Read Lost Without Them Online

Authors: Trista Ann Michaels

Tags: #Paranormal Shape-shifter Menage

Lost Without Them (8 page)

BOOK: Lost Without Them
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He felt so good moving inside her, filling her, she could hardly stop the noises she was making. Sam surprised her by rolling them to his back. She squealed, then giggled as she settled on her knees, straddling his thighs. Cody appeared in front of her and captured her lips with his.

His kiss was so different from Sam’s. It was slow and deep, gentle, yet at the same time left no doubt he wanted her just as badly as Sam did.

Sam grasped her hips and rocked her slowly. As he brought her forward, he lifted up with his hips, forcing himself farther inside her body. She’d swear he hit her womb, and every time he did, a sweet tingling sensation traveled up her spine. His groin rubbed against her clit, and she could feel her release building.

She was going to explode with a vengeance; she just knew it, and part of her didn’t want it to be over yet. If she came too soon, it would be over, and she still had Cody. Could she come twice? She didn’t know. She didn’t remember.

“Hurry and come so that I can get my turn at this hot little body,” Cody murmured against her lips.

He lifted his fingers and pinched her nipples. She wasn’t sure if it was his words, his actions, or Sam’s movements that sent her over the edge. Dropping her head back, she let out a scream as pleasure raced like wildfire through her body. Sam joined her with a shout of his own as his hips lifted high off the bed.

Before Keegan’s throbs of release had even subsided, Cody pulled her off Sam’s body, pushed her to her back, and entered her with a guttural groan that sent waves of desire up her back.

Keegan was in heaven. Cody took her slow, building her back up to a frenzy so fast it took her breath away.

“Cody,” she moaned as she placed her feet on her mattress and pushed her hips upward, meeting his thrusts with her own. He pressed in balls-deep, grinding himself against her clit before pulling almost all the way back out. Every time he almost left her body, Keegan gasped in protest, then sighed in pleasure as he thrust back in, filling her hard.

He rose up on his palms, allowing Sam to roll over and cover her lips with his. When he was done kissing her senseless, he moved his mouth to her breasts. Keegan arched her back toward his mouth, forcing her breasts farther into his mouth, wanting him to suck them harder, to bite her nipples.

He seemed to sense her needs and did everything she wanted. Cody was… God, Cody was incredible, bringing her to the brink of release a second time. Every inch of her body tensed as her orgasm came closer. She screamed in surprise when it hit, sending sharp tingles of pleasure over every inch of her flesh.

Cody followed shortly behind her, emptying himself inside her with a groan of his own. Keegan relaxed and sighed as she began to feel the stress of the last couple of days leave her body.

“Do you want us to stay with you, Keegan?” Cody asked as he leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead.

As soon as Cody moved, Sam placed one there as well.

Keegan couldn’t speak. Instead she nodded and closed her eyes. When Cody pulled from her body, she mumbled in protest but then sighed in contentment as Cody stretched out on one side of her and Sam stretched out on the other. Two sets of arms enfolded her in their embrace. Two warm bodies made her feel safe and protected.

She could stay here forever, she thought just before falling asleep.

Chapter Eight

Keegan awoke with a start and glanced around the room. Sunlight streamed through the window, and she glanced at the clock. It was almost ten?

She sat up and winced at the soreness in her side. Damn. Had she hurt herself last night? She bent her head to try to see her stitches, then froze.

Oh God.

She’d had sex with them last night. Incredibly good sex. Glancing around frantically, she determined she was alone and sighed in relief that she didn’t have to face them just yet.

What the hell had she been thinking?

It was that dream again. That same dream she’d had in the hospital. Why was she having that dream, and what was with the two wolves with her that could talk? Did they represent someone she couldn’t remember? Were they her pets?

She shook her head at that thought. Pets didn’t seem quite right. They were something else. But what?

“You really need to be thinking about last night, Keegan,” she said to herself as she dropped her head into her hands.

The whole thing had happened so fast. One minute she’d been clinging to Sam for comfort, then the next he was thrusting inside her, making her feel incredible. And Cody. My God. Cody had made her come again, something she really hadn’t expected.

