I just-"

"How COULD you," I
said, pushing his hand away. "You just disappeared."

"I know-"

"And it was like you
didn't even get how big a deal it was for me to even go there. To be that
person for you, knowing that I was essentially signing someone's death

"Yes, but-"

"And then you just shut
me out and stop accepting my calls and go off the grid."

"Jade, I-"

"And then I go see Mom,
which is a big ass cry for help and a huge thing for me…and you STILL ignored
me and made me look like a fool." I turned away from him at that moment.

He wheeled me around to face
him. "Just let me-"

"Babies!" I
interrupted. "And growing old and what if I want to get married?" I
took a breath, my chest heaving up and down.

He cracked a grin, tucking a
dark coil behind my ear. "Well, we can practice the baby thing at

I pulled my face away, my
eyes flashing. "This isn't a joke, Jack. I needed you."

His face went serious as he
drew me back to him, his eyes searching mine. "I wasn't ready for how I
felt that night." He lost his fingers in my hair then nuzzled me.
"I've seen and done horrible things. I am a monster, Jade." He pulled
back, his face inches from mine. "But when we were together, I felt

"Normal," we said
in unison.

I softened, sliding closer to
him. "I just-"

"Let me finish," he
cut in gently. "When I'm with you, sometimes I forget that I am what I am.
I'm just a man...who cares deeply for his woman." He glanced away for a
moment, not wanting to show his vulnerability. "But your eyes that night,
knowing you saw me as some spawn of Hell…it was a lot to swallow."

I reached up and grazed his
cheek. "It doesn't have to be so black and white."

"But it is," he
pressed. "I’m a monster. I have to do as monsters do to survive. I just
don't want-"

I brought my fingers to his
lips, silencing him. I slid closer to him, pressing my body against his. He
responded to me instantly, tilting my chin upwards and taking my lips with his.
Our kisses were soft, probing at first, then became hungry and ravenous as he
attempted to scoop me up and take me to the bedroom.

"No," I protested,
planting my feet firmly. "I want you here. Now."

His lips met mine again as he
moaned with desire, tearing off his clothes. I let out a hungry cry as he
ripped off my tank and cotton skirt. He paused, drinking me in.

"You're so
beautiful," he sighed, bringing me down to the floor. “So beautiful.”

I throbbed with wanting as he
pulled me close and we moved together as one. Every thrust pushed me
closer...there was nothing but this moment. There was nothing but this.

I slithered out from beneath
then mounted him, quivering as he entered me again and I rocked back and forth.

I howled with pleasure, all
abandon tossed to the wind. I didn't care if this whole building heard my
moans. I didn't care if the whole building burned to the ground.

I brought my face to his and
took his mouth in mine, teasing him with my tongue. I kept grinding, wave after
wave of satisfaction coursing through me. "Yes. YES!"

He let out a growl, his
strong hands gripping my hips. His fingers were firm at first before they
started digging into my flesh.

"Ow!" I cried out,
covering my hand with his. "Not so hard.” His grip went deeper until I was
sure he would draw blood. “BABE! B-babe?" I stopped moving, scanning his
face. His face had gone from primal and filled with lust to primal...and filled
with hunger.

He pulled out from beneath me
but remained crouched on the floor, sniffing. He moved like a predator, prey in
crosshairs, ripe for the picking. His body quivered as his fangs elongated.

"Jack, what the
hell?" I shrieked, pulling on a robe draped on the couch.

He got control of himself,
his cheeks going red. "I-I'm sorry. I just smell-"

He was cut off by an
ear-shattering scream, followed by a scuffle in the hall outside my apartment.

I walked to the door, pausing
as I looked back at Jack over my shoulder. "You decent?"

He nodded, zipping his jeans.

I pulled open the door and
shrieked as something fell into my apartment. A woman. With fiery red hair, her
porcelain face frozen in terror.

"Amy," I squeaked
as a wave of nausea overwhelmed me. Her heart had been cut out of her chest.



