Lord Love a Duke (23 page)

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Authors: Renee Reynolds

Tags: #comedy, #historical fiction, #romantic comedy, #england, #historical romance, #london, #regency, #peerage, #english romance

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I can put a name to your
feelings, having fallen under the same affliction, but I will leave
it for you to sort out yourself. However, I think an announcement
The Times
should be sent and
invitations issued posthaste. I see no reason to postpone. In fact,
you could publicly pursue the angle that this was your intent all
along – to propose to Juliet and marry her at your estate at the
conclusion of the house party. Fully betrothed in public, you are
free to woo her in private, but mind you, be proper about

“Those were my thoughts, exactly,” agreed
Jonas, “and I will of course respect your daughter at all times.
And although I will need to procure a special license, I still
think to have the banns read this Sunday would be a nice way of
announcing our intentions to the locals.”

Her father's eyes lit up at this and he
leaned forward in his seat. “That is a splendid idea! Juliet will
love that special touch. Let us send Marcus after the license. He
has mentioned the need to ride to London for some such military
thing, so he could easily dispatch his errand and yours.” Lansdowne
broke to take a breath. “Plus, I think he is more amenable to your
marriage than Bristol at this moment. The shock to his lazy system
will no doubt serve him well, however. Mayhap your wedding will
inspire like ideas in him.”

Jonas scoffed aloud at
this suggestion. “More likely harden his resolve
to wed any time soon. He and Aylesford are almost
demonic in their goal to avoid matrimony until the last possible

“Those two will not grow up until maturity
is forced upon them. Hopefully, it will not be a poor fit when it
occurs.” The Marquis stood up and Jonas rose to join him, moving
from around the desk as they walked toward the study door. His
future father-in-law stopped, abruptly turning to face the Duke.
“In all sincerity, Jonas, let me say I could choose no finer man
for my Juliet. You will be good for each other and together. I am
proud to soon be calling you 'son.'” The two men clasped hands
briefly before Lansdowne enveloped Jonas in a fatherly hug. They
broke apart and again made for the door. “Now for the true
entertainment: telling your guests that they came for a party and
will now be attending a wedding!”

Chapter Thirty-Six
A friend should bear his friend's
William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 4,
Scene 3

Jonas dispatched Hastings to find Juliet's
brother, Major Lord Marcus Quinn, asking him to come to the study.
As he waited, he stood at the windows looking over the lawn without
seeing anything, so deep in thought was he. The deadline of one
week yawned before him as he began to sketch mental plans of just
how and where he would woo the fair Juliet. He was encouraged by
the Marquis's suggestion that Juliet was not as unwilling to marry
as she professed, and Juliet's own words earlier this morning gave
him hope as well. She agreed to a courtship, and she felt
comfortable enough to jest with him again. He blew out a relieved
breath and turned from the window at the light tap at the study
door. It opened, revealing the Major.

“I am glad to see you smiling after your
meeting with my father. I trust all is well with the Quinn-Leighton
alliance?” Marcus questioned in his quiet baritone.

“Your father gave me a brief moment of worry
when his opening gambit was to question my motives and plans for
Juliet. I had forgotten how fiercely he scowls. For a moment I felt
a young lad again such as when the three of us were caught using
your father's prized apples for shot in our makeshift catapult to
the sea.”

Marcus laughed and crossed the room, his
hand outstretched toward the Duke. They shook, with the Major
prolonging their greeting while he spoke. “That was one of the more
inspired inventions of our youth, and my father was indeed upset at
the ruination of nearly a third of his crop that season. We have
many good memories to look back on with fondness; I look forward to
the new ones that will be created as we welcome you officially into
the family.” Marcus dropped Jonas' hand and took a seat near the
hearth. “I may be Juliet's brother and loath to think of her grown
enough to marry and start a family, but I am strong enough to admit
that I am glad in her choice of you, Jonas. I trust you implicitly
– always have. I know I can trust you to take care of my

