London's Shadows: The Dark Side of the Victorian City (44 page)

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41 MEPO 3/140

42 Begg, Jack the Ripper, 93

43 Begg, Jack the Ripper, 93

44 Begg, Jack the Ripper, 93

45 MEPO 3/140

46 MEPO 3/140

47 MEPO 3/140

48 Northern Echo (1/9/1888)

49 The Times (24/9/1888)

50 Elwyn Jones and John Lloyd, The Ripper File, (London: Barker, 1975), 15

51 Begg, Jack the Ripper, 151

52 Jones and Lloyd, The Ripper File, 20

53 Begg, Jack the Ripper, 153

54 New York Times (9/9/1888)

55 New York Times (9/9/1888)

56 The Times (26/9/1888)

57 Jones and Lloyd, The Ripper File, 24

58 Sugden, Complete History, 91

59 The Illustrated Police News (22/9/1888)

60 The Times (15/9/1888)

61 The Times (15/9/1888)

62 Notably the Zodiac killer in California (who wrote coded messages to the press) and the Yorkshire Ripper case (when a member of the public sent taped `confessions' to the police) in the last quarter of the twentieth century.

63 Pall Mall Gazette (1/10/1888)

64 Jones and Lloyd, The Ripper File, 36

65 MEPO 3/141

66 MEPO 3/141

67 MEPO 3/141

68 Pall Mall Gazette (1/10/1888)

69 Report of Chief Inspector Swanson on Mitre Square murder, 6 November 1888

70 Begg, Jack the Ripper, 189

71 Walter Dew, I Caught Crippen, (London: Blackie & Son, 1938), 129

72 Report of Chief Inspector Swanson on Mitre Square murder, 6 November 1888

73 Report of Chief Inspector Swanson on Mitre Square murder 6, November 1888

74 Pall Mall Gazette (1/10/1888)

75 Pall Mall Gazette (1/10/1888)

76 Pall Mall Gazette (3/10/1888)

77 Elizabeth Stride had rented a room from McCarthy at 38 Dorset Street; Fiona Rule, The Worst Street in London, (Surrey: Ian Allen, 2009), 129

78 Rule, The Worst Street in London, 112

79 Begg, Jack the Ripper, 241

80 Dew, I Caught Crippen, 148

81 Dew, I Caught Crippen, 161

82 Pall Mall Gazette (13/11/1888)

83 Pall Mall Gazette (13/11/1888)

84 Dew, I Caught Crippen, 250

85 MEPO 3/141

86 The Times (12/11/1888)

87 The Times (12/11/1888)

88 The Times (14/11/1888)

89 The Times (19/7/1889)

90 MEPO 3/140

91 The Times (19/7/1889)

92 MEPO 3/141

93 (t18770507-436, trial of W. Broder)

94 (t18770507-436, trial of W. Broder)

95 (ti8770507-436, trial of W. Broder)

96 MEPO 3/141

Notes to Chapter 3: East Meets West: The Contrasting Nature of Victorian London and the Mixed Community of the East End

1 Jan Marsh, Back to the Land. The Pastoral Impulse in Victorian England from 1880 to 1914, (London: Quartet Books, 1982), 9
2 Colin Matthew, The Nineteenth Century, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), 42
3 Peter Mathias, The First Industrial Nation. An Economic History of Britain 1700-1914, (London, Routledge, 1987), 166-7
4 N. McCord, British History 1815-1906, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991), 210
5 Marsh, Back to the Land, 3
6 Merry & Wise: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine for Young People (1/2/1869)
7 Merry & Wise: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine for Young People (1/2/1869)
8 The Juvenile Companion and Sunday School Hive (1/11/1869)
9 The Woman's Signal (2/5/1895)

10 Fun (11/4/1874)

11 Bill Hutchings, The Poetry of William Cowper, (London: Groom Helm, 1983), 215

12 Marsh, Back to the Land, 4

13 P. J. Waller, Town, City and Nation: England 1850-1914, (Oxford: Oxford University Press) 1983), 187

14 R. J. Morris and Richard Rodger, The Victorian City: A Reader in British Urban History 1820-1914, (London: Longman, 1997), 8

15 James Walvin, Victorian Values, (London: Andre Deutsch) 1987), 110

16 David Newsome, The Victorian World Picture: Perceptions and Introspections in an age of Change, (London: John Murray, 1997), 185

17 Raymond Williams, The Country and the City, (London: Chatto & Windus) 1973 ), 217

18 P. J. Keating, `Fact and Fiction in the East End' in H. J. Dyos & Michael Wolff, The Victorian City: Images and Realities, Vol. 2 (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1973),585

19 The Nineteenth Century XXIV (1888), 262, quoted in William J. Fishman, East End 1888, (London: Gerald Duckworth) 1988), 1

20 Quoted in Robert Mighall, A Geography of Victorian Gothic Fiction: Mapping History's Nightmares, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999), 68

