Looking for Trouble (4 page)

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Authors: Victoria Dahl

BOOK: Looking for Trouble
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Now it was her turn to be surprised, but she wasn’t going to press him on this issue, that was certain. It wasn’t a topic she wanted to intrude on. “Where do you live?”

One of his big shoulders rose in a shrug. “Here and there. I’m on my way to Alaska next month.”

“Alaska?” she gasped. “In
Isn’t it already freezing there by then?”

“Not quite, but the work doesn’t stop during the winter.”

“What sort of work?” Her pulse quickened at the thought of Alaska. She wanted to see it, so badly.

“I’m a groundwater engineer. I work as a contractor for oil companies. Making sure they’re not fucking things up.”

“Is that the official engineering term?”

Now his mouth relaxed into a real smile, and she was shocked at how sweet he looked. “Pretty much. It’s a rough-and-tumble engineering field. Not a lot of scientists stationed in the places I go.”

“Is it always Alaska?”

“Not always. I travel a lot.”

Sophie’s thoughts were swirling almost too fast to catch one. She had a thousand questions about Alaska and a thousand more about where else he went and the things he’d seen. She took a drink of wine and grabbed hold of one question. “Tell me what it’s like. Alaska. Is it...is it amazing?”

“It’s pretty amazing. What do you want to know?”

“Everything,” she breathed before she realized how odd and greedy it sounded. “I mean... Where do you go? Are there polar bears? Is it dangerous? Is it cold?”

He chuckled. “You look like a little girl right now, wide-eyed and sparkling.”

A blush hit her hard and fast, and she reached for her wine again, trying to think of a way to backtrack.

“It’s cold, at least where I go. And barren, if you can use that word for something usually covered in snow and ice. I’ve been to the fields in the summer, and it’s different then. Like a savanna, I guess. Mile after mile of grass and sun and flies. You see caribou everywhere then. Foxes. Even some wolves. It’s beautiful and quiet.”

“Wow,” she breathed, her skin tingling at the idea. Or maybe it was the wine.

“You want another?” he asked, gesturing toward the glass she realized she’d drained.

“Yes,” she answered quickly. He’d barely touched his beer, but she didn’t care. Her buzz was pushed on by her excited pulse, and she felt deliciously alive.

Alex rose to get her another glass, and she realized her mistake then and almost grabbed his wrist to make him sit and keep talking. Thankfully, he was back within moments.

“And in the winter?” she pressed before he’d even sat down.

“In the winter, it’s cold and dark. It’s eerie, knowing you’re so far from anyone or anything. And it’s not so quiet. The wind blows day and night when it kicks up. When you’re inside, it sounds like you’re on a ship, and not a steady one.”

“Can you see the northern lights?”

“They’re pretty bright there in the winter.”

“That is so cool,” she murmured, not realizing she’d touched his arm until he looked down. She looked down, too. Her fingertips rested on a swirl of red ink. She let them linger for a moment, then let them whisper over the bright color until her touch slipped off his wrist.

“So it’s out on the tundra?” she asked, her voice slightly fainter than before. A heartbeat passed before he spoke.

“It is. Nothing but wild animals and crazy men out there.”

“You help drill for oil?”

“No, I’m there to piss people off. I do testing and make sure they’re obeying regulations.”

“And do they?”

He smiled. “They try. When there are eyes on them, at least.”

He looked like he’d fit in perfectly out there in a harsh land with rough men. “How long will you stay there?”

“For this gig, only three weeks. Sometimes I go for a week, sometimes six months.”

“Six months,” she murmured, trying to imagine that. Of living somewhere entirely new and knowing you’d be moving on soon. Everyone you saw would be a new person, a stranger. Every drive or hike or walk a new experience. Her skin prickled and she licked her lips. Physical and emotional desire twisted inside her and swelled.

She’d only ever lived in Jackson, really. She’d done most of her college work online, then gone to Laramie for her senior year to complete the courses she couldn’t take long-distance. Aside from a two-year monthly commute to Salt Lake City to get her MS in Library Science, she’d been at home. She had obligations here. People she couldn’t leave behind. She was connected. To her father and her brother. Even to her great-uncle, who’d asked her to rent his house until he could get out of the convalescent home. He didn’t want strangers living in his place, and no one had the heart to tell him that he wasn’t ever going to be able to live on his own again.

