Looking Out for Lexy (23 page)

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Authors: Kristine Dalton

BOOK: Looking Out for Lexy
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Another month and school would be over for the seniors.  After graduation Lexy felt that she would be free to do as she pleased.  Brenda and Bill Latton wouldn’t be too happy that she was seeing Jack, but the fact that she would be going to college in the fall would help matters, especially since they were attending different schools.

A loud “Excuse me” into the microphone brought Lexy out of her deep thoughts.  The class president stood at the microphone, surrounded by the pastel colors of the “Eternal Spring” theme.  He waved his tuxedoed arms in the air to get the decked out crowd to focus on him.

“I have in my hand the court and this year’s Eternal Spring king and queen.  Without further ado, let me put an end to the suspense.”  Opening the brightly colored envelope, the president read the names of the court.  “And this year’s king and his queen are no surprise to anyone.  Would Tom Kane and Lexy Latton please step forward to accept the crown as this year’s royal couple.  And may I add how lovely Miss Latton looks tonight.  Oh, and Kane you look ok too.”  A ripple of laughter and applause ran throughout the pastel crowd as Tom grabbed Lexy’s hand, leading her to the stage.

Lexy forced a smile.  At the beginning of her last year in school, she had been looking forward to this moment.  Meeting Jack Wyatt had changed all that.  This had gone from being what should have been a highlight in her young life, to one of drudgery and anguish because she wasn’t with the one she really loved.  The beautiful queen for the night smiled as she was nearly blinded by the flashing camera lights as two figures with shiny plastic crowns walked the royal runway to the glittering pair of thrones.

Young Wyatt stared from a safe haven above the crowded room.  Lexy was more beautiful than he’d ever imagined.  Jack had discovered his little niche a few weeks back as he was searching for a place to watch his girl.  She seemed happy enough to everyone, but he knew better.  Jack and Lexy had been together long enough that the boy knew when the girl was not happy.  Jack hadn’t told her he was going to be there because she would have been nervous and he didn’t want that.  A few more hours and they would be together.  Alter Tom dropped her off, Lexy would call him and it would be their time.

Lexy gritted her teeth as she smiled and waved from her throne.  Only a couple of more hours and freedom!  Her eyes strayed to the clock on the wall.  How many times these past few years she had looked at that clock wishing gym class was over.  How many times she’d watched as the basketball team delivered a win and she’d cheered them on.  Now, as Lexy glanced at the orb affixed to the white tiled wall, she only wanted it to move faster than it had ever done before.  In about an hour, she would plead a migraine.  Tom would be furious, but so be it.  He was having his last and final hours with her and the girl didn’t care if he liked it or not.  Besides, he would find some of his buddies that thought prom was a waste of time and go on his usual drinking binge.  After a couple of beers and a few slugs of whatever they managed to steal from mom and dad’s stash, he wouldn’t forget all about her.

“Hey, Lexy, are you listening to me?”  Tom’s voice penetrated her thoughts.

She turned and looked at him.  His brow was furrowed with anger.  “I’m sorry, Tommy, what were you saying?”

“I said, you don’t seem to be here tonight.  What’s going on with you, Lex?”  Bright blue eyes bored into her.

Lexy forced a bright smile.  “I was just thinking how nice everything is.  I was thinking about how soon we graduate and all this will be over.  Don’t you think about that Tom?’

“Right now I’m thinkin’ about us and being prom king and queen and that you aren’t acting too thrilled about it.”

“Of course I’m happy about being queen.  Who wouldn’t be?”  Lexy’s smile melted his frown.  He was so easy.

A voice came over the loudspeaker suddenly.  “Will their royal highness’s please take the floor and lead us in the class dance.”

Kane stood up, taking Lexy’s hand and led her to the dance floor.  The cherry-haired queen would not have been happy had she known her prince was watching unhappily from afar.

Wyatt wished he’d never come to this fiasco.  The chestnut-haired youth didn’t like his girl dancing with the boy he despised.  Keeping his cool in check, Jack got up and walked quietly away.  It wasn’t Lexy’s fault and he knew it.  Jealousy was not a feeling he liked, and he wasn’t caring too much for the way he was feeling now. 
Knock it off, Wyatt.  She’s yours in another couple of hours.  Keep cool, keep calm
. Jack supposed she’d be telling Kane soon enough to take her home.  Jack didn’t envy her that.  Tom Kane was going to be mad.

Jack and Lexy would find out just how angry in a very short time.  Kane wasn’t stupid and suspected all along that something was going on.  He wasn’t going to be happy at all with what he would find that night.


              Lexy ran to Jack as he pulled up on his jet black cycle.  She had dressed quickly, donning her cheerleading outfit.  Wanting to wear it one more time and knowing that Jack found it very sexy, she hoped he would like it that she dressed just for him.  He nodded approvingly as he helped her on the back.  Lexy laid her head against his back.  His dark hair curled slightly down past his neck, soft and warm against her cool cheek.

‘Ready, baby.  Have I ever told you how sexy you look in that?”

“Ummm.  Many times.”

“Then you won’t mind if I remove it to see what’s underneath?”  He grinned as she slapped him on his stomach.

“Jack, stop that.”  Lexy blushed in the moonlight as they sped swiftly along.