She couldn’t remember much after that. Just the feel of their arms around her, their bodies close, keeping her warm and safe.

“What do I say to them? How do I act?”

She lifted her head and stared out the window. The sky was a bright blue; all the snow from the other night was gone, leaving brown grass and leafless trees. Still, it was one of the most beautiful sights she’d ever seen. It was so peaceful. A stark contrast to the turmoil tightening her gut.

“What do I do now?” she whispered to no one in particular.


SAM STOOD AT the fence, staring out toward the house. He wanted to go back inside and make love to her again. He frowned at his choice of words. When had he started referring to it as making love? In the past, it had always been just sex or fucking.

He shook his head and turned back toward the barn. He had things he needed to do, and he was sure Keegan needed her rest. After last night, he wondered what her reaction to them would be. Would she be upset? Would she want them again? Would she leave?

The thought of her leaving left a hole in Sam’s chest he didn’t like the feel of. He hadn’t known her long enough to have developed feelings for her beyond lust. He wasn’t the type to believe in love at first sight, but he could admit to feeling something different whenever he looked at her.

Perhaps it was just a feeling of protectiveness. They had found her injured and unconscious, after all. Perhaps what he felt was just a need to make sure she was okay.

Sam snorted at that idea. If that was all it was, he wouldn’t want to screw her every time he got within five feet of her. After last night, that desire hadn’t lessened. Instead, it had intensified to the point he’d had to leave her bed this morning before he ended up taking her again.

Even now, he was hard as a damn rock. He’d had this erection all damn morning, and because of it, his balls hurt so badly he wanted to hit something.

Taking a deep breath to calm his raging lust, he glanced at his watch. It was lunchtime, and he was hungry. Since everyone was at the other side of the ranch, Sam decided to head into the house and see what was in the fridge to make a sandwich. Maybe eating would get his mind off eating Keegan.

Sam snorted. “Fat chance.”


KEEGAN SAT AT the kitchen table, going through the cookbook and writing down ingredients. She found she really enjoyed cooking, but the kitchen was in dire need of restocking. Perhaps she could convince Cody to take her to the store later if he wasn’t too tired. She didn’t feel she knew the area well enough to go on her own.

She flipped the pages of the cookbook with her right hand while she tapped the table with the fingernails of her left. She ran across a recipe that looked interesting and stretched her fingers to grab the pen. Before she could move her hand, the pen jumped into her fingers. Keegan jerked back with a startled gasp, dropping the pen on the table.

Surely that pen hadn’t moved on its own.

She reached out slowly, stretching her fingers out toward the pen. The pen moved toward her hand without her touching it. Keegan jerked her hand back and stared in shock at the pen.

“What the hell?”

The front door opened and closed, making her jump. This was something she would have to decipher later. Right now, one of the guys was home, and she was so nervous about seeing them her heart was about to jump out her throat.

Sam rounded the corner into the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks. His jaw was set in a firm line; his eyes were dark, almost stormy. She wondered if something had happened to make him angry.

“Something happen?” she asked.

For a second, Sam appeared surprised, then relaxed his features into a look of confusion. “No. Why?”

“You seemed angry.”

He shook his head and started for the fridge. “I’m not angry. Just hungry.”

“Do you want me to fix you something?”

“No,” he said as he opened the fridge door. “You stay there. I can get it.”

Keegan frowned at his odd, almost cold demeanor. “Sam?”

“Yeah?” he said from behind the door.

Keegan sighed and got up to join him at the fridge. She put her hand on the door and slowly shut it, forcing him to stand up straight and look at her. “You don’t strike me as the shy type, Sam.”

His lips twitched just a little. “Nope. Not shy.”

“Are we going to talk about last night or ignore it?”

Sam sighed and leaned against the counter. “Honestly, I was trying to gauge where you were on this. If you didn’t want to talk about it, I wasn’t going to say anything.”

“Ah,” she said with a nod. “We can’t avoid it.”

“No,” Sam said in agreement. “But I damn sure want to repeat it.”

That remark made Keegan freeze in surprise. Sam was blunt. She’d give him that. His words alone sent desire racing through her veins with the strength of a locomotive. What was it about these two guys that could make her so horny so fast? They made her crazy. And all it took was a few words or a look.

