Lord Love a Duke (30 page)

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Authors: Renee Reynolds

Tags: #comedy, #historical fiction, #romantic comedy, #england, #historical romance, #london, #regency, #peerage, #english romance

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“They probably think themselves private now,
Lady Miranda,” observed Stafford. “And I heard it said all ladies
positively swoon over the mere whispering of love, let alone the
sight of a blossoming romance,” he teased.

Miranda wrinkled her brow and gave an
unladylike scoff. “That may be, my lord, but I pray Cupid keeps his
mischief and misery far from me. I shall marry one day when I must,
but that time is in no way close to the present. The best part of
this wretched house party, the sole purpose of which was to attach
me to some gentleman, is that the ringleader himself has instead
been hoisted by his own petard. So delicious,” she remarked with
malicious glee.

Stafford looked at Lady Miranda with no
small amount of wonder stamped across his face. “Again you surprise
me, my lady. 'Tis no wonder you were such dear friends with Lady
Juliet given that we all heard her declaration never to marry.
Another bit of delicious irony to add to this party, that.”

Do not for one instant
think I will not remind them of those very same indictments at any
such time I see fit. All events that have taken place thus far have
been much more entertaining than anything I have ever witnessed at
the theatre. I plan to continue to amuse myself, at their expense,
of course.”

The Marquis laughed but had a warning. “Just
make sure you do not drag so much notice to yourself that you
refocus your brother's attentions on your unmarried state if you
wish to remain so. As he is now blissfully approaching the parson's
mousetrap he may redouble his efforts and ignore your pleas in
attempt to allow you to find the same contentment he currently

Miranda's head snapped up as her gaze flew
to his, her eyes widening in some horror at his words. “Blast!” She
swung her gaze away, blinking several times in contemplation as she
scanned the room. “Your warning is duly noted and appreciated, my
lord. I must think on how to tread that fine line. Bugger him if he
thinks to stir up suitors on my behalf again,” she growled. She
stopped to give Stafford a quick curtsey. “Please excuse me. I must
think on this,” she remarked as she moved across the room on quick

The Marquis of Stafford
chuckled to himself as he turned and moved to look back out the
French windows at the couple on the terrace. Juliet rested a hand
on his knee while Jonas continued to play with her escaped
They really do seem in love
he thought as another small shudder passed through him.

Chapter Forty-Five
I'll make my heaven in a lady's lap.
William Shakespeare, Henry VI Part III, Act
3, Scene 2

A little more than a mere sennight ago,
Juliet could honestly say she never thought she would be betrothed,
with her Jonas' head lying in her lap as he slept. She looked down
at the Duke's – Jonas' – face in repose, noting that his
countenance was so serene and even boyish in slumber. Her mouth
quirked in a half smile and she lifted her gaze to an unseen point
on the distant horizon as she continued to contemplate their
current situation. The Duke – Jonas, she mentally corrected herself
again – was determined they would marry and rub along quite well
together. There was no doubt she was qualified to be a duchess, if
one considered breeding, upbringing, and training, all of which she
had in abundance. Yet all she had ever truly aspired to be was
loved, and to love someone in return, unreservedly and
wholeheartedly, as she had seen modeled by her parents.

Jonas seemed content to be with her, seeking
her out often during the day. She was also now seated on his right
at all meals, and she found this small deference pleased her
enormously. He often voiced his appreciation of her attributes and
sought out her opinion on myriad topics, and she could see the
interest and regard he felt for her in his eyes. The few times they
were alone, she found his gaze to be especially enigmatic, his
looks full of some emotion she could not as yet define. The mere
remembrance of those shared looks caused her stomach to clench and
her heart to speed up and she wondered at her reactions.

