Loose Women, Lecherous Men (87 page)

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Authors: Linda Lemoncheck

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56. See Russell,
Sexual Exploitation
, 16970, 178; Sandra Butler,
Conspiracy of Silence
, 45; Armstrong, "Making an Issue of Incest," 4344, 54.
57. For example, see the studies by David Finkelhor in
Sexually Victimized Children
(New York: Free Press, 1979); Judith Lewis Herman,
Father-Daughter Incest
; Russell,
Sexual Exploitation
, 17376, 21531. On racism and child sexual abuse convictions, see Russell,
Sexual Exploitation
, 174.
58. Larsen,
Life after Rape,
74; also see Armstrong, "Making an Issue of Incest," 54; Heller, "Sexual Liberalism," 160.
59. Rush,
The Best-Kept Secret
, 9.
60. See Judith Lewis Herman and L. Hirschman, "Father-Daughter Incest,"
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society
2 (1977): 73556; Judith Lewis Herman,
Trauma and Recovery
, 2832, 109.
61. See Sandra Butler,
Conspiracy of Silence
, 10911, 94125; Armstrong, "Making an Issue of Incest"; Janis Tyler Johnson,
Mothers of Incest Survivors: Another Side of the Story
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1992).
62. Tom Reeves, quoted in Jeffrey Weeks,
Sexuality and Its Discontents: Meanings, Myths and Modern Sexualities
(New York: Routledge, 1985), 227.
63. See Sandra Butler,
Conspiracy of Silence
, 45; Rush,
The Best-Kept Secret
, 18392.
64. Robin Morgan,
The Demon Lover: On the Sexuality of Terrorism
(New York: W. W. Norton, 1989), 2324, 44, 4950, 288320.
65. Bat-Ami Bar On, "Why Terrorism Is Morally Problematic," in
Feminist Ethics
, ed. Claudia Card (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1991), 10725; Brownmiller,
Against Our Will
, 229. For more analyses on the concept of terrorism, see Michael Walzer,
Just and Unjust Wars: A Moral Argument with Historical Illustrations
(New York: Basic Books, 1977), 197206; Grant Wardlaw, "The Problem of Defining Terrorism," in his
Political Terrorism: Theory, Tactics, and Counter-Measures
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), 317; Carl Wellman, "On Terrorism Itself,"
Journal of Value Inquiry
13 (1979): 25058.
Page 257
66. See Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law
, 70; Wall, "Introduction," 13; Tuana, "Sexual Harassment in Academe," 51.
67. Bartky,
Femininity and Domination
, 18; also see Bar On, "Why Terrorism Is Morally Problematic," 113.
68. See Amber Coverdale Sumrall and Dena Taylor, eds.,
Sexual Harassment: Women Speak Out
(Freedom, Calif.: Crossing Press, 1992); Woerner and Oswald, "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace."
69. Griffin, "Rape," 331; Brownmiller,
Against Our Will
, 228, 439, 447; Allison and Wrightsman,
, 134; also see Russell,
Sexual Exploitation
, 167, who cites the U.S. statistic that one out of every ten female homicides is a rape/murder.
70. Hall, "'The Mind That Burns in Each Body,'" 339.
71. Barry,
Female Sexual Slavery
, 36; also see Larsen,
Life after Rape
, 25, 33.
72. See Russell,
Sexual Exploitation
, 70; also see 6971, 7176, and Allison and Wrightsman,
, 4849, for a more general discussion of the rape of men by heterosexual and homosexual men. For a discussion of the relevant differences between a female versus male "rape mentality" under conditions of institutionalized male dominance, see Linda LeMoncheck,
Dehumanizing Women: Treating Persons as Sex Objects
(Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Allanheld, 1985), 8889.
73. See MacKinnon,
Feminism Unmodified
, 82; Allison and Wrightsman,
, 2,17194; Judith Lewis Herman,
Trauma and Recovery
, 50.
74. Ann Jones, "Family Matters," 64; Barnett and LaViolette,
It Could Happen to Anyone
, viii, xxxxi; also see Schechter,
Women and Male Violence
, 17,17074.
75. See Judith Lewis Herman,
Trauma and Recovery
, 9091; Barnett and LaViolette,
It Could Happen to Anyone
, 50, 5259, 1037; Martin,
Battered Wives
, 7679; Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law
, 12526, 143; Hofeller,
Battered Women
, 1518, 44, 98; also see the testimonials in the section entitled "Teens and Parents Tell Their Stories" in Levy,
Dating Violence
, 2166.
76. See Dee L. R. Graham and Edna I. Rawlings, "Bonding with Abusive Dating Partners: Dynamics of Stockholm Syndrome," in Levy,
Dating Violence
, 11935; Barnett and LaViolette,
It Could Happen to Anyone
, 8289; Frye,
The Politics of Reality
, 6176; also see F. M. Ochberg and D. A. Soskin, eds.,
Victims of Terrorism
(Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1982).

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