Loose Women, Lecherous Men (78 page)

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Authors: Linda Lemoncheck

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63. Soble,
Pornography, Marxism, Feminism
, 186. For discussions of how the context affects the content of pornography, see Ellen Willis, "Feminism, Moralism, and Pornography," in
Powers of Desire: The Politics of Sexuality
, ed. Ann Snitow, Christine Stansell, and Sharon Thompson (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1983), 463; also see English, "The Politics of Porn"; Webster, "Pornography and Pleasure"; Mariana Valverde,
Sex, Power and Pleasure
(Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1987), 12145; Vance, "Negotiating Sex and Gender;" 4245; Linda Williams, "Pornographies On/scene, or Diff'rent Strokes for Diff'rent Folks," Carol Smart, "Unquestionably a Moral Issue: Rhetorical Devices and Regulatory Imperatives," and Harriet Gilbert, "So Long as It's Not Sex and Violence: Andrea Dworkin's
," in Segal and McIntosh,
Sex Exposed
, 18499, 21629, 23365; Theodore A. Gracyk, "Pornography as Representation: Aesthetic Considerations," in Baird and Rosenbaum,
, 11737; Berger, "Pornography, Feminism, and Censorship," 33638; Ann Garry, "Pornography and Respect for Women," in Baker and Elliston,
Philosophy and Sex
, 325, n. 21; English et al., "Talking Sex," 57; Tong,
Women, Sex, and the Law
, 20; B. Ruby Rich, "AntiPorn: Soft Issue, Hard World,"
Village Voice
20 (July 1982).
64. Longino; "Pornography, Oppression and Freedom," 8587.
65. Judith M. Hill, "Pornography and Degradation," in Baird and Rosenbaum,
, 6465.
66. See Burstyn, "Who the Hell Is 'We'?," 16872; Barbara Dority, "Feminist Moralism, 'Pornography,' and Censorship," in Baird and Rosenbaum,
, 113; also see Ann Barr Snitow, "Mass Market Romance: Pornography for Women Is Different," in Snitow et al.,
Powers of Desire
, 24563; Rosalind Coward, "Sexual Violence and Sexuality," in
Sexuality: A Reader
, ed. Feminist Review (London: Virago, 1987), 30725; Alisa L. Carse, "Pornography:
Page 247
An Uncivil Liberty?,"
10 (winter 1995): 168, 17071, 17374; Helen Hazen,
Endless Rapture: Rape, Romance, and the Female Imagination
(New York: Scribner's, 1983).
67. Soble, "Defamation and the Endorsement of Degradation," 102; also see his critique of the claim that pornography is degrading to women, 99101; also see Jeffrey Weeks,
Sexuality and Its Discontents: Meanings, Myths and Modern Sexualities
(New York: Routledge, 1985), 23436; Kimmel,
Men Confront Pornography
; T. M. Scanlon, "Freedom of Expression and Categories of Expression," in Copp and Wendell,
Pornography and Censorship
, 13965; Christensen,
, 7275; Dority, "Feminist Moralism," 114.
68. Christensen,
, 8088.
69. See Soble,
Pornography, Marxism, Feminism
, 7885; Laura Kipnis, "She-Male Fantasies and the Aesthetics of Pornography," in Gibson and Gibson,
Dirty Looks
, 142.
70. See Anne McClintock, "Gonad the Barbarian and the Venus Flytrap: Portraying the Female and Male Orgasm," in Segal and Mclntosh,
Sex Exposed
, 11213.
71. Brod, "Pornography and the Alienation of Male Sexuality," 29192.
72. See Andrea Dworkin,
, xxxiii.
73. See Gilbert, "So Long as It's Not Sex and Violence," 219. Rita Manning and Theodore Gracyk also argue that the Dworkin/MacKinnon ordinance protects neither erotica nor sexually explicit moral realism from legal censure, since it does not require that the degradation depicted also be endorsed. See Rita C. Manning, "Redefining Obscenity," in Baird and Rosenbaum,
, 154, and Gracyk, "Pornography as Representation," 129.
74. See Webster, "Pornography and Pleasure," 49; Rosta, "Feminism: 'Crunch Point,'" 146; Linda LeMoncheck,
Dehumanizing Women: Treating Persons as Sex Objects
(Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Allanheld, 1985), 1314; also see Tong (
Women, Sex, and the Law
, 43) who suggests that for a woman to sell her sexuality does not necessarily destroy her autonomy, but to condemn her for selling her sexuality may be a violation of that autonomy.
75. See Williams, "Pornographies On/scene," 235.
76. Russell, "Introduction," 6; Stoltenberg, "Pornography and Freedom," 76.
77. Garry, "Pornography and Respect for Women," 31719; Robert Baker, "'Pricks' and 'Chicks': A Plea for Persons," in Baker and Elliston,
Philosophy and Sex
, 26066; also see my criticisms of Garry and Baker on distinguishing degradation through objectification from degradation in sex, in
Dehumanizing Women
, 4850.

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