Read Louisa Neil Online

Authors: Bete Noire

Louisa Neil (22 page)

BOOK: Louisa Neil
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“I suppose I should get you home, unless you’d like to stay the night?”

She snuggled against him and realized that was exactly what she wanted. Pulling from his arms was the hardest thing she’d had to do in a long time. “I should go home,” she said, her tone not very convincing.

“Maybe next time you’ll stay with me,” he told her and helped her to stand. He stood beside her and pulled his pants back into place. “Come. I’ll drive you home.” He waited while she grabbed her purse. She couldn’t help but let her fingers run over the leather cases on the side table as she passed. When she walked to his side, he smiled at her and reached up to push her hair from her face. “Just so you know for next time, I was tested the same time Dane was. We’re both clean and disease free. So we only need to use condoms if you want to.”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“I figured that wasn’t the moment to start talking about medical tests.” He smiled and reached for her hand. “Come. It’s late, and you’ll be tired tomorrow.”

“I guess that makes me a foregone conclusion.”

“In my dreams,” he told her. “Until tonight, now my dreams are reality.”

They walked outside to the waiting town car. She was surprised when he slid in beside her. He kept to his side of the vehicle but dropped his hand palm-up on the seat between them. Diana dropped hers over his and turned to look out the window. Too many things swirled through her mind, so she tried to let them all go and just enjoy the afterglow of a really amazing fuck. Arriving at her house, Sloan walked her to the door.

“Good night, Diana. Thank you for having supper with me.”

“Thank you for the history lesson and…”

“And I’ll see you at work on Monday. Call the house tomorrow if you need anything.” He drew her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers. When she thought he’d let go, he turned her hand and licked at her palm. “Sleep well, my sweet.” He released her hand, and she fumbled with the key in the lock. When she was safely inside, she watched him walk back to the waiting vehicle. Diana locked the door and let her body slide to the floor, resting her back against it.

“Holy fuck, what have I gotten myself into?”

Chapter Twelve


Diana finally pushed herself from the floor and made her way to the kitchen. Something inside her didn’t want to let go of the evening yet. While waiting for the kettle to boil, she started reliving the evening. What were her options, she kept thinking. Either Sloan and Dane were absolutely crazy, or not. If they weren’t, then how much of the myth could she accept and believe? Just because they had matching jewelry to her earrings didn’t prove their theory. She dropped a tea bag into a mug and poured hot water over it. Sitting at the kitchen table, dunking the bag in the water, she had other things to consider.

Did she want to know what information they held about her birth parents? On that she knew the answer—no. All her life she’d known she was adopted, and her parents had been wonderful. Until now, she’d seen her birth parents as just that, the people who had conceived and birthed her. They hadn’t changed diapers, taught her to read, lulled her to sleep, or praised her. Still, she always gave them the benefit of doubt because she’d wound up with a wonderful family that loved and nurtured her. No, she decided again, she didn’t want to know more about her real mother. If that woman had wanted to contact her, she could have gone through channels to make it happen. Case closed.

But did that woman really give the earrings to her mother to hold on to? Now she wished her parents were alive to ask. She’d leave that as a loose end for now. Diana decided it was more important to find out more about Sloan and Dane and their long-term motives. With a sigh, she stood and dropped the tea bag into the garbage, carrying the mug to the bedroom with her. Once there, she put it on the nightstand and flipped on the light.

She was surprised at what she saw in the mirror. The woman looking back at her had changed somehow, become more mature in a single evening. While the face was the same, she knew the woman inside was becoming more adult and conscious of her future. Up until recently, she always assumed she’d one day meet a man she could tolerate long-term. They’d decide to spend their futures together and raise a family. Only she never considered it being with a man like Sloan or Dane, nor had she considered that her future would revolve around two men. And that seemed to be what Sloan was offering her, a future with both of them.