Chapter Thirteen



Today was just not shaping up
to be a good day at all. I'd spent most of last night and the wee hours of the
morning talking to Detective Warren about Amy’s murder. Jack and I'd had to
take a rain check on our makeup sex extravaganza, considering the neighbors
might take issue if he got on his hands and knees and started lapping up all
the fresh blood going to waste. And to top it off, the thermostat in my car
read that it was 75 degrees – with the AC on full blast.

My tank dress clung to my
sopping wet skin as I pulled into the back lot of NACA. I could waffle out here
in my car and see just how many buckets of sweat my body could create, or I
could get answers.

 I mean, could things get any

First it was Kenny. The
douche was strong with that one, but he didn't deserve to go out that way. Then
there was Amy last night. She had a dash of douche herself, but I knew that she
still loved her partner and kid. One night ruined it all. Well, two if you
counted getting her heart ripped from her chest.

I had no idea why someone
would want to do something as horrible as put a hex on two mortals. Guys like
Kenny were a dime a dozen, and it would probably be easier to list the people
who've never cheated than those who strayed like Amy. The only thing they had
in common was me.

That fact wasn't lost on
Detective Warren. Apparently my innate charm was lost on him and I went from
that quirky, weird girl to a person of interest in a homicide investigation.

I swung open the front door
of NACA and stopped like I'd been hit with a ton of bricks. The woman behind
the desk had porcelain skin that glowed as the rays of the sun danced through
the blinds. She had her fiery red mane stacked on top of her head and stopped
fanning herself when her eyes met mine. "Jade!"

"H-hi, Naomi," I
said warily, clutching my purse. Out of all the mortals she could take her pick
from, she chose one whose body wasn't even cold yet? "I didn't know
shifters had a sense of humor."

Her emerald eyes softened.
"You mean your charge?" She gestured at the tabloid mag open in front
of her. "I'm wearing this skin." She glanced back up at me, cringing
a bit. "I'm sorry...this fucking heat is messing with my brain." She
flipped the pages, drumming her nails on the desk. "I'll change it up in a

"No," I insisted,
stopping her. "It's kinda nice to see her, you, well. And alive."

Her olive eyes were
sympathetic. "You've just been having a bad go at it, huh?"

I mustered a nod, biting my

"I'm sorry, honey,"
she said truthfully.

"Thanks Naomi," I
said with a small smile.

She leaned over and pressed
the high button on the fan. "So what can we do you for?"

"She's not here on NACA
business," a baritone voice cut in behind her. "She's here as a
prospective client." B stomped into the room, sighing loudly. The walls
seemed to almost yawn and stretch, like the massive body before me was just
what my human eyes could handle.

"A client?" Naomi
repeated, crinkling her nose.

"Yeah," I
stuttered, fumbling in my purse for my research pad. I held out the page with
the Mark on it. "I saw this symbol branded on Kenny's wallet, then Amy's

"The Mark of the
Cursed," Naomi mused. "Someone's been a naughty witch." She
flashed me a reassuring smile. "Not you, of course."

"Of course," B said

"I'm willing to pay or
whatever," I offered.

"Don't be silly,"
Naomi scoffed, crossing her pale arms. "Your money's no good here."

"Um, of course it
is," B said indignantly.

I watched in awe as Naomi
wheeled her chair around, shooting daggers at B. "Don't you dare charge
her a cent. Jade is one of us and needs our help. I don't want your bad

 "Your karma can take
care of itself," B shrugged. "The bills, however-"

"Not a cent!" Naomi

"Gods, shifter," B
said with annoyance. He turned to me, cocking his head to the back office.
"Let's discuss this further. In private."

I mouthed a 'thank you' to
Naomi and followed him to the back.

I could barely tell that the
massive damage from the summoning gone awry even happened. The gaping hole was
mended. A fresh coat of paint hid the scorch marks. The room was completely
remedied and organized.