No, she had too many ties here. She couldn’t do it. Yet. But Alex was oozing adventure out of his pores.

“You should go sometime,” he said, as if he’d read her thoughts.

“Maybe.” Maybe she would. Maybe she’d drive up all the way through Canada. Or fly to Seattle and then work her way up the coastline on ferries, only staying in each town for a few days.

“Not very many single women up there. Assuming you’re single.”

She smiled and glanced up at him. “Would I be here with you if I weren’t?”

“I’m not sure. You did want to keep it quiet.”

“I did.” This was her chance. Thank him for the drinks. Tell him the truth. Apologize for any misunderstanding on his part. But she wanted more of his deep voice dragging along her nerve endings. More of his stories. She even wanted more of his painted skin under her fingertips. Just a tiny bit more. A touch.

“Am I still a stranger?” he asked.

Sophie’s skin prickled again and her nipples slowly tightened. That question promised something. Some dark and dangerous prize if she answered it correctly. She let her hand move closer to his arm and then followed that same swirl of red back up his wrist. This time she let her fingers climb just a little bit higher.

“Oh,” she said as she touched him, “you’re definitely a stranger.”

“Does that mean I can’t talk you into a ride?”

She dragged the pads of her fingers across a yellow stroke of ink. “I don’t know.”

When she looked up, she found him staring at her. Hard. His brows heavy and serious. “You’d like it,” he said. No question in that tone, and no dominance either. It was just fact. He knew she’d like it. They both did.

The wickedness inside her stretched with pleasure. The power of it overwhelmed her.

“It’s not safe,” she countered, but even she could hear the breathless approval in her voice. It wasn’t safe and she wanted it that way. God. Her body was shameless, and her dangerous heart was even worse.

She waited for him to reassure her.
I’ll take care of you. It’ll be fine.
But he just watched her face as her fingers pressed harder into his ink, her nails against his skin now. She watched him, too, waiting, her pulse so quick she had to part her lips to get enough air.

This was wrong. So wrong.

Finally, his arm turned under her touch and he slid his hand around hers. He stood, and Sophie followed.

* * *

something incredibly sexy about this woman. Something that couldn’t be summed up by the slim waist and cute face and black heels. It was that smile, small and secret, and the way she watched him with a challenge in her eyes, wanting him to do...something.

If she were timid, he wasn’t sure he’d ever have noticed her. If she’d hidden behind her glasses and sweaters, his eyes would have skipped right over her, letting her red hair and brown eyes blend into the crowd. But she wasn’t hiding, she was...waiting.

And Alex was perfectly willing to step up to the plate.

He touched the small of her back when they reached the stairway, gesturing her to go ahead. The feel of the warm, thin fabric of her sweater reminded him that she wasn’t quite dressed for a bike ride.

“Here,” he offered when they got to the front door of the loud restaurant. He eased his jacket over her slim shoulders. He’d be more than warm enough with her hot little body pressed to his back. It was still warm for fall. Sixty-five or so.

“Thank you,” she said softly, slipping her arms into the sleeves, then laughing when her hands failed to emerge.

“That should keep your hands warm. Have you ever been on a bike?”

“No.” He walked her toward the bike and watched her eyes roam over it again, greedy with excitement. Shit. Alex wondered if she’d look at his body that way, if he stripped down and offered a ride. A man could hope.

“It’s a 1980 Triumph. A T140. I’ve had it almost fifteen years now.”

“It’s big,” she said.

He flashed her a smile. “Not as big as a hog.”

“But less common?” she asked.


Alex unlatched the pannier at the back of the bike and got out his helmet, then grabbed another one he kept for the occasional passenger. “All you have to do is hang on to me. Stay with my movements.”

“I think I can handle that.”

“And watch your legs. Keep your feet on the rests. You don’t want to burn yourself on the exhaust.”

“Okay.” She slipped her glasses into her purse, then eased the helmet over her hair and clipped the chin strap.

