Losing Control (6 page)

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Authors: Desiree Wilder

Tags: #Romance, #erotic romance, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Losing Control
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“Thank you, that’s really sweet,” Hotness said. At least she thought I was sweet. That was good, right?

“You’re welcome, enjoy,” I said as Trey came over my walkie. He needed help by the bathrooms with two guys fighting.
Shit, I had to get over there.
I smiled at Hotness. She was so breathtaking. Then I ran off.

Why did this fight have to happen right now? I could be back there staring into those eyes. Oh, those eyes, I could get lost in them. She’d never looked at me before, I never knew they existed until now, and I needed to be in those eyes again.
I’d find her later, I was so relieved she was here, and I didn’t think she had a guy with her. I was still smiling.




“She’s here,” I said to Trey who was holding a guy in a choke-hold by the fence.

“What? Who?” he said, gasping. He was totally out of breath.

“Hotness. What do you mean, who?” I said, irritated by his lack of interest.

“A little help would be nice here!” He was pissed, so I grabbed the fighter and held onto him, letting Trey catch his breath.

“Did you hear me?” I said, still annoyed. “She had a purple wrist band on, too! She’ll be here all weekend. You have to help me find her!” I was excited now, my adrenaline was pumping.

Security showed up and took the fighter off our hands. “Good job, guys,” I told them.

“I’m glad she’s here, but I almost got my ass kicked by that dude, and we’ve got another situation to take care of, so you’re gonna have to suck it up for a bit.” He hopped on the golf cart. “Let’s go!”

“What’s going on?” I thought everything was running so smooth tonight.

“While I was waiting for you to finish up at that last bar, I decided to go get the cart so we could drive through the campground and check it out. When I was driving back over here to get you, I saw the fight, alerted you and broke it up. While I’m holding the dude, right before you showed up, Don messaged me.” My heart sank. “He said to get you and come over to his and Rose’s place.”

We drove in silence. I was praying that Rose was okay.
What had happened? Did she overdo it like she promised me she wouldn’t? Dammit! I should’ve insisted that she let me hire her some help. What would I do without Rose?
I couldn’t bear the thought of it.

When we pulled up, everything looked normal. I jumped off the cart before Trey even stopped it and ran to the front door.,

Rose opened it. She had a huge smile until she saw me. “What’s wrong, Ethan?” she said, panic in her voice.

“Is everything okay? Where’s Don?” I was confused.

“Everything’s fine.” I saw Don come out of the kitchen. I could breathe again.
What the hell was going on?

“Oh good, Ethan, you’re here,” Don said. “I asked Trey to bring you over so Rose could tell you the good news.” He looked at Rose.

“Ethan, we sold out for the whole weekend. The campground is to capacity and all concerts, too! When you revamped everything, adding on so much here and there, and everyone thought you were crazy, including us, no one ever thought you would fill this place up, but you’ve done it, you’ve really done it!” Don shook my hand and Rose gave me a big hug. “We are so proud of you!”

“I thought something had happened to you!” I blurted. I thought I might cry I was so relieved. I sat down and put my head in my hands.

“Sorry, guys. I assumed something was wrong when Don asked me to get Ethan and come over.” Trey had come in and heard everything. “Just give him a couple minutes to get his heart pumping again and let the news soak in. He’ll be all right.” He patted me on the shoulder.

I looked up at all of them after I’d done exactly what Trey said I was gonna do. “Thank you all. Not only could I not do it without you, but I wouldn’t want to do it without you. I love you guys.” A tear rolled down my cheek, which was pretty rare for me. But I’d had a pretty emotional last hour. Hotness popped into my head and I smiled.

“We love you too, dear.” Rose hugged me again. “So sorry for the misunderstanding.”

“It’s all good,” I said, and it was.

Trey and I headed back over to my place. We had a woman to find!




“Why don’t we just sit outside the gate? You know she’s gonna take the shuttle back to the campground,” Trey said as we were trying to figure out where to start.

“That’s a good idea. I just wanted to find her sooner than that, there’s at least another hour left of the concert.”

