Read Losing Control Online

Authors: Mila McClung

Tags: #mystery, #Suspense, #Contemporary Romance

Losing Control (6 page)

BOOK: Losing Control
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“Oh, I’m so unsure.”

“Then let him be sure enough for the
both of you! Go home, find him and give him the best night of his young life!”

“There’s another worry … I’m not much
of a lover, Steph. Richard told me that so many times…”

“Richard is exactly what his nickname
implies! A total dick! It’s up to the man to set the sexual tone of a
relationship. He only got as good as he gave!”

“You’re a great cheerleader. You
almost have me convinced.”

“So, what’s holding you back?”

“If Taury is everything they say he
is … who am I that he would want me? He could have any beautiful girl in the
world. Why did he pick me?”

“Go and ask him.”

Fawn thought a moment. Then she
finished her wine and nodded her decision.

“I will! Right now! Thanks for
everything, Steph! You’re the best!”

She hugged her and rushed towards the
door. Stephanie glanced at the laptop.

“Wait, Fawn! Oh my God! You have to
see this!”

Fawn returned to her side. Stephanie
pointed at a breaking news report on a local TV channel’s website. It read:
Millionaire Boy Wonder Taury Trahern In Car Wreck – Full Story At Ten.

“No! It can’t be true!” Fawn cried.
“He said he was flying to
San Francisco
! Are there any other reports?”

“Just a sec … ah, here!”
Stephanie pointed to another news
site. “Candy heir Taury Trahern was involved in a collision near the
airport tonight. No details, but
we’re keeping an eye on the story.”

“Oh, Stephanie, if he’s hurt…”

“Now, don’t go making assumptions. He
could be perfectly fine.”

“Or he could be … oh my God! What if
he’s dead? I couldn’t bear it, Steph! I just couldn’t!”

“Well, at least you know now how you
feel about him. I only hope it isn’t too late!”

Stephanie knew a pilot with his own
plane. She called him, loaded Fawn up and they made the trip to
. The whole time Fawn busied herself
by counting city lights and watching cars buzzing over the dark highways like
laser-eyed bugs – anything to keep from thinking the worst.

Once they reached
they had no clue where to look for
him. Stephanie found a number for his offices but all she got was a recording
saying the business was closed.

“How do we find him, Steph? Search
the hospitals? Oh, I’m so scared I think I’m going to collapse right here on
the street!”

“Calm down. Let’s head for the police
station near the airport. Someone there should be able to tell us something!”

They returned to the cab they’d
hired, sped off towards the police station.

Inside, the cops were of little help.

“Are you a relative?” one asked.

“No,” Fawn answered.

“I am!” Stephanie lied. “We need to
know where Taury Trahern is, immediately!”

“You got proof that you’re related?”
Another inquired.

Stephanie rolled her eyes. “Never
mind. Thanks for nothing.”

She stomped outside; Fawn followed
her like a lost sheep.

“What now?”

“I guess we go home and wait. That’s
what we should have done in the first place.”

Fawn sobbed softly. “I was such a
fool, Steph! Now I’ll never see him again!”

Stephanie put comforting arms about
her. “You don’t know that, Fawn. He’s okay. He’s probably fast sleep in some
hospital right now, and dreaming of you! Come on!”

They made it back to Stephanie’s
house very late. Fawn thanked her, and decided to head home by herself, despite
Stephanie’s urging that she spend the night.

“No, I feel like I should be close to
home now. I don’t know why, really, maybe because it’s close to where he was.”

“I still say he’s fine. We would have
heard about it if he’d died.”

“But the news sites are all busy with
that big warehouse fire out at Warner Brothers. They haven’t mentioned him once
since that started.”

“Well, call me and let me know you
got home safe. I’m a bit worried about you climbing behind the wheel of that
car in your state of mind.”

“I’ll take it slow, and I will call.
Thanks again, Steph. You’ve always been a good friend.”

“Hey, don’t get sentimental. I’ll
start crying, and that will ruin my tough girl image.”

“That’s all it ever was … an image.”

“Shh!” Stephanie put a long finger to
her lips. “THAT is a secret!”

Fawn smiled at her, hugged her tight
then slid into the MG and pointed it towards home.

The streets were quiet for the most
part but traffic on the PCH never seemed to stop. She eased the car across it
then made her way over the dark side road to her driveway. The cats were
waiting for her in the front window. It was way past their feeding and bed
times. After she called Stephanie she dutifully opened two cans of moist
seafood and set it in the guest bedroom floor then made sure they had fresh
water and dry food to nibble on plus a couple of clean litter boxes. Then she
petted them gently, bade them goodnight and closed them in.

Fawn wanted to cry but the tears were
all dried up. She was so tired; all she could think of was curling up in bed
and going to sleep forever.

She reached to close the curtains
over her bedroom window then froze as something caught her eye. There was a
light on in Taury’s house. Maybe he had left it on by mistake? No, he wasn’t
the type to do that.

She peered round his yard, realized
that the silver truck was there, parked in the shadows on the far side of the

Without another thought she ran
through the hallway and burst through the French doors, kicked off her heels
and wobbled down the pathway to the beach house.

He must have seen her come home. He
was waiting at the foot of the path, began to move towards her. She missed a
step, tumbled right down into his waiting arms.




No words passed between them – there
was no need. He carried her down to the beach house, bumped open the screen
door and carted her easily through the empty kitchen and across a darkened
living room. She could see nothing but him, was already sucking at him with
desperate, clinging kisses. Her hands clutched at his shoulders, sought to
entrap him safely within her grasp.

