Lonesome Cowboy (Honky Tonk Hearts)

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Authors: Stacy Dawn

Tags: #Contemporary, #Western

BOOK: Lonesome Cowboy (Honky Tonk Hearts)
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Table of Contents

Title Page


Praise for Stacy Dawn and…


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Thank you for purchasing this publication of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

Lonesome Cowboy


Stacy Dawn

Honky Tonk Hearts

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

Lonesome Cowboy

COPYRIGHT © 2013 by Stacy Dawn

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Contact Information: [email protected]

Cover Art by
Tamra Westberry

The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

PO Box 708

Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

Visit us at www.thewildrosepress.com

Publishing History

First Yellow Rose Edition, 2013

Digital ISBN 978-1-61217-842-4

Honky Tonk Hearts Series

Published in the United States of America

Praise for Stacy Dawn and…

“Laugh-out-loud funny and perfectly romantic. I smiled from the first word until the last. I loved this short story. This is a charming slice of life that I know I’ll read again. Lively characters, vivid images and an amusing plot all make
a great read.”

~Marlene, Fallen Angel Reviews


“This was such a great read! My attention was immediately grabbed by the very first line of the book. Sarah Monroe is a wonderfully feisty heroine who isn’t about to let anyone walk all over her. Harper Reed has just the right mix of patience and passion to be able to handle the spirited little filly. I especially loved how the hero helped the heroine see the positives that came as a result of the perceived negatives. And haven’t we all secretly wanted a little sweet revenge against a lying, cheating scumbag? Take some time, grab a chair and some coffee and enjoy every word of this fantastic story. You won’t be sorry.”

~Daffodil, Long and Short Reviews


“There isn’t anything… not to like. The premise is laugh-out-loud funny, the characters are endearing and the dialogue is perfect for the situation. Her sense of timing is super. There were more times than I can remember when I giggled while reading this. It was entertaining all the way through.”

~Fallen Angel Reviews


Special thank you to Tina,

good friend and partner in crime

(to the ever exasperation of our husbands.)

And to Jannine Gallant

for your input and sharing Redemption with me.

Chapter One

A slow, sharp graze down the back of his hand had Marshall Dekes glancing away from the bar where he poured a shot of tequila. He raised a brow at the bright red nail continuing a sensual circle on his skin, and then lifted his gaze up and over the woman’s full cleavage to where a glossy red grin oozed invitation.

“Hands off the employees, Layla—you know the rules,” Keira reprimanded as she passed behind him to slide a longneck toward the cowboy on the adjacent stool.

Marshall winked a thanks to his friend for having his back, then shrugged a shoulder and slipped his hand from beneath the seductive claw. Technically, there was no rule of the kind here at the Lonesome Steer Honky Tonk, but when it came to “Lay down Layla,” it was the only way to keep the local nymphomaniac at bay.

“But he’s so luscious, Keira.” The woman’s raspy voice held an edge of playful pout. “Can’t we play just once?”

“If we broke the rules for you, we’d have to break them for everyone,” Keira replied as she deftly set out and poured six shot glasses full of whisky. She returned his earlier wink. “Then Marshall would end up too tired from fending you all off to do his job.”

He bit back a chuckle and reached over her blonde head to replace the tequila bottle on the shelf behind the bar. The glass hadn’t even touched the ledge when a sudden, burning tenseness seized his shoulders. The large mirror behind the liquor bottles reflected the mass of bodies two-stepping away the problems of the day. His brows drew down. Nothing out of the ordinary. No overt reason for the painful awareness raising the hair on the back of his neck.

Gus’s gray head filled his peripheral vision, and Marshall slowly wrung out his neck muscles before focusing on what his boss was saying.

“Now there’s a filly that looks a little down on her luck.” The old man’s thick, handlebar mustache tilted up on one side.

Marshall followed the direction of his mentor’s nod. Long brunette hair hid a woman’s bowed head as she worried a napkin into paper shreds atop the tall oak surface at the far end of the bar.

His nape knotted tighter than a grip on a bull rope.

“I got the Matthews boys from the dude ranch waiting on these,” the old man said as he grabbed four burnished bottles from the cooler below the bar. “Maybe she could use a little of your ‘lusciousness’ to cheer ’er up.”

Marshall tipped him a stiff grin, the best he could do as the fiery sensation moved up to tighten his jaw. One more glance around showed nothing, yet the feeling intensified.

“Go on, what you waitin’ for? She don’t look like a biter.” The chuckle of the bar owner echoed against the bottles.

As the jukebox belted out a new Lance Dugan song, Marshall directed one more glance to the young guns around the pool table next to the old sound system. They’d been a bit rowdy tonight. Maybe that’s why he was on alert. One of them had already gotten a warning from Gus.

Readjusting the tan Stetson on his head, Marshall grabbed a napkin with the Lonesome Steer Honky Tonk logo etched onto its surface, tamped down the muscle-tightening sensation the best he could and headed to the end of the bar.

He leaned over and slid the square across the worn oak. “Looks like you could use another of these.”

