Lost Until You (The Sorrentino Brothers Series Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Lost Until You (The Sorrentino Brothers Series Book 1)
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Pam smiled and gave me a hug. “Well, y’all have fun, honey. I’ll see you Monday.”

I got in my SUV and rolled down the window. Shifting the gear into reverse, I waved goodbye. 

“You too, Pam. Have a good weekend.”


I made it home with enough time to prepare for the night before our guests arrived. Savanah fell asleep when I picked her up from Amelia, giving me time to get things done without having to tend to her.

I started dinner, folded a load of laundry, and took the trash out by the time Brax pulled into the driveway. He got out of the car with an arrangement of lilacs and a goofy grin plastered on his face.

“There’s my woman.” He pulled me in for a kiss.

“Are these for me?”

“Nope. I got ‘em for Tanya,” he responded with a straight face.

I tried not to act like I was hurt, but selfishly, I was. Brax always brought home a different arrangement of flowers every Friday. It was sort of a tradition of his since we first got together.

Sensing my hurt feelings, he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me against his broad chest.

“Just playing, baby.” He cupped my chin, forcing my attention on him. “You know I’d never forget my girl.”

A spark jolted through my body, needing to feel my husband inside me. It had been six hours since we last touched, and that was six hours too long.

Standing on my tiptoes, I wrapped my arms around his neck, showing Brax just how appreciative I was.

“I love you,” I murmured against his lips.

He picked me up, keeping the flowers intact as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

“Love you too, baby.”

He carried me into the living room, set down the flowers and then retreated to our bedroom.

 Brax lifted his leg, kicking open the door, then threw me on the bed. He took off his shirt then unbuckled his jeans, sliding them down his bulky thighs. I scrambled to take off my clothes, wanting to beat him to the punch. He climbed over the top of my body, forcing my legs apart, then ran his finger between wet my folds.

“I love it when you’re ready for me,” he murmured in a soft but deep voice.

Without so much as a warning, Brax grabbed a hold of his shaft, guiding himself inside me. I wrapped my legs around his waist then held onto his shoulders, biting and pulling at his nipple ring. The metal clicked against my teeth.

He leaned forward and kissed up my neck, stopping close to my ear, as he continued thrusting inside me.

 “Don’t ever.”
. “Think I.”
. “Forgot.”
. “About you.”

He pushed inside me one more time before pulling out abruptly. Then he leaned down, rubbing his nose against mine, staring straight into my eyes.


 “I won’t. I’m sorry,” I promised, swiping my tongue against his bottom lip.

Brax’s hand wrapped around the back of my neck, then he kissed my lips as he guided himself back to my heated spot.

“Look at me, baby,” he demanded, wanting my undivided attention.

I opened my eyes, unable to control the intensity jolting through my body.

“You feel that?”

 “Y—…Yes,” I cried, needing more, wanting him to stay inside me forever.

He increased his speed, grinding his cock from side to side.

“Oh God…B…” I moaned loudly as I milked his long, thick shaft.

My right leg fell to the side of his hip, completely satisfied, but he didn’t stop there. He gripped my other leg, throwing it over his shoulder, his pace becoming more erratic.

“Right there…” he groaned and then let himself go.

His body jolted, and his legs locked. I could feel each squirt embedded inside me. Brax leaned down, brushing his lips against mine and whispered, “I love you, Jazzy.”

I rolled over, snuggling against his chest, kissing his pierced nipple.

“Love you too, baby. Always and forever.”




Chapter Five








Dinner was a success. Brax, Tanya, Brix, and I ate every last kabob I prepared. Now we were sitting around the table having a few drinks.

For the last ten minutes, Brix had been acting like a child and picking on Tanya. I was doing my best not to laugh when stupid shit came out of his mouth, but then again, it was Brix. Everything he said was funny.

“You did not just call me a douchebag.” Tanya slapped the back of his head.

He tried to duck but was too late when her palm hit, echoing through the dining room.

“Ouch…hooker,” Brix yelped, rubbing where Tanya had smacked him.

