Lothaire (28 page)

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Authors: Kresley Cole

BOOK: Lothaire
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“Don’t anger me, Elizabeth. My control slips.”

She grasped one of his hands, bringing his forefinger to her lips. When she sucked it into her mouth, wetting it liberally, his cock jerked in answer.

Then she placed his slick finger against one of her nipples. Eyes rapt, he slowly circled the tip. “Can feel it throbbing.”

With a cry, she spread her knees wider to get lower. The more he circled, the harder she rode him.

He was going to spend like this if he didn’t stop her soon.
Slumming with a mortal?
But, gods, it felt so good. He couldn’t prevent himself from bucking beneath her.

She moaned with delight, finally drawing his hands to her breasts. When he felt her nipples strain against his palms, he almost lost his seed.

“Eager little Elizabeth.”
He used her breasts to press her down while grinding his cock up against her. “Is this what you like?”

“Right . . .

“You’re going to come?” If he was, then she would too.

“I’m so close.” She bit that bottom lip as he yearned to do. Then her gaze settled on his own lips. “Vampire, I’ll come from ridin’ you . . . come hard till I scream, if I can kiss your mouth. You want me to?”

“You like to talk dirty, show me what else you can do with your tongue.”

She hitched in a breath. Just as he perceived another flood of desire, she brushed her lips against his.

Hers were soft, giving. When she darted her tongue into his mouth, he met it, twining his with hers, swirling over and over.

Seeming to melt for him, she wrapped her slim arms around his neck as if she’d never let go, as if she couldn’t get close enough. . . .

When she began sweetly sucking on his tongue, his eyes rolled back in his head.


How could this feel so good to him? The tales about a vampire’s Bride were true? Infinitely more pleasure with his Bride. Too much pleasure.

No, she was a mortal, not his woman.
Confusing her with my Bride.
Even as he told himself this, his fangs readied for her.
Take from her . . .

Against her mouth, he groaned,
“Bite you.”
She didn’t pull back; had she nodded?

Didn’t matter. He sank one fang into her bottom lip, as if into a plum.

Blood spilled onto his tongue; his body jolted.
Her essence raced through his veins, like a fever spreading over him.

Frenzy took hold, lust mounting. Drop after drop wetted their tongues while she bore her sex down on his cock.

Nothing could feel this good.

He licked, he sucked. His vision wavered.
Want to consume her, take her into me.

Too much.
She’s too fragile.

Too mortal.

Somehow he broke away from her to catch his breath and gauge her reaction, knowing she’d be disgusted by the blood.

He wanted to see that disgust, to remind himself that the human girl would never understand how he lived.

Her lids were heavy, but her gray eyes were fierce on his mouth. As if she hadn’t noticed the blood trickling from her own, her hands shot out, her fingers tunneling into his hair. She grabbed two fistfuls and yanked him back into the kiss, licking his bloody tongue.

Fuck! Hot little piece!

With shaking hands, he cupped the back of her head and clenched her ass, drawing her to him, shoving her breasts against his chest. As she rode him, her nipples rubbed up and down over his sweat-slicked skin.

Make me come like this. Don’t care.
He grew light-headed. His cock was engorged with seed, the crown thick with it.
Just don’t stop.

Between kisses, he rasped, “You’ll come, I scent you’re close. . . .” He knew if he cupped her right now, her jeans would wet his palm. He wanted to slip his fingers inside her, to lick her honey from them.

She pulled harder on his hair, writhing on him faster. Faster.

Her blood in his veins. Scorching friction over his cock. “Ahhh! Whatever you do . . . do not stop this . . .” Tongues tangling. Pressure building—

His body stiffened, back bowing. The pleasure made him break the kiss to throw back his head and roar,
“Fuck! Elizavetta!”

For a moment, his mind rolled over, grew blissfully blank. All he could perceive was her heart racing.

Then he heard his own savage groan: “Woman, you’re making me . . .
!” Seed shot from his cock, the ejaculation so strong he bellowed curses in Russian. He yelled uncontrollably with each jet, louder and louder.

Her undulations grew frantic. As she bathed semen all over his shaft, he thought,
Follow me, Elizavetta, follow me down.

“Lothaire!” Ellie screamed. “Oh, God, I’m coming,
—” Her lids slid shut. Her orgasm overwhelmed her.

Wave after wave of searing, slick rapture.

But the intensity continued to build, almost frightening her. Her eyes flashed open. “L-Lothaire?” she whispered as her sex helplessly continued to spasm, empty. “It won’t end!”

His fiery gaze was locked on hers. He spoke foreign words to her that she didn’t understand, but they throbbed with ferocity, with

Those eyes . . . lost in them.

Finally, her release subsided. With a whimper, Ellie collapsed over him, burying her face against his neck.

I’m out of my depth.

