Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) (36 page)

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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She smiled at him
. Gabriel’s heart constricted. Yesterday he thought he might never see her smile again. Today she gifted him with a weak smile, but a smile nonetheless. His fingers brushed strands of her silky golden hair from her face. “What is it, Zenny? Do you need something?”

“Madingly said he had
two men here at Menadue. He told me if I didn’t cooperate, he would have Wenna and Grandfather killed. I thought you should know what he said. That he has men here.”

Her voice was hoarse
. Gabriel covered Senny’s hand with his. “Don’t concern yourself about this, Zenny. You will remain safe, and so will Wenna and your Grandfather. It’s good you told me. I will send a message to Trevan immediately by one of the servants. He will look into it immediately, of that I am certain.”

Senny nodded

“How are you feeling, love?”

“Weak and useless.” Senny frowned. “My arm is quite stiff and sore.” She winced slightly as she tried to move it. “I’m sure you have something you need to be doing. There is no need for you to sit here and watch me sleep. It seems to be all I can do.” She yawned.

here’s nowhere else I would rather be than by your side. You’ll regain your strength. Give it time, Zenny. The wound in your arm was infected, and you have an inflammation of the lungs, no doubt from being out in the rain so long. You will recover.”

She nodded.
“I hope it is soon, Gabriel.”

“So do I.” He smiled at her
. “For when you are recovered we shall marry. Do you remember me asking you?”

Senny smiled
. “I do. We will marry.”

Gabriel brushed his lips against
hers. “Yes, we will.”

Senny yawned

“Sleep, y
ou need your rest. Sleep will help you heal.” Gabriel entwined his fingers with hers. He smoothed her hair back and kissed her forehead.

minutes, Senny slept again.

When Elowen returned
hours later, Gabriel left his lady’s room to go down to the library. The translation of the scrolls had begun hours ago.


The library was a hive of conversation and activity when Gabriel arrived. The Duke’s library was high ceilinged and massive in length and width. Truly, it was nearly as large as Micah’s library at Horethorne Hall. Where Micah’s library at Horethorne Hall was decorated for comfort, Menadue’s library was more of an opulent setting. Trevan’s grandfather had selected the original decorations for the room decades before.

If Gabriel
remembered correctly, the Duke had set out to prove that a Cornish nobleman’s home could rival any English nobleman’s home. The transformation undergone at Menadue at that time had done just that. It was one of the finest Great Houses in Britain. The library was formal. The large, open room’s furnishings were rich and sumptuous in dark colors of predominantly forest green, burnished gold, deep red and dark blue in luxurious velvets, satins, silks and damask. Priceless artwork framed in gilt hung on the white plaster walls above the gleaming oak paneling. Thick Aubusson rugs in deep colors, complimenting the furnishings, were scattered about the gleaming, white marble floor.

Three massive,
ornate crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Sparkling crystal droplets hung from the gilded lamps, which adorned the large, cabriole-legged tables throughout the library. The large chairs, boasting intricately carved arms and legs, were upholstered in butter soft leather of rich and varying hues.

The other pieces of furniture placed throughout the room in groups for
reading comfort were upholstered in lush fabrics. Elegant rosewood and mahogany marble-topped tables were placed nearby.

The bookcases were
tall, finely carved and gleamed from frequent polishing.

The Avalon Society members present were split into groups

“Gabriel, how is Miss Senny?” Harry asked as he rose to greet him

Gabriel smiled
. “She is much better, thank you, Harry.”

“Wonderful news
, we are all very happy to hear she has improved. Now, do you prefer to sit in on the translating of one of the Greek scrolls, or one of the research tables?” Harry asked him.

“Since I am
familiar with the library here at Menadue, why don’t I help with research,” Gabriel posed.

“Excellent idea
. Take your pick. There is Newt’s group over there and Wyldhurst’s or Cleve’s tables across the room.”

came to join them.

“Oh, Harry,
Trevan, any luck with finding Madingly’s spies here at Menadue? I realize the Reverend could have been bluffing to frighten Zenny into complying when he told her he had two men here. He threatened to have her grandfather and Wenna killed by them if she did not go willingly.”

“Not as yet, cousin
. Diggory is diligently questioning the servants and outside help,” Trevan informed him. “If Madingly has men here, Diggory will find them.”

“Very good.” Gabriel nodded
as he looked to the three tables Harry had pointed out to him.

Newt wave
d him over.

“Gabriel, join us
. We could use the help. Currently we are looking for any references or mention in Cornish history of either Jesus’ or Joseph of Arimathea’s visit. The scroll Micah is working on mentions that Jesus spent a good deal of time in Cornwall as well as Glastonbury.”

Gabriel glanced at the spines of the books scattered along the table
. “Ah. These are good. There are a couple more we should have a look at. I’ll go find them.”

. We are researching until it’s time to clean up for dinner, then we will meet after dinner to go over our findings,” Jack informed him.

Gabriel nodded
. He quickly found the two books he had in mind. He sat down, looked through them and soon found the information he sought.


An hour later Trevan received four letters. One was his. Two he gave to Jack and the last went to Marrek.

read the one from Lord Stanbridge first. He grinned as he read it. Next, he read the one from his father. He rose and said, “Excuse me for a moment. I must find Tuesday.”

He left the library with a spring in his step
. He had received permission from Tuesday’s father to marry her. If anyone would have told him one month before that he would be elated to be marrying, he would have thought them mad.

ere he was, happier than he could ever remember being, running off from his society business to find Lady Tuesday Inwood. He felt as giddy as a lad.