The ride and picnic Jonas had requested she
accompany him on had been postponed by only two days. Juliet
speedily felt sufficiently recovered from her fall from her horse,
having suffered no injury other than a few bruises and a cut to her
head. They had departed together earlier this morning, riding over
the estate lands that were as familiar to Juliet as her own home
grounds. They spent the better part of two hours looking at the
Channel from the cliffs, visiting the ponds and streams, riding
over hills and through trees, and just traveling the borders of the
extensive property. By the time they were ready to eat, Jonas found
a shaded hill that gave them a pretty view of the lands that would
soon be hers. After their meal and talking nearly nonstop, Jonas
determined he would rest before they returned to the house. So
saying, he stretched out, dropped his head in her lap, and soon was

Still lost in her daydreams, Juliet absently
began running her fingers through the Duke's raven hair, her nails
dragging delicately on his scalp. His eyes flew open at her first
touch but her gaze was still unfocused on some far off point, her
thoughts somewhere removed from their picnic. Not wanting her touch
to end, he savored the feel of her hands in his hair, her gentle
ministrations both relaxing and sensual. He was looking at her
pensive face with a half-lidded gaze when she abruptly lowered her
eyes to his face. Knowing she still believed him asleep, he closed
his lids fully to maintain the illusion of slumber. Her hands moved
from his hair to his brow and it took all his control to mentally
school himself to keep his breathing steady and regular.

Juliet had never touched a man's face
before, not even that of her father or brothers, so she gave in to
the desire to take her index finger and trace the strong brow of
the Duke. Jonas! her mind screamed. She moved her finger down the
straight slope of his nose then dropped it into the slight dip
above his upper lip. She stopped her exploration briefly, afraid of
waking him, but eventually gave in to temptation and resumed her
caress, feathering a touch across his lips. She was surprised at
their softness and abruptly withdrew her consideration when his
mouth twitched. She quietly stared at his face, afraid she had
awakened him, but he continued to slumber. She moved her hand to
drag her fingers gently along his straight jawline, reveling at the
slight stubble and continuing on to his ear. She moved to touch the
knot and folds of the cravat at his neck next, her focus
immediately drawn to the memory of stitching these cloths together
not too many nights past. She briefly wondered how his valet
conceived the intricate knot, then laughed lightly at the absurdity
of her sentiments.
Yes, Juliet, his fashion is much more
interesting than the matrimonial preparations you are both now
, she thought.

Jonas dared a small peek through his lashes
and was pleased that Juliet's previous scowl had been replaced with
a more pleasant look of soft contemplation. He wondered what views
passed through her mind as her hands investigated. His fingers
fairly itched to return the favor but he knew not to push too
quickly. He had discarded his coat in deference to the heat so he
felt her hand move to trace the cut of his waistcoat next, her
fingers moving slowly across the embroidered pattern until her palm
came to lie flat and still over his heart. At his involuntary
intake of breath he felt her stiffen and his lids flew open to meet
her wide-eyed stare. He read the surprise and embarrassment in her
eyes at being caught. She yanked her hand away but he quickly moved
to intercept it and returned it back to his chest.

“You may touch me, Juliet,” he murmured.

She flushed a becoming shade of pink as her
gaze darted away. “I'm so-sorry,” she stammered. “You were asleep
and I did not mean to awaken you.” He brought his other hand up to
cup her face, drawing her eyes back to his.

“I have been awake since your first touch,”
he confessed, and she struggled to slip her hand from his. “No.
Don't move away,” he instructed. “I cannot remember anything as
pleasant as your gentle contact. I meant no subterfuge by feigning
sleep. Had you known me to be awake I feared you would cease your
exploration. I did not want it to end.” He tenderly moved his thumb
across her cheek as her blush deepened at his admission. He sat up
and faced her, his hip pressing scandalously into her leg. He
leaned in and brushed a light kiss across her lips. Encouraged when
she failed to pull back he moved closer, bracing his arm on the
other side of her outstretched legs for support. He kissed her
again, more deeply, before stopping to lean his forehead against
hers. “I have enjoyed our day immensely, Juliet,” his warm breath
fanning across her moistened lips.

She heard the husky tone of his voice and
swallowed nervously, but in anticipation and not fright. She was
growing accustomed to his attention, his touch, his kisses. More
than accustomed, she was growing to anticipate and crave his
ministrations. Her mouth curved slightly as she acknowledged the
profound truth that she was not just tolerant but now desirous of
everything she was sharing with Jonas.

“I have enjoyed our day as well,” she
replied softly. She moved her hand and placed it over his that
rested on their blanket. He turned his until their hands rested
palm to palm and he intertwined his fingers with hers.

