Love, Always (30 page)

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Authors: Yessi Smith

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Love, Always
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“Damn Ainsley, you’re killin’ me!”

I turn around swiftly and
grind out between my clenched teeth, “Get away from me. Right. Now.”

He holds up his hands like he’s giving up, but when his eyes take in the low V in the front of my dress he bites his lower lip and lets
out a little moan before looking back at my face.

“Ainsley. Baby. We need to talk.”

I can smell the alcohol on him. Great, he is already drunk.

Just the thought of talking to him makes me sick. I glance
around and realize everyone is watching us.

“No, Guy, we don’t. There is nothing you can say to me that will change my mind about us.”

He has the nerve to look pissed.

“I just wanna apologize to you in private. You can do that for me, right? After all we’ve been through,” he says,
trying to use his sweet voice but I can see he’s forcing it.

I think Jes is just about to give him a few choice words or maybe a kick to the balls, when Greyson shows up at my side.

“Hey, mind if we talk for a second?” Greyson asks, his eyes darting between Guy and myself.

It takes me a minute to register that he’s actually talking to me.

Asking to be alone with me.

I look to Jes with wide eyes and she has the nerve to give me that damn smirk. I just want to run from all of it before I realize, this is it. This is the moment I’ve
been waiting for. I’m

finally going to do what
I want to do

I look Greyson directly in those swoon worthy eyes.

“Not at all, but can we take this to a more private place?” I beam.

He gives me a sheepish smile, nods his head and holds out an arm to indicate for me to lead the way.

Without further hesitation, I turn and head toward the backyard.

I can hear the music fade as we walk out the sliding glass door and onto the crowded porch. I’m immediately regretting my decision to be alone with him because I have no clue what to do or where to go. I haven’t had a real conversation with him in years.

Before things get really awkward I look around for a quiet, secluded place. On the other side of the pool, I notice a wooden swing so I start in that direction. I’m only vaguely aware of him following me, because I’m distracted by a commotion at the pool.

Hayes and Talon have made themselves comfortable by stripping down to just their boxer briefs and jumping into the pool. I stop to take in Hayes as he pulls himself up from the side of the pool not bothering to use the ladder. He is about five foot ten and slender, but you can tell by the way his arms and back flex that he works out often. I watch in amazement as the water slowly runs down his neck and down every single ripple of his toned back.

Greyson clears his throat before asking, “Are you really eye fucking my younger brother while I’m standing right here?”

I don’t miss the hint of hurt in his voice. I’m not sure why he would be jealous of Hayes, when in my opinion no one even comes close to him.

I decide to just ignore his comment, since denying that I was ogling his brother would just be a lie and I try really hard not to lie. Plus, any female and maybe even some males, will tell you not looking at any of Blevins brothers shirtless would be a sin.

I carefully tread through the grass in my heels, the last thing I need right now is to bust my ass. Once I reach the swing I sit very carefully on it, holding my dress down in the process. Greyson sits with ease on the other end then turns slightly toward me before placing his right ankle on top of his left knee.

The way I’m sitting is uncomfortable, so I cross my right leg over my left and turn as much as I can to face him. I watch as those fascinating green eyes take in my black peep toe heels and work their way up my thin, long legs. My heart starts racing when his gaze reaches my breasts. I don’t have the biggest breasts but what I do have is pushed up to show a decent amount of cleavage. Greyson shifts where he is sitting and it causes the bench to move slightly.

“So, um, what did you need to talk about?” I ask nervously.

“I really just wanted to get you away from that fuck stick, but now that I have you alone I want to know how you’ve been doing?” he questions.

“I’ve been alright I guess. What about you and your family?” I ask while turning my head to look at him, hoping he can see the plea in my eyes not to press me for more.

Greyson and Jes are the only two people that I’ve told about my past.

He looks concerned, but continues anyway.

“Pretty good. I’ll be going to the University of Florida in the next week or so. Thomas is doing great at college and will be going for his bachelor’s, then he will apply to medical school.”

I can’t help the smile that forms on my face. I’m so proud of Thomas. I bet he will be just as successful as their father – who is an Orthopedic Surgeon.

“I’m not really sure you need me to tell you how Hayes has been.”

I laugh. “I think he has gotten worse.”

“You have no idea. Try living with the asshole.”

I instantly think of his mom who I know is in her last trimester. I wonder how she deals with pregnancy, a husband and three Blevins boys. She is like Wonder Woman.

“How’s your mom?”

His face lights up with love and those panty-dropping dimples appear.

“She’s amazing, actually! Moxley is due in September, hopefully on my nineteenth birthday. She is an unexpected surprise, but a very welcome one. Mox will be the most protected, precious and doted on little girl in the world.”

He has always been amazing with kids and just hearing him talk about his unborn baby sister melts my heart.

“Where are you going to college?” he asks.

“I’m going to UF as well. I received enough in scholarships that I won’t have to pay for my tuition or my dorm room.”

We hear a lot of screaming and chanting coming from the pool so we turn to see what, or rather who, is causing the fuss. Apparently Hayes and Talon have decided to have a contest to see who can do the best back flips off the diving board.

“Those two haven’t changed at all,” I chuckle.

He grins and shakes his head in agreement. Suddenly his grin turns from playful to mischievous. Greyson stands up quickly and before I know it he grabs my hand and pulls me to stand up.

