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Authors: Karen Booth,Karen Stivali

London Calling (11 page)

BOOK: London Calling
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But listening to Tim’s message from last night was getting
to her. It didn’t help that she’d replayed it four times.
Once more.

“It’s me. Hello? Is this thing on?” he asked, making a
tapping noise against the phone. “I’m starting to wonder if you’ve changed your
number or forgotten to charge your phone. Call me. I’d love to hear your

Ignoring him now hurt as much as talking to him.

She sighed, put down her phone and went back to cleaning the
apartment, sweeping up the dust bunnies that had once lived under Rachel’s
couch. Natalie had given Jenna the day off as a “mental health” day, which
Jenna thought might really be Nat’s way of saying she couldn’t stand being
around her anymore.

Jenna adjusted the only seating in the living room, two mismatched
chairs, one black and the other a funky olive green. She stood back to survey
the new arrangement, realizing how pitiful it looked. Saying the living room
was sparsely furnished now was a joke. Beyond the chairs, all she had was a
rickety flea-market coffee table, her stereo, and shelves of books, CDs and

She emptied the dustpan into the trash and hung up the broom,
then sat on the floor in front of her music collection. She thumbed through the
various titles, thinking about the times she’d taken records over to Tim’s

The night he gave her an extensive history lesson about the
Rolling Stones had been a memorable one. By the time he played
Brown Sugar
Jenna was tipsy and she’d danced around the room and sung loudly and off-key
while Tim sprawled out on the couch and watched with a devilish smile painted
on his face. Apparently it had been more than Tim could handle because he’d
swept her into his arms and carried off to the bedroom, later telling her he’d
never been more attracted to a woman in his entire life.

Jenna’s phone rang and she sprinted for the kitchen, hoping
it might be Tim.

“How’s the patient?” Natalie asked when she answered.

“I’m doing better today. Thanks for the day off. I think
it’s helping.”

“What exactly does better entail? What did you decide about
calling him?”

Jenna grimaced and chewed on her fingernail. “I don’t know. What
do you think?”

“I think you should do what’s right for you. Listen to your

“My heart is broken. I need you to tell me what you think.”

Natalie blew out a breath. “I think you were happy when you
were with him.”

“It’s so annoying when you point out the obvious.”

“You asked my opinion. Whatever you decide, don’t waste your
day sitting around sulking and eating ice cream.”

Jenna smiled and a tear came to her eye. “Have I told you
lately that I love you?”

“Yes, but I don’t get tired of hearing it. Love you too.”

Jenna’s hand trembled when she hung up. What if three days
of unreturned phone calls was too much?
Stop thinking and just call him.

She dialed and the phone rang. And rang. And then it went to
“Hey, it’s me,” she said. “Sorry, I haven’t called you
back. Call me. I’m home all day. Okay. Talk to you later.”

She went back to cleaning, this time in the bathroom. An
hour later, she had impeccable tile and no returned call.

She checked her phone. Five bars.
It’s not the reception.
It would serve her right if he didn’t call her back. She’d hurt his
I should apologize for real.

She got voicemail the second time and her chest hurt.
my God. He isn’t answering. I totally fucked this up.
“Hey. Me again. Not
sure if you got my other message. I’m really sorry I didn’t call you back. That
was shitty of me. Call me so we can talk.”

Natalie had told her not to mope around and eat ice cream, but
that was sounding like the only thing to do now that the unreturned messages
were sending her anxiety level through the roof. Unfortunately, she’d finished
the Ben & Jerry’s the night before.

She slipped on her shoes and went to the bodega on the
corner, picking up ice cream and a few trashy celebrity magazines. She
impulsively grabbed a bag of Pretzel M&M’s.

After inhaling the ice cream, she flipped through the
magazines, her knee bobbing up and down as she fidgeted in the chair, unable to
get comfortable.
I messed up, big-time.
She closed the magazine and
dropped it to the floor.
One more call.

Every ring of his phone was an excruciating exercise in
humility. She chewed on her thumbnail.
Please, please, please.

For a split second, she didn’t know what to do when he

“I was beginning to think you weren’t speaking to me,” he

She shut her eyes and sank back against the chair, a wave of
relief washing over her. “I’m sorry. I’ve just been thinking some things

“Oh yeah? What sorts of things?”

“Stuff about us.” Jenna heard a loud car horn on his end of
the line. “What are you doing?”

He sounded as if he was rushing. “Going to see a friend.”

The way he phrased it made her worry.
What if he’s going
to see another woman?
“Someone special?” she asked, her pulse racing.

“Yes. Actually, I have something to tell you.”

