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Lucian stilled, holding her tightly to his chest, his breathing rough as he tilted her head

to him, his lips taking her in a kiss that stole her need to breathe. At the same time, Dev


Lora Leigh

moved against her, his cock pressing at the entrance to her ass, spreading the tightening

muscles there, working the slick head of his erection inside the narrow channel, sending

bolts of lava-hot sensation streaking through her nerve endings.

Her cries were smothered by Lucian’s lips, but there was no hesitation in her

acceptance of the pleasure/pain that destroyed her mind. She was a creature of

sensation, of sensuality. A figure of electrical impulses, gasping cries and liquid heat as

the silken, steel-hard length of Dev’s cock surged into the tight recesses of her ass.

There was no fight to make it last now. Hunger, gripping and primordial, filled

them, connected them, bonded their bodies in a way Tally knew she would never be

free of. Hard, driving strokes filled her over and over again. The border between

pleasure and pain widened as each sensation built upon itself until she tore her mouth

from Lucian’s, her head falling back against Dev’s chest as her scream of release ripped

from her soul.

Her orgasm ruptured inside her womb, raced through her body, tightening every

straining muscle to the breaking point as they fucked into the clenching recesses of her

body, their groans and hoarse male cries joining her scream as they found their own


Hot, rich semen jetted into her clenching pussy, her hot ass, filling her, marking her

in a way she knew would change her forever.

Long minutes later she collapsed against Lucian’s heaving chest, trusting in the

hard arms that wrapped around her, the lips that caressed her cheek, her shoulders.

Whispered, fragmented words blended around her as they claimed her, their rough

voices demanding, firm, despite the weariness that now dragged at all their bodies.

“Mine…” They said the words together, and she accepted them as one.


Wicked Intent

Chapter Nineteen

Tally awoke early the next morning, despite the fact that as soon as Lucian and Dev

arrived at their secluded home they had taken her straight to the bedroom and

her exquisitely. She had to pay, they had laughed, for daring to slip into The Club and

break their control in such a manner.

Dev had called her as he restrained her to the bed.
Lucian had

laughed as he smacked her ass, watching as she drove her hips upward, seeking more

of the erotic stimulation. They had kept her on the edge forever as she begged, pleaded,

demanded they fuck her into oblivion. Which they had done, quite well, she had to


Stiff, aching in places she had never known could ache, she dragged herself over

Dev’s prone body, ignoring his irritable grunt as she slapped his well-defined ass.

“You’re late for work,” she informed him as she pulled Lucian’s shirt on over her

bare body. “And I still have to go home and get dressed.” She picked her shirt up and

frowned at the jagged holes where buttons had once been. “You ruined my clothes.”

“They were illegal,” Dev grunted.

“I agree. Ripping my clothing should be a killable offense.” She cast him a mocking

look. “I’ll punish you tonight maybe.”

He opened one eye, staring at her balefully. “Go back to sleep.”

Back to sleep? She had never felt so energized. She pushed at his shoulder,

chuckling as he groaned but still rolled over. His cock was erect, tenting the sheet, a

thick invitation to pleasure as she straddled his hard abdomen and stared down at him



Lora Leigh

“I hope you were serious last night,” she said softly, aware that Lucian had rolled

closer as she felt his lips at her knee, his hand running down her calf. “Try to get away

from me and I promise you, I’ll become your worst nightmare.”

She had read about stalkers. She was fairly confident she could do a wonderful


Dev reached up to tuck trailing strands of her hair behind her shoulder. His smile,

normally wicked and provoking, was soft and gentle with emotion.

“Every word,” he told her softly. “Both of us, Tally. Forever.”

Tally swallowed tightly. She was giving so much of herself to these two men. She

looked over at Lucian. “What if one of you wants someone else later?”

He looked at her in surprise. “Tally, you’re
heart. You don’t seem to

understand, baby, we’re two sides of the same coin. You can’t have one without the

other. And we’ve waited too long for this—for you—to even want or need anyone else.”

How could she not believe them? They watched her, their brilliant eyes filled with

their love, their promises.

“What about children?” she finally whispered. “If we have children?”

Lucian shook his head in confusion. “Well, it would be nice.” He smiled slowly.

“But what about them?”

She cleared her throat delicately. “You won’t be certain, you know.” She waved her

hand expressively. “Who the father is for sure.”

A quick frown on both their faces was leveled at her. But it was male displeasure

rather than the regret she thought she would see.

“Any child you have, Tally, is our child. It will never matter which of us fathers it,

we’ll both know that possessiveness, that love for a child that is ours. That’s part of our

bond, baby, and part of our gift to you.” Dev’s voice was low, deep, filled with emotion

as Lucian’s hand caressed her flat abdomen almost reverently.


Wicked Intent

They took her breath, stole her fears, and for once in her life she believed. Believed

that she was loved and that the needs that haunted her, tormented her, would be

accepted. She loved them both. Slowly, overwhelmingly, both men had moved into her

heart and filled it to overflowing.

“Good.” She glanced down at Lucian, swallowing past the lump of emotion in her

throat. Grinning back at her wickedly, he pushed at the bottom edge of her shirt.

“Stop that.” She slapped at his hand and before either of them could stop her, she

was off the bed and padding to the bathroom. “I have to get ready and go home before I

can go to the office. I’m going to need coffee if neither of you minds. I hope you have a

cappuccino machine.” She closed the bathroom door behind her, a pleased smile

crossing her face. Life was definitely beginning to look up.