Jonas took a seat opposite his friend,
settling into the chair before replying. “I thank you for your
trust and vow to be worthy of it. We may be starting out under a
cloud of speculation, but I felt not one moment of hesitation in
offering for her. In fact, I had the most peculiar feeling of peace
when all was settled this morning, as if something was found that I
had not known I was searching for.” Jonas flashed his friend a
half-smile and raised his brows sheepishly. “But I did not ask you
here to tell tales of your sister and me. Instead, I ask a favor.
Your father states you ride to London on business. Will you ride to
Doctor's Commons for the special license? Your father and I agree
that a wedding to close out this house party will help squelch the
innuendo surrounding the surprising discovery in my chambers this
morning, so we cannot wait three weeks for the banns to be called.
I cannot leave, and hope I can persuade you to do me this

“I was about to offer the same so you have
saved me the mention of it. I need to check in at Horse Guards, so
it will be no hardship. I should warn you that travel is most
uncomfortable to me at this time, so although I ride, I will most
likely be gone until the day before the ceremony. I shall return,
it will just take more time.”

“I have noticed you favor your left side,
arm and leg. Have you news to share?”

The major sighed deeply before responding.
“As I am sure all can guess, I was wounded. It was nearly a year
ago in Spain, at Salamanca. The specific circumstances surrounding
my injury are not mine to share at this time, but the abbreviated
story is I took several rounds to thigh and shoulder in the thick
of the skirmish in July. We suffered comparatively low casualties,
but it was a hard-won fight. The field surgeon wanted to take them
both. I found myself quite attached to them and refused his kind
offer of amputation. It has been a long and painful journey. I
fought fevers and other maladies off and on for months. By this
past February, the danger of infection had finally passed, but I am
not yet fully recovered. Some days are worse than others and I am
susceptible to the slightest malady. My body is at war with my
determination to remain whole. Time will tell.”

“I have read of Salamanca – we all have –
and know it was no small skirmish. It was a resounding defeat for
Old Boney. That your injury is a year old also tells me you
suffered more than words can convey. I will, of course, keep your
counsel, but please know I will help in any way I can, in your
convalescence or however I may be of service.”

Marcus flushed slightly but nodded his head
in acknowledgment. “Appreciated, Dorset. You can best aid me by
doing right by Juliet. My recovery is in my own hands,” he replied

“When shall you depart?” asked Jonas,
changing the subject that was discomfiting them both.

“Will and I will leave soon as I break my

The Duke tapped his fingers on the blotter
of his desk. “Of course you will not wish to miss the show that is
sure to accompany this upcoming meal. After Juliet made her views
on marriage quite clear not two days ago, I am sure our
announcement will be met with interesting reactions.”

A look of devilment came over the major's
face as he smiled wickedly. “Oh, to be sure I would not miss this
meal for anything. If nothing else, I anticipate my remembrances of
Juliet's responses to entertain me for at least half my journey to

Jonas stood, straightening his jacket and
tugging slightly at his cravat. “Well, gird up your loins, man! I
am to collect my betrothed from our mothers' clutches and escort
her in to the morning room. You'd best be off to select a seat with
the best view.”

Marcus rose and laughed as he followed the
Duke from the study. “Upon my word, Jonas, but you offer the best
entertainment at this party. You should consider having more just
such functions in the future,” he added, ducking the mocking jab
thrown at him by the Duke as they went their separate ways in the

Chapter Thirty-Seven
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
admit impediments.
William Shakespeare, Sonnet 116

Juliet, Miranda, their mothers, and Aunt
Catherine occupied the sitting room of the Quinn's guest chamber
sketching preliminary wedding plans; the former rolling their eyes
and making futile suggestions, the latter ignoring the younger
ladies and rapidly organizing the largest wedding event of the
Season, despite its hasty nature. Juliet had been allowed a
short-lived reprieve for her morning ablutions and to change her
gown, but she was summoned to immediately return upon their
completion. Sitting still in the room, their voices unheard, they
temporarily gave up the effort to make their opinions known and
turned to their own conversation.

“Jules, I can scarcely believe that not four
hours ago you were as you have always been – unattached and
independent. Now you are soon to be yoked to a man you have
studiously avoided and find as irritating as I.” She paused
dramatically. “It is delicious!”

“You are correct in that I have avoided your
brother as much as possible, but not for the reasons you suppose.
And I do not find him irritating in the same manner you do, as a
brother,” began Juliet quickly by way of explanation. “I have
avoided him because I feel so uncomfortable around him, so unsure
of myself and tongue-tied. For some reason I have felt flustered
and incapable of rational speech when he is around. You would do
well, my dearest friend, to abandon your efforts to laugh at me,
however. I should think you need to court my favor and refrain from
stoking my ire in any manner, else I shall do my very best, as your
brother's helpful and dutiful duchess, to refocus his attentions on
his marital ambitions for you.”