Alex had to stop himself from smiling at her little face framed by the big helmet. She had the most innocent face. And then that wicked red mouth... He took her purse and stored it in the pannier. “Are you ready, Sophie?”

The brightness in her eyes answered the question. Alex mounted the bike and hit the throttle. She licked her lips as the engine roared to life. He tried to ignore the way his cock stirred at the sight. Yeah, she was damn ready.

He waved her closer, and Sophie held her skirt in the primmest little gesture he’d ever seen a woman manage as she swung her leg over the bike and slid into place behind his hips. He waited a moment for her to arrange herself. Her front pressed to him, her arms came around his waist and her hands finally emerged from the leather sleeves to clasp each other.

“Ready?” he asked over his shoulder. He felt her head bob in a nod.

“Hold on.”

He eased away from the curb and her arms tightened. If it were daylight, he would have headed north, but since there were no sights to see, he took the road that went south from town. It was a little more wide-open for her first ride.

The moon was just rising above the hills, a view that Alex never got tired of on night rides. You forgot how much light it cast until you had to ride without it. Being swallowed up by darkness had its own beauty, but it was nothing compared to this, the silver light shimmering off the aspen trees that peeked out between the towering pines.

The road was a blank strip ahead of them, defined only by the middle line and the pale shoulders on either side. They slipped free of the town limits, passed a few trucks, and then there was a long straight path as they roared toward the Snake River Canyon.

After the first few minutes, he felt Sophie begin to relax against him, her body fitting tighter to his. Alex began to relax, too. She felt nice against him, soft and sweet. He hadn’t had a woman on his bike in a while. There’d been women since Andrea, but mostly one-night stands at whatever uninspiring motel he was sleeping in.

When he’d been younger, that had been one of the great advantages of traveling. New women. New possibilities. No commitments. But he’d gotten grumpier since then, older, and often his hand offered more relaxation with way less hassle.

But this? Flirting and anticipation and just enjoying someone’s presence? That hadn’t happened in a while.

Alex eased the bike around a long, wide curve and felt her go taut against him. He settled a hand on her leg, and the silkiness of her stocking was a tiny pleasure under his fingers. Such funny retro quirks, her full skirts and panty hose and little black glasses. Her thigh flexed, muscles moving against his palm, and Alex found himself suddenly struck with the startling idea that her outfit might be even more retro than he thought.

He was frozen for a moment, the heat of her leg radiating through the silk and straight into him. But she relaxed again. She relaxed enough that her legs parted a tiny bit farther and her hips slipped closer. Now he could feel her body all the way from his shoulder blades down to his ass. All of her, pressed against him, her shape molding into him.

Alex kept his eyes straight on the road, but all his concentration was focused on one small place. He took a deep breath and let it out, then slowly spread his fingers out on her thigh, edging an inch under the hem of her skirt.

She didn’t tense. She didn’t stiffen against him or clear her throat or nudge him with her clasped hands.

Alex slowed around another curve, then, as he straightened the bike out again, he slipped his hand a centimeter higher on her thigh. Then another.

His fingertips tingled from the intensity, the anticipation. And finally, he felt it. The smooth seam at the top of the stocking. The slightest rise of the edge. Then...bare skin. Bare hot skin.

She was wearing stockings. And a garter belt.

Holy shit. Something feral inside him roused itself.

His hand brushed the clasp holding the silk in place. He wondered if he’d know how to unhook it if he were given the opportunity, then realized he wouldn’t want to. He’d want the stockings on. He’d want to fuck her that way.

Alex let out the breath he’d been holding. She melted more fully against him. He left his hand just where it was. The clouds turned silver above the trees.

At first, he didn’t feel the change, but when Sophie’s hand flattened against his stomach, he realized she’d unclasped her hands. Now her fingers spread wider, feeling his body through the cotton of his shirt. Her other hand slipped up to trace over his chest. Nerve endings all the way from his neck down to his dick woke up and paid attention.

Adrenaline rushed into his veins, and if he’d managed to catch a chill on this ride, it vanished in an instant. His brain worked quickly, helpfully pointing out that there was a scenic turnout just ahead, in case he wanted to pull over and kiss her.
And don’t you want to kiss her?
his mind yelled.

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