Two dark figures pulled up to a road stop on the highway.  Getting off the cycle, Jack took Lexy’s hand.  As they headed down the path to their favorite place along the Lake Michigan shoreline Jack asked about Tom.

“Well, he didn’t take it too well at first.”  Lexy slipped slightly.  Jack grabbed her around the waist.”

“Be careful baby.  I should’ve brought a flashlight.”  He held her closely as the stepped carefully down the well-worn path.

“It’s funny.  He was really mad at first.  Then, he just said ok and took me home and told me he hoped I would feel better.”

“You don’t think he knows, do you, Lex?”  Jack was concerned.  They were approaching the familiar spot where they had spent many happy hours together.

“I don’t know Jack.  But if he does, there isn’t much he can do about it now.  School’s almost over and we will both be free.  I don’t think Mom and Dad will be too mad and if they are, too bad.  I’m eighteen and I’ll be on my own soon after that.”

“Ok, Lex.  If you aren’t worried then neither am I.”  The handsome dark-haired prince led his lovely red-headed queen toward their destiny.  Neither of them had any idea that their lives would soon be changed forever.

























“Where are we?  It's breathtaking."  Lexy gazed out on the succulent green hills that turned quickly into mountains as the plane flew overhead. 

“As a matter of fact we are over the Napa Valley now.  I have a small spit level ranch house with a few acres on a ridge overlooking a part of the valley.  It’s nice and cozy.  I thought we could really get to know each other without a lot of people around.  It seemed a safe place to go.”  He looked at Lexy with those long-lashed dark chestnut eyes of his, seemingly searching her for something. 

What was it that he wanted from her?  As his gaze traveled over her body for what seemed like an eternity, she thought she knew exactly what he wanted.  Just who would be safe from who?

Jack wanted that and something more.  He hadn’t quite figured out the second part.  Yet, here he was, taking her where no other woman had ever set foot.  The commuter plane was circling the airport at Santa Rosa.  As they came to a gentle halt, Jack was still lost in thought, staring at her without realizing it.

“Are we going or are you going to stare at me all day?”  Lexy broke into his reverie.

“Yeah, I think I might.” 

She reached over and took a playful swipe at him.

“Just kidding.  Just kidding.” 

He gave her that famous crooked grin.  The one that made him look so innocent and harmless.  Uh huh.  Harmless as a lion stalking its prey, she thought.             

Jack grabbed her hand, helping her out of the plane.  He directed her to a small hanger.  He slid the huge doors open, revealing a small two seater plane and a  red Dodge Ram pickup. 

"Well, what do you think?"  He glanced hopefully in her direction.

“Well.  It depends on which one you are talking about.  I love the jeep.  The plane is...is awfully small.”  Lexy could already feel her stomach starting to revolt.  She and small aircraft did not get along.  Her first and last ride had been when she was barely a teenager.

Seeing disappointment creeping over his face, she added quickly, "But, you know, the plane is really kind of classy too."

“It’s not much, but it's all mine.  I'll take you for a spin this weekend.”

"Sounds like...like fun."  Lexy smiled weakly as her stomach began to churn even more.

  Jack was proud of it, she could see that.  They walked over to the truck.  A young boy was following with their bags. 

“Put them in the back, Evan.” 

Jack helped Lexy into the car while Evan hoisted the bags in the rear.  The boy was staring at Lexy all the time.  Jack gave Evan a five, thanking him.  He was still staring, hands on his hips as they pulled out of the hanger.  Evan took off running in the direction of the main office.

              “He certainly was in a big hurry!  You would’ve thought he’d never seen a woman before the way he was staring at me!  Aren’t women allowed in this part of California or what?”

Lexy looked in the direction Evan had disappeared, shaking her head.  Jack laughed that hearty way she’d become well aquatinted with while watching his videos.  It was one of the many qualities she’d loved about him.  He did not offer her an illumination on the subject.

              They reached his home in less than an hour.  It was a place of serene beauty.  Like she'd always imagined heaven would look like if it were on earth.  Lexy knew  it would be the place of her dreams.

              “Here we are, angel.  Go on in and I’ll get our bags.” 

Jack waved her toward the house.  He grabbed the bags, following her in.  Lexy stepped through the door and immediately one single thought came to her.  No female had ever been in this house.  Now she understood why that boy had looked at her so curiously.  This house belonged to a man.  It was there from the pictures on the wall to the large, comfortable custom-made furniture.  She shivered, hugging herself protectively.

Jack set the bags down.  “It is pretty chilly in here.  I’ll get a fire started.   Charlie must have not have expected me-us so soon.  You’ll find a bottle of wine in the fridge and glasses in the cupboard.”

“Who’s Charlie?  I don’t recall you mentioning him?”

“Didn’t I?  He’s an old cowboy I hired out of retirement to look after the place while I’m gone.  He likes the seclusion.”  Like Jack did.

“Oh.”  Lexy stared at him thoughtfully.  “Will we see him at all?”

“I doubt it.  But you’ll know he’s around.”

Jack set about getting the fire going while Lexy went into the kitchen.  She did a little exploring without meaning to pry, but wanting to touch some of the things that were his.  She felt this would help her to somehow know him better. The place was immaculate, everything in perfect order.  Obviously someone was taking good care of the place.  The invisible man.

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