Love Beyond the Curve (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: Love Beyond the Curve (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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We are going to pretend it didn’t happen. I don’t know whether to be thankful or insulted. I’ll just be thankful. It takes less energy, and God knows I am exhausted. When I get off in the morning, I am going to crash for the weekend. I am taking a shower and going to bed until Monday.

Charlotte worked through her shift, downing multiple cups of coffee to stay alert. She had missed a lot of sleep and rest taking care of Reed, and pulling doubles for a couple of days was beginning to take its toll on her. She couldn’t wait to get home and tucked in the bed.


* * * *


As Charlotte climbed the stairs, she realized the ride home was a miracle in itself, as she couldn’t recall how she had managed to get there. She must have been on autopilot to arrive without remembering a single traffic light. That was more proof of her desperate need for sleep. A shower and a quick bowl of cereal were all she planned to tackle before crashing for the night.

She was opening the refrigerator when she heard a soft knock at the door. She took out the milk and placed it on the counter as she called out, “Yes? Who is it?”

“It’s me. Reed. You left your briefcase on the hood of your car.” His voice was firm, rich, and masculine. And Charlotte had missed the sound of it.

“Coming.” She tightened the sash of her short, navy silk robe before opening the door. She took a deep breath and opened the door, motioning for him to come in. She took the briefcase from him and tossed it into a nearby chair.

“I must have put it there while I was digging my keys out of my purse. I’m so tired tonight I am surprised I didn’t just sleep in the car. Would you like to share a bowl of cereal with me? Cornflakes and fresh bananas.” She walked back into the kitchen area to continue with her meal plans.

“Sure. I love cornflakes with bananas. How have you been? I haven’t seen you all week.” Reed sat down on one of the barstools and watched as she reached to take down a couple of bowls for them. Her already short robe got a little shorter as she stretched to take them from the shelf. The enticing view of her shapely legs became even more enticing as the hem of her robe brushed the back of her thighs just below her bottom. Reed swallowed and looked up to find her staring at him, as if waiting for an answer.

“Sorry, what did you say?” Reed ran his hand through his hair and stood to go help her in the kitchen. He was still on the crutches, but moving about as if it required no thought anymore.

“I said I’ve been working double shifts and asked how you’re doing. I can see for myself you have mastered the crutches. You really shouldn’t have walked up that flight of stairs yet. You don’t want to put any strain on that leg too soon.” Charlotte reached for the cereal box just as Reed did, brushing his fingers with her own. She swore she felt an electric current rush through her, and wondered if he had felt it, too.

Reed was shocked at the rush he felt as their skin brushed against each other. He was standing close beside her and could smell her clean, floral scent. Her hair was clipped on top of her head, and a few loose tendrils curled along the nape of her neck. They were still damp from her shower. He longed to reach up and touch one as he leaned over to kiss her right behind her ear. He couldn’t get the image of her standing beside that whirlpool, gloriously naked except for the high-heeled red sandals she still wore. She was having the same effect on him now as she did that afternoon. He wanted her, and if he didn’t take a step back, it would be obvious. He let her take the cereal box and bananas to the bar, and he followed with the bowls, spoons, and milk.

They took a seat on the barstools and began pouring cereal and milk. Reed swallowed his first bite, stirring the flakes around in his bowl.

“I’m really doing great. I’m back at work, but just in the office. I’m giving myself a few more days before I begin visiting job sites again. Thanks again for all you did to get me off to a good start on the road to recovery. I know it’s what has made the difference for me.”

Charlotte crossed her leg, exposing a muscular thigh, causing Reed to inwardly groan at the sight. She sat there munching away on the crunchy cereal, completely unaware of how beautiful he found her to be.

She is wreaking havoc with my senses and doesn’t even know it. I don’t dare say a word or touch her or she’ll think I’m trying to get her into bed because she’s available and handy. I’ve got to handle her with kid gloves, or I’ll scare her away for good.