Dev glanced at Lucian as he rolled from the bed, staring at the closed door with a

less than pleased glare.

“We’re fucked,” Lucian said simply. Dev knew he wasn’t referring to the act, but

rather the state of dominance they could see would evolve during the less sexual

moments of their lives with Tally.

“Hell, let her have fun.” Dev scratched his chest lazily. “She gets too far out of hand

and we’ll tie her to the bed again.”

Lucian glanced at his brother mockingly. “Oh, you have no idea the monster we’re

going to create.” He shook his head warily. “We’re fucked, brother. Plain and simple.”

He didn’t sound displeased.

“I’m waiting,” she called out from the bathroom. “Who had back washing duty this


Lucian looked at Dev as his brother met his gaze. They glanced at the door, each

other, and the race was on. They could share during the best of times, but that damned


Lora Leigh

shower didn’t have a chance of holding all three of them. Unfortunately, they both

reached the door at the same time.

They sighed together. “Bigger shower for sure,” Lucian said with a grimace as Dev

managed to push him back and, smiling smugly, reached the shower first.

Lucian leaned against the doorframe, smiling as Tally’s laughter echoed from the

stall. The shadows of his brother and their lover twisted, turned, hands touched, lips

met. Arousing and starkly possessive, Dev pressed her to the wall and proceeded to

show her who was boss—at least, in the shower.

Life would definitely change for them all, but they had her now, their jaded little

consort, ripe for loving and willing to accept the pleasures they could give, the

adoration they had saved just for her.

Like the Trojans before them who had found that perfect woman, they would hold

her, hide her when they could, watch her in pride when they couldn’t, and protect her

as long as they drew breath. Their wicked intentions had paid off when they set their

sights on her. And now their hearts, their very souls, would forever bask in the glow of

Tally’s smile.


Wicked Intent


“Easy, Red. Fuck yes, baby, there we go, take it all.” Red, or Kimberly Madison as

she was known to the political elite in Washington D.C., lay back on the walnut table,

her hands tied to the straps attached to the sides of it, her legs elevated by Sax as he

slowly fed his cock up her tight, well lubricated ass.

Her head thrashed on the hard surface; beads of perspiration dotted her face, her

full luscious breasts and peaked nipples. It ran in rivulets down her waist, a small

amount pooled in the tiny indention of her belly button and her thighs glistened with it

and the added mixture of thick juice that accumulated from her bare, flushed pussy.

Sax had her thighs spread wide, bracing them with his muscular arms as he slowly

fucked the petite little redhead while she screamed and bucked against him, begging for

release. It was a sight Jared Raddington was certain would be burned in his mind


Long, fiery red curls fell over the side of the table, strands of thick silk that would

have caressed her hips but brushed the floor instead. Hair that dared a man to touch,


“Please, Sax,” she screamed as she fought the bonds. “Let me go. I can’t come like

this. Please.”

Dark male flesh glistened with sweat as the hard thrusts increased, the bronzed

length of his cock powered up the snug little channel in driving strokes, parting the

exquisite curves of her ass and filling her with every inch of his dark, steel-hard


Jared rose from his chair in the secluded corner he had chosen hours ago when he

entered The Club. His first night there he wanted to get a feel for the place and the

members, but he hadn’t expected the shocking scene that had unfolded.


Lora Leigh

Kimberly had walked in as pretty as you please, ordered a drink and stepped over

to the tall dark engineer for Delacourte Electronics. For the first time in the year Jared

had known her, she was without makeup, her expression displaying honest, bare

emotion, even if it was lust, and the thin veneer of cold haughtiness she presented to the

world was gone.

“Harder. Please, Sax, please.” She was nearly in tears now, begging for release. She

strained against the bonds that held her, her hips writhing against the hard penetration

of a thick dick tunneling up her ass in increasing strokes.

Her clit was swollen, peeking desperately above the folds of flesh that protected it,

the little knot of nerves red and glistening in hunger.

“What’s with her?” Jared finally questioned one of the other members sitting close

to him.

“Red?” Lucian Conover’s voice softened as he glanced at the scene. “Too much

stress usually. She shows up about every three months, usually after the forced physical

to prove she’s still a virgin, and lets off some steam. She’s a good kid.”

Kid? She was twenty-four years old and screaming now for release, begging

another man to fuck her ass harder, deeper. If it went much deeper she’d be giving the

bastard a head job as it came up her throat. She was tiny, barely five four, delicate and

as fragile as a fairytale princess. Or so he had thought. No fragile princess could take a

cock up her ass like that and beg for more.

“Forced exam?” he finally found his tongue long enough to ask.

Conover grimaced. “That’s Senator Madison’s daughter. Her mother’s will

stipulated the she had to be a virgin on her wedding night to collect whatever the hell

her inheritance was. Evidently Daddy dearest wants it,” he sneered. “He had a judge

order the quarterly exams to prove she was still eligible to inherit upon her wedding,

whenever that may be. Should she fail the test, the good ole Senator collects it all.”

Jared clenched his teeth at the information. He knew Madison was a bastard, but

even this was more than he had expected from the man.


Wicked Intent

“Damn you, Sax,” she screamed. “I can’t stand this.”

“She needs clitoral stimulation,” Lucian sighed. “Sax will have to delay it until he

gets her to the point that he can get her off easily. The only members here today, besides

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