She thought about his comment about making herself comfortable in their home, accepting it as her second home. At this point, other than sex, she wasn’t sure where she would fit in. Did either of them want children, and if they did, whose would she have, and how would they explain their threesome to that child? Or children. Was she meant to bear both their children? And she still didn’t know what their actual relationship together was, beyond business partners and sharing their home. She had to admit, it was a beautiful old home, more of a mini-estate, she decided. Glancing around her small bedroom, she knew it would be wonderful to live in a home with that much room with lawns and gardens. She again admitted she felt safe there.

Diana pulled away from the mirror and walked to the bathroom. Flipping on the overhead light, she refused to look at herself in the medicine cabinet mirror, pulling it open to find the aspirin. She shook three into her hand and put the bottle on the sink back. The tea in her bedroom had cooled enough for her to swallow the pills with. Even the strong tea didn’t mask the acrid taste. Diana reached back to unzip her dress and let it fall from her arms. With her bedroom door closed, she looked in the full-length mirror. Yes, her dress was a bit wrinkled, but not beyond what the dry cleaner could refresh. Her breasts were still full and her nipples hard. Sloan had been right, rubbing against the material all night had made them sensitive. His lips and hands to them had made them more so. Using her own hands, she encircled them, lifting and stroking them. Then she started to pinch her nipples. The feeling she was creating shot through her body directly to her pussy. She pinched a few more times and dropped her hands.

Pulling a deep breath, she pushed the dress down her hips and let it fall to the floor. Examining her body, she saw no major changes on the exterior. But she knew on the inside she was different. Just the memory of Sloan’s fingers penetrating her made her body clench her thighs together to stop the pulsing. His cum was dried on her buttocks. She thought to shower but didn’t want to wash away his touch. She paused to take off her earrings and put them in their special box. Then she dropped onto the bed. She thought to use her dildo and bring herself to an orgasm. She didn’t. Once she was lying down, she became exhausted, mentally and physically. After another sip of her tea, she lay back and wondered if her dreams would bring Martin to her. She truly hoped so. She wanted to talk to him.


* * * *


Dane was lounging in the library when Sloan came in from driving Diana home. He noted the other man’s furrowed brow and straightened in his seat. “Well, how did it go?”

Sloan walked to the side bar and poured himself a drink. After taking the first large swallow, he topped off the glass and went to sit across from Dane. “I’m not sure. Right about now she probably thinks we’re both crazy. Or that we’ve been stalking her.” He took another sip from his glass. “I figure about now she’s debating whether to come back to work or pack up and run.”

“Did you show her the matching pieces?”

“Yes, but she wouldn’t try on the necklace. I put the bracelet on her wrist, and she seemed enthralled with it, until I told her the history. Not surprisingly, she seemed to know a lot about the myth. Which means she did some research on her own.”

“That should be a good thing,” Dane said, sipping from his own drink.

“Until she realized if I was telling the truth about all of this, how old the jewels truly are. She all but ripped the bracelet from her wrist, as if it would burn her skin.”

“We knew before we started this it was a bit crazy. Remember how we both felt when we met and discovered what we had. It took us both a while to accept the whole myth was a part of us and our family backgrounds.” Dane put his glass aside and stood, placing a few logs on the dwindling fire. “What do you think we should do next?”

“I don’t honestly know. It took all my strength to take her home tonight. Once she was here, I wanted her to stay.”

“Did you fuck her?” Dane settled back in his seat. “Wasn’t she amazing?”

“I only used my hands and mouth on her at first. It was her suggestion that we fuck. I only fucked her pussy and came on her ass. I didn’t want to push too much further tonight, although I think if I’d mentioned fucking her ass, she’d have let me.” He took a swig from his glass. “Christ, she is one amazing woman. Now that we’ve found her, I’m afraid of what will happen if she decides we’re crazy and doesn’t see us again.” He glanced to Dane. “I can’t wait until we double her. But she’ll have to decide when she’s ready for that.”

Dane laughed aloud and leaned forward. “I guess that’s my advantage of being the outgoing one. I fucked her right away. Man, she is so tight, wait until you feel your cock stretching her inner walls. She’ll feel like a vise around you. When she constricts her muscles and milks you, it’s an amazing feeling. Her pussy is tight and hot, but her ass is tighter.”