“Reed, I would have done it for anybody. It’s my job. It’s instinct. I’m glad it made a difference for you. You were a good patient.”

Charlotte took another bite of the sweet bananas from her bowl and stared at him while she chewed the fruit.

You were a damn good patient, and I took advantage of you to satisfy my own desire to have some steamy, hot sex with a gorgeous man. Hell, you were so drugged up, I probably looked like freaking Angelina Jolie to you. It was so wrong, but damn, it felt so right. It’s probably too much to hope that you don’t remember it. You’re probably appalled that you could be aroused by someone like me. Well, I’m not going to remind you.

Reed took his last bite and stood to take his dishes to the dishwasher. He turned around and braced his hands on the edge of the counter and gave her a lopsided grin. “Now, here I thought I was special. You really know how to hurt a guy.”

Charlotte took her last bite and shook her head as she rolled her eyes at him. She closed the cereal box and put the cap back on the milk. She gathered up her dishes and carried them to the sink. Reed didn’t move, so she reached around him and poured the milk from her bowl down the sink. “Sorry, didn’t mean it to sound so impersonal, but taking care of sick or injured people is what I do. You are a special case. I figured with the attention I gave you, my tab is paid in full for at least a year now.”

She realized the minute it was out of her mouth that he might think she was referring to the sex. They stared at each other a split second, and she felt sure he had thought of the same thing. Reed relieved the momentary tension by laughing and tapping her nose. “I’m afraid you won’t get off that easy. I guess I’ll leave, so you can go to bed. Thanks for the cereal.”

Charlotte smiled and led the way to the door. “Thanks for bringing up my briefcase. I probably wouldn’t have found it until I left for work on Monday. What were you doing outside to find it in the first place?”

Reed opened the door and paused to look back at her. “I just got back from my parents’ house. I saw it as I turned in to park. It is supposed to rain in the morning, and I didn’t want it or what’s inside to be ruined.”

“See, I already owe you again. Thanks. Hope you have a good weekend.” She leaned on the door and folded her arms under her breasts, causing them to push up even farther.

“You do the same. Get some sleep. You earned it. Lock up.” Reed reached over and tucked a loose tendril of hair behind her ear and then began his descent on his crutches.

“I will. Good night.” Charlotte closed the door and leaned back against it, resting her fingers on her earlobe that still burned from his touch. She sighed as she locked the door and turned out the lights. She hoped she was too tired to dream about him…again.

Chapter Twenty-Two


A few weeks went by and Reed and Charlotte saw each other only in passing. Both were busy with work demands and had time for little else. One Saturday afternoon in early November, Reed called and invited Charlotte to come over and watch some football with him. He wanted the downtime for himself due to the hectic pace he’d been keeping, but found himself thinking about Charlotte and an afternoon they had shared months earlier. He felt it had been long enough, so he was ready to begin to persuade Charlotte that he was interested in her for herself. She had lost weight and looked great, but he thought she was great before the weight loss. Weight wasn’t an issue when it came to how he felt about her. She was gorgeous, curvaceous, smart, caring, funny, and sweet-spirited. She had sass to spare and could give as good as she got when it came to quick-witted zingers. The bottom line was that he really enjoyed being with her and wanted to see where it would lead if he tried dating her officially. Today, he was going to ask her out.


* * * *


Charlotte hadn’t been awake long when Reed called to ask her over to watch football. She was wearing a pair of faded jeans with the knees ripped out and an oversized red pullover sweater with a tank top underneath. She brushed through her hair and started to put it up in a ponytail, but decided at the last minute to let it hang loose around her face and shoulders. She had no makeup on, but put on some face cream and headed across the yard to his back door, carrying a tin of cookies she had made before going to bed the night before. She knocked and waited for him to answer, lightly tapping out a tune on the lid of the tin. In just a moment, the door opened, and there he was in all his splendid glory.

