Lone Star Burn: Love On Tap (Kindle Worlds Novella) (15 page)

BOOK: Lone Star Burn: Love On Tap (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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Gray was there to help her down, and he pinned her against the side of the bull. “You turned on a room full of men with that sexy demonstration. You screamed my name.”

“It wasn’t intentional, believe me. I just pretended all the power between my legs was you thrusting into me. In case you were wondering, your friction is a lot hotter.” His arousal was obvious. She purposely squirmed her hips against him. “My secret for staying on the ride: pretend you’re buried deep inside me and you’ll do fine.”

Jennie walked away and waved to her clapping audience.

Gray took her advice and stayed on the ride for three minutes. He was so aroused that he had no problem taking her advice, and imagined himself deep inside her. By rights he should have demanded a rematch, but that would be too easy. Tomorrow night he would challenge her to a rematch when the Roadhouse was closed. He was already devising a whole new set of rules.

There were a few more challenges, but the highlight had been Gray and Jennie. They sat at his corner table and enjoyed their barbecue for two.

Jennie sipped her iced tea. “We both stayed on the bull for the full ride, so what happens to our challenge?”

“You’re not getting out of it that easily.” The music was so loud he didn’t have to lower his voice, but he leaned into her anyway. “Tomorrow night, after the Roadhouse is closed, we have a rematch, but my way. We’ll ride the bull together naked, face to face. You’ll wrap your legs around me and I’ll slide into your hot, sweet body. When the bull starts, you’ll feel my slow, rocking thrusts. Jennie girl, be prepared to scream my name for real.”

But I won’t be here!
couldn’t lose the chance to be with him one more time, and glanced at his almost empty plate. “Are you finished eating?”

“Yes, why?”

“Because I am so turned on right now, I can’t wait till tomorrow night.” She moved her hand under the table and found him hot and stiff. “I think you need me, too.”

“And where do you we suggest we go? I have to stay till closing.”

“Meet me in your office in about five minutes.”

Her heart beat faster with every step she took toward his office. Tomorrow when he discovered her gone, he’d realize everything was staged because she knew she was leaving. She’d never considered herself selfish, but she needed to love him one more time.

A couple of file folders occupied the top of the desk, and she carefully set his laptop on the floor. She stripped and decided to wear her boots and hat. It would be too obvious if she stretched out on his desk, so she perched on a chair and swung a leg, just like she’d done the first time she saw him.

Something was wrong, Grayson decided, as he walked to his office. Out of a clear blue sky, Jennie suddenly wanted to make love. Not that he would mind. He was hot for her right now. He tapped softly at the door, stepped inside, and grinned at his sexy cowgirl occupying his desk chair.

“I kept the cowgirl boots on, and I think the hat is a nice touch.” She grinned.

All thoughts of thinking this was a setup were forgotten when Grayson turned the lock.

“Be prepared to be ridden, Jennie girl. Think of it as a prequel to tomorrow night.”


Two hours later, Jennie sat behind the wheel of her rental truck. Her body still hummed from their spontaneous lovemaking. Her heart broke a little more with every mile she drove away from the Roadhouse. Grayson had kissed her good night and said he’d see her in the morning. But he wouldn’t. He was going to hate her. It was better this way, she told herself a thousand times. A river of tears ran down her cheeks, and she got tired of trying to wipe them away.

She made good time on the interstate, and seven hours later pulled into a motel to get a few hours’ sleep. She’d just taken a shower and put on a nightshirt when her cell rang. It was Grayson. She’d been dreading this call and already missed him like crazy.

“Don’t hate me.”

“I can’t believe you left without saying goodbye.”

“I hate goodbyes,” she choked out.

“I sensed something was wrong last night when we made love. I now realize it was desperation I felt every time you kissed and touched me. When I got home I thought you had put the car in the barn. This morning I went to your room to kiss you good morning, and imagine my shock when I noticed all your things were gone. I tried to call you earlier, but it went straight to message. You hurt me, Jennie.”

He didn’t have to tell her. She could hear the pain and disappointment in his voice. “I turned the phone off while I was driving. Please, Grayson. I love you so much and I needed you to be a part of me one more time. It killed me to leave you and Matt. Is he okay? Does he hate me?”

“He’s very sad that you left, but he doesn’t hate you. My mother being here helps.”

“Tell Matt I love him and I’ll send him emails. He can call me, too.”

“Where are you?”

“I just checked into a motel just outside of Little Rock, to get some sleep.”

“You never told me where you are headed.”

“A small town in Pennsylvania.”

“Where in Pennsylvania?”

“Laurel Heights.”

For the first time in hours, Grayson’s heart began to lighten. Never in his wildest dreams could fate be so kind. “Remember our deal?

“Yes. Why?”

“Six months from today, I’ll expect an answer from you. Jennie girl, if the mountain won’t come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain. Get some sleep and dream of me. Call when you get up. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Jennie said, wondering what he meant by that Muhammad comment.












Chapter 12

Time had run out. Jennie stared at the date on her laptop calendar like it was her mortal enemy; tomorrow would be six months to the day she’d left Grayson and Mathew. She’d spoken to him every day and he knew how much she enjoyed her new job, but he was expecting her answer. Did he expect her to just up and leave, go back to Texas? She’d broken his heart once by running off like a coward, and she was about to do it again.

It wasn’t as if she’d fallen out of love; it was just the opposite. The love she felt for Grayson and Mathew had grown every single day they’d been separated. Her heart ached to be with them, but circumstances had changed, and leaving Laurel Heights was no longer an option.

Tomorrow she was meeting with the local realtor. Preston and Cindi had provided a home for her, but it was time to move on and find a place of her own.