“I felt it against my fingers.” Sloan put his drink aside and wandered around the room. “Do you think we should call her tomorrow?”

“You were the one who said we had to take our time before we scared her away. Are you changing your mind because you’ll think she’ll run or because you want to fuck her?”

“Both.” Sloan unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it from his pants.

“Well, is that an invitation?” Dane stood and quickly stripped off his own shirt. “Let’s go upstairs, and I’ll sooth your worries.” He reached a hand to Sloan, who slowly moved to take it. “You go on up. I’ll lock up down here.”

“We’ll do it together,” Sloan told him and headed to the back wall, checking the doors as he walked around the room. Dane was setting the alarm when Sloan finished in the kitchen. When they were both satisfied they were locked in, they headed upstairs. “Did you sneak down and listen to us or watch us?”

At the top of the stairs, they both went to the left but didn’t enter the room. Instead, they both scanned the master bedroom. “It’s ready and waiting for her. Now we just need to get her here.” Dane raised his hands to Sloan’s shoulders and gently directed him across the hallway. “My room or yours?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Sloan said, walking into Dane’s room. “So, did you sneak down?” He sat on the bench at the foot of the bed and toed off his shoes and socks. Then he stood and dropped his pants. His cock bobbed in freedom, and Dane was beside him quickly. He stripped off his jeans and Sloan watched his cock expand. He reached a hand to Dane, who went and stood in front of him. Sloan grasped Dane’s cock with his hands and began to rub him up and back. When the first droplets of pre-cum appeared, he leaned down and licked them, swirling his tongue around the entire head. “You didn’t answer me. Did you come down?”

“No, but I wanted to.” Dane dropped his hand to Sloan’s shoulder. “It took all my restraint not to come down and watch. I thought about watching from the patio door but figured since you left me alone with her all this time, it would be rude of me to interrupt you. Just keep doing what you’re doing right now, and I’ll forgive you for not letting me watch.”

“She has an amazing ass,” Sloan told Dane just before he swallowed his cock.

“And her tits, they’re so firm and high. I love sucking her nipples. They get so hard, like stones.” Dane paused to watch Sloan swallow his length. “You’re hard. Didn’t you come tonight?

“Yeah, I shot on her ass and licked her clean, but it wasn’t enough. Wasn’t the same as feeling her body take me all the way.”

Dane pulled from his lips and walked to the bureau. He put his hands on the top and spread his legs wide. “Come fuck my ass. Close your eyes, and imagine it’s her ass you’re fucking.”

Sloan stood and fisted his own cock as he took the few steps toward Dane. When he reached the other man, Dane turned and dropped before him. He swallowed Sloan’s cock to the hilt on the first pass. Over and over, he sucked him down his throat. “Man, I’m gonna come if I keep doing that.” With a hand from Sloan, Dane stood and resumed his position. “Fuck me, Sloan, like you’d fuck Diana’s ass or pussy.”

He didn’t have to ask again. Sloan was stepping behind him, using his hands on his hips to spread Dane’s butt cheeks. His cock was slippery from Dane sucking him, and in one push, he was buried inside his ass. “Oh, that is wonderful.”

“From my point of view, too.” Dane paused and pushed back to accept Sloan’s thrusts. “All night I stayed up here trying to picture what she’d let you do, what you’d do of your own accord.”

“I can’t wait to get one of us in her ass and the other in her pussy.” Sloan continued the push-pull of fucking Dane’s ass. “You’ve had them both. Which is tighter?”

“She’s tight all over, man. It’s gonna take a while for us to stretch her enough for us both to fuck her same hole.”

“Do you think she’ll accept that?”

“Once she’s past her guilt and nervousness, she’s wild, pushing all boundaries. I’ll bet in time, she’ll take both our cocks in her pussy and in her ass. And she’ll be the one calling the shots.” Dane glanced over his shoulder to look at Sloan. “You do realize she likes to be in charge. She’ll be the one directing how we use her and each other.”

BOOK: Louisa Neil
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