The bar lights illuminated the woman’s dark auburn strands as delicate fingers reached up to pull back the silky locks.

His lips tilted at the hint of soft skin. “What can I get to put a smile on that pretty fa—”

Facing him fully, her tentative hazel gaze stopped him cold.


The burning sensation intensified, vise-gripped his shoulders and clenched his jaw so tight his gasp of air was sucked through flared nostrils.

“Hey, Marshall.” Her quiet voice dispelled from soft bow-lips on a painfully familiar, heart-shaped face.

The very last face he thought he’d
see again.

A squeal of the microphone as someone adjusted the karaoke machine snapped him out of his shock, and he slammed up straight, fingers fisted atop the shellacked wood. He forced his gaze away to gain some control, but the dancing bodies and clack of balls on the pool tables only added to the sudden chaos that attacked his mind and body.

“What are
doing here?”

She hesitated a moment before saying, “I’m visiting Andee over in Redemption for a few days.”

Marshall pressed his lips together until his teeth threatened to break through the skin. He knew her cousin owned the café in the small town about forty-five minutes up the highway. Only once—by accident—had he gone in for breakfast after working at his buddy Chase’s place nearby. Though he’d only met her once, he’d instantly recognized Andee coming out of the kitchen. The minute Chase told him she was the new owner, he’d made quick excuses and hightailed it out of there, not needing the reminder of—

“So, I, uh, guess you’re a little surprised to see me.”

Her words pulled his attention back as a tick pulsed in his jaw, preventing any speech. Probably a good thing, because the only words that came to mind were venomous…or worse, pathetic.

His gaze scoured her tight features. Slightly rounder than he remembered, the curves lent a new softness to her face, making her even prettier than the images scarred on his memory.

. He wasn’t going there. She’d made her choice two years ago...the

With one last, involuntary sweep, he wrenched his gaze away and turned. This was one patron he wouldn’t serve, never again.


Cool fingers grabbed his arm, freezing him to the spot.


The pleading voice coursed through him, and he clenched his teeth against the instinctive desire to turn back.
Don’t do it, man.
The clench of his jaw became painful, but it was as if his feet were cemented to the dark linoleum behind the bar.


His skin burned beneath her cool grasp.
Every fiber of his being fought the battle between turning back and running like hell.

Down at the other end of the bar, past a busy Keira serving customers, Gus gave him a concerned dip of his salt-and-pepper brow.

Dammit all.
He didn’t know what was worse, facing Amy, or having to explain to his boss and mentor the reason for his utter lack of customer service to this particular patron. He’d worked for the old man since he was sixteen, after high school, on and off between rodeo circuits and full time for the last couple years—the man was more a father figure than his own had ever been. He owed Gus a lot, respected him like no other, but this was one piece of humiliating history he had no intention of sharing.

Marshall swung back around, discreetly yanking from her haunting touch to cross both arms over his chest. The wild pulse of his heartbeat vibrated against his corded forearm.

“What do you want, Amy?” he managed to utter through clenched teeth.

Her hand had returned to the twisted napkin and she glanced around the place. “Is there somewhere we can talk for a minute?”

Hell no.

He leaned back against the second cash register until the lip of the drawer dug into his backside. Marshall forced his jaw to relax. “Here’s fine.” Why should he be the only one uncomfortable?

Her rose lips pressed into a thin line. “Fine. I guess I really can’t blame you for being…angry.”

She fidgeted with the straps of her floral sundress. The sweetheart neckline exposed just enough of her ripened breasts to make his jaw re-tense. Though the high bar blocked everything below, he was sure the skirt would be short, showing a teasing amount of those sleek and sexy legs.

God, she’s still beautiful.

Other parts of his anatomy instantly tightened and he hid his further—and painfully annoying—discomfort behind a forced casual cross of his ankles.

Marshall hoped she got to the point soon, because it was taking all his effort to stand there.
The gall of the woman showing up like this out of the blue
. What had she expected? That he’d welcome her with open arms and catch up like old friends…as if she never destroyed him?

She winced and twisted slightly with a hand to her back. He raised a brow at the motion, but stopped himself. Just like the nervous habit of shredding the napkin that she’d never had before, he didn’t care. Wouldn’t care.
Look what it got me the first time ’round.

Amy dipped her chin to stare at the crumpled paper. “I came to…I just wanted to…to apologize.”

“Fine,” he clipped and pushed off the register.

“Wait, that’s it?” Her tone held annoyed disbelief.

“Yep. You apologized. We’re done.”

“Marshall, please.”

The put-out tone in her voice snapped his tightly reined control. “
” He spun back on her. “What do you want, Amy? Do you want me to say, ‘Hey no problem”—he waved a hand in the air, mimicking a friendly gesture—“forgive and forget, how ’bout we do lunch sometime?’ Well sorry,
, ain’t gonna happen.” He splayed his hands wide on the bar top, leaning in until he could feel the heat radiating off her reddened cheeks. “I came back from five months on the circuits with a buckle, a key, and a ring in my pocket, only to find out you were
. Tell me, Amy, which part of that sounds easy to forget, let alone forgive?”

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