Not even the summer sun coming in the big windows of her office could cheer her up. She’d specifically toned down the professional office suite by adding a large poster board to display the crafts and pictures the children had made for her. In the short time she’d been running the nonprofit foundation, she’d raised more money than she’d ever expected.

Her eyes were drawn to the painting of the female wolf and her cubs, the mate to the one she’d gifted Grayson. He was extremely touched by her gift and hung it in his home office. She couldn’t bring herself to tell him about the sister painting. Keeping secrets from him only added to her depression.

The phone on her desk rang. It was Gloria, her very efficient admin.

“Jennie, there’s a woman out here who would like to see you. She’s a personal friend and said you would be happy to see her.”

“Sure, why not.” She needed something to get her out of the doldrums.

Jennie stood up, and a smile instantly filled her face.

“Mathew! Caroline!”

She opened her arms wide, and the happy ten-year-old threw himself against her. She gathered him close and kissed him on the forehead. He’d grown taller, and felt so wonderful.

“What an unexpected surprise!” Immediate panic filled her eyes, and she quickly asked, “Is your father here?”

Matt’s gray eyes brightened with pleasure
“He’s busy at his brewery, so I’m spending the month with my grandmother and grandfather in their new house. Pop is teaching me how to play golf. We can’t tell anyone, but he lets me drive his golf cart.”

The last few months Grayson had been enthused about the big launch of Wolff Head’s Finest, his newest beer, so Jennie was familiar with all the particulars. She’d disappointed him, again, when she refused his invitation to attend the official launch party. She’d used the excuse that this was the first summer the community center was open and she needed to make sure everything was running smoothly.

“What new house?” Jennie asked Caroline. They spoke every week and communicated through emails, and Gray’s mother had never mentioned moving to the area.

“You know how much Simon is addicted to golf, so a couple of months ago we purchased a vacation home close to Latrobe Country Club, Arnold Palmer’s home course. It’s only an hour’s drive from here.”

Excitement bubbled in Caroline’s body. She needed to confirm what she suspected Jennie was trying to disguise with the pretty yellow tunic she wore over her lightweight white pants. She gave Jennie a quick hug, but immediately backed away, feeling the proof of her hunch.

From the all-knowing look on Caroline’s face, Jennie didn’t have to say words other than: “Surprise. Mother Nature pulled the rug right out from under me.”

“Surprise won’t cut it, and you are positively glowing.” Caroline couldn’t stop smiling. “When can we expect our next grandchild?”

“October. You didn’t mention anything in your last email that you were planning to visit.”

“I asked Matt what he wanted to do today and he said he wanted to surprise Jennie, so here we are.” Caroline lowered her gaze to Jennie’s stomach. “To say that I’m shocked would be putting it mildly. Are feeling okay? Any morning sickness?”

“In the beginning, I threw up so much I thought I was going to die.”

Jennie noticed Mathew was looking out the window that overlooked the soccer field. This time of day, the two coaches were putting the kids through their paces. It would be better if the rest of their conversation was spoken in private.

“Matt, would you like to join the kids? You’re wearing shorts and we have extra soccer gear. Gloria, my administrative assistant, will take you to the field and introduce you to the coaches.” A nauseating feeling settled in Jennie’s stomach when she noticed Matt was staring at her. She’d seen that serious look on his face several times.

“Are you really getting a baby, Jennie?” he asked very quietly.

“Yes,” she replied with a forced smile. “Right now I need to talk to your grandmother. Let’s get you outside to have some fun.”

“Keep your phone with you. When we’re done, we can take Jennie to lunch.”

“Okay, Grandma.”


Before he joined the kids, Matt asked to use the boys’ room. He really didn’t feel like playing soccer. Jennie wouldn’t be moving in with them, and they wouldn’t be a family like his dad had promised. He liked to be able to call his dad whenever he wanted, and decided to deliver the bad news.

“Hey, Matt! Are you having a good time learning how to play golf?”

“I guess.”

The unhappiness in his son’s voice was obvious. “What’s wrong?”

“Grandma and I went to visit Jennie as a surprise, but she can’t move in with us. She’s very sick and is going to die, just like my mother and father.”

” Grayson cautioned himself to stay in control, and calmly asked, “Are you sure you heard right?”

“She told Grandma Mother Nature pulled the rug right out from under her.”

Jennie had never said anything about being sick. There had to be some kind of mistake. Where the hell did Mother Nature come into this? Grayson was totally confused.

“Are you saying Jennie fell?”

“No, but her belly is big and she told Grandma it was a surprise.”

“What belly?” Apprehension gripped Grayson’s body as he waited for his son’s answer. In his heart, he already knew.

“You know. The kind a lady gets when she’s having a baby.”

The questions stuck in his throat. “A baby? Are you sure?”

“Yeah. It’s coming in October, and she has a husband, too.”

“Are you sure she said she was married?”

“I didn’t hear that part, but you can’t have a baby without a husband.”

A sense of relief filled his body, but he didn’t know what to think. Jennie claimed she couldn’t have a baby because she was going through her changes. She’d known for six months and hadn’t bothered to tell him! Why? He should be furious with her for keeping this from him, but none of that mattered. Jennie was pregnant with his child! He had a great deal of thinking to do.

“Matt, this phone call is between us. Promise me you won’t say anything to Jennie. I’ll speak with your grandmother later on. I’ve got a couple of things to finish up here and I’ll be there tomorrow.”

“Does that mean Jennie isn’t going to die?”

“Jennie is not going to die.”

BOOK: Lone Star Burn: Love On Tap (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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