“I. Am not. A. Hooker. Dammit,” she interjected in a pissy tone.

Tanya threw her arm back ready to slap him again, but he shifted to the side, catching her hand mid-air and then pulled her off the chair.

 “Hold the fuck up. Were you seriously going to hit me again?

Tanya rolled her eyes as she sat back down. 

“Anyway, how’s the photography business going?”

I looked at Brix to make sure I wasn’t going to interrupt anything before I answered her question. Those two were something else. They had been together for a while, however I personally had a hard time knowing when they were joking around or being serious.

Brix had always been a rough around the edges kind of guy to begin with. Ergo, I could see where Tanya would take things he said to heart. But being that I knew him so well, normally I could tell when he was joking, but tonight, I wasn’t so sure.

Brix looked at me and winked, letting me know it was okay to answer Tanya’s question. I exhaled, relieved, glad another argument wasn’t started on my behalf.

“It’s going really good, actually. I’ve been getting a lot more customers and a few people have had an interest in future shoots.”

“That’s awesome! I asked Brix a few times how you were managing with the baby and all, but he doesn’t seem to be in the loop any more. I think he’s taking too much pain medication.”

Brix picked up a biscuit, chucking it at the side of Tanya’s head. It smashed against her temple, crumpling into pieces on her lap. She jolted out of the chair, threw her hands over her face, and then ran out the front door.

The three of us waited for the door to slam then bursted out laughing. I couldn’t help it. If Brax threw a biscuit at my face, it would be game on. That shit was wrong but freaking hilarious.

Brix took a pull from his beer, then stood to his feet.

“Let me go see where cry baby went,” he huffed and walked out the front door.

I looked across the table at my husband. We both just shook our heads. Did that just really happen?

“Are they always like this? I mean, I knew Brix was, but I never knew Tanya to be so hateful when she’s drinking.”

 “Baby, anytime alcohol’s involved, those two go at it like World War III.”

Brax and I gave the two lovebirds some time while we stepped aside and cleaned the kitchen. Brax took out the trash, while I gave Savanah a bath and got her ready for bed. I had to make sure my girl was all nice and clean before she was tucked in for the night.

“Momma loves you, baby girl. Sweet dreams.”

I kissed her cheek then plugged in the nightlight, cracking the door behind me.

I carried the baby monitor in my hands and retreated to the living room where everyone was seated on the couch watching TV.

The guys were talking smack about football, and thankfully, I was sensing a little bit of peace there. Hopefully, Brix and Tanya kissed and made up. The Lord knew we didn’t need any more Jerry Springer shit for the rest of the night. Those two were something else.

“Jazz,” Tanya grabbed my attention as I sat down on the couch. “Brix mentioned something to me the other night and I wanted to talk to you about it. Do you have a few minutes?”

I glanced over at the guys, feeling it was safe to walk back out of the room.

I grabbed my beer then stood up. “Sure. Let’s go out front.”

“Uh. Uh. Where do you think you’re going?” Brax kicked out his leg, trying to stop me from walking any further.

I tapped on his foot with my slipper and then moved around him.

“Out front to talk, B. Why?”

He shrugged his shoulders and gave me a wink.

“Just busting your balls, baby,” he smirked. “Don’t be too long. I need to hold my girl.”

I gave my ass an extra shake as I walked out the front door. If Brax wanted to play that game, I was ready.

Bring it on, big boy!



Our house sat on a corner lot, adjacent from the ocean. When we moved to Bethany Beach two years ago, we bought a foreclosure by the water. Even though we got it for a decent price, it still needed a lot of work, especially in the yard. But it wasn’t anything my handy-dandy husband couldn’t fix.

After the remodeling inside had been completed, Brax and his best friend, Stone, spent an entire weekend working on the outside. They planted six small trees, which were scattered across the front and side yard, had the driveway repaved, pillared a vegetable garden in the back next to the fence, and dug up dirt around the front porch from one side of the house to the other, planting several of my favorite flowers and bushes.