He laid her down on a soft bed,
amongst fluffy pillows and fresh-washed linens. His suit flew off of him, parts
of it landing all about them. Then he gently removed her sundress over her head
and she shimmied out of her panties. She could just make out the form of him
kneeling above her on the bed. She reached for him, drew him down, opening her
mouth to let in his delicious tongue. She fed on it, drank him up like the last
drops of water on a dusty trail. His hands moved over her hips then to her
breasts, cupping them, squeezing them tenderly. She felt the tightening
overwhelm her body, gave in to it gladly, hungry for the release.

But he wanted it to last, teased her
with nipping kisses. His mouth then moved down, captured her left breast while
his fingers slid between her thighs. She separated them, moved her own hand
over his, enjoying the rhythm they induced within her.

She was amazed at how swiftly she
came, and how deeply it moved her. She feared she had disappointed him but he
sighed as he realized what was happening, and raised his body over hers. His
firm flesh sank into hers, and divided it, causing her to squeal as her orgasms
grew to a crescendo of pleasure. She had never felt anything so glorious – that
was the only word she could think of to describe it.

Taury began to shake and moan; his
mouth found hers. They twisted together, she could sense he was about to go,
began to swivel her hips, encouraging him on with kneading fingers and a
darting tongue.

He stopped moving; she looked into
his shaded eyes, knew what was wrong. She nodded, telling him silently that he
could release everything within her. She wasn’t afraid of pregnancy – how could
she be when she tried for three long, insufferable years to have a baby with no
luck at all?

Taury rose up, scooted down to the
bottom of the bed, and began to kiss her between her thighs. She wasn’t
expecting that, had never experienced it with anyone before. He kissed and
licked and penetrated her deepest layers with his wonderful, inciting tongue.
Fawn had thought she was finished but now it all swelled within her again. She
bit her lip to keep from screaming. The room, so dark she could barely see it,
started dancing around her. Her breath came so short she feared another panic
attack was setting in. But suddenly he brought her to a climax. She was reeling
and twisting, giving over to her deepest wells of passion, until it seemed like
the ceiling burst open and a torrent of dizzying colors showered them both.

Fawn yelled, she wasn’t sure what she
said. But Taury jumped up, put himself back in her and rocked them in a frenzy
of sweat and heat until he growled in excruciating pleasure. He was pumping her
full, and she felt every last twitch, savoring it, clasping him tight between
her thighs so he couldn’t get away.

He slumped over her, exhausted, his
hot, sweet breath brushing her cheeks.

“I was afraid I’d lost you forever,”
Fawn whispered into the dark air. “They said you’d been in a crash.”

“I was, but nobody got hurt.” He
moved to lie next to her, stroked the hair out of her face. “I did see my life
pass before my eyes, though. All I could think of was you. I kept saying I had
to live, that I couldn’t die and never know what it was like to love you.”

“So, what’s it like?”

He slid his arms around her. “The
best! You’ve got some wild moves, lady!”

Fawn laughed. “No one’s ever called
me lady before. And no one ever liked my moves, either. I guess it sounds
cliché, but this truly feels like the first time I have ever made love. I don’t
know what it was with my ex, but it wasn’t love at all.”

“Then we were both virgins.”

She was shocked. “You weren’t a
virgin. You couldn’t have been.”

“I was. I swear. You see, I promised
myself I wouldn’t be with anyone unless I wanted them forever. You’re the only
one who ever made me feel that way.”

He kissed her cheek then swathed her
in his arms and rested his chin on her shoulder. In minutes he was asleep, his
soft breath calming her with its rhythm. Fawn closed her eyes, let go of the

The sunrise found her awake, and
peaceful. She had risen to search for the bathroom, and returned to lie next to
him. He was still sleeping; Fawn watched him breathe, enjoying the sweetness of
his sighs. Everything about him was sweet – his breath, his kisses, his
affection. He was a Candyman.

Her eyes followed the shape of him
from the unkempt blond hair, over his beautiful face, down his golden-haired
chest and beyond to his thighs and legs. She noticed he was hard, probably
wrapped up in the delights of a sexual dream. She had an unrestrained urge to
put her mouth on him, but worried it might alarm him in his sleep.

“You can touch me,” he whispered.
“I’m awake.”

She jumped; he laughed, gave her a
warm, welcoming kiss. Then he gently pointed her towards his lap and offered up
his morning hard-on for her enjoyment. She’d never done that either.

She looked at him; he nodded, urging
her on. She took it between her hands, examined it playfully, smiled as he laid
his head back and groaned excitedly. Fawn gingerly put her lips to it, kissed
it, then cupped her mouth over the tip and rolled her tongue around it, careful
not to tug too hard on the skin.

“You can get rough, it won’t hurt

She began to move her mouth up and
down on him, found herself becoming hot at the taste of it. He could see she
was squirming; he scooted her hips around, positioned them over his face and
drank at her until she screeched. He came at the same moment, thrusting himself
deeper into her mouth, shooting the surprisingly sweet juice up into her
throat. She feared she’d choke but couldn’t stop until she was certain he was

Afterwards she let him bring her back
up a half dozen times, each movement more exhilarating than the last. Finally
she could give no more, dropped down beside him, her heart pounding so loud it
clouded her hearing. She saw his lips move.

BOOK: Losing Control
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