Long, Lonely Nights (27 page)

Read Long, Lonely Nights Online

Authors: Marla Monroe

Tags: #Siren Classic, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Suspense

BOOK: Long, Lonely Nights
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“The only reason I got anything out of Tina was because she still had some of those pain meds in her. She was pretty relaxed there for awhile. She’s really worried about Jenna though. She says Todd is just a coward and won’t do anything other than push her around some, but I wouldn’t trust him,” Logan said.

“I don’t plan to let him near her. I just need to get my hands on the little piss-ant for about five seconds. He’ll leave her alone.”

“If he shows back up, you’ll get your chance. We may need to stake out her place to catch him, though. He saw me here and figures Tina has a boyfriend and that Jenna isn’t here. He won’t show back up,” Logan pointed out.

“Then we’ll watch her place until he shows up there. Till then Jenna needs to stay here.”

“I agree. We can watch them both easier if they stay together than if they are in two different places.”

“You’re still hung up on her aren’t you?”

“Yeah, hell. I don’t know what I’m going to do other than just hope like hell she doesn’t bring some guy home until I can get past it. I’m likely to tear the man apart if he touches her.”

“I take it your last encounter didn’t go over too well,” Riley said.

“That is not up for discussion,” Logan growled.

“That good, huh?”

Riley grinned, then ducked when Logan took a mock swing at him

“She let you in the house to help, so she must not think too badly of you. Maybe you should give her a chance. See if she likes you enough to maybe give it a go,” Riley suggested.

“Not going to happen. I don’t want to see bruises on her skin like she has now. Like those on Jenna’s arms.”

“You wouldn’t hurt her, Logan,” Riley said.

“Not intentionally, but I’m rough like you said. I can’t chance it. Besides, she can’t even look at me half the time,” Logan said.

“All I’m saying is to think about it. Doesn’t hurt to think about it.”

Logan gave a half laugh. “Yeah, you say that with a damn hard on and see how it feels.”

“Don’t think I haven’t been there, man.” Riley sighed. “So until Tina is strong enough, they both stay here, and we watch out for them. If I get the chance, I’m going to do some explaining to Todd, and then everything can go back to like it was a few months ago,” Riley said.

“That’s the plan.” Logan knew better though. No reason for Riley to know any different.

Tina wouldn’t be out on her balcony watching him watch her anymore. That would stop. They would go back to ignoring each other and pretending not to see the other one. He didn’t know how he was going to manage it. He wanted her so badly, he couldn’t think of anything else. He would have to get hold of himself, because she would start dating again now that the stalker was out of the picture. He would have to watch her with another man. Maybe even deal with her getting married some day. There was no way he could move away. He would watch over her.

“I’m gonna go find a spot to get comfortable. You staying inside with them?” Riley asked.

“No, think I’ll spell you in a few hours. I’ll take a nap.”

Riley nodded and jumped off the tailgate. Logan waited until he had disappeared into the dark of the night. Then he walked around Tina’s house and checked all the doors. Everything appeared to be locked and secure. He went inside to settle down for a nap.

Chapter Thirteen

Sunday afternoon, Tina sat outside on the deck reading. Riley had taken Jenna to pick up enough clothes to last a week at her place. So far, they hadn’t heard from Todd. Neither had he shown up at Tina’s house again since the first night. She hoped they had seen the last of him, but worried he would show up at work on Monday.

At Jenna’s pleading, she hadn’t said anything to the men. Jena would be safe there and Tina agreed with her that Todd was a coward. The idiot might threaten, but he wouldn’t do anything if someone was around.

Tina was sure that Logan was around somewhere watching, but she didn’t know where. She could feel the tingle of his gaze on her. The hair at the back of her neck stood up. Her body betrayed her, and any time she thought about the man, she grew wet and soft wanting him. He didn’t seem to have the same trouble since he didn’t come near her if he could help it. She obviously disgusted him. She was so ashamed of her wanton behavior. What man would want a woman who demanded he fuck her harder, faster?

She had thrilled at the feel of his hands holding hers above her head. What was the difference between her attacker doing it and Logan doing it? Was it just that she knew him, or was it deeper than that? Did she really like him a lot more than she was admitting to herself? Surely, she couldn’t possibly be in love with him. They hadn’t known each other long enough for that. They had only been talking for the last five or six weeks. Before that, she only knew what she had gleaned by watching him.

Watching him. She missed that. It had been so intimate to see him in his boxers. She really loved seeing him jack off, but now she knew he had known all along she was watching. Would he still come outside in his underwear? Could she sit outside on her balcony in her nightgown again knowing he could see her?

She missed seeing him watching for her when she got off work at night. Knowing he was there had felt so good. Not just because she felt safe with him there, but because he seemed to care.

She wanted him sexually, sure, but she also wanted him emotionally, and that was the real kicker.

How long was it going to take before she could get past wanting him on any level? If time didn’t heal the rift she felt at their separation now, she would need to move. She didn’t want to, but would if she had to.