The day it was all finished, Brax picked me up from our condo in Dewy Beach and brought me home to see all the new changes he had done. I had to admit, I was in complete awe.

My house looked exactly like the one I’d always dreamed about. My husband took every detail we discussed over the years and pieced them together, making all of my wishes come true. Brax had always been a keeper, but everything he had done to help me live out my dreams—with the studio and giving me the most perfect house—meant the world to me. If it was remotely possible, I had fallen more in love with my husband than ever before.

 “It’s really pretty out here.” Tanya looked around the yard. “You guys have the perfect view.”

I smiled, proud of my husband’s awesomeness. “Thank you. Although I can’t take the credit. Brax and Stone did the remodeling inside and the landscaping outside. But I think they did an awesome job.”

“They definitely did, Jazz. Wow.” She looked back at me. “I envy you, girl. Don’t get me wrong, I love that big teddy bear inside more than anything, but he needs to step up his game. I’m not getting any younger.”

I giggled then took a drink of my beer. I had known Tanya for a few years, and while I thought her and Brix were perfect together, when they fought, it made me second-guess why either one of them put up with the other’s crap. There was no way I could handle all that bickering back and forth. It would drive me freaking crazy.

Tanya sat her beer on the porch and then clasped her hands together. “Well
as you know, B&B Security has been doing really well lately. And since Stone does PI work on the side for Ocean City and Rehoboth Police Departments, he agreed to set up shop and become apart of the firm.”

My eyes raised surprised.  “No way…Really?” I asked, shocked. Brax never mentioned anything about Stone joining Brix. But this was great—the possibilities would be endless for the both of them.

Tanya smiled, proud of how far Brix had come. I couldn’t blame her. I was proud of him, too.

After Brix was discharged from his second tour in Iraq, the mental
he came back in was downright terrifying.  Every one of us had been concerned at one point or another, worried if Brix would snap out of it.

PTSD was very serious, especially when you witnessed people get blown up right in front of your face. I would never understand how so many soldiers in our country did it day in and day out, but I was grateful for their service. There was no way in the world I could have done anything like that.

“He’s moving into the office next week and is supposed to be logged on to start the week after.”

“That’s amazing! I’m sure they’re going to work good together. Stone’s a great guy.”

“Yeah, he is. He’s quiet though, which I’m not used to, but I’ve never had a problem with him.”

A car turned down our street, pulling into my driveway and parking behind Brix’s truck.

“Who’s that?” Tanya asked, shifting on the swing.

I looked back out to the driveway unsure. “I have no idea. I’ve never seen that car before.”

We lived on a quiet road where most of the houses were vacation homes. Ergo, someone getting lost outside of the tourist season rarely happened. But I wouldn’t put it past anyone. You never knew who stayed where around here anymore.

A tall guy with dark brown hair got out of the driver’s seat and walked up the sidewalk. He made it to the top of the porch and went to knock on the door but stopped his hand in mid-air when he saw Tanya and I seated on the swing.

“Can I help you?” I asked, wondering who in the world he was.

The guy glanced at me and then over at Tanya.

Good God he was hot!

“Yeah, umm…” He grinned, shoving his hands in his coat pockets. “Is Brax here?”

I tapped on the bay window to get Brax’s attention. He stood up and looked outside before opening the front door.

“Hey man, what’s going on?” Brax asked the guy.

“Not a whole lot. Just in the area. Thought I would swing by and say what’s up,” the guy said as he and Brax shook hands.

Brax pushed the door open allowing his friend inside our home, leading him into the living room. Brix stood to his feet and shook the guy’s hand. Then the three of them sat down on the couch and continued talking.

“Well, that was interesting,” Tanya stated.

I nodded my head in agreement. Normally Brax would have introduced someone if they came over, but he flat out ignored the fact that I was sitting right there.

Oh, well. He would fill me in later.

“I’m not sure who he is, but B seems to be okay with him.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“You saw him though, right? I mean, you would have to be blind not to. He was fucking hot, girl!”

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