Was she really that easy?

Sam crossed his arms over his chest and bent down, bringing himself eye level with her. “If we’re going to lay our cards on the table, we might as well go all in.”

“I don’t recall saying anything about laying all our cards on the table.”

“That’s how I talk about it, Keegan. I’m honest. I don’t beat around the bush. Last night was incredible, and I want you again so bad I can taste it. But what I really want is to taste

Keegan swallowed at his blunt admission. Just thinking about him tasting her had her all wet again. “Well,” she whispered. “As long as we’re being honest…”

Sam pushed away from the counter and invaded her space. Her heart raced wildly at the hungry look in his eyes as he held her gaze captive with his.

God, she couldn’t look away, couldn’t think of anything other than his mouth on her, licking her, tasting her, making her scream. Her breasts ached as she imagined his face buried between her legs. Her pussy clenched, and cream coated the crotch of her panties.

“Are you going to finish that thought, sweetheart, or are you going to make me guess?” Sam murmured.

Before she could answer, the front door opened, and someone yelled, “Sam!”

Sam sighed. “In the kitchen.”

He stepped back from her, and Keegan felt the loss deep in her gut. Damn these interruptions. An older man came into the kitchen. When he saw Keegan, he took his hat off and nodded. “Ma’am,” he said.

Keegan smiled shyly in return. “Hello.”

“Keegan, this is George. He’s been with us for a long time. George, this is Keegan.”

“The woman you found?” George asked.


George nodded his head in her direction. “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

“Thank you. You too.”

“Is there something wrong?” Sam asked.

“Yeah. Cody needs you out by the ski lift at the western edge of the property. There’re a couple of cows you need to see.”

Sam frowned. “Why?”

George glanced at Keegan, then turned back to Sam. “Just trust me, Sam. You need to see this.”

Sam nodded. “I’m coming.”

Keegan got the distinct impression that George was hiding something from her. Sam gave her an affectionate pat on the shoulder. “We’ll finish our discussion later.”

Keegan sighed and leaned against the counter. Another afternoon of unfulfilled lust. Great. Just what she wanted to deal with.

George turned to leave, and Sam moved in close to whisper low and deliberate, sending a wave of desire to her core, “Do you want a repeat of last night, Keegan, or do you want Cody and me to back off?”

Keegan looked into his eyes and knew that backing off was the last thing she wanted. He must’ve gotten his answer in her eyes. He lifted his hand and brushed his thumb over her bottom lip. “Don’t cook dinner tonight. Meet us here in the kitchen…naked. You’ll be our dinner.”

She swallowed, unable to speak past the lump of pure desire choking her. Sam stared at her for a second, then walked to the doorway. Sticking his head around the frame, he yelled at George, “Head on over. I’ll follow in a few.”

“’Kay,” George said as he left the house.

The door shut, and Sam turned to stare at her. She wondered what he was up to as he walked over like a panther stalking his prey. He looked so sexy, so hot with that possessive heat in his eyes. If he and Cody shared, did he ever get jealous? Did it ever bother him to see the woman he was with touching another man?

And could she handle both of them all the time? Right now, Sam seemed to overwhelm her. If he alone could make her feel this way, what would it be like to have both of them, always seducing, always touching, always making her lose herself?

“What are you doing?” she asked as he hooked his finger into the belt loop of her jeans and tugged her close.

“I changed my mind,” he growled. “The cows can wait a few, I think.”

Keegan’s stomach flipped as he leaned down and captured her mouth with his. The kiss was wild, wicked, demanding, and nearly brought Keegan to her knees.

“What have you done to me, woman,” he whispered against her lips. “Have you put some kind of spell on me?”

“No more than you’ve put on me,” she replied as she took his hand and pushed it into her jeans.

Sam unhooked the buttons to loosen them so he could slide his hand in farther, fully cupping her sex in his palm. Keegan sighed and rocked her hips against his touch.

“Mmm,” he purred as he buried his face in her neck and nibbled at the sensitive spot just below her ear. “I like how you move. How you respond to my touch.”

BOOK: Lost Without Them
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