He found her in the large parlor with some of the other ladies who were helping Lady Glaston to decipher the
Secretum Domini
, the book written by William Fotherby Dulac, Lady Glaston’s ancestor.

Lady Tuesday, may I speak with you?”

Tuesday gave him a brilliant smile and placed her hand
upon the arm he offered. Her golden hair gleamed. She wore another of Lady St. Erth’s gowns, a very well well-fitting blue silk that was very close to the color of her eyes. He led her into a small empty parlour. He closed the door.

Tuesday cocked her head
. “What is it, Jack?” she had to ask. He looked so serious.

“I received my response from your father, Tuesday
. He has given me permission to marry you.” He gave her a broad grin.

“You wrote
to my father? Why didn’t you tell me?” Tuesday asked him warily.

Jack looked at her in confusion
. “Tuesday when I arrived here the Duke confronted me at once for he had received a frantic letter from your mother. All here knew we spent the night together unchaperoned. I wrote and asked for your father’s permission to marry you. According to your father’s letter, he left London today and is on his way to Devon where he will collect your mother and sister. They will then travel here for our wedding. They plan to be here Monday. We can marry on Tuesday, Tuesday.”

Tuesday d
id not seem happy. She looked angry. Rather cross, if he were to be honest. Bewildered, Jack cocked his head as he watched her.

“Did you not think to tell me you wrote my family
? Did you and the Duke discuss my future without even consulting me?” Tuesday crossed her arms over her chest.

“Tuesday, your reputation was compro
mised. You and I both know it was ruined. These affairs are generally handled by the gentlemen. You said you would marry me, I thought…” Jack shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. He sighed heavily.

His voice softened,
“I should have told you, sweeting, please forgive me.” When her expression still did not change, he stepped toward her. “You do plan to marry me, don’t you?”

“I-I told you I do not want a husba
nd who will be unfaithful to me.”

“Tuesday, you told me you would marry me!” He pointed at her. “We have made love close to a dozen times and you could very well be carrying my heir.

Jack reached out and
let his large hand rest against the silken skin of her cheek. His tone was gentle but serious as he said, “I swore to you I will be faithful to you, Tuesday. ‘Tis why I’ve never married before now, because I knew upon taking the vows it would be forever. I never met a woman I felt I could give my heart and soul to for eternity, until you. Even four years ago I knew I had to wait until the time I could come to you and offer marriage and my complete devotion to you.”

Her expression softened
. She looked into his amber eyes. “Do you mean that Jack?” Her eyes narrowed. Oh, he looked sincere. However, he was known to be a silver-tongued devil. At least the London gossips said he was.

He stepped closer to her.
His hands encircled her slim waist. “I do mean every word, sweeting.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “You have enchanted and bewitched me, Tuesday. You have captured my heart and soul. I want no other, and I assure you, I never will. I only want you. Please tell me you believe me. I have never before poured out my heart to a woman. Not once. You are different from all the others Tuesday. You are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.” He raised her palm to his lips and gave it a lingering kiss.

Tuesday looked into his eyes
. He hadn’t said he loved her, but it was the second time he had admitted that she had an unusual effect on him. Perhaps what they had could turn into love. She remembered her dream and Charlie telling her she could now trust Jack. She thought at that moment she felt a hand on her shoulder, but she couldn’t have, for Jack’s hands were on her waist and there was no one else in the room. Realizing it was sincerity she saw in his golden eyes, she smiled.

“Tell me again how you feel about me, Jack.” She gave him a sultry smile.

He grinned. “I adore you, Tuesday.” He kissed her temple.

“And?” Tuesday raised a brow at him.

“You have my heart and soul.” He placed a kiss to the corner of her mouth and grinned at her.

“I believe you said something else

“You have enchanted me.” He stepped closer and pulled her against him
. He kissed her lips softly and tenderly.

“I believe there was something else…” Tuesday ran her palms up his chest to his shoulders.

“Ah, you have bewitched me.” He took hold of her chin with his fingers and tilted her face upward. He slanted his lips over hers. He encouraged her to open wider to him as his kiss turned demanding and possessive. Tuesday responded eagerly to his kiss. He kissed her until they were both breathless.

“I want you to be my wife, Tuesday
. No other would do. I want only you. I’ve wanted you for four years, sweeting, and I daresay I’ll want you for the rest of my life.” Jack nibbled on her ear and then continued, “So sweeting, say you will marry me.” He pulled back and gazed into her eyes.

“I will, Jack, but only if you look at me as your equal and promise not to make decisions without consulting me.
You may never handle my affairs again without my knowledge. You may not order me about either.”

Jack’s eyes narrowed for a moment, “When it comes to your safety, Tuesday, you will listen to me and do as I say. You must promise me that
, at least.”

Tuesday was quiet a moment. “I promise I will argue with you befor
e I choose to not do as you say,” Tuesday compromised.

Jack laughed.
Yes, that was his Trouble. “I’ll just have to make certain I win all arguments between us.” He dipped his head and nibbled upon the tender skin of her neck before he said, “You have not told me how you feel about me, Trouble. I want to hear it from those beautiful lips that tempt me so.”

Tuesday grinned, “I adore you, Jack.”

“And?” His hands skimmed up her sides to cover her breasts.

“And, I’ve never felt anything as wonderful or as powerful as I have when I’m with you.”

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