“You’ve waited ten years, buddy, I don’t think another hour is gonna kill ya.” Trey was right, I’d meet her when she came out of the gate. Now I just had to decide what I was gonna say to her. I didn’t want to freak her out or make her think I was a stalker. She did say what I said was ‘sweet,’ that was promising. I tried to remember our entire conversation, exactly what was said, but all I could think about were those eyes, those beautiful eyes.

It seemed like an eternity, but the concert was finally over. We watched as thousands of people came out the gate and got on shuttles. Trey didn’t know what she looked like. I tried to explain her to him, I remembered exactly what she was wearing, but most people were dressed similar to her, so that was hard to distinguish. I told him just look for an AC/DC shirt and a beautiful-eyed Hotness. I watched and watched, but never saw her, the crowd was massive at times, and although I thought I could spot her a mile away, I never did. I was bummed. Trey and I sat on the tailgate of the truck and I thought of what my next move would be. How would I find her tomorrow? Then, I saw her…


Chapter 7




As we were walking to the shuttles, Dana wanted to look through some of the shops. Brittany and Jo were wanting to get back to the motor home, so I said I would stay with Dana, I could use a new Poison t-shirt to wear to tomorrow night’s big show. It was the one I was most excited for.

“Be careful coming back and don’t stay too long,” Jo told us, being the good mom that she was, looking out for every one’s safety.

“Okay, Mommy,” Dana teased and we all laughed.

The first shop we went into had a lot of beads, hats, shot glasses, and stuff like that, but not many shirts, so we moved on to the next. After several places, we were getting thirsty, so we had to grab a couple beers. We sat at a picnic table and talked about the night’s events and watched the people still stumbling out to the shuttles and parking areas. We decided we’d go to a big t-shirt shop we saw when we came in. If they didn’t have what we were looking for, we’d find it tomorrow.

This place was huge. They had shirts for all 10 bands that were playing here this weekend. I found me a kick-ass Poison shirt and Dana found a new Ratt shirt with matching panties, who would’ve thought of that?




As we came out of the gate and headed to the shuttles, we realized we must’ve been in that last store for longer than we thought, because the crowd had really dwindled down. Luckily they had lights out in the parking area, too, or it would’ve been a little spooky. Just then I heard something that brought the butterflies back.

“You see that girl over there, she has the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen,” said a voice I recognized instantly. It was intentionally loud enough for us to hear from a distance.

Dana and I turned and saw two guys sitting on the tailgate of a jacked-up Chevy.

“Oh look,” I said to Dana, but loud enough for them to hear, “it’s the generous barback.”

This made his buddy start laughing hysterically, which made all of us laugh even though we didn’t know what was so funny.

Dana and I walked toward them, I was pretty drunk and so was Dana, but we had met him earlier and he worked here, so I felt like it was okay.

When we approached the truck, both guys stood up, “Hi, I’m Ethan and this is Trey.” They extended their hands to us. I locked eyes with Ethan and grabbed his hand firmly. Touching him sent good vibrations through my body.

“I’m Gia and this is Dana,” I said as I reluctantly released his hand and shook Trey’s. “Nice to meet you guys.”

“Hope we didn’t startle you girls, but I was hoping I’d run into you again after seeing you at the bar earlier,” Ethan said.
Wow, he was hoping to run into me again! This is good,
this is real good!
“I suppose you two have guys calling you all the time, I’m pleasantly surprised you walked over here.”

“I just came over to get a closer look at the truck, I’m a Chevy girl,” I said and smiled. I was trying to play it cool. He didn’t need to know I had wanted to see him again, too.

“Is that right? Well, you’re my kind of girl, then,” Ethan said and smiled back. My knees got weak for a second. We made small talk about how he fixed up this old truck over the years and now they used it to run around the campground and the arena. I couldn’t look away from him, he could’ve been talking about something I had no interest in and I would’ve been hanging on every word. I didn’t get out much but when I did, I certainly didn’t meet guys like him. And he was totally flirting with me!

Ethan got a call on his cell and excused himself for a moment. Dana and I sat on the tailgate and chatted with Trey. He was very likable and good-looking too, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off Ethan for more than a couple seconds at a time. I got a good look at his ass and I think I actually sighed and drooled a little. I was fantasizing about touching him and trying to imagine what it would feel like if he touched me. He said good-bye and headed back toward us. I turned my attention back to Dana and Trey.

