Love and Let Die (44 page)

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Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Adult

BOOK: Love and Let Die
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Nelson was here. God, he was here and this time he wouldn’t pretend to kill her. This time he would try to kill them all.

“We need to get to the speedboat,” Ian said, his voice the only calm thing in the world, it seemed to Charlie.

The king shook his head. “No. I must get the research. All will be lost if I don’t get my computer. If he’s taken out the rig, then this is all we have left. I have Internet on the boat. I can at least send it out. I have to do this. This kind of technology could save the world.”

She could feel how tense Ian was. He turned to the king as he spoke. “I don’t care about saving the fucking world right now or giving it a freaking gift. I care about getting my wife off this floating tomb.”

Sean had a P90 in his hand. He’d grabbed it from the fallen guard. “I’ll take him. You get Charlie off the boat.”

“Sean,” Ian started.

A world of willpower was plain on Sean Taggart’s face. “No. I’m taking Nelson out. I’m doing it for my wife and my daughter, and you can’t stop me, brother. There are other ways off this boat and I’ll find one. Go.”

The king nodded. “I have another small boat for emergencies. We will do this and then attempt to leave ourselves. You take her. Taral shouldn’t have gotten to the garage yet. The speedboat should still be on the port side. Get her to Taral. I trust him. His family has served mine for generations. He will take care of this. I swear it. Tell him his king commands this.”

Ian cursed heartily and touched the device in his ear. “Simon, are you there?”

She was close enough that she could just barely hear the reply. “It’s Knight, Tag. Simon’s already on his way if he didn’t break his neck getting to the water. I hope he can swim as well as he thinks he can. Ten is on his way to the beach, and I’m in communications with Indian authorities. You’ll have backup soon.”

“Is the speedboat on the port side of the ship ready to go?” Ian asked.

“That appears to be an affirmative. The minute the gunfire started, the driver fired up the boat again. He seems to be waiting for someone, probably the king.”

“Charlie’s coming in. Tell Ten to commandeer the boat when it hits the beach and get his ass out here if he can.” Ian stood, helping her up. “We have to hurry. They’re closing in. Keep your head down, baby. Sean, I’ll come back for you. Stay alive.”

“I don’t intend to be any other way.” Sean was already moving toward the interior of the yacht. “Come on, Your Highness. Let’s go grab our only bargaining chip.”

Sean disappeared down the stairs with the king following him.

Ian was moving to the port side of the boat where they’d first boarded.

A woman rushed by them, screaming as she ran for the cabins.

Jumping to the lower deck, Ian turned back and held his arms up. Without a single hesitation, she leapt into them. The speedboat was still in the water with Taral standing at the helm.

“I need you to get her out of here,” Ian said.

“Where is the king?” Taral asked, looking at the decks above.

“He’s taking care of business. Just get her to shore so I can take care of mine.” He started to push her toward the boat.

“You’re not coming with me?” It was a stupid question. She’d known it the minute the words came out of her mouth.

“Baby, I don’t even have a gun right now. I can’t protect you while I try to find one. Please.”

He couldn’t leave his brother behind. She understood that. Sean had come here to back him up. Sean had a kid. Ian felt responsible for Sean. He wasn’t picking Sean over her. He simply couldn’t help his brother while she was in danger. He was just being Ian Taggart.

She had to love him for who he was.

She kissed him, throwing her arms around his neck. “I love you. Stay safe.”

“The king is staying?” Taral asked. “He is remaining on board?”

Ian stared down at her, but he spoke to Taral. “Get her out of here and I’ll go protect your king. He told me to tell you he commands this.”

Taral nodded and held a hand out to help her on board. He gunned the engine.

Charlie watched as Ian began making his way back to the upper decks. His body moved with a predatory grace as he made swift work of the stairs. He disappeared into the main deck cabins.

She needed to get to the shore, get to Simon. They would find a way to help Ian and Sean.

The speedboat was damn fast when Taral opened it up.

Which he wasn’t. He eased the boat out and then made a swinging turn away from the beach.

“What are you doing?”

He shook his head sadly even as he pulled out a Taser. “What I have to do, pretty one, though I wish the king was here as well. I love my king, but I love my head on my body, too.”