She felt as if she was going to be sick. There was a knock
at her door.
Jesus. Now what?
“Hold on a sec. Someone’s at my door.”

Chapter Ten


Tim held his breath as he listened to Jenna unlatch her
locks. Her door swung open and there she was, looking lovelier than he’d ever
seen her. Eyes wide with surprise, mouth enticingly open. His heart pounded in
his ears. She flung herself into his arms with enough force he staggered backward,
dropping his bags.

It felt so good to hold her, to feel her, he couldn’t even
think what to say. He’d have been happy to stay in her stairwell with his arms
wrapped around her, just breathing in her sweet honey scent forever.

Her fingers dug into his shoulders, her voice muffled
against his neck. “You’re really here?”

He nodded, nestling his face in the silky waves of her hair.
“I told you I had something important to tell you.”

She pulled back, eyes searching his, arms still around his
neck. “What?”

He ran his fingers through her auburn tresses, tucking them
behind her ears, his thumbs grazing her porcelain cheeks. “I love you.” He
couldn’t go another second without kissing her.

Her lips were even sweeter than he remembered, full and
lush, opening to him, welcoming him back. He didn’t want the kiss to end but
she pulled away again, breathless, her hand on his chest. “But your life, Jane
and Gavin and Lucy, it’s all in London.”

“They’ll always be my family, but you’re my future. If
you’ll have me.” Tim’s stomach flip-flopped as he tried to decipher the meaning
behind the tears that welled in Jenna’s eyes. “I—”

Jenna silenced him with a kiss so potent it nearly stopped
his heart. Her hands were everywhere, his hair, his face, his back. The sound
of footsteps barreling down the staircase above them startled him. Jenna drew
away, her breath ragged. “Let’s get out of the hallway.” She tugged at his

Tim wasted no time gathering his bags. The second he had
everything in her apartment she was back in his arms, shoving the coat off his
shoulders, her body curving in toward him, her mouth hungry against his. He ran
his hands down her sides, settling at her waist, his fingers grazing the satiny
skin just beneath the edge of her shirt. She leapt up, curling her legs tightly
around him. Careful not to bang into the doorway, he carried her to her room.

Jenna inched them both across the bed, her mouth never
leaving his, their bodies grinding together. Tim’s cock strained against the
confines of his jeans. Jenna’s hands slithered beneath his shirt, pulling it up
and over his head.

He knelt above her, his hands tracing the contours of her
breasts. Her fingers went to work, quickly undoing his belt and zipper. His
erection popped up into her hand, eager to get reacquainted. Her silky palm
felt incredible against his overheated skin. He groaned, hips bucking. “You’re
wearing a truly unfair amount of clothing.”

Jenna smiled, still tantalizing him with her talented
fingers. She scooted herself upright and peeled off her shirt. The lacy black
of her bra accentuated her creamy breasts. She reached back and unhooked it,
allowing it to fall away as well. Tim’s cock bobbed in anxious approval.

A sly smile crossed her face and before he could guess what
she was thinking she took him in her mouth. The sensation of her hot tongue
gliding down the length of him was almost too much to bear. His eyes clamped
shut as he struggled to maintain control.

He sank his fingers into her hair, tempted to give in to the
maddening pull of her lips, but he managed to find his voice. “I want to make
love to you.”

The rattling purr that escaped Jenna vibrated against him
and he almost lost his resolve, but she sat back, placing a kiss on his swollen
head before reaching for the button of her jeans.

Jenna shimmied out of her pants as Tim dropped his over the
edge of the bed, their naked bodies an instant tangle of limbs. He kissed his
way across her chest, stopping to taste each hardened nipple. His hand traced
up the inside of her thigh until his fingers slipped between her slick layers.
Desire coiled low in his belly. He just wanted to be inside her. “Please tell
me you have condoms.”

“Drawer.” Her voice was husky, her breathing ragged, turning
him on beyond words.

He blindly reached for her bedside table, fumbling for the
knob then rummaging around until he felt the cardboard box. He managed to rip
the carton open. Condoms scattered around them.

Jenna laughed. “I think one will do for right now.”

“I missed you so much.” Between the throbbing in his groin
and the tightening in his chest, Tim felt like his entire body might explode.

Jenna smoothed a condom over his waiting erection, urging
him back on top of her. He eased his way above her, sliding back and forth. She
rocked beneath him, luring him closer until he was nestled deep inside her. A
perfect fit. The moan that escaped her sent a wave of heat rushing through him
from head to toe.

