Lost and Found (3 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Lost and Found
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Todd released her wrists and pulled her on top of him, his mouth still locked to hers.

Kathy pushed away to study his handsome, rough face. “You’re so lucky I love you, and you better never forget that,” she advised before descending upon his nipples with her tongue.

“I certainly am, my precious. I’m thankful for that every single day. Lady, your mouth is so hot,” he whispered, stroking her hair.

“Let’s see exactly how hot my mouth is, Mr. Makin. What do you think of this?” Kathy asked as her lips grazed over his hardened stomach and across the smooth skin of his pelvis. She blew warm air over his bobbing penis, the head already glistening with a drop of pre-cum. She glanced up at him with a sinister smile before she wrapped her lips around the twitching head.

Todd groaned as her mouth slowly descended over his thick shaft, her tongue swirling against his flesh as she held him in place. Carefully, she tightened her lips around him, pulling him with her as she moved her mouth up and down, caressing his rod with the flat of her tongue.

Todd growled, feeling the surge of cum threaten to bubble over. He pulled his wife’s mouth away and lifted her body over his cock. “Ride me, woman. Ride me hard tonight,” he ordered, feeling himself slide deep into her moist, waiting womanhood.

Kathy’s hair hung wildly about her face as her strong thighs lifted her to the tip of his hungry cock and then slammed down hard onto the full length of his throbbing manhood. She gripped him tightly with her muscles and, once again, lifted herself to the tip only to allow him to plunge into her again. She began to ride him like a bronco, her strokes becoming more and more aggressive as she drew near to her climax. Todd grunted, grabbing her hips and guiding her to go faster, harder, deeper. Kathy threw back her head and let out a soft moan as she began to cum in frantic waves. Todd, with one last deep thrust, joined her, sending a tidal wave of heat into her inner walls.

Panting, Kathy collapsed upon Todd’s chest, his twitching cock still lodged inside her .

He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck and moving to her mouth. “I never tire of you, my love. Every time we make love, it’s something new,” he praised, pulling her off of him and nestling her against his chest.

“Just remember that next time you and Lance start teasing me, husband. One of these days, I really will cut you off. Only Saturday nights and birthdays.”

“Yes, dear.” Todd chuckled, kissing her head. Kathy just smiled.

Chapter Two

The next evening, Noelle sat up in bed and stared at the tray in front of her that the nurse had left. She wrinkled her nose, sniffing it. She knew what everything was for, but could not get her body to cooperate. The occupational therapist watched her carefully.

“Are you hungry, Noelle?” she asked. Noelle nodded, blinking back tears. Why couldn’t she do anything? The OT picked up a spoon and placed it in her hand, scooped up some mashed potatoes and directed it towards the girl’s mouth. On her other side was a speech therapist, observing her swallowing and ability to verbalize.

“Is it hard to swallow, honey?” the ST asked, seeing the difficulty. Noelle nodded, tearful again. The ST patted her hand, “It’s ok, we’ll take care of you. How about this? It’s Jell-O. Any easier? Good!”

Systematically, the two evaluated her abilities, then retreated to the office to conference call Lance. “Hi, Dr. C. It’s Julie, Noelle’s occupational therapist and Connie from speech. Sorry to call you so late, but the poor kid slept most of the day and we didn’t want to wake her. We finally have your results.”

“Thank you, ladies. I was hoping to hear from you tonight.” Lance held his finger to his lips as he placed them on speaker so his sister and Todd could hear. “Go on, please.”

“Well, cognitively, she seems to be completely intact. For some reason, she is unable to coordinate certain motor skills with her understanding. We did notice that she has a fast learning curve, so it shouldn’t take too long to retrain her to a fully functional level. Physically, anyway.”

“What are you saying, Jules?”

“She’s at a three or four year old physical level with an apparent adult understanding.

She definitely needs retraining, but I think she’ll be fine.”

“And her swallowing?”

“Like her physical abilities, she needs to learn how to swallow again. Doc, it’s almost as if something blew the adult in her out of her head. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

“Ok, list her as a choke risk and put her on maximum attendance with assist. How’s her mobility?”

