Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) (14 page)

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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Trevan stopped
and thought a moment. He frowned. “Harry’s and Lyons families are at Eveleigh Park. I feel I should send some men there. Harry and Micah have none to spare at Horethorne Hall.”

“I will go.” Tristan spoke up.

Trevan looked to him warily then nodded slowly. Tristan seemed serious enough about taking responsibility since he had taken an interest in Harry’s sister, the young and lovely Lady Caroline. Trevan would allow him to prove it further. “Very well, Tristan. Take Julyan and some of your cousins. Ten or so.”

Tristan nodded and brandished a large grin


As more family arrived from locations throughout Cornwall, Menadue grew louder and more boisterous. Since Gabriel was still ensconced in the library, Senny found the small parlour empty. She was sitting in the window seat reading when a young woman appeared in the doorway. She had thick, black, wavy hair, and her eyes were even a paler blue than Gabriel’s. She was about as tall as Senny was, and slender as well.

“Oh, I’m so sorry
. I see you’ve found my secret place I hide in when I want to get away. I’ll leave you to your privacy…”

“No, ple
ase stay. The room is not mine. I just needed a bit of quiet. I am Senny Penrose.”

“Ah, Wenna’s sister
. I am Trevan and Gabriel’s cousin, Elowen. Elowen Penaluna. My brother is St. Erth. I think we met many years ago when we were younger.”

“I think we did.
” Senny nodded and smiled as she remembered the time Elowen spoke of.

have heard Gabriel mention Lord St. Erth often, and I spoke with him a few times at Fairy Cross when he was visiting.”

“You live in St. Mabyn, correct?”

“Yes.” Senny nodded. The young woman seemed very nice and kind.

“I live at Penhallow, near Draynes Wood.”

“Near the falls?” Senny asked.

Elowen nodded then asked, “Was it you or your sister who had the vision that saved Menadue last evening?”

Senny stiffened. She became nervous. She lowered her gaze. “I-it was m-me.”

I did not mean anything by my remark.” Elowen rushed to the window seat and sat down beside her.

What you said is fine. I am not always comfortable with my gift,” Senny admitted.

said, “You should be proud of your gifts, Senny. They are a blessing. You saved lives with yours last night. I have learned to be proud of mine and you must too. It is difficult sometimes, but I have learned not to care when people speak ill of me. It is only because they are ignorant and don’t really know me or understand what it is that I do.”

“People in St. Maby
n say I am away with the
. They call me Simple Senny,” Senny offered with a half smile.

“People call me a Witch, and I suppose I am
. I’m a Pellar and a healer. Let them call me a Witch if they like. I think the ones who call me that do so because they don’t understand what a healer does and therefore fear me. I’m certain the people in St. Mabyn call you names for the same reason. They don’t understand your gift.” Elowen smiled at Senny. “Can you explain your gifts to me, Senny? Then I will tell you about mine.”

Senny nodded and began to tell Elowen of her gifts
. At first, she was unsure, but after Elowen asked many questions and encouraged her at almost every turn, Senny felt more confident. Elowen explained her abilities to Senny afterward.


In search of Senny to tell her he must leave Menadue in a little over an hour, Gabriel overheard her speaking to Elowen as he approached the small parlour. He remained just outside the doorway listening as he heard Senny explain her gifts to his cousin. She did not seem nervous at all, as she spoke about her abilities. A slow smile spread across his face. His cousin, Elowen, was the perfect person for Senny to speak with. Why had he not thought of that himself?

“Here, Senny,” Elowen removed a thin, blue silk ribbon from around her neck
. A small, shiny, dark-colored, pointed stone dangled from the end of the ribbon. This is a piece of black quartz, Senny. It will help you filter out the negative energy that comes to you. You will not be overwhelmed by so much of the energy coming from others around you when you wear it.” Elowen draped the ribbon around Senny’s head.

Elowen continued, “T
he cord is long enough so you can tuck the stone in your bosom if you don’t want anyone to see it.” Elowen watched as Senny took the stone in her fingers and looked at it.

“It’s beautiful
. But I cannot take your special jewelry.” Senny shook her head.

“I insist
. I have another similar stone at home. I can make myself another one. I have plenty of amulets to wear while I’m here.” Elowen laughed as she pulled the other cords from her bodice. She wore three more stones upon them.

“They are beautiful
. What is the flashing blue one called?” Senny asked.

Elowen held it up so that
Senny might see it better. “It is a Moonstone. My brother brought it back from India for me years ago. He is there now. I shall write him and ask him to procure one for you.”

Senny smiled
. “It is lovely.”

“Moonstone shall be perfect for you
. It helps you understand your gifts. You will connect with your abilities easier if you wear it.”

enny?” Gabriel said as he entered. He was eager to talk to her. He wanted to spend a little time alone with his lady before he left Menadue for Templecombe.

Ah, hello cousin!”

“St. Mabyn!” Elowen rose and hugged her cousin.

“You look well, cousin.” Gabriel smiled at her.

Elowen watched her cousin’s gaze rest
upon the smiling Senny. “As do you. It was wonderful to meet you, Senny. I must find Aunt Morva. I look forward to talking with you again soon. You as well, cousin,” Elowen turned and left them alone.

As she
exited the parlour, Elowen nearly collided with the green-eyed gentleman she had briefly been introduced to less than an hour before, upon her arrival to Menadue. She had never seen eyes of such a vibrant, emerald color before.

“My apologies, Lady Elowen.”

“It was my fault, sir, I was not paying attention,” Elowen said as she started to move around him.