Miranda looked momentarily alarmed but
quickly recovered. “You have scarcely any idea how much you already
distract my brother, but no doubt you will learn soon. Give over,
Juliet. I know your feelings for Jonas have surely changed, at
least of late. I have seen you conversing with him on numerous
occasions, both in London and more recently here. In fact,” Miranda
added, with a calculating expression forming on her face, “you have
been quite in each other's pockets this past sennight.”

“We have been no such thing! I think we have
found a kinship in our dislike of scheming ladies and empty gossip
that always accompany a house party. I have found your brother to
have a sharp wit and wicked sense of humor, so it has been no
surprise that we have conversed.”

“Well, get used to it, dearest, because you
will be conversing – among other things – with that gentleman for
the rest of your days,” tossed Miranda with a shrewd smile.

Juliet cast her eyes down to her lap,
clasping her hands as she debated whether to confess the subterfuge
behind the betrothal to her brother. They had agreed to keep it
betwixt themselves but she felt the need to tell her friend else
her mind and mouth explode with the subterfuge. “Your brother and I
are engaged in word only, Miranda,” confessed Juliet in a rush of
words. “I tried and tried to convince him this betrothal was not
necessary, but he would not hear it. After much discussion, I
agreed to give him this next week as he wants to persuade me he is
not acting with nobility or misplaced loyalty by offering for

“You gave Jonas one week to woo you? To win
you over? Famous!”

“Well, in truth I gave myself a week to win
him over to my argument, that we need not marry.”

Miranda straightened in her seat and glanced
over at the mothers still deep in conversation. Juliet's aunt
caught her eye, raising a quizzical brow before rising to come and
sit with them. Miranda waited for the Countess to arrange her
skirts before voicing any reply. “Lady Ashford, there is news to
which you must be privy. The betrothal is a sham. Your niece has
consented to give my brother a week to woo her while she devilishly
determines to convince him marriage is not necessary. What say you
to that?”

“Miranda!” admonished Juliet with a nervous
glance toward her mother. She and the Duchess were deep in their
plans and paid no heed to the conversation heating up on the other
side of the room.

Aunt Catherine lay her hand on Juliet's arm.
“I knew some game was afoot when you smiled so widely at the
announcement. It took far too little time to sway you to matrimony,
for all that I think it a marvelous notion for you, my dear” she
added with another pat to Juliet's arm. “Providence has smiled on
you, my favorite niece. You can do no better than Jonas Leighton
for your husband. Think of what else is out there for you; think of
my not-so-dearly-departed Cecil before you decide to run from this
match. I know you abhor its inception, but think you the Duke so
self-sacrificing that he would enter into an alliance not to his
liking? He is in earnest, my dear. What is your true fear?”

Juliet swallowed nervously, hands fidgeting,
wishing desperately for tea to soothe her parched throat and a
speedy end to this inquisition. “Saints and sinners, I h-have no
fear of this-this alliance,” she stammered unconvincingly. “You
know me – both of you know me – I have no desire to marry,

Miranda laughed outright
while her aunt responded. “Yes, I can hear the lack of fear in your
shaking voice and bumbling speech,” Lady Ashford chided with a
sweet but knowing smile. “Truly you do not believe your own words,
do you? You are far too intelligent for this equivocation, and I
call your bluff! You do not want this alliance specifically because
want this alliance!” Miranda
nodded her head in agreement before stopping, blinking several
times as she tried to assimilate the Countess' confounding
statement. Juliet dropped her chin to her chest as she felt a
telling blush rise across her cheeks. “Ha! You see, Miranda? She
blushes. She knows I speak the truth. It was easy to declare her
aversion to marriage whilst she favored no man. Now she favors the
Duke. I dare to go so far as to say she loves the Duke. Her fear is
that she does not know his heart. She fears he acts only as he
should rather than as he wants.” Lady Ashford smiled triumphantly
as Juliet sank into her plush seat. Miranda turned incredulous eyes
on her friend.

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