“Should I ask you again, sweetest Juliet?
Should I speak of marriage yet?” Jonas raised his head to look into
her eyes as he felt her fingers tighten with his. Her gaze was wide
and her once-flushed cheeks were decidedly paler. “No, I think that
is a subject for another picnic. Let us continue to enjoy our time
thus until we must needs return to the house.”

He dropped his head once again and claimed
her lips in a searing kiss, robbing Juliet of what little breath
she had stored after his mention of matrimony. He misunderstood her
reaction; she no longer felt dread but hope at the thought of his
proposal. He broke their contact but before she could draw air he
began to place kisses along her jaw, his mouth hot on her
sensitized skin. She shivered again, wanting something but she knew
not what. Her mouth was parted on a sigh and he swooped in to take
advantage, slowly teasing his tongue between her lips,
investigating that warm recess thoroughly. He nearly jerked bodily
when he felt the tentative brush of her tongue against his at the
same moment he felt her unlace her fingers from his so that her
arms could climb around his neck. She threaded her fingers through
his hair, making a quiet mewl of satisfaction as she explored. His
mind cheered in victory as his heart hammered in his chest. Not
wanting to rush too far or too fast, he slowed their kiss,
withdrawing to brush light pecks across her lips again.

“I think it is time to repack our saddlebag
and make for the house,” he whispered against her lips before
kissing her warmly again. Juliet's brow furrowed in confusion and
he moved to prevent her question by kissing her deeply once more.
“And no, not because I do not enjoy kissing you, sweetheart, but
because I enjoy it highly too much,” he explained before breaking
their contact and moving to gather up their meal items.

Juliet blinked several
times as she processed what had just happened – the happening in
which she had fully participated. She touched her lips, finding
them slightly swollen and tingling from their contact. She smiled
to herself before moving to help fold the blanket.
enjoy it highly too much as well
, she

Chapter Forty-Six
Is this the generation of love? Hot blood,
hot thoughts and hot deeds? Why, they are vipers. Is love a
generation of vipers?
William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida,
Act 3, Scene 1

Lady Ashford sat conspiratorially close to
Miranda the next morning at breakfast. Heads close together and
eyes pensive, they would have made a suspicious sight to Jonas and
Juliet had the couple taken any notice. As it was, Juliet deeply
concentrated on slathering her toast with jam while the Duke
pretended to read his paper, though in actuality he studied the
profile of his betrothed.

“We shall shop today, I think,” declared
Aunt Catherine. “Juliet's constitution may not tolerate the walking
needed for berry picking as of yet, but she cannot complain of a
carriage ride to Pevensey. High Street is quite lovely and should
hold the company's attention as well as occupy the mothers on their
trousseau hunt. How shall we assign the passengers to the

Miranda mentally grouped the house guests
into traveling groups. Miss Shaw and Lady Phillipa would pair
nicely with the Earl of Dartmouth and Viscount Torrington. Lady
Gertrude and Lady Temperance would partner the Earl of Bristol,
Juliet's brother, Mr. Shaw, and Mr. Burke, now subdued, compliant,
and much more tolerable after being abandoned by the flight of his
friend, Viscount Melville. This grouping would also allow Juliet's
brother to ascertain whether Mr. Burke knew more than he had
acknowledged about Melville's disappearance. Miranda resolved to
accompany Juliet's and Jonas' mothers, including Lady Margaret with
them. None of the other chaperones nor Miss Elinor Gates had shown
an interest when this trip was mentioned previously, so this left
the remaining guests, Hertford, Aylesford, and Stafford – all
members of the LOO – in their own carriage. Miranda made her
pairings known to the Countess.

“Perfect, my dear. Jonas and Juliet may take
their own carriage, with me as their chaperone. Of course I will
cry off or become confused or some other such nonsense and slip
into the carriage with the lords. That will be a treat for me as
well as securing a private passage for our new couple.” Lady
Ashford grabbed Miranda's hand that was resting on the table,
upsetting a plate and fork and sloshing her tea. “This is too
perfect!” she hooted before realizing she had spoken much louder
than she had meant. As she had everyone's attention, she proceeded
to make the announcement for the plans for the day.

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