He spiraled his hips as he dipped in and out of her, each
pass an agonizing drag of pleasure. Jenna’s warmth enveloped him. She peppered
his chest with kisses, her fingers kneading his back, her body rising to meet
his with every stroke.

“I need you closer,” he said, slipping a hand beneath her
lower back. Her breasts crushed hard against his chest. Her firm nipples rasped
against him, sending electrical pulses straight to his cock.

He could feel her quivering, tensing as she increased their
pace. His mouth found hers, their tongues melting together, unspeakably sweet.
The pressure inside him was becoming unbearable. His balls drew up tight as he
felt the cum rising up the length of his cock. Jenna gave way first, crying out
against his lips, her body turning molten as she pulsated around him. With two
final thrusts, Tim let the pleasure overtake him. It tore through his chest
with a rumbling growl as he throbbed inside her.

They lay alongside each other, breathing hard. Tim stroked
her hair back, off her face. “You’re so beautiful.”

“I love you.” Her voice shook.

He wrapped his arm more firmly around her, pulling her snug
against him. “I love you. I didn’t realize how much until I thought I’d lost
you. I couldn’t stand being away from you another moment.” He brushed his nose
against hers. “I’m so sorry I left the way I did.”

Jenna shook her head. “No, I’m sorry. I was being selfish.
All I could think about was that you were leaving me. It didn’t occur to me
that you would come back.”

“Are you glad I did?” His heart was still beating double

“I’ve never been happier.” She ran her fingers along the
side of his face and he relaxed against them.

“Good.” He kissed her again, feeling the last of the tension
drain from his body. His stomach grumbled loudly.

Jenna giggled, her soft curves vibrating against him. “You

“Starving. I haven’t eaten since airplane peanuts.”

Jenna’s brow furrowed. “I don’t think I have any food in the
house. I’ve pretty much been living on ice cream lately and I ate the last of
that this afternoon.” Her lips tugged into a smile. “Wait, I do have one
thing.” She scrambled to the edge of the bed, leaning down toward the floor,
her curvaceous bum temptingly raised making him forget how hungry he was.
“Here.” She tossed something onto the bed before sprawling alongside him, eyes

He looked down and laughed out loud. “Pretzel M&M’s. You
really are the perfect woman.”


Tim picked up the bag of candy with an enticing flash of his
now-green eyes. Having him back made it seem as if he’d never left, as if it
had all been a bad dream. He scooted back and leaned against the headboard, his
long body on display before her. He tore the corner from the bag and popped
several pieces into his mouth. “
Why do these taste better

The heat rose in her cheeks but quickly spread throughout
her entire body, leaving her with an indescribable feeling of contentment. She
shifted back on the pillows, snaking one of her legs over his and resting her
head on his shoulder. His fingers traced up and down her arm.

Jenna presented her open hand to him. “Are you going to
share or what?”

“You American girls can be so pushy.” He fed her a few
M&M’s, rubbing his thumb along her lower lip. “I’m going to have to get
used to that again.”

Jenna’s stomach began to wobble, nervous about learning
Tim’s travel plans, whether he was back for only a short while. She hoped like
hell that he’d never leave again. “How long do you get to stay?”

“Well, I’ve got my job back at One If By Land.”

She popped up on to her elbow. “You do? That’s wonderful.”

“It wasn’t my doing. Peter and the other bartenders started
a petition. They were all hoping the beautiful girl who appeared whenever I
played would start coming back.” He smiled as she blushed again. “And it looks
like the job that brought me here in the first place is back on. Everybody in
the band is healthy and they’re ready to head into the studio.” He handed her
the bag of candy and smoothed his warm hand over her hip. “Of course, I’m going
to need to find a place to stay.”

Jenna smirked and put the M&M’s on the bedside table. “I
happen to be looking for a roommate. But I need to make sure I find the right
person. The last one was a nightmare.”

“I see.” His eyes narrowed and he tenderly brushed the
underside of her breast with his thumb. “Well, I’m an excellent dishwasher and
I always pick up my socks. I also have a very strict one person per toothbrush
rule. I’m thinking of taking an interpretive dance class, but you won’t mind if
I practice in the living room, will you?”

She giggled. “It depends. Will you be dancing in the nude?”

He raised his eyebrows at her. “Would that make you happy? Because
that’s the only thing I care about right now.”

“It would definitely be entertaining.” She rubbed her nose
against his. “I don’t know, though. I was considering turning the other bedroom
into a jewelry studio.”

“Oh, no. Wherever would I sleep?” He kissed her neck and
collarbone, making her head swim.

“I suppose I could let you sleep with me.” She dug her hand
into his thick hair. “You