21 Quoted in Ian Maclachlan, 'A bloody offal nuisance: the persistence of private slaughter-houses in nineteenth-century London, Urban History, 43:2, (2007), 238

22 The Satirist; or, the Censor of the Times (12/7/1840)

23 Peter Ackroyd in Alan Palmer, The East End: Four Centuries of London Life, (New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2000), xi

24 Peter Ackroyd in Alan Palmer, The East End: Four Centuries of London Life, (New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2000), xi

25 Begg, Jack the Ripper: The Definitive History, (London: Longman, 2004), 10

26 Begg, Jack the Ripper, 10

27 Palmer, The East End, xvii

28 See Angus Calder, The Myth of the Blitz, (London: Jonathan Cape, 1990)

29 Keating, `Fact and Fiction in the East End, 590

30 W. Besant, All Sorts and Conditions of Men: An Impossible Story, (London: Chatto & Windus, 1882)

31 Keating, `Fact and Fiction in the East End, 593

32 Charles Booth, East London, (London: Macmillan) 1889), 591-2

33 The Graphic (27/8/1887)

34 Manchester Times (25/2/1865)

35 Daily News (4/1/1873)

36 The Graphic (2/5/1885)

37 Pall Mall Gazette (19/1/1887)

38 Pall Mall Gazette (19/1/1887)

39 DailyNews (20/1/1887)

40 Pall Mall Gazette (21/1/1887)

41 Pall Mall Gazette (22/1/1887)

42 Murray Baumgarten, `Seeing Double: Jews in the Fiction of F. Scott Fitzgerald, Charles Dickens, Anthony Trollope, and George Eliot, in Bryan Cheyette (ed.), Between `Race' and Culture: Representations of `the Jew' in English and American Literature, (California: Stanford University Press) 1996), 48

43 Fishman, East End, 158

44 Baumgarten, `Seeing Double, 50

45 Fishman, East End, 148

46 PP 1888 (303) Report from the Select Committee on Emigration and Immigration (foreigners), 89

47 Oswald Mosely's The British Union of Fascists commonly called 'Blackshirts' because of the militaristic uniform they adopted.

48 A. L. Cohen, `The Memorable Sunday - October 4th, in Tony Kushner and Nadia Valman (eds), Fascism and Anti-Fascism in British Society, (London: Vallentine Mitchell) 2000), 198

49 Reynolds's Newspaper (31/7/1887)

50 Birmingham Daily Post (22/8/1887)

51 Arnold White (1848-1925); Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, (www.

52 Pall Mall Gazette (9/2/1886)

53 Pall Mall Gazette (18/2/1886)

54 Pall Mall Gazette (18/3/1886) (26/3/1886)

55 Pall Mall Gazette (18/3/1886) (26/3/1886). `Sweating' was the practice of using outworkers to undertake work in their own homes, reducing the need to supply workshop space for employers and so making manufacture more profitable and circumnavigating the Factory Acts. See James Andrew Schmiechen, `Sweated Industries and Sweated Labour: A Study of Industrial Disorganization and Worker Attitudes in the London Clothing Trades, 1867-1909, The Journal of Economic History, 36:1 (March 1976), 283-6

56 PP 1888 (303), 39

57 David Englander (ed.), A Documentary History of Jewish Immigrants in Britain, 1840-1920, (Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1994), 15-16

58 Lloyd P. Gartner, The Jewish Immigrant in England, 1870-1914, (London: Simon Publications, 1960), 17

59 Gartner, The Jewish Immigrant in England, 40; William J. Fishman, East End Jewish Radicals, 1875-1914, (London: Gerald Duckworth, 1975), 30

60 Fishman, East End, 131

61 Fishman, East End, 133

62 Fishman, East End, 132

63 Gartner, The Jewish Immigrant in England, 40-1; Fishman, East End Jewish Radicals, 28

64 A Ukase was an imperial decree issued by the Russian Tsar

65 Englander (ed.), A Documentary History, 22

66 PRO MEPO 2/733, quoted in Englander (ed.), A Documentary History, 82

67 PP 1888 (303), 24

68 J. H. Stallard, London Pauperism amongst Jews and Christians, (London: 1867), quoted in Englander (ed.), A Documentary History, 111

69 Fishman, East End, 133

70 The Lancet (3/5/1884), quoted in Englander (ed.), A Documentary History, 86

71 Quoted in Fishman, East End, 157

72 Pall Mall Gazette (7/5/1888); Fishman, East End, 162

73 Pall Mall Gazette (23/2/1886)

74 Quoted in Fishman, East End, 173

75 Stephanie L. Barczewski, Myth and National Identity in Nineteenth-Century Britain, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), 143

76 Manchester Times (20/10/1888)

77 David Englander, `Booths Jews: the presentation of Jews and Judaism in life and labour of the people of London, Victorian Studies, 32:4 (Summer 1989), 552