Does the man ever have an off day in the good looks department? I think not. He makes a pair of ratty old jeans and a flannel shirt look like something off the Paris runway. And those bare feet…

“Hey! Thought I’d bring along some tea cookies to share with you during the game. Who’s playing today?” Charlotte walked on into the house and straight through to the den, where she took her usual seat on the sofa.

“Tennessee and Florida. Should be a good game. I’m glad you could come over. It’s more fun if there is someone to watch with. How you been?” Reed sat down in his worn leather recliner and elevated his legs, as he tried to be mindful of his previous injury, even though he was doing well.

“Too busy for words. I’ve worked a good bit of overtime. How ’bout yourself?” Charlotte kicked off her loafers and pulled her legs up under her in a more relaxed position. Her hair framed her fresh face, and Reed thought she had never looked more beautiful. Her cheeks were rosy from the brisk, cool air outside, and her vibrant blue eyes seemed to sparkle as she smiled at him.

“Much the same. Seems everyone wants to have their houses finished in time for Christmas. We are all working overtime to try and make that happen for as many as possible. Seems there are lots of people happy to pay extra if we can pull it off for them. My crews all want more money for the holidays, so it seems everybody is happy, so we’re good. I probably should be at a job site today, but decided to take an afternoon off. Can I get you anything to drink?” Reed couldn’t take his eyes off of her. The red of the sweater brought out the rich chocolate color of her hair. It was shiny and thick, and he wanted nothing more than the opportunity to slip his hands through it. He remembered how soft it felt, and the way it smelled like green apples. Yes, he was definitely asking her out.

They watched the game, which proved to be an exciting one. Reed called and had pizza delivered for their lunch. He grabbed a couple of longneck beers from the refrigerator, and they had their own version of a tailgate party right there in his den. They cheered when their teams scored and booed when the referees made calls they disagreed with. They were completely relaxed and comfortable in each other’s company.

During the end of the last quarter, Reed got up to get himself another beer, but instead of going back to his recliner, he sat down beside Charlotte. He casually stretched his long arm across the back of the sofa as he sipped the cold brew and continued to watch the game. After a while, he let his arm drop to wrap loosely around her shoulders, as he rubbed a strand of her silky hair between his fingers.

Okay, here we go. He’s making his move. It’s the end of the game, and he’s got to try and lure me in for the victory party. Well, it’s not going to happen, mister. I made the mistake once before, but I won’t make it again, even though it would be one hell of a way to wrap up this little “get together” you planned for us. I am not going to be your secret bedfellow for those afternoons when you find yourself with a bit of free time on your hands. Sorry to have to disappoint you, but I have more self-respect than that, Reed Jackson.

“I’m going to the bathroom before the last five minutes of this game. I don’t want to miss it. Be right back.” Charlotte hopped up and headed for the bathroom without looking back. She stayed in there long enough to give herself a once-over in the mirror and then flush the toilet as if she had really used it. When she walked back into the den, she grabbed the empty pizza box and beer bottles and took them to the kitchen. She tossed them in the trash and went to the sink to wash her hands.

“You need anything?” Charlotte called out to him before she went back into the den.

“Yes. I need for you to get back in here and finish watching this game with me. It’s almost over. If we can hold them off just two more minutes, we’ll win this game.” Reed called to her as she walked over and sat down on the arm of the sofa, putting some distance between them.

“Okay. I’m here. Okay guys, push ’em back!” Charlotte began talking to the screen as the teams jumped into action. She stood up and watched the last minute tick off the clock, and it was over.

“All right! We did it! That was a great game!” Reed threw his hands up in victory as Charlotte high-fived them. She smiled a brilliant smile and laughed her charming laugh. Reed loved to hear her laugh. It was a throaty laugh that sounded all velvety smooth and warmed him each time he heard it. She was a classic beauty, and he was crazy about her curves. They were in all the right places and made her look like the epitome of femininity. He also knew how exquisite those curves felt when he had held her in his arms. It was something he longed to do again, and today might just be the day.

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