Lone Female (9 page)

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Authors: Clarissa Fenton

BOOK: Lone Female
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'Naughty boys get slapped, Carl...you should
know that.'


I'd had enough of this now. I didn't mind
playing along a bit, but this was getting stupid. She needed a good seeing to
and I was keen to get on with the job.


'Look, cut the crap.' I said. 'You might like
all this pissing about but I don't. We can either have a proper fuck or you can
fuck off home.'


She slapped me again, harder this time, and I
saw her smile as she did it. For the first time I could tell she was getting
properly turned on and I noticed her nipples were erect through the sheer
fabric of her dress.


'You've forgotten something Carl. I know
about your little game. I can go to the police anytime and tell them about you.
So if you want to play, you play by my rules.'


I realised she had a point. I'd pulled her
she knew about the false plates, uniform, blue light,
the lot. I realised I had to tread carefully with her.


'Alright then.'


She smiled. 'Good boy. Since you've been
good, you get a treat.'


I wondered what the fuck her next trick was
going to be but I didn't have to wait long, as she knelt down and licked my
cock just once, a long, wet lick all the way along the shaft without using her
hands, pulling a long string of pre-
off it and
smacking her lips as she stood up.


'Now, get down on that sofa. Lie on your


I didn't have much choice and so lay back on
the sofa with my hands behind me, trousers round my ankles, as she undid my
stab vest and shirt. She stood in front of me and in one fluid movement, her
dress was off and I realised she was naked underneath, except for the black
hold up stockings and high heeled shoes which she kept on. Her tits were just
as I'd imagined them; firm looking and pointed, with small, hard nipples, and
her pussy was totally shaved. I noticed a gleam down there and saw that she had
some sort of piercing above her clit and a dark tattoo of a dragon or snake or
something across her hip.


She smiled and strode forward to me, then
straddled me on the sofa so that her crotch was inches from my face. I saw her
looking down at me, her tits looking bigger and jutting out even more at this


'You're going to lick me Carl. Do it
properly, and you'll get another treat.'


I didn't need much persuasion. I leant my
head forward and teased her clit with my tongue, noticing the odd sensation of
the little metal piercing, and she sighed with pleasure.


'Lower down.'


I moved my tongue down, lapping the silky
smooth bare skin around her lips and working my tongue in,
went up again, lapping at her clit. I felt a sharp thrust on my head as it was
pushed down again.


'I said lower down. Do what you're told.'


So I worked my tongue down again, giving her
pussy long, slow licks from top to bottom and back down again. She seemed to
approve and sighed again, then began a sort of moaning as the pleasure built


Eventually she stepped back, breathing hard,
and looked me up and down.


'Right then.
for something else.'


She straddled me again and grabbed my cock, forcing
it inside her with a cry of pleasure, and began thrusting her hips into mine.
Her pussy was tight and wet, the walls squeezing my swollen cock with an almost
unbearable pressure. She started bucking back and forth, fucking me like she
was the man and I was the woman; her hands reached forward to grab my shoulders
and I felt her nails dig into them as she closed her eyes and built up to a
breakneck pace. She was gasping and looking right at me, her fiery blue eyes
burning into mine. Suddenly she climbed off me and positioned her crotch right
in front of my face, frigging herself hard.


'Open your mouth,' she commanded. 'I'm going
to come on you.'


I'd heard of
and seen them in porn films once or twice but assumed it was all
. I know now it's not though. At that moment though it
sounded like the most arousing thing I'd ever heard and I eagerly opened my
mouth as she arched her back and with a thrust of her hips and a long, low
moan, a spurt of clear warm fluid shot from her pussy onto my face and into my
mouth; nothing major but a definitely good spray. I savoured the taste, like
fresh clean sweat, and then lost control, jerking my come onto my belly without
even touching my cock, not that I was able to anyway.


She climbed off me and looked down at me.


'That's just how I like to see my men Carl.
Bound and helpless and covered in my juice.'


Shit, she was a weird one, alright. I
wondered what else she'd got planned but then she
me and got dressed quickly as I cleaned myself up and got back into my shirt
and trousers.


I offered her a cigarette and she wolfed the
smoke down hungrily, looking at me through lidded eyes.


'I think this is the start of an interesting
relationship, Carl.'


'What do you mean?'


'I like being dominant, Carl.'


'I noticed.'


'But sometimes I like to be submissive too.'
She took a puff on her cigarette. She was speaking like someone else might speak
about her hobbies or something. 'Like when you pulled me over, I thought, hmm,
now here's someone who might be able to take me in hand a bit.'


'Yeah, I might...' I wasn't exactly sure what
she was on about.


'So what I was thinking is
why don't we do it again?'


'Give me a rest first, for Christ's sake.'


'I don't mean that Carl. I mean you pulling
me over again like you did tonight. I liked that. I liked it when you said you
wanted to fuck me. Normally I'm the one that makes the first move with men. But
I liked the way you did it.'