She’d never known anything like this. There were orgasms, and then there was

Wrapping his arm around her neck, he yanked her beside him, drag-
ging her close until her breasts pressed hard against his side. She had no other place to put her hand but on his heaving chest, above his thundering heart.

Emotionally stunted, sexually desperate,
she repeated to herself. That was the only reason she’d just screamed in abandon with the male who was bent on killing her.

The vampire who’d bitten her lip for blood.

After a hesitation, he rested his chin on her head. Just when she thought they were acting like normal lovers, he grabbed her wrist and shoved her
hand into the wet heat of his pants. “Eager little Elizabeth. Feel what you made me do.”

Without thought, she closed her fingers around his damp shaft, still semihard. When it pulsed in reaction, she sighed softly. The first one she’d ever held.

She longed to see it, to kiss it. Never had she been interested in giving head, as he’d called it. But now she licked her top lip, imagining it was the swollen crown. . . .

“If I wasn’t so spent, I’d make you clean me up.” He sounded angry, but then he leaned down to brush his lips over her ear. “With your tongue.”

She shivered at his husky tone. As she pondered whether he was serious, and what her own reaction might be, he said, “The blood kiss didn’t bother you.”

“I was kind of in the moment. I pleased you, didn’t I?” She gave him a squeeze, earning a growl. “Made you yell to the rafters?”

He suddenly went tense, clutching her wrist hard. “All your effort was in vain, little pet.” He yanked her hand away. “Your pathetic attempt to garner my affections failed. You can’t compare to Saroya.”

Without another word, he disappeared.


allowing in a human, just like my father.

Appalled with himself, Lothaire traced into his bathroom, stripping for another shower. As the water sluiced over him, he pressed his palms against the wall, grappling for calm.

In the throes, he’d wanted to
Elizabeth, so frenzied he’d reverted to his native tongue.

He’d never lost control like that, couldn’t remember ever coming so hard—as if he’d been dismantled like a puzzle, then slowly pieced back together.

And he hadn’t even claimed her.

He would never forget the look in her eyes when she’d grabbed his hair, yanking him close for more of that blood-drenched kiss.

I’ll never forget coming like a fountain as my Bride orgasmed over me.

No, no . . . she wasn’t his Bride. Being near Saroya before had primed him; Elizabeth had merely been in the right place at the right time.

If Saroya had bothered to rise,
would have wrung that staggering ejaculation from him. Saroya would be the one intriguing the living hell out of him right now.

Of course.

Still, he kept replaying what had just occurred with the mortal, finding himself aroused all over again. Just moments after that kind of release?

He scowled down at his rampant cock.
This will not do

He’d ridiculed Elizabeth’s intentions, expecting to be amused by her inexperience. At the very least, he’d expected her to feign desire. Instead, she’d been desperate to come, working his seed from him without using her mouth or hands.

him. Wantonly. Which made him imagine her naked, riding other things.
My thigh, my mouth . . .

Elizabeth had said she’d had boyfriends enough. How many had she practiced on to be able to move like that?

How many had been just like him, lost in her, powerless to do anything but spill beneath her? Lothaire’s fangs sharpened with aggression at the thought of her with another.

At least none of her “boyfriends” had taken her virginity. He wondered why she hadn’t squandered it. Lothaire hadn’t been there to interrupt every swimming session with young males, and obviously she enjoyed her sexuality.

As did I.

He smirked.
Elizabeth’s maidenhead belongs to me alone.

His smirk faded. He would never know
like that. He could only claim Saroya.

Never to experience Elizabeth’s unbridled passion? Never to inch his cock into her dripping sex?

So he’d be no different from all her other conquests.

His fist shot out, connecting with the wall. Marble crumbled; his erection waned.

He wanted to kill anyone she’d been with. To annihilate them all. Horde vampires were notorious for seizing on sudden ideas, acting on stray impulses. Just as his mind was about to seize on murder and his seven little tasks became eight, he heard her marching into his bathroom.

Curiosity ruled him once more. What would she do?

He turned to lean his arm against the glass, resting his forehead on
it. “Back for more, pet?” he said casually, though he felt anything but. She’d marched in with her breasts still bared, her shoulders back. His fists clenched, his cock distending once more.

She looked impetuous, her eyes defiant. She flipped that mane of hair over her shoulders, which almost earned her a position in his shower.

“I’m here to remind you of something.”

Of what, of what?
Pleasure rippled through him, almost like amusement. But his tone was bored. “Hmm. Remind me?” Why was his voice hoarse?

Ah, from my shocked yells to the rafters.

She snatched up his discarded pants from the floor. “When you do recount my
clumsy attempts
to Saroya, be sure to mention the part where I rode you like a lazy horse and made you cream-jeans faster than a fifteen-year-old schoolboy squeezin’ a tit for the first time.” She flung his pants into the shower. “You might wanna get these cleaned.” She turned on her heel and sauntered out of the room.

He stared after her. Cream-jeans? Lazy horse?

Unbidden, his lips curled into a grin.

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