Love Believes (Sully Point, Book 5) (14 page)

BOOK: Love Believes (Sully Point, Book 5)
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"How are you feeling today, with the

"Good. Eating like a horse. But it's
wonderful to feel him or her moving around. Just little flutters, but it amazes
me every time it happens."

"I'm glad you're happy. Having a child really
did complete my life," Julia said. "Give me a year or so and I'll be
ready to do it again."

"Very cool. Well, I guess I'll go. I need
material for a new quilt I'm starting. It's for Beth, so don't tell her about
it. I want it to be a surprise for the play's opening."

"What a great idea."

Maggie left the computer shop and wondered about
Beth and the director going to the city together. Was it just business between
them? Her cell phone rang when she got into her car. "Hello?"

"Maggie, it's Anna. I was trying to reach
Beth and I can't find her. She's not answering her phone."

Maggie frowned. "I don't know why she
wouldn't be answering, but she went to the city with Mr. Christopher."

"What? Why?"

"Julia says he called and said they had a
theater emergency. That's all I know except that they took her car, you know,
the Thunderbird."

Anna was silent for a moment. "Will they be
staying overnight?"

"I don't know. Julia said they went to lunch
together, but they were all business."

"So maybe nothing is going on? Hmm, I wonder.
Well, if you hear from her, we wanted you and Eric, and Beth, to come over for
supper with your parents. Just a family spaghetti night."

"Ooh, I'm hungry for it already. Eric and I
will be there...around six?"

"Yes. I guess we don't need to worry about
Beth, right?"

"Oh I think she's fine," Maggie said.
"Mr. Christopher is very responsible."

"You're right, of course. Okay, see you guys

* * * *

The late afternoon sun glinting off the water and
shining through the bedroom window woke her up. She knew immediately where she
was, and she froze into stillness, feeling William's arm across her body.

Beth was lying on her back and she turned her head
to see William on his stomach under a sheet pulled to his waist. He lifted his
head to turn and face her.

"I felt you wake up," he said.

"Have you been awake long?" she asked.

"Just a few minutes. How do you feel?"

She thought for a moment. "I

His arm tightened around her and then she rolled
onto her side to face him. After a long kiss, she sighed. "I don't want
this to end, but I'm sure someone from my family is wondering where I am. We
sort of disappeared today."

"Do you want to check in with your sister or
Sam? Because as far as I'm concerned, nothing has to end yet." She saw
that smile spread across his face, the one that left her insides quivering.

"Hmm. You've got a point. Let me check in,
make sure I've not been missed."

She reached across to the bedside table and
grabbed her phone out of her handbag. William ran his fingers up and down her arm
as she dialed. He was so sensual, she thought.


"Beth! Where are you? Are you okay?"

"Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You and that director just disappeared,
didn't you? Some kind of emergency? Are you in the city?"

"The city? Uh, no. The emergency was to do
with some supplies we needed for the construction," Beth said, thinking
rapidly. William was grinning at her. "We had to go out of town but not to
the city. Why were you looking for me?"

"Not just me. Anna was too. She's having a family
spaghetti night with all of us kids and Mom and Dad."

"Mom and Dad?" William stopped smiling
next to her.

"Yep, so you're expected to attend. Be at Sam
and Anna's at six. You've got an hour, so you can go home and change into comfy
pants for eating a big meal...oh wait, that's me I'm talking about,"
Maggie said with a laugh. "See you later, Bethie."


"What's up?" William asked.

"Family spaghetti night. In an hour."
She looked at him ruefully. "I have to get you back to your car, and go home
and change clothes and get out there. If I don't show up, they'll be

"And...we don't want that, right? Do you want
anyone to know...about us?"

"No, I don't. I want it to just be us. I
don't want to hear what everyone thinks. Is that okay with you?"

"Absolutely. I'm still stunned by what's
happening here, Beth. But I know one thing. This wasn't some one-time thing for
me. There are feelings...for you."