“It took her a while, but she’s fully mobile and able to tend to most of her personal needs with reminders and some assistance. She does not seem to know how to feed herself with utensils, although she’s fairly adept with a small spill-proof cup.”

“Make sure she does not bathe unsupervised and see that she has a sit-by to help in toileting if she needs it. I will be sending her new caregiver over tomorrow to train for her care. What type of special equipment will she need?”

“Probably nothing, Dr. C. Just things to keep her occupied and stimulated as she’s retraining. Of course, be mindful of safety. I know this sounds bizarre, but I think it might be a good idea to take her to a toy store and let her pick out some things of interest. Grant her as many choices concerning her personal care as you are comfortable with, too. It will help restructure her autonomy.” Julie suggested.

“Me? Why would you suggest that?”

“We already know you are taking her home, Doc. That’s why we all love you. You’re a hero.” Connie said over the speaker. Kathy elbowed her brother and mouthed ‘told you so.’

“I’m not a hero, I’m a person who cares about others. Take good care of her, ladies. We still don’t know what that child has been through.”

“We will, Dr. C. Good night.”

“You have quite the staff there.” Todd smiled, accepting another cup of coffee from his wife.

“They’re the best. I don’t know what I’d do without them. Katherine? Are you sure you can handle this? It sounds like you will be dealing with a three year old.”

“I can do it just fine. Please, let me contribute something. You boys can look at it like I was repaying you for going over budget.”

“I like that idea,” Todd teased, “Let’s see, at 10 bucks an hour, 16 hours a day, 5 days a week… it will take you ten weeks to pay what you owe.”

“Pardon me? You didn’t fill me on this little detail yesterday. Katherine, how the heck did you manage to go
eight grand
over your budget? What did you buy? A new car?”

“Don’t yell at me, Lance. No, I bought a motorcycle,” Kathy confessed, preparing for the outburst.

“A what?! No, you certainly did not!” Lance’s handsome face darkened angrily.

“Oh, yes, she certainly did. Good thing I like bikes. Don’t worry, she will never ride it,” Todd assured the over-protective brother.

“Alan is going to blister your butt when he finds out, little sister. You had that argument with him just last year and he forbade you from getting one because you are so reckless.”

“I’m a married woman and he can’t forbid anything anymore.”

“We’ll see about that. You will call him tonight to tell him. If you don’t, he will find out from me and you know how he feels about that. I can’t believe you sometimes,” Lance was completely exasperated with her. “What time can you be ready to go to the hospital tomorrow?”

“Snitch! I can go with you in the morning. I want some time to get things ready for her homecoming, too. Can I SPEND MONEY for that?”

“No sassing me, young lady. Yes, of course you can. But give all the receipts to Todd so he can determine if they were necessary purchases.”

“You… you BUTTHEAD!”

“She’s pulling out the big words now, Lance. Watch out!” Todd laughed, smacking his wife’s rear playfully as she stomped away.

“She’ll get over it. I’m serious, you really need to paddle her one of these days. Alan and I aren’t around enough to keep her behaving for you. She should be in there stewing for a while.

Since we didn’t get a chance to talk last night, can you tell me now what you discovered about Noelle?”

“I pulled together an investigations team from my agency to research this since the police don’t seem to be too interested. I found that unusual due to the fact it was a gunshot wound and abandonment. Usually something like that get cops in an uproar.”

“That suggests someone wants to keep things quiet,” Lance frowned.

“Exactly. Now, get this: apparently, the kid was shot right outside Area 51. There were no vehicles within 20 miles from where she was found and no one in the military has come clean about the situation. My guys tried to find the bullet, but the place was picked clean, including any blood she may have left,” he whispered. “I contacted an old friend, Detective Collins, who is stationed here in town. He’s going to probe a little deeper and keep his eye out for us. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not, I appreciate it. Please don’t tell Katherine, she’ll start to worry. So, you’re saying that Noelle was shot and left for dead
a top secret military installation and there is no evidence as to how she got there or who did it?”

