Lord Greyton's Fall From Grace (Lords of Avalon Novella Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Lord Greyton's Fall From Grace (Lords of Avalon Novella Series)
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“I have made it my concern
, Burrow
If you ever beat your wife again, if you so much as lay a hand
her, I will know immediately. I will kill you personally
If you doubt my ability to do so, I can give you a list of names of the men I have killed out of duty to my country
of course I would have to kill you immediately after you read the names.” Marrek shrugged

I have
on my person
a letter signed by the King which allows me to extinguish your life if I deem it necessary
You cannot hide from me. Orders are to kill you immediately if you should try to leave England’s shores
I will inform you that w
e have
been watching you for some time;
in case you have not
realized that
by now
The reason I confront you today is because I learned what you do to your wife
It enables me to take action now instead of later

“My wife is obstinate and disobedient
I cannot let her get away with-“

St. Erth’s tone was ominous and deadly.

“Your wife is a lady, a beautiful flower, and a gentle soul
You will treat her as a queen
You will never let a harsh word pass your lips in her presence
You will remain five feet away from her at all times
You will
touch her again
The thought of such a pompous, bloody fool beating the beautiful and gentle Catherine for his
own sick
pleasure infuriated him.
Charlie told him Catherine’s body was bruised and
in places
rom the perverse torture bestowed upon her by Burrow
He would never understand how a man could receive sexual gratification from harming a woman.

“No woman will live in my house and
not obey me!” Lord Burrow stood. H
is puffy face
red with his anger.
He seemed to notice immediately he was dwarfed by his opponent’s size and brawn.

Marrek was well aware of the effect his size and dark looks had on others
He scowled

I have a doc
ument for you to sign.” Marrek
removed a paper from a small secretary
He handed it to Burrow.

The Marquess scanned the document
“A divorce
What nonsense is this

She is mine, my property, and I will keep her.” Burrow thrust the paper back at St. Erth, who made no move to retrieve it
It wafted to the floor.
St. Erth moved the foolscap aside with the
of the
eagle-headed cane he held in one hand

“Let me make this
crystal clear
for you Burrow
You have three choices
available to you
The first is to grant your wife a divorce
and cooperate with His Majesty
The second is to keep her as your wife
but to never speak harshly to her or touch her again
or as I promised, you will die
You would also be expected to cooperate with His Majesty.
The third
choice you have
is to die by my hand
this very moment
if you refuse the first two choices.

Burrow laughed, albeit nervously. “I’m one of the best shots in all of Eng
Who says you can be
t me?

Marrek let go a bored sigh. “I do
I prefer to slit an opponent’s throat
, t
hat way death is eminent
Breaking the neck works well also, it’s less messy
Greyton assured me they c
replace the carpet easily, so the choice is mine, really
removed his gold watch and flipped open the case
“You have four minutes remaining to make your decision before I end your life
, Burrow

The Marquess of Burrow shifted uneasily
His hand moved toward his coat pocket.

Before his hand could reach his pistol,
the tip of
St. Erth’s cane
cracked upon
the back of
Burrow’s hand
slipped t
he weapon under his
He pushed his arm far back and away from his
upper torso
inch blade appeared from the cane tip and within seconds rested against Burrow’s throat

“Uh, uh, uh
.” A diabolical grin
pread across St. Erth’s face
is dark eyes gleamed

“I am a
peer of the realm
A Marquess
I will have you arrested
for assault

“By whom, Burrow
” Marrek let go a wicked chuckle.

We have proof you have been conspiring agai
nst the King
I work for him. His Majesty is fully aware of your actions
If there
be arrested
it would be you
our wife would be granted a divorce. I would deliver her petition to the King personally
She would be free of you the same day you found yourself in the gaoler’s cell
awaiting your trial for treason

He removed his watch again and looked at the time. “One minute remaining before you bleed all over Greyton’s carpet
And your decision would be?”
He looked into Burrow’s wide eyes.

“What must I do
, St. Erth

The Marq
uess sighed in defeat.

I am not a fool
If you allow me to keep my wife and remain out of prison, there will be a price for me to pay
of that
I am we
l aware

“Ah, thank goodness you are not a complete fool.
I was beginning to wonder.
” Marrek fla
hed him a
sardonic grin

You will continue to work with Lords Grenville and Somerton, and send me all correspondence and paperwork regarding your
transactions and
You will relay information I give you to them, without their knowing it’s from me, of course
You will allow Lady Burrow to send me a letter every two days
She will seal it with a special seal I
give her
If it is tampered with, or if I do not receive her letters like routine clockwork, myself or one of my men will appear quite suddenly
when you least expect it
I am leaving two men who will be with her at all times
when she is not in her chamber
, and who will guard her
night and day
I also am giving her a new maid who reports directly to me
I will send you a draft
every three months
to pay for their

Marrek continued, “
If anything happens to one or all of them, there will be no questions asked, you will die
, most likely by my hand
when you least expect it

“So are you saying that I cannot
exercise my
husbandly rights with my own wife?”

St. Erth’s black brow shot up.
, that is what I’m saying

Burrow cursed under his breath
“Why should I even keep her then
damn you?”

“That is a very good question, Burrow.”
kicked the forgotten
on the floor toward him
“You may sign the document

“I’ll take my chances
I’ll do the devil’s work for you, but I’m keeping my wife
She’s mine
No one else will have her

St. Erth hid the anger rising inside him well. True his superior wanted Grenville an
d Somerton at all costs, and th
at required
Burrow’s cooperation
, Charlie and his
former love, the beauteous
Catherine, wanted her freedom. This could work in their favor. Eventually, Burrow would slip and
once and for all from her evil husband. “You may keep her only on my terms
Do you agree to them?”

” Burrow sniffed
with disdain. “For how long?” t
he Marques
in irritation
He lifted a bushy brow.

“Forever, if necessary.”

“When you have Lord Grenville and Lord Somerton then I
will be

“Mayhap. Mayhap not.
” Marrek shrugged.

particular decision shall
be left up to the King
I suggest you cooperate well with His Majesty
’s dictates
He may be forgiving
of your treason
Personally, I say
once a traitor always a traitor.”

I am leaving, for I find your company most offensive.
I take it you will see
my wife
is delivered to her mother’s house.”

St. Erth nodded.

Of course.
You will receive detailed instructions
from me
tomorrow morning
at ten o’clock
on how I shall receive information from you
You will always give what I need to Lady’s Burrows guards
They w
ill see that I get it.” Marrek
removed the Sword cane from the Marquess’ throat
“By the way, her guards shall return with her today
Her maid will be sent to you once you return to Bath

Two large, muscled men stepped into the room
They both turned and watched the Marquess hasten from the room
with amused gazes

St. Erth watched Lord Burrow
exit with a sardonic smile
He turned to Creed St. Ge
rmans, Viscount Roscarrow, o
ne of his fellows at the
“Creed, go find Charlie and bring him to the study
Tell him to wait for me there
I must find Lady Burrow and speak with her privately.”

“She’s in the garden,

Ruan Menwennick, the Earl of Ince, also a colleague whom he worked with at the Department informed him

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