"And the necro who made
me wait around all day for some mortal handyman won't be practicing magic or
much of anything else," B said with a sinister grin, plucking my train of
thought from my head.

Usually this is where I'd
remind said supernatural to not probe my thoughts, but B just wasn't one you
gave orders to. And even though his favorite color was money, he could still
say no to my proposition. I didn't want to do or say anything that would tip
the scales out of my favor.

"So you want our
help," B began, cutting to the chase. "You want us to find out who's
behind the murders."


"Hmm," he mused,
stroking his chin. "And what would you say if I told you that some thought
that well, you were the murderer."

"That's a lie," I
said, a bit too loudly. I cleared my throat and began again. "Why would I
kill them? I had more to gain by keeping them around and maybe getting another
summoning out of it. And not to mention, the consequences are..." I slid a
finger across my throat. "Why would I do something so dumb?”

"That's a question I ask
quite frequently when mortals are involved," B quipped.

I wasn't amused.

B let out another weary sigh.
"Here's where I'm at, Jade." He flicked his wrist and a chair slid across
the room, stopping behind me. "Have a seat."

I obeyed.

"As much as I'd love to
take your money, I'd never hear the end of it from Naomi," he said with an
eye roll. "Also, The Watchers forbid me from investigating on your

My heart sank to the pit of
my stomach. "T-the Watchers? But why?"

"Because I'm
investigating on theirs," B said in a duh manner. "For your

"My TRIAL?" I said
in disbelief.

B looked at me like I just
sprouted tentacles. "Frankly, I'm surprised they waited for the second
body. You must have some friends in high places. Let me give you a couple of
tips. Don't make eye contact. Don’t-"

But I wasn't really listening
anymore. I was going to have to stand Trial for Kenny and Amy's murders. In the
Great Hall...where the conviction rate was 95 percent.

B shuffled uncomfortably.
"Uh, if you're gonna be sick-"

"I didn't hex
anyone!" I said, hyperventilating. I wanted to curl up in a fetal
position. I didn't want to die. I could feel the tears of frustration and fear
well in my eyes.

B scowled. "Please don't
cry. Then I’ll get sick."

I swapped at my eyes.
"I'm not crying. I'm just-" I paused, taking a deep breath to calm
myself. "When's the Trial?"

"No date on the books
for exposure offenses," B answered. "But I'd bet sooner rather than

I pulled at my sticky dress,
jumping to my feet. I had to get out of here. I had to investigate myself,
summon Kenny's ghost, and-

"About that," B
said, clearing his throat. "You're banned from performing magic until the
case is tried. A precautionary measure."

"What?" I gasped.
"How will I mount my defense?"

"Watcher appointed

I scoffed. "Oh please.
Even I know that's a joke. I might as well just kiss my ass-"

"Head," B
corrected. “Or flesh, if they’re in a burning mood.”

"Goodbye." I
finished, covering my face. "What am I gonna do?"

B glanced down at his watch.
"I actually have a lunch appointment, so we'll have to figure this out
some other time."

"Great," I said

I watched in awe as B
actually patted me on the shoulder. He did it gingerly, then shoved his hand in
his jeans pocket.

"It'll work out if
you're innocent," he said, pulling out a checkbook. "Probably."
He scribbled something on a check then ripped it out and passed it to me.

"5,000 dollars," I
read, surprised. "For what?"

B gave me a look of pity.
"Mortal naiveté. You're an accused witch, Jade. You can't be in my employ
until this matter is resolved."

"But I-"

"Time to go," B
said, ushering me toward the door. "I'll see you at the Trial. Good
luck." I turned back to him to plead my case a bit more but the room was
empty. I was alone.

In a daze, I trudged back to
my car. I was Screwed. With a capital S. I jumped when my phone vibrated. It
was Sia.

I put it to my ear. "I
think I was just suspended. And there's a 95 percent chance I'm going to be
executed by The Watchers.”



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