78 Englander, `Booth's Jews, 552

79 Quoted in Lynn Hollen Lees, Exiles of Erin: Irish Migrants in Victorian London, (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1979)

80 Lees, Exiles of Erin, 56

81 H. J. Dyos, `Railways and housing in Victorian London', Journal of Transport History, 2 (1955-1956), 14-18

82 Lees, Exiles of Erin, 86

83 Montague Gore, On the Dwellings of the Poor, 2nd edition (London: 1851), xiv, quoted in Lees, Exiles of Erin, 71

84 Hugh Heinrick, A Survey of the Irish in England, Alan O'Day (ed.), (London: Hambledon Press, 1872 and 1990), 2-3

85 Henry Pelling, Popular Politics and Society in Late Victorian Britain, (London: MacMillan, 1968), 32

86 Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper (23/1/1881)

87 Colin G. Pooley, `Segregation or Integration? The Residential Experience of the Irish in Mid-Victorian Britain, in R. Swift and S. Gilley (eds), The Irish in Britain, 1815-1939, (London: Pinter Publishers, 1989), 71-2

88 Graham Davis, The Irish in Britain, 1815-1914, (Dublin: Gill& Macmillan, 1991), 116

89 Davis, The Irish in Britain, 118

90 Derek Hudson, Munby: Man of Two Worlds, (London: John Murray, 1972) quoted in Lees, Exiles of Erin, 96

91 Hudson, Munby, quoted in Lees, Exiles of Erin, 96

92 Pelling, Popular Politics, 7

93 McCord, British History, 371

94 LMA, Thames Police Court Minute book, September 1888

95 Reynolds's Newspaper (2/1/1881)

96 Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper (14/3/1886)

97 LMA, Thames Police Court Minute book, September 1888

98 (ti 8881022-976, trial of John Murphy and John Barrett)

99 LMA, Thames Police Court Minute book, September 1888

100 Reynolds's Newspaper (11/1/1880)

101 The Illustrated Police News (9/1/1886)

102 The Illustrated Police News (22/1/1881)

103 Pall Mall Gazette (19/10/1888)

104 Manchester Times (20/10/1888)

105 Stewart P. Evans and Keith Skinner, Jack the Ripper: Letters from Hell, (Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 2001), 63

106 Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper (21/10/1888). Lusk later reformed the committee after a member of the public came forward with funds and it redoubled its efforts after Mary Kelly's murder

107 Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper (21/10/1888)

108 Ng Kwee Choo, The Chinese in London, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1968), 18

109 Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper (30/12/1888)

110 Pall Mall Gazette (10/2/1912)

111 G. E. Mitton, Peeps at Great Steamship Lines - The Peninsular and Oriental, (London: A&C Black, 1913), 57-8

112 Palmer, The East End, 89

113 Gareth Stedman Jones, `The "Cockney" and the Nation, 1780-1988, in D. Feldman and G. S. Jones (eds), Metropolis London: Histories and Representations since 1800, (London: Routledge, 1989), 277

114 Jones, `The "Cockney", 278

115 Jones, `The "Cockney", 288

116 Tinsley's Magasine (April 1869), quoted in Jones, `The "Cockney"; 290

117 Punch, (9/3/1878)

118 Quoted in Jones, `The "Cockney", 292

119 Punch (2/4/1881)

120 Jones, `The "Cockney", 313

121 Aberdeen Weekly journal (6/7/1888)

122 East London Observer (7/7/1888); Pall Mall Gazette (7/7/1888)

123 PP 1888 (361) First report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on the sweating system; together with the proceedings of the committee, minutes of evidence, and appendix, iii

124 PP 1888 (361), 5

125 PP 1888 (361), 26

126 Pall Mall Gazette (1/8/1888)

127 The Link, `White slavery in London' (23/6/1888)

128 Stephen Inwood, City of Cities: The Birth of Modern London, (London: Macmillan, 2005), 99

129 Pall Mall Gazette (9/7/1888)

130 Inwood, City of Cities, 99

131 Pall Mall Gazette (16/7/1888)

132 Reynolds's Newspaper (17/7/1888)

133 Reynolds's Newspaper (22/7/1888)

134 Fishman, East End, 103

135 Quoted in Inwood, City of Cities, 98

136 Pall Mall Gazette (16/7/1888)

137 Manchester Times (13/10/1888)

138 Michael Young and Peter Willmott, Family and Kinship in East London, (London: Routledge) 1957)

139 Young and Willmott, Family and Kinship in East London, 158

Notes to Chapter 4: Read All About It! Ripper News and Sensation in Victorian Society

1 Lee Perry Curtis, Jack the Ripper and the London Press, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002), 59
2 Alan Lee, `The Structure, Ownership and Control of the Press, 1855-1914, in G. Boyce, J. Curran and P. Wingate (eds), Newspaper History: From the 17th Century to the Present Day, (London: Constable) 1978), 117

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