He stepped to the side and motioned for her to continue on her way.

“Thank you, Lord…” she struggled to remember the handsome man’s title.

“Lord Alloway
, at your service, Lady Elowen.”

“Thank you, Lord Alloway,” she gave him a quick curtsy and
continued toward the drawing room.

Newton, “Newt” Lambrick, Lord Alloway, watched her walk away with an amused smile upon his face.


“What do you think of cousin Elowen?”

“I like her. She is very nice,” Senny said with a pleased smile.

Gabriel came to sit be
side her on the window seat. “Zenny, I must go to Horethorne Hall, in Templecombe, to help Micah, Harry and the others. We heard from Jonas’ kin in Bodmin that the Brown Coats are on their way to Micah’s home, Horethorne Hall. Our friends are sorely outnumbered there. I get the feeling I need to be there, so I offered to go.” He saw a brief flicker of alarm mar her features. It was immediately replaced by a calm expression.

“Of course you must go, Gabriel
. I will miss you.” She smiled sweetly at him.

Gabriel knew he shouldn’t, but he moved closer
. He didn’t want to leave her, but his instincts told him he needed to go to Templecombe. She would be fine. She had her sister and grandfather, and now Elowen. Aunt Morva would keep an eye on her also. Tremayne and Trevan would be here.

“I will miss you as well, Z
enny.” He allowed his lips to feather over hers. Once. Twice. Then he kissed her fully.

Her passionate response to his kiss surprised him
. It also delighted him. He gathered her into his embrace. The book she held fell to the floor with a thud as he pulled her tighter against him.

Passion flamed between them
quickly. As Gabriel lost himself in their kiss, he slid through the veil and once again, he connected with her. He could feel her excitement. He heard her heart beating. He felt the passion growing between them inflame her. He felt her ache to know more, felt the need she yearned to fulfill. Her sweetness, her caring and her love were a balm to his soul.

It was a heady mixture, her innocence and
sweet emotion, combined with the heat of her passion and need. His lips moved to her cheek, her jaw, her ear lobe, then down her neck to the place where her neck and collarbone met. He nipped at the tender flesh lightly. He felt her shiver in his arms.

He had to taste her again.
He had to
her. His connection with Senny while they were passionate was the most incredible experience he had ever experienced. He didn’t want to leave her.

You have to go, Gabriel. You are needed,” Senny whispered as she pulled away and looked into his crystalline eyes.

He would have to remember when they were connected she knew what he was feeling and
apparently what he was thinking. As he tried to catch his breath, for he remained affected by the intense power of their connection, he nodded.

“I know I must
go, but I don’t want to leave you, Zenny.”

He didn’t want to leave her
. “You don’t want to leave
?” she asked in amazement.

Gabriel chuckled

he could feel the rumble in his chest beneath her hand.

“No, love, I don’t want to leave you.
” He placed both his hands on the sides of her face and slanted his mouth over hers kissing her deeply again, but not long enough for him to connect with her. He pulled away, “I must go. I can’t explain it, but I feel I must.”

She nodded. “How long will you be gone?
” she asked.

“A week or two.
I will return home as soon as I can.”

She smiled up at him
. “That’s not so long. You said we are safe at Menadue now.”

For the moment, it seems safe. Still, there is no leaving the house unless Trevan gives you permission!” He shook a warning finger at her. He knew how Zenny loved her walks outdoors.

“I will abide by the rules,
” Senny assured him with a soft sigh.

“You had better
. One more kiss, my sweet Zenny. We may not have another chance to be private again before I leave.”

Senny turned her face upward and readily accepted his kiss

Their kiss was
long, slow, and passionate. It left them both wanting more when it ended. Gabriel led her from the room. He had things to see to before his departure. He wanted her to join him. He would spend as much time with his lady as he could before he left Menadue.


Later, Gabriel found his aunt in the kitchen supervising the packing of their supplies.

“There you are
my favorite nephew!” Morva smiled at him.

“I’m quite certain you say that to all fift
een of your nephews, Aunt Morva,” Gabriel teased as he kissed her cheek.

“I might say it to all of them, but I don’t always mean it
. You
my favorite nephew, Gabriel.”

“I’ve always thought Marrek was your favorite?”
Gabriel grinned mischievously at her. “Aunt Morva, will you look after Zenny for me while I’m gone.”

Marrek is my second favorite nephew.” She turned and looked at Gabriel, “Of course, I will look after Senny. You don’t have to ask. She is my dearest friend’s daughter.”

“Thank you
. I will not worry so, knowing you will make certain she does not get overwhelmed.”

“I looked in on her last evening and found you in her bed
. Would you care to explain that particular to me, my favorite nephew?” Morva looked to him with a sweet smile. Yet, her question was a pointed one and her unwavering gaze implied she wanted an answer.

“She was overwhelmed,”
Gabriel started to speak. His
Aunt interrupted him.

“You will
listen to me, Gabriel Chynoweth. Neither your mother nor Senny’s are here to talk to either of you. Surely, you are aware she is in love with you. Senny would never admit it to anyone. She loves you. I can see it. I know it. I’ll not have her hurt.”

“I – I’ve never thought about it
. I know she cares for me as I do her.”

Morva poked him in the arm with her finger.
“I think you’re in love with her. Are you frightened of love, Gabriel?”

“I – I
, well, no.” He blinked. “I’m not afraid. I just want to make certain I
in love with her, for I do not wish to hurt Zenny’s feelings. I would never hurt her, ever. I could not forgive myself.”

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