Read Lone Star Baby (McCabe Multiples Book 5) Online

Authors: Cathy Gillen Thacker

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Fiction, #Cowboys, #Western, #Foster Parent, #Infant, #Baby, #Girl, #Doctor, #Co-Guardian, #Adoptive, #Family Life, #Secret Crush, #Unpredictable, #Fears, #Father, #Perfect Home, #McCabe Family, #Saga

Lone Star Baby (McCabe Multiples Book 5) (17 page)

BOOK: Lone Star Baby (McCabe Multiples Book 5)
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“But now?” Violet urged. Her heart thundered in her chest. Her spirits rose and crashed and rose again.

Gavin looked more coolly determined than she had ever seen him. “Ava needs a mother
a father, Violet.” He continued practically, before she could draw a breath. “She needs both of us.”

Which, ironically, was what Violet had been saying for days now. Still, it took a moment for his gruff declaration to register. She stared at him in amazement. “You want to adopt her now, too?”

He nodded, all the love and commitment she had ever wanted to see shining in his eyes. “Along with you. Just as Tammy Barlowe wanted.”

And what about the two of us?
Violet couldn’t help but wonder.
Do we take a step back? Pick up where we left off? Find some new way to carry on?

His inscrutable expression gave no clue.

Violet knew what she wanted, of course.

But were they on the same page? Or would they differ here, too? And how would she feel if they did?

She only knew she wanted him back in her life, but for the right reasons this time. Reasons that were grounded in reality, not wishful thinking.

Seeming to understand they needed a moment alone, Mitzy stood and picked up the baby carrier. With an efficient smile, she announced, “Ava and I are going to give you a few minutes to talk. If you-all need us, we’ll be down the hall saying hello to other members of the staff.”

The door shut behind her.

The romantic, idealistic side of Violet wanted to throw herself into Gavin’s arms then and there. The more practical side urged her to slow down this time and to proceed a hell of a lot more cautiously. That process started by understanding what was in his heart.

She stood and paced a safe distance away from him. “What changed your mind?”

His lips curved ruefully. “A number of things,” he admitted in chagrin. Rising slowly, he kept his eyes on hers. “For starters, I realized you were right. I love Ava as my own, too.”

She hitched in a shaky breath. Tears of joy and relief blurred her vision. She pushed the words around the lump in her throat. “Then why didn’t you say so?”

His mouth tightening with regret, he said, “Because missing that diagnosis really shook me. I’d never had my emotions get in the way of being a doctor. Never mind expect it would happen as a father.”

The pain in his low tone matched the anguish she’d felt in her heart.

Swallowing, Gavin shoved both hands through his hair. “To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t sure I was good enough for her. Or for you. I’ve had a lot of loss in my life already, and you and I both know I don’t exactly have the best track record where relationships are concerned.”

With a rough breath, he closed the distance between them and took her hand. “I couldn’t stand the thought of letting either of you down, and instead, that’s exactly what I did. Even though I had promised, having been orphaned myself, that I would never turn my back on another parentless child.”

Glad he was finally telling her all that was in his heart, she took his other hand and looked up at him. “What happened to make you feel differently?” Because clearly, a lot had changed. “What happened to help you understand that not only are you good enough for Ava and me, but exactly who we want and need?”

Affection lit the ruggedly handsome planes of his face. Briefly, he told her about the talk he’d had with his younger brother. “Turns out I’m more of a role model than I thought. And I had plenty of time to think, to miss her and miss you, and realize what my life would be like
the two of you in it, and what it would be like without.” His grin widened. “You-all won, hands down.”

Joy poured through Violet as Gavin took her all the way into his arms.

He pressed a kiss to her temple, her brow. Stroking a hand through her hair, he teased, “And you know what else I figured out?”

Her curiosity piqued, Violet put her arms around his waist. “Tell me.”

“That you’re right. Some decisions are best made on pure emotion. Like the first time I kissed you,” he reflected fondly. “That was an impulse and a darn good one.”

He paused to demonstrate, most effectively, she thought as tingles slid through her head to toe.

He rubbed his thumb across her lower lip. “Then there was the first time we slept together, the first time we made love. Hell,” he corrected, chuckling mischievously, “
time we made love.”

“No quarrel there.”

His voice dropped another husky notch. “That was all done from what we both felt—in here.” He touched both their hearts, in turn.

But there was a time, Violet noted, they needed to do things...his way, too.

“Still,” Violet cautioned, stepping back and calling on her practical side, “there are some things we need to weigh and consider.”

His eyes narrowed. “Such as?”

“How this is all going to work out.”

“If you’re asking me what I want, it’s for you and Ava to move back in, pronto.”

Violet swallowed. They were definitely headed in the right direction, but there was still no talk of love. And without that...would it work out? Could it work out? Long-term? “Isn’t that how we got into trouble in the first place?” she asked, determined to put on the brakes, at least temporarily, before they derailed again. “By rushing into being a family?”

He shook his head. “No. We got into trouble when I stopped listening to my heart and almost convinced you to stop listening to yours and give Ava up.” He exhaled slowly, all the regret he felt in his gaze. “I’m not going to make that same mistake again.” He gathered her close. “I love you, Violet, with all my heart and soul.”

Violet closed her eyes as she let the wonderful feeling sink in. Finally, she opened her eyes and kissed him. “Oh, Gavin,” she breathed, “I love you, too. So very much.” She didn’t need more time to know that.

He pulled back to study her, even more serious now. “Enough to marry me?”

At last, the heartfelt proposal she had been waiting for all her life. “You’re sure?” she whispered tremulously, aware all her dreams were about to come true at long last.

He nodded. “Positive.” He kissed her again, sweetly and tenderly, before flashing a mischievous grin. “Because as it turns out, I do have a romantic bone in my body, after all.”


One year later

“Up!” Ava commanded with heartfelt urgency, holding out her arms to Gavin.

He flashed her an indulgent smile. “You got it, sweetheart.” He swooped Ava into his arms and cradled her against his chest.

Smiling, the fourteen-month-old propped one elbow on his shoulder and used the other hand to crinkle the collar on his shirt between her fingertips. “Daddy,” she announced affectionately.

“Ava,” Gavin replied in turn, bussing the top of her head.

Ava beamed at the sound of her name, then turned to Violet and pointed. “Mommy,” she declared happily.

Violet blew her a kiss. “My sweet, sweet baby girl.”

Ava giggled, glad everyone had been properly identified, then squirmed to get down. “Play.” She pointed toward the backyard. Together, the three of them walked outside.

Gavin lowered their little girl gently to the grass. Ava took a moment to get her balance before toddling over to her sandbox. Perching on the edge, she picked up her pail and shovel and began to awkwardly sift sand, a few grains at a time.

“So what do you think?” Gavin asked, turning the conversation to the new addition on their house.

Violet reflected on her decorator-sister’s handiwork. It was gorgeous, down to the last detail of Ava’s pink-and-white-gingham bedroom, the second bath and the cozy sunroom that opened up onto their backyard.

But then, that was no surprise. Poppy was a master at creating warm and inviting spaces.

“I think,” Violet said softly, “I’m very glad that we elected to build on rather than move. This place has so many memories.”

Keeping a watchful eye on their daughter, Gavin wrapped his arm around Violet’s shoulders and tugged her close. “We brought Ava home from the hospital here.”

Violet relaxed against him, savoring the masculine scent and feel of him. “This is where we got to really know each other and fell in love.”

His eyes locked with hers. “And decided to formally adopt our little darling.”

Which was, she thought, contentment filling her heart, one of the very best decisions of their entire lives. “It’s where you officially presented me with an engagement ring.”

He kissed the back of her hand. Then, looking every bit as satisfied as she felt, tilted her head up to his. “And we got married last spring.”

Violet couldn’t help but chuckle. “That was a day, all right.”

Laughing, he shook his head. “We planned to have the ceremony outside.”

She smoothed her hands across his chest. “And it rained.”

He nodded, his hands slipping to the curve of her hips. “So we moved everything—and everyone—inside.”

Warmth zinged through her. “To the point we barely had room to move.”

His gray-blue eyes crinkled at the corners. “But it was incredibly special, anyway.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Violet rose on tiptoe to kiss him. “As are all our moments.”

Gavin hauled her even closer. He returned her kiss, thoroughly, tenderly. “And now that we have everything...” he murmured, brushing his lips across her temple.

“Ahh. More than you know,” Violet whispered in return.

Gavin lifted a brow.

Violet blushed. She cast a look at their daughter, who was still happily playing in the sand. Violet had been planning to wait. But the news was too good not to share.

She swallowed and said, “We’re expanding our family a little sooner than we had figured.” Which probably wasn’t a surprise given how often and passionately they made love.

Gavin’s sexy smile widened slowly. “You’re...?”

“Pregnant. Yes, Doc, I am.”

The laugh erupted out of his chest, warm and exultant.


“If my calculations are correct, next May.”

Violet shook her head. She waved her hand at the new construction. “So this addition we just spent the past six months building...”

His eyes twinkled. “May not be room enough. That’s okay. Next time we’ll just have to build up.”

They were going to have to—otherwise they’d have zero backyard for their kids to play in.

“Always an adventure with us,” she surmised.

Gavin hugged her close. “Good thing we’re up to the task. Although, for the record, a second story would be nice.”

They could double the square footage that way, in one fell swoop, Violet knew. “So will a little brother or sister for Ava.”

Hearing her name, Ava climbed out of the sandbox and toddled back their way. This time she lifted her arms toward Violet. “Up!” she said.

Violet swung their little girl up into her arms and Gavin joined in the family hug. Together, they reflected on how wonderful life was.

* * * * *

Watch for the next story in
Cathy Gillen Thacker’s


coming November 2015

Only from Harlequin American Romance!

Keep reading for an excerpt from
by Jodi Thomas.

BOOK: Lone Star Baby (McCabe Multiples Book 5)
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