The sound of Logan’s truck jerked her back to the present. Jenna and Riley were back. She eased out of the chair and took her book inside to see how Jenna was holding up. Her friend had an overnight bag on one arm, and her purse on the other shoulder. She looked like she had been crying. Had Todd shown up after all? Tina followed her and Riley upstairs to the guest bedroom. She waited as Riley put the suitcase he was carrying on the bed. He took a long look at Jenna, then turned and walked out of the room. Tina waited until he was gone then closed the bedroom door.

“What’s wrong? You’ve been crying,” Tina said.


“Don’t give me that crap. I know you. You’re upset. What gives?”

“I’m just upset that I have turned your life upside down after everything you have already been through,” she said as she unpacked the suitcase.

“Nonsense. You’re not doing anything different than what either of us has done a dozen times before.” Tina eased down on the bed. “When I got my floors refinished, I stayed with you for two weeks. You had a new roof and ceiling work done and you stayed with me for a week. What is the difference?”

“Todd is the difference,” Jenna said.

“We both know he isn’t going to come here, so snap out of it.”

“What if he does show up?”

“Logan and Riley will handle it. End of argument.”

Jenna didn’t say anything, but continued unpacking.

“Is that why you’ve been crying?” Tina asked.


“Are you sure? Riley didn’t say anything to upset you, did he?”

“No! Why would you think that?”

“Because you were with him and you came back upset and crying.”

“Well, he didn’t. I’m fine. I’ll be fine,” Jenna said.

Tina changed the subject as Jenna finished putting away her things. They talked about work. Then they discussed their strategy should Todd show up at work on Monday.

“We’ll call the police and let them deal with it,” Tina said. “You don’t have to see him for any reason whatsoever.”

We’ll eat lunch in tomorrow, and if he doesn’t show up, we can go out for lunch after that,” Tina continued.

“Sounds good to me,” Jenna agreed.

“How about tuna salad on bell peppers for lunch tomorrow?”

“Sounds delicious to me.”

They went back downstairs to fix the tuna salad and slice green bell peppers for lunch the next day. Tina stuffed the halves and wrapped them up before putting them in the fridge. Later, they fixed tuna salad sandwiches for dinner and watched a movie on TV.

Tina could almost believe it was a normal weekend. They often did things like this. But in the back of her mind was Logan and how much she wanted to wrap herself around him. She missed him. Suddenly it hit her, she loved him. She honestly did. What was she going to do?

“Hey, what is it? You have tears in your eyes,” Jenna said. “Are you hurting? I’ll get a pain pill for you.” She stood up to go get one.

“No, I’m fine. I guess it finally hit me that I don’t have to worry about the stalker anymore. I’m free. I can do whatever I want to whenever I want to do it. It doesn’t matter how late I’m out or where I’m going. Isn’t it great!”

Jenna agreed. “We should go out and celebrate in a couple of weeks once you’ve recovered enough to dance.”

“I’m all for it,” she said, only half way feeling it.

Saturday had been fun up to a point. She would enjoy herself, though, knowing that Jenna would be. Her friend stood by her when no one else had stuck around.

“Well, it’s time to go to bed. We both have work tomorrow, and it will take me longer to get dressed than usual,” Tina admitted.

“I’ll help, so don’t try anything that I can do for you. I don’t want you to open up those stitches. It will put off our going out.” Jenna laughed and ducked when Tina threw a sofa pillow at her.

Tina lay in bed that night wondering what she was going to do about being in love with Logan. No matter how much she wanted to be with him, she didn’t see any way that could happen. She had embarrassed herself with him, and he was being a gentleman and ignoring it. But, he was staying away from her, too. She should be grateful he helped her with Jenna. She fell asleep thinking about him and how good it felt to be in his arms.

Monday morning, Tina managed to dress herself without help, since she chose her front fastening bra and panty set. She did need help with fastening her sandals on the sides though. Jenna took care of that and fussed at her for not letting her help with the rest.

“I could do it without straining, so I did,” she had said.

Jenna drove Tina’s car to work. Tina didn’t need to drive for the rest of the week and Jenna’s car was staying over were Riley was staying in a hotel. They separated to go to their individual offices then met up again at lunchtime in Jenna’s office to eat. They were discussing the latest office gossip when Jenna’s office phone rang.

“That has been ringing all morning. It’s a wonder I’ve gotten any work done.”

She picked it up and answered. Tina knew it had to be Todd when Jenna’s face went pale. Tina could hear both ends of the conversation since Jenna held the phone away from her ear. Todd was yelling.

“Where are you? I’ve been worried sick about you. You’re not at home, and you’re not at your friend’s house.”

“It’s none of your business where I am. You don’t own me and we aren’t seeing each other anymore.” Jenna’s voice shook.

“Don’t be that way, Jenna. Of course we are still seeing each other. I love you,” Todd said.

“No you don’t.”

Tina mouthed, “hang up.”

“I’m hanging up now.” It took two tries for Jenna to get the phone on the hook she was shaking so badly.

“Shhh, it’s all right. He called. He isn’t here. Even if he shows up, all we have to do is call the police,” Tina assured her.

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