“That’s what it looks like. Maybe she’s an alien or a government spy.” Lance groaned as his brother-in-law shrugged with a goofy grin. “You watch too many movies. She’s a little girl who’s in a whole lot of trouble and we need to find out how to help her.”

“Let me keep working on it, ok? Do you think you could stand having us around for another month? It’s good for Kathy to mother us guys and now have someone else to take care of. I’m seeing a positive turn for her,” Todd asked quietly.

“I’ll buy you a house myself if you two decide to stay permanently!” That meant they would be around for the holidays.

Todd winked, “You don’t need to. I’m already on it. Merry Christmas, Lance.”

“Does Katherine know?” Lance fought to contain his excitement.

“I’m saying nothing until we get in the car to leave and she is at her most appreciative, if you understand my meaning.”

Lance put his hands to his ears, “TMI! That’s my baby sister you’re talking about.”

“Buddy, too much information would be if I told you
she expresses her appreciation,” Todd teased. “Believe me, I
like it when your baby sister is appreciative.”

“Are you talking about me, honey?” Kathy asked, sidling onto Todd’s strong lap while handing him a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie.

“Where’s mine?” Lance asked, pouting. He was a sucker for sweets.

“Get it yourself, big brother. I’m on strike.”





Noelle tossed restlessly in her sleep mumbling words that the aide could not quite understand. The words sounded foreign, childlike almost. The aide reached across to gently wake the fretful girl. “Hey Noelle, it’s me, Darla. Were you having a bad dream?” the aide asked, helping Noelle sit up.

“Drink. Please.” Noelle whispered, looking as though forcing the words out was an effort for her. She started crying as Darla helped her sip from her cup.

“What’s wrong, honey? Does something hurt?”

“Daddy. I want Daddy,” Noelle broke into loud sobs. The floor nurse ran in to see Darla holding the weeping girl close with a look asking for help.

“I’m calling Dr. Callahan. Just hold her.”

Lance drove as quickly as he legally could to the hospital, praying it would be one of those cold winter nights that the Vegas cops preferred to stay in the donut shops, sipping hot coffee. He pulled into his parking space and raced up to the unit. Several women huddled around the stricken girl, who continued to wail for her father. Lance’s heart sunk as he saw her, face red and swollen, hair matted and eyes blinded with tears. The nurses moved aside for him.

“Noelle? It’s me, honey. Shhh. Is anything hurting you?”

“Daddy? You came back.” Noelle threw herself into Lance’s arms. He frowned as some of the women giggled.

“It’s Lance, your Doctor. I’m not your Daddy, sweetheart.”

“I need you, Daddy. Hold me.” Noelle announced, hugging him tightly around the waist as she buried her face in his jacket, still sniffling. Again, some of the women tittered.

“If you ladies can’t be professional, you may all leave,” Lance scolded, “Darla, tell me what happened. And stop with the giggling. It’s not funny.”

“I’m sorry, Doctor, but it’s so cute. Compared to you, she looks like a toddler.”

“Compared to me, Godzilla looks like a guppy. What brought this on?” Darla explained in detail as Lance continued to gently rock the small woman in his long arms after she climbed into his lap and snuggled under his chin. Without thinking, he kissed the top of her head and began to coo to calm her down. Darla paused, mid-sentence, staring. Noelle had quickly fallen back to sleep.

“You have quite the touch, Dr. C. It looks like you have a new pet,” she beamed as he absently stroked the sleeping girl’s hair.

“If I might slip away from my professional mode, much like you are doing, Miss Darla, I would tell you to bite me.”

“If I wasn’t happily married, Dr. Callahan, I would gladly go ahead and do just that,” Darla smirked.

Lance shook a finger at her, then placed Noelle back into her bed and tucked her in. “She reminds me of my little sister. I always chased away Kathy’s nightmares when she was a little girl. She had a lot of them,” he tucked the girl’s hair behind her ear. “There is something about this one, though. Darla? Do you sense it?”

Darla frowned, “Not really, Doc. what are you talking about?”

“I wish I could tell you. Call it my sixth sense, but there’s something unusual.”

“Beyond instantly making you her Daddy? Maybe she was into that age-play stuff before she got hurt.”

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