Panic threatened to seize her. They were going the wrong way. They were going toward the pirates and the gunfire was slowing. That really wasn’t a good thing because she was pretty sure it meant that most of the guards on the boat were dead and all the pirates had to do was jump on board and start slaughtering people.

She had to make a move and fast. She had to hope that fucking Taser’s darts didn’t have much reach. Turning, she began to jump and then a shock hit her.

Her teeth clenched, her body shook. Out of control. No stop to the pain. It raced along, screaming against her every nerve.

She hit the deck of the boat, trying to get some control over anything as electricity made her body a vessel of pain.

The boat kept moving. With the darts attached to her back, it seemed like Taral didn’t feel the need to guard her. From her vantage point, she could see the big driver turning the boat toward the very man she’d been trying to get away from.

Tears squeezed out of her eyes as the pain began to fade. She was limp, her muscles drained and unmoving.

And couldn’t her husband have included a freaking cover-up with the ensemble? It was stupid, but it went through her head. God, she didn’t want to become a prisoner in a white, barely could be called a bikini.

The gunfire was sporadic now, little volleys and small explosions. She could hear shouting in several different languages.

The sun shined down on her. The beach would have been a good place to have a honeymoon. They hadn’t had a honeymoon.

She’d been too busy dying.

The boat stopped moving, and there was a soft thud as though they were brushing against something. Then the boat listed to one side and settled back into place.

A shadow fell across her and she blinked. She couldn’t see who was looking down.

“Hello, my dear,” Eli Nelson said, his voice a familiar nightmare. “I see you’ve met my friend. He’s got a bit of a gambling problem, and unfortunately he can’t play in the reputable establishments anymore. A couple of months ago, he lost a hundred thousand to one of your uncle’s casinos. It’s such a small world really.”

His hand came out, brushing against the flesh of her chest. His fingertips circled the scar that was left from the gunshot wound he’d given her. “This is beautiful, dear. I always wanted to see it on you. Such lovely scars. I can give you more. I know what you want now. You want pain. Consider me your new best friend. Now, what do you say we go kill that husband of yours?”

Charlie tried to scream as he picked her up. Nothing came out but a strangled cry.


* * * *


The feel of metal in his hand was a welcome sensation. Ian checked the cartridge on his SIG and carefully sidestepped the dead bodies on the deck. He’d managed to collect a couple of handguns, including both his and Sean’s and he’d strapped a dropped P90 around his chest.

He moved toward the stairs to the lower decks where Sean and the king had disappeared.

Or he could take up a sniper position and end everything. Sure the percentages would play out badly for him, but if he could take out Nelson first, one threat would be handled.

And his wife would be alone. Sean couldn’t run with her, couldn’t hide her. He might try and then the syndicate would come down on all their heads.

He had a weakness now. He didn’t like the feeling. It was easier when all that mattered was the kill, when all he wanted was Nelson’s head on a platter, but he’d found something he needed so much more.

A future with her, and he had to stay alive to have that.

Where the hell was the office?

“Lay down your weapons, Mr. Taggart.”

He turned and saw one of the bathing beauties from earlier. She was a tall blonde, and she’d managed to find her top. Not that she needed a bra. Those fake tits weren’t going anywhere. The king had terrible taste in women. Especially since this one was working for Nelson. “Easy there.”

She held a pistol on him, her legs in a wide stance, both hands on the grip. “I would shoot you here, but I believe my employer would rather do this himself. Poor King Kashmir. He cannot tell a Swedish accent from a Russian one. He is not as smart as he thinks.”

Nope. The king was a dumbass who thought with his dick, and his dick was an idiot. But it looked like Ian was the one who would pay the price.

Where was Charlie now? Had she made it to the shore? God, he hoped she was on the beach and Ten was moving her completely out of harm’s way.

Would she forgive him for staying on the boat? Would she see that he had to take care of this or Nelson would never stop?

He tossed down the SIG and held both hands up, a sign of defeat he didn’t feel. All he needed was a second of her guard being let down. This wasn’t the way he wanted to go to Nelson since the fucker, if he had a brain in his head, would just shoot his ass, but he would figure his way out of anything because he wasn’t about to die now and leave his wife behind. If he died, she wouldn’t be very far behind. Even if he took out Nelson, if Ian didn’t survive, Charlie would still be at risk. He had to fucking find a way to stay alive.