“What are you doing?” I ask curiously.

“We’re going to join the contest,” he answers with excitement

I try to pull my hand loose, but he refuses to let go.

“Come on, Ainsley. When was the last time you had fun?”

“I don’t even have a bathing suit and I’m NOT ruining my dress.”

“You don’t have to ruin your dress. Just take it off.”

I look at him like he has lost his fuckin’ mind, which he has if he thinks I’m going to take my dress off in front of all these people.

He scans the length of my body, then settles on my eyes. His face shows no emotion.

I shift nervously and try to avoid looking at him, but it’s just impossible.

The left side of his mouth lifts the tiniest bit into what I would consider the sexiest smirk I have ever seen.
Yep, I’m screwed.

“I dare you,” he challenges me.

Son of a bitch. He remembers. I never turn down a dare. Ok, that’s not true. I’ve never turned down a dare that came from
. There is just something about those mysterious, green eyes of his that make me act like a different person.

Greyson all but drags me to where Hayes and Talon are already establishing diving rules to the three judges.

“Also, make sure you give extra points for hotness,” Hayes chuckles then winks at the one girl who is judging.

“You might want to rethink that last rule,” Greyson says while looking at his brother.

“What? You think you’re hotter than me, pretty boy?” Talon teases.

Greyson shakes his head no, looking a little embarrassed.

He hates being called a pretty boy. Talon gave him that name in tenth grade and ever since then he started changing his hair and the way he dressed. I can’t complain though, because there is something about his bad boy look that does strange things to my insides.

“Ainsley and I are both in,” Greyson explains.

“Twig, are you finally gonna get dirty with me?” Hayes jokes.

Here we go again with the nickname. I thought the brothers were over that, but apparently I was wrong. I had accepted the nickname graciously when it was given, since it could have been much worse. Some girls were called butterface, meaning everything is cute but her face.
Yeah, high school can be a bitch.

“I have no choice Hayes. Your scheming brother is making me,” I say with a smile.

Greyson puts a hand over his heart and pretends to be hurt, but I know better so I just ignore him and continuing talking.

“Can you go over the rules again so I can kick your asses?”

I hear a mixture of catcalls and laughing coming from the crowd surrounding us. Hayes and Talon then turn to each other with a grin on each of their faces.

“How about we make this a team challenge? We’ll do the Soaked Shirt Relay with two people on each team. First person starting out wears a t-shirt and swims to the other side of the pool and back. That person then takes off the wet t-shirt and the other player must put it on then swim to the other side and back. Since it’s just two people per team, we will each run twice. First team to finish wins.”

“And what’s the punishment for the losers?” I ask with trepidation. It’s next to impossible to embarrass the boys so I hold my breath while I wait for their response.

“Well Twig, I would say if you guys lose I would spank that sweet little ass of yours, but since I would have to do the same to Greyson – I’ll pass.”

In an instant, I feel all the blood in my body rushing up my neck and spreading across my face. I swear I blush over anything sexual. I’m not a virgin but I’ve only been with Guy and even then it was very tame, nothing too crazy. Thankfully, Greyson takes away some of the humiliation by quickly responding.

“Hayes, you know that shit would never happen,” he says forcefully before continuing, “I think whoever loses has to go streaking down the street.”

My head pops up so fast I think I gave myself whiplash.

“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! There is absolutely
no way
I’m going streaking!” I shout.

Talon takes a few steps toward me until he is only inches from my face.

“Then don’t lose sweet cheeks,” he whispers and taps my nose with his finger.

Greyson and I start walking to the left side of the pool as Hayes and Talon make their way to the right side. The three judges move to stand right in the middle of the pool opposite of the diving board. In the time it took for me to remove my shoes and turn around, Greyson has already removed everything but his shirt and his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs. I honestly have no idea how long I stand there gawking at Greyson before he clears his throat in what seems to be a combination cough and laugh.

“Ainsley, you look like you are going to pass out.”

My eyes lift to look at his. Gratefully I’m able to shake off my very inappropriate thoughts.

“Please tell me you have a plan. There is no way I am going streaking.”

“We aren’t gonna lose. I could kick their asses swimming in my sleep.”

He walks over to me and lightly brushes the hair away from my face, then leans down to whisper in my ear.

“Do you really think I would let all these people see that fucking, fine ass body naked when I haven’t… yet?”

Oh. My. God.
Is it hot in here? I mean out here. Whatever. I can’t even think straight.

I glance at him and he looks just as surprised that he said that out loud as I am.



Greyson bends down till he meets my eyes.

“Here’s the plan. You’ll swim first so if we are behind I’ll be able to make up the difference. Okay?”

I keep staring at him, still speechless at his confession.

He reaches behind his head to grab the neck of his shirt and pull it forward and off his body, it was off in an instant. Who said taking a shirt off couldn’t be sexy?

Greyson holds his hand out for me to take his shirt, since I’ll be going first. And that’s when I catch an up close and personal look at him without a shirt. He is slender, but very toned.

Hello, six-pack.

I shake my head. Focus Ainsley.

I unzip the side of my dress and reach to pull it over my head. I hear whistles and howls coming from all around me. Thank God I decided to wear a matching bra and panty set. I quickly reach for his shirt and put it over my head. Looking down I realize his shirt is almost as long as my dress was and it smells just like him.

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