“Did you girls enjoy the concerts tonight?” Trey asked, keeping his eyes on Dana.

“We had the best time!” Dana said. “How about you guys, did you get to take a break and enjoy any of the show?”

“No, it was pretty hectic tonight, being the first night and all, but we’re hoping to have some free time tomorrow night for the Poison concert. Are you girls going?” Trey asked.

“Of course,” I said. “It’s the must see concert of the weekend.”

“I agree,” Ethan said. “We should meet up—if you would want to, that is. We have a pretty kick-ass spot to watch the concert and it’s a lot more fun with company. What do you think, Gia?” Our eyes locked. The way my name sounded coming out of his mouth sent a flush of heat through my body and I had to take a breath and swallow. I wanted him to say it again, over and over.

I wanted to say yes, but we couldn’t ditch Jo and Brittany. “We better not, we have two more friends with us and we should stick together,” I answered. “But thanks for the offer, it’s definitely tempting.”

“Bring them along,” Ethan said. “The more the merrier, Gia.” It was like he knew what it was doing to me to hear him say my name.

“Really? Okay then, it’s a, um, date, I guess?” I felt really dumb. I hated when I didn’t think before I spoke.

Ethan smiled. “Okay then, it’s a date!” I think he knew I felt embarrassed, so he agreed to go on a ‘date’ with me out of pity. But then he surprised me. “Actually, if this is a date, I would like to take you for dinner first. Would that be possible, Gia?” I almost wet myself.

“Um, well, my friends…” I started and Dana interrupted.

“Her friends will be fine. We’ll meet up later for the concert, Gia.” She was so bossy.

“Okay, sounds fun,” I said, butterflies were fluttering wildly.
I have a date with him tomorrow? How did that just happen?
I immediately started wondering what I was going to wear. Just then I noticed the last shuttle pulling up. “We better get back to our motor home, it’s really late and I’m starving.”

“So am I!” Dana said.

“Hey, we were just getting ready to head out and get some breakfast before we saw you girls, why don’t you join us? Ethan is one hell of a cook,” Trey suggested.

“Sounds good,” Dana said without even consulting me, so I nodded yes.

“Great! Jump in,” Trey said and he closed the tailgate. Dana followed him to the driver’s side of the truck and I followed Ethan to the passenger side. Ethan got in and then slapped his hands on his thighs for me to sit on his lap. There wasn’t enough room for all four of us on the seat. I think this was one of the greatest moments of my life. Without hesitation, I climbed in and onto Ethan’s lap. I had to lean into him so my head wasn’t against the roof. I was proud of myself—I was being bad. I could feel his warmth as I had gotten rather chilly outside. I was sitting sideways, facing Dana. She looked at me, opened her eyes real wide and smiled, big. I smiled big, too.




The ride was short. We could’ve walked, but then I wouldn’t have gotten to sit on Ethan’s lap, so I was glad we drove. Plus, they would have to give us a ride back to camp when we got done eating.
I’ll have to sit on Ethan’s lap again, I can’t wait.

Ethan’s place was really nice, obviously not where the barbacks stayed. It was like a ground level studio apartment. It consisted of one big area with a kitchen, dining table, living room, and bedroom. It was neat and tidy, smelled nice, and had decent furniture, a big screen TV, and a huge king-size bed with what looked like a down comforter and very fluffy pillows.
could totally crawl into that right now!
I excused myself to the bathroom, and of course, Dana came along.

“Shit, Dana! We just met these guys and we jump in their truck and come to their house at two o’clock in the morning—what’s wrong with you?” She looked surprised.

“Me? You agreed to go on a date with one and you jumped on his lap so fast I thought maybe the ground was on fire!” We giggled nervously, knowing what we did was really stupid. But here we were, and I knew this Ethan could give me what I wanted, no, what I
and if he wanted to tell me how beautiful my eyes were while he was fulfilling me, then good for me!

“Gia, you’ve got to take advantage of this situation. Ethan is totally into you, he can’t keep his eyes off you! He has a body that most women don’t even bother fantasizing about because it’s so beyond their reach, but it’s right there for you—take it!”

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