Losing You (Finding You Series Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Losing You (Finding You Series Book 2)
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Chewing on my bottom lip was not the sign of a confident woman. Cheryl picked up on my apprehension.

“Come on. I’ll find you something beautiful to wear and I’ll do your hair and makeup for you.”

We disappeared into the too neat house to play dress-up for the big night out.

Joseph turned to Daniel. “Daniel, how would you like to watch some television until it’s time to go out?

“Oh wow! Would I!” Walking in Joseph’s shadow, they made their way through to the large living room.

The interior was even prettier than the exterior with pastel colors the theme throughout. There was a real country cottage feel about the house, from its floral curtains and tablecloth to the pine kitchen cupboards and checkerboard tiles.

A beige Persian cat wandered in from outside, nudging Cheryl’s leg. His fat stomach almost touched the floor as he rubbed and purred in greeting. His successful mews ended with a huge plate of food and a saucer of milk that was poured into a bowl titled “Rambo.”

Happy snaps of Kyle wound through the house on walls and furniture. Most of them had been taken a few years ago when he was younger but even back then he still looked like he belonged on the cover of Vogue magazine, his blue eyes capturing mine. A larger family portrait hung above the television set in all its glory. I was caught staring.

“Aren’t we a handsome bunch?” joked Joseph.

“Yes, you are. All of you! Kyle looks so much like you, Joseph. It’s incredible.”

“Yes, he does have my good looks but he’s got Cheryl’s uncanny ability to read people. He read you.”

I hoped he’d read me good and proper because so much water had passed under the bridge since my disappearance. A murder, for one! That was enough weight to sink any ship. A tight smile was all I could offer in return.

Daniel sat in front of the television, waiting for it to switch itself on.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Daniel. I almost forgot. You’re so quiet, sitting there like a mouse. Here! This thing is called a remote. It turns the television off and on so you don’t have to leave the comfort of your chair. This orange button turns it on and these buttons change the channels. I’ll leave it in your capable hands.”

The remote may as well have been a nugget of gold. Very gently he pressed the orange button, jumping when the television came to life the same way he had on the plane. He sat bewitched by the images in front of him, as if not wanting to tear his eyes away for an instant in case he missed something.

“Well now,” broadcast Cheryl, coming through from the kitchen. “I’ll take you on a tour of the house so that you know your way around and then we’ll go and pick your gown. I’ve got a casserole in the oven for dinner. We can’t have you going out on an empty stomach now, can we? Would you like a shower to freshen up first?”

“No, thanks. I had one this morning, but thank you, anyway.”

The kind, hospitable woman led the way through the hallways, checking every now and then to make sure I was keeping up. The house was much larger inside than it first appeared. It was a labyrinth of rooms.

We both paused when we reached one room in particular and as soon as I peeked in I knew it was Kyle’s room. I could have cried. My face was everywhere. It looked like wallpaper. A jab of embarrassment stabbed at me, never having seen anything like it before.

Cheryl urged me inside. “You’ll remember this photo.”

Memories swamped me. It was taken days before my departure. A selfie using Kyle’s camera. He had turned to me at the last minute. His expression confirmed the depths of his feelings.

“I’ve never seen him so smitten before. You really captured his heart. It’s only been recently that he’s started to go out again and get on with his life.”

Getting on with his life? What does that mean? He’s over me now?

“Has…he found someone else?”

Cheryl moved to the bed and sat. “He has asked someone to the movie premiere tonight but he hasn’t been dating her. He hasn’t been dating anyone even though Joseph and I have been trying ever so hard to get him back into the swing of things. He just hasn’t been ready up until now. Don’t worry though, I think once he sees you again, he’ll soon forget her.”

Cheryl studied my face, adding, “She’s not as beautiful as you. She’s pretty, but you’re beautiful. I can see why our son was so taken.”

I had to laugh at that. Beautiful is not what I had felt in a long while and I knew that she was probably just saying it to be nice.

“After the ordeal I’ve been through, I don’t think beautiful even factors into it. I’ve lost weight and look like a waif.”

“Oh stop! You’re gorgeous. You’ll get back to the way you were, don’t worry. After I’m finished with you tonight, you’ll look like a runway model.”

Cheryl’s openness was humbling and I almost believed her, yet the restless feeling that Kyle had moved on drilled a hole in my heart.

“Thanks, Cheryl, you’re very kind. I hope you don’t mind me calling you Cheryl. Joseph insisted that we call him by his first name. Maybe you’re right. It’s just been so long and so much has happened. He might not feel the same now. People move on.”

“Cheryl is fine, and maybe in time if things work out, you’ll be able to call me Mom. Trust me. He’s going to be extremely happy to see you.”

I had to take the woman in good faith and hope she knew her son as well as she thought she did.

“Well, that’s pretty much all there is of the house to see. How about we start getting you ready for your grand entrance tonight?”

Grand entrance! Couldn’t it be a small, intimate reunion? Why a grand entrance? The world doesn’t need to pry into our business. I’m shaky enough without a zillion nosy-parkers watching.

The master bedroom was generous, housing a powder room and bathroom. The porcelain spa bath caught my eye. Candles, some new and some half-melted, bordered the edge. Lavender and musk scented the room. Porcelain white tiles rose from floor to ceiling, dotted with pastel colored fish every square foot. Gold tap-ware added the “bling” the room needed.

The closet could have housed a congregation, it was so big. Not only that but it was wall-to-wall clothes. Who could ever wear all those clothes? I’d never seen so many.

“It’s lucky that I’ve lost quite a bit of weight over the last couple of years or I might have had a job finding something to fit you. You’re so tiny. I’m trying to look for colors to match your skin tone. Here! What about this? We need to show off your best assets.”

Surely it was a doll’s dress it was so small. I knew I’d lost weight but not height.