“Come out here, Mr. Taggart.” How could anyone mistake that accent? “My employer is about to board the yacht. I’m sure he will pay me handsomely for having taken you to him.”

He estimated the distance he would need to swat that gun out of her hand. He saw it play out in his head. He would move forward, pretending to be ready to do what she asked. His head would be down, but at the last minute, he would swivel, bringing his foot up, catching her in the gut. It would throw her off and the gun would fall, and he would be quicker than her.

“I’m coming out.”

“Take that gun from around your neck,” she commanded.

Before he could move there was the ping of a pistol, and he felt something fly by him, nearly burning the flesh on his left bicep.

The tall blonde’s fake tits couldn’t stop a bullet. She should have thought about that when she upgraded. Ian could see it. Fake tits that protected the chest from bullets. It could be the next big thing in spy plastic surgery. Nevertheless, the Russian discovered that silicone couldn’t save her. A bright red spot bloomed on her chest, and she fell forward with a look on her face no model should ever have.

Ian turned, looking for Sean. He found Jiang Kun, a smirk on her lips.

“You so owe me, Tag. Pick up that damn SIG.” She suddenly sounded like she was straight off the streets of New York. “Don’t you dare shoot me. Talk to Ten. There’s a reason I didn’t kill you just now. I’m a double. Let’s play nice.”

He grabbed the SIG, wondering what all Ten wasn’t telling him. “What happened to your guard?”

“He’s taking a nice nap.” She stepped to the stairs. “Get down here, Tag. Nelson’s coming on board, and we need to ambush him if we have a shot at this.”

“Why should I trust you?” Why the hell would she work with him? Why wouldn’t she just kill him and take the prize? Nelson might think she was just one of the king’s playthings and leave her alone.

“I told you. I’m Agency. My twin sister was MSS. Our mother smuggled me out at birth rather than abort me, but she kept in touch with my American family. When I found out my sister had been recruited, I joined the Agency to try to get her out. I found her and tried to bring her with me to the States. She told me everything. She never wanted this life, but they forced it on her. Her escape went wrong and she died in my arms and I took her place. I’m spying for Ten on the inside of MSS now. He doesn’t know I’m on board, though, or he might have contacted me to tell me to look for you.” She smiled a little. “She liked you, Tag. My sister said she didn’t have to fake it with you.”

If she wasn’t lying through her teeth, then that was a hell of a story. “She still shot my ass.”

“She shot your chest, Tag.” Jiang Kun, or whatever her name was, winked. “Now let’s get this thing done. And you need to tell Ten that he has a leak. That’s the only way they’re here right now. Nelson doesn’t have the research. He should have waited until the blonde bitch did her job. Only one thing changed and that’s your arrival. This is about you. He knew you were coming. Get your ass moving. I have to protect my cover, Tag. I owe it to my handler and my sister. This is the one shot you get at me helping you out, and I’ll shoot if you open that gorgeous mouth.”

He grabbed the SIG and followed her down the stairs. If she’d wanted his ass dead, she would have taken him out while his back was turned. It proved her loyalty more than any words could say. Well, more than any words except one. “What’s Ten’s middle name?”

She sighed. “Alistair. There, I’ve said the secret password. Let’s go.”

Ten didn’t have a middle name. Alistair was a code that let Ian know she really was one of Ten’s operatives. “Where’s my brother and how do we get off this shithole?”

Her eyes rolled. “This is a mega yacht. It’s not a shithole, but we need to make our way to the other end of the ship. There’s a dive port with equipment. Getting under the water is going to be better than taking one of the tenders. They’ll just shoot those.”

She was probably right, and he turned with her, noting the position of the guard she’d sent “napping.” He stepped over the body and continued along the narrow corridor. He could hear the sound of feet slamming on the deck above him.

“They’re on board.” He kept his voice just above a whisper.

“They’ll secure the top deck before they move down. We have a few minutes. It’s a big-ass boat.” She pressed her back against the wall as she got closer to the middle of the boat. “So you’ve figured out the whole ‘no-oil automobile’ thing?”

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