She smiled at him and put her arms around his
neck. "Yes, there are feelings. Do you want me to come back here after

It was his turn to beam at her. "I would love
that. Maybe you should bring some clothes with you, in case you don't go home

"Ah, so you think I'll be occupied all

"Until we pass out. That's my plan," William
said and then he kissed her.

Beth sighed as the kiss ended. "I've got to
go. Come on, let's get dressed and get your car."

They managed to dress in between kisses and
touches, and giggles on Beth's part. She bent over and brushed her hair out
upside down then stood up and flung her hair back. William was watching her.

"God, you're beautiful," he said softly.

She blushed as she looked in the mirror.
"Lucky genetics."

He shook his head. "Not just what you look
like on the outside. You're a beautiful person, all of you, Beth." He
walked over to her as she watched in the mirror, and came up behind her to wrap
his arms around her. "Time to go, I suppose."

"I don't want to leave," she said,

"Then come back, as soon as you can," he
murmured against her hair. "Let's go."

She nodded, then turned abruptly in his arms and
hugged him. She laughed a little against his shoulder.

"What is it?"

"I have a secret romance," she said and
grinned up at him. "Maelynne would explode at the news."

They headed out to her car and she dropped him off
at Julia's Place by his car. Waving, she left and was soon at her apartment.
She dashed in and began stripping off clothes. After a quick shower and drying
her hair, she found black leggings, chunky ankle boots, and a long black tunic
top to wear. She looked in the mirror and chuckled at her resemblance to
William's style. Draping a couple lengths of bronze chains around her neck, she
was ready to face her mother and father.

"There," she told her reflection in the
mirror. "You can't tell a thing by looking at me."

When she arrived at Sam's house, Maggie threw open
the door to welcome her in. "You made it! Cool." Then she stopped and stared at Beth. "Hold on. What's happened? You look different."

Beth groaned inwardly. Damn Maggie, and those eyes
that saw too much. She refused to blush, instead smiling and saying, "I'm
starved and ready for spaghetti, that's what's happened. In all the excitement
of the day, I never got to finish my lunch." She took off her hip-length
wool jacket and hung it in the entryway closet.

Maggie tilted her head at Beth, lavender eyes
searching. "Okay, I guess that's it. Everyone is in the living room,
watching Joshua put together Legos. Anna says supper is soon."

Beth followed her sister into the large living
area, feeling a strong sense of relief.

"Hi," Sam said. "How do you feel
about wine?"

"I'd love some," Beth said. "Hi,

Her mother had come over to her as she entered the
room. "I'm still not sure I like the bronze jewelry. I know, I know, it
looks like rose gold, but still..." She reached out and hugged Beth.
"You look comfortable. Whose tunic are you wearing?"

"Mom...I don't wear all designer stuff when
you aren't giving it to me."

"Hmm. You really should let me send you some
things, darling."

"If I say yes, will you stop commenting on my
clothes while you're here?" Beth asked.

Her mother blinked twice and then smiled.
"Yes, I'll stop."

Beth laughed. "Oh no, I'm sure you mean that.
But I know you. You can't resist. Even so, send me the clothes anyway. It's
been a while since I bought anything new."

They sat down on the couch. Ed Carter was on the
floor with his grandson, building something elaborate. Eric had his guitar out
and was picking a relaxing melody in the background. Sam said he was going to finish
helping Anna with dinner, and Maggie, Beth noticed, Maggie sat across the room
and continued to watch Beth. Her sister had always been one to poke and prod
until she got the answers she wanted out of her brother and sisters. Then, she realized
there was a way to use that as a good diversion.

"Hey Maggie, have you heard from Rose
lately?" she asked.

Maggie frowned. "No. She's always too busy to
talk on the phone. She couldn't come to the wedding because she was on duty. I
know doctors are busy people, but she never takes any time off!"

Sophia shook her head. "I know. I've tried to
get her to come home for a visit and she just says she can't. Personally, I
think it's all about that clinic."

"What clinic?"

"She started volunteering at a clinic for low
income people who don't have insurance. Whenever she's not at the hospital,
she's at the clinic," Ed said. "I admire her giving nature, but the
girl is going to burn out before she turns thirty at this rate."

"Is she involved with anyone?" Beth

"When would she have time?" her mother

Sam came into the room. "Talking about Rose,
I see. Well, give the girl a break. Spaghetti is ready, so let's head into the
dining room."

Joshua jumped up. "Pasghetti ready! Pasghetti
ready!" he yelled.

"Yeah that's right," Sam said, picking
him up. "Let's just remember this time that we eat the spaghetti. No
throwing or you have to go to your room."

Joshua gazed into his father's face with an intent
look, as Beth watched. Then he nodded and grinned. "Pasghetti!"

Beth turned to see Maggie watching too. "Are
you ready for all this kid stuff, Mags?"

Maggie gave her a blazing smile. "I can't

Beth threw an arm around Maggie's shoulders,
smiling at her, and the two walked into the dining room.

The meal was delicious, and Beth was too full to
have dessert. Anna called her into the kitchen as she leaving, and handed her a
container of spaghetti mixed with sauce. "For your lunch, tomorrow. Do you
want some of this coconut cake too?"

"Yes, please. Two slices if you can?"

Anna laughed. "Sam loves coconut too. Yes,
it's a big cake, so you can have two pieces."

"Everything was great, Anna. Thanks for doing

"My pleasure, seriously. I love cooking for

They walked out to the foyer and found everyone
there saying good-byes. When Beth hugged her mother, she felt her mother's
hands on her waist. "Mom...are you measuring me?"

"Yes. I just wanted to be sure you're the
same size."

Beth chuckled. "I am. I'm exactly the same
size as the last time you did clothes for me."

"You're wrong," Sophia said. "I'd
say you're about a half an inch smaller in the waist. Probably didn't eat
enough out in L.A."

"I give up," Beth said. "Do you
want to get your measuring tape out?"


"No! I was kidding. I'm going home to bed.
'Night everyone!"

She left amid a chorus of good-byes. She drove the
car directly out to William's house. When she'd left her apartment earlier,
she'd brought a small satchel with clothing for the next day, along with
makeup. As she drove down the long drive to the house, she felt herself
relaxing for the first time that evening. She'd made it through a family
gathering and everything was fine! She parked the car and walked around to the
back of the house, where she saw candles burning through the plate glass

William opened the door and came out briskly to
her. He picked her up and whirled her around as she laughed. "I missed
you!" he said.

"I brought you cake," she said. She slid
down until she was standing on her feet again. She pressed her lips against his
and kissed him. And realized that only now, did she feel completely and utterly
relaxed, safe, and wanted. She sighed with contentment.

"Let's get inside," William said.

"I have a bag in the car, and food."

They got her things and William took her into the
kitchen, which was a sparkling white modern laboratory for making food.

"Wow," she said. "Like I felt when
I was here before, this place looks too pristine for making dinner."

"That's why I never even try."


"Plus the fact that I can't cook."

"Ah, I see. Did you eat supper?"

"I ate both our leftover lunches."

"Want some coconut cake?"

"I only want you."

She stopped looking in cabinets for plates and
turned slowly to smile at him. "That, I think, can be arranged."

"You think so, hmm?" William said as he
approached her.

" In this kitchen?"

He did look around at that comment and frowned.
"You're right. Race you to the bedroom."

She laughed and beat him out the door and up the
stairs. They fell onto the bed laughing and in each other's arms.

"I even remembered to get more condoms, while
you were away," he said.

She smiled. It had been pretty funny before,
watching them both going through her handbag and his wallet looking for one.
Surprising herself, she had found one tucked away in the bottom of her bag.
Thinking of it, she frowned.

"You didn't go to any store in this town, did

"Are you kidding? I went to the drug store at
the mall."

"Good." Then she laughed as she saw
boxes of them stacked on the dresser. "Ambitious, are we?"

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