“Are you sure it will fit? It’s really lovely but there’s not much to it.”

“Kyle likes short dresses and I think he’ll be absolutely speechless when he sees you in this.”

“I just wish I didn’t have to hobble around on these crutches. They don’t exactly go with the dress.” I downplayed the injury. Cheryl had a chuckle, making light of the situation.

“Well, that’s just a minor hiccup that we’ll get remedied first thing on Monday morning. I’m sure we’ll have you running around in no time. Go and try it on and give me a look when you’re done.”

I took some privacy in the bathroom to make an unbiased decision about the dress. I wanted to look stunning for Kyle. I wanted him to forget his date and remember why he’d fallen in love with me. Would he still see the same woman or would he see someone who had changed too much? A stranger. In less than three hours, I’d know my fate.

There was a knock at the door and Cheryl popped her head through.

“Can I come in?”

“Yeah, I’m ready.”

She brought a hand to her mouth. “Oh Dakota, it looks better on you than it does on me. When I’m finished with you, all the men tonight will have their eyes popping out of their heads. Come over here and let me do your makeup.”

And so Cheryl went to work. Primer and foundation first and then with smoky, sultry eyes in mocha tones and lipstick to match, hair scrunched dry and playfully carefree, the makeover was complete. Cheryl was so pleased with the finished result that she called in Joseph and Daniel to see her handiwork.

“Joseph, Daniel, come here please! I have someone I want you to meet.”

Seconds later footsteps padded down the hallway. When the door opened, they wolf whistled in unison.

“Well, well. What a beauty! You’ll be the bell of the ball,” said Joseph. Daniel came over and threw his arms around me. “You look like a princess.”

I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him all the harder, glad that he was with me on my journey. “You will turn into a young prince when you go and get changed.”

The time was getting on, leaving everyone else just enough time to get their own clothes on and eat some of the divine casserole, simmering on the stove.

A clap of thunder struck hard and then a light spray of rain hit the roof. Hopefully not a bad omen.

Daniel led me back into Kyle’s room to help him get dressed. Joseph had found a smart shirt and tie with identical pants. Not quite the correct size but all that was available at such short notice. The baggy trousers hid behind the buttoned shirt. I rolled up the ends of the sleeves slightly so that they didn’t scream ‘orphan.’ Daniel admired himself in the mirror as I lost myself to a photo of Kyle. I wanted him so badly it hurt. I wanted him to look at me with the same desire he had on Sapphire Island.

Hard, sculpted chest and shoulders. Taut stomach. Heaven was waiting.

“Hey, don’t go to sleep. How do I look?” Daniel needed confirmation of his appearance.

“You look very impressive, Daniel. You’ll be able to wear clothes like that all the time now.”

He put on his shoes and socks and then the picture looked complete. Together, we left Kyle’s room and made our way to the dining room where Joseph and Cheryl already sat. They were just as startled when they saw the change in Daniel. “It’s amazing how clothes can change the look of a person. Daniel, you look quite grown up.”

He stood proud, soaking up the praise, enjoying the unity of our unexpected family.

Cheryl’s casserole was worthy of a second helping. Joseph poured some wine for the ladies and a soft drink for Daniel. A celebratory drink was in order after all that I been through. It was a triumphant drink. I had beaten all odds and won the war. I’d fought many a hard battle. Tonight was time to embrace the new direction my life was heading. I was exactly where I wanted to be.

Our newly formed alliance was eager to get the mission underway. I could tell that Joseph and Cheryl wanted this as badly as I did. All we needed now was the guest of honor.

“Are we all ready to leave then?” summoned Joseph, pointing to the door.

He leant into me, placing a placating hand on my back. “Relax! Everything will be just fine. And besides, I know my son and he will have eyes only for you.”

My heart didn’t flutter any more. It galloped like a racehorse at top speed. I tried to breathe through it without much luck.

“How are you feeling, Dakota?” Cheryl finally asked in the car, breaking the silence.

A feigned attempt at humor had me blurting out, “Like I’m going to my own funeral.” As excited as I was I was also terrified.

“You really have nothing to worry about. Once you see each other again you’ll forget nerves, I’m sure.”

“I feel like I’m on a first date. I’m so scared to see him again. What if he’s over me now and wants to get on with his life? I don’t think I could bear the rejection.”

“Nonsense! He is still very much in love with you even though he’s letting you rest and attempting to move on. After tonight, everything will be as it was, you’ll see.”

Good. Keep reassuring me. That’s what I need right now.

It was starting to get dark as the lights of the city came on, proving to me that we were getting close. Cheryl had asked me questions about myself in an attempt to get to know me a little better. I answered as best I could, grateful that she hadn’t asked if I’d been married before. It was comfortable chatter which helped ease some of my trepidation.

A grand, majestic building rose into the sky. Media swarmed like bees out the front, waiting for the star of the show.

Joseph drove around the back to the underground parking garage avoiding the circus, shielding his passengers from a barrage of questions and photos. He flashed the security guard his identification, enabling everyone to follow behind.

The cinema inside was an impressive display of days gone by, lined with gold ornate carvings on the walls and ceilings. The woolen, jacquard carpet screamed 1960s, yet anything else just wouldn’t have suited.

Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart led the gallery of vintage stars down the wide hall towards the three-tiered cinema. The black and white images were entombed forever in their rightful home.

“Come on, we’ll stand over there so that you can see him enter. We’ll be out of the way. Hopefully he won’t see you yet. We want to do the grand unveiling after the movie.” Joseph ushered our group over to a corner behind a mob of people that would act as our cover.

I caught the tail end of a conversation nearby. “I can’t wait to see him. He’s to die for. Make sure you have your camera ready.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to miss a thing. I wish I were his date for tonight. Whoever he brings is one lucky woman.”

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