It sounds stupid but I felt a bit of pride in
my work. It suddenly occurred to me that this might be a good idea. It wouldn't
exactly be the same as the last few times, but it would still be good and
there'd be none of the risk associated with pulling over random women. I
decided to go for it.


'Alright then.'


'My rules though,




'You pull me over again tomorrow night. Same
time, same place. But make sure you do it right. I want you to dominate me
properly. Wear all your gear. I'll be in something demure, like butter wouldn't
melt in my mouth. And I want you to describe exactly what you're going to do to
me. No messing about. Give me all the sordid details up front.'


She smiled, ground her cigarette mercilessly
into the ashtray and got up to go.


'Wait,' I said. 'I don't even know your


'That's just how I want it, Carl. But you can
call me Laura.'


'Alright Laura.
I'll see you
tomorrow night then.'


She smiled mischievously and groped my
crotch, giving me a long, lingering kiss as she did it.


'See you then Carl. I promise you'll have a
night to remember.' She swayed over to the door and I got a final glimpse of
that racehorse arse in the tight dress.


Then the door clicked shut and I heard her
car pull away. Too late I realised my car was left in the
and I ended up having to walk two frigging miles to collect it. On top of that
night's excitement it was enough to knock me out and I slept like a log without
even thinking how bloody weird all this was getting.





The next day at work dragged like a bitch
with Derek moaning on non-stop, and I was a bit late getting to the pub. Sure
enough though there was Laura, sitting at the bar, and as she said, she was
demurely dressed, wearing a flowery skirt, flat shoes and a plain top that
didn't really show off her figure much. She didn't look quite the stunner she'd
looked before but I was still horny as hell at the thought of what she might
have got in store for me. My mind boggled at what a mental case like her was
going to cook up.


I kept an eye on her from a corner of the
room, and come 10.30 she walked to the door, not even giving me a glance. I
followed, doing the usual routine with the number plates and then keeping close
on her tail as she drove out onto the main road. Once I'd checked no other
traffic was around, I flicked on the blue light and the siren and gave
a her
a good long blast, hoping it would get her as much
into the part of the innocent little woman who was going to get in trouble with
the big, bad, copper.


Once she'd pulled over I sauntered over to
the car, revelling in the part and leering at her as she wound the window down.
She was all sweetness and light but I'll give her this, she was a good actress
and didn't even look as if she'd ever seen me before or had any idea this was
all an act. She didn't say anything, so I decided to act up a bit, giving her a
chance to get turned on by the part.


'Sorry to trouble you madam. Only your car
was weaving a bit back there and I have reason to suspect you've been


She looked at me without a trace of a smile
or any look of desire. She took this stuff seriously, alright.


'I'm sorry,' she said, and her voice had lost
the huskiness of the night before. 'I didn't realise. Oh, I hope you don't
mind, but since you've got an unmarked car, I wonder if you'd be kind enough to
show me your warrant card.
Just to make sure.'


I smiled and showed her the fake card, and
she nodded approvingly. 'That's fine. How can I help you, officer?' She was
still as demure as ever; she even sounded a bit bored.


I remembered that she wanted me to describe
in detail what I was going to do to her. I was starting to get very turned on
and wanted to cut to the chase as soon as possible.


I leant in to the window and looked at her
straight in the eye, running my hand through her hair and said 'I want to give
you a good...long...hard fuck on that back seat.'


You've probably guessed what was coming next
, stupid fucker that I was, hadn't even had the
sense to spot the blindingly obvious trap I'd fallen into.


In that instant a dark shape jumped off the
back seat and the back door flew open and there was a blaze of light, with the
sound of crashing boots and indistinct shouting. I was pushed sideways and onto
the hard gravel of the
and looked up to see
Laura looking impassively down at me. As I struggled to get to my feet I heard
her say 'cuff him' and my arms were wrenched back as she said the usual
caution. Then I was shoved into the back of a police van, the cage door slammed
shut and we drove off at high speed.


I'd heard of men who think with their dicks
but I'd never realised I'd become one of them. It was so obvious now
back on it, but in a way I'd lost track of reality;
I'd got so caught up in the game of playing the police that I didn't even see
them when they appeared under my nose. I'd got cocky and fallen for Laura's
flattery, letting her do a double bluff on me that shouldn't have been able to
fool a ten year old.


It turned out her name was Laura though;
Detective Sergeant Laura
. As we sat in
the interview room it all started to come out. They'd been on to me for a
while, apparently. The second time I'd gone on foot patrol the PC who'd tried
to arrest me had reported it of course, and they'd put out my description to
most of the forces in that part of the country. Then that stuck up cow I'd
sworn at had reported me, and they'd gone into overdrive, putting out extra
patrols in the area and checking
all over the place. That was how they'd known it was me - I'd kept out of sight
when putting the fake plates on my car but it had never occurred to me that
there might be a camera which would show me driving in with one set of plates
on and driving the same car out with different ones. Once they'd seen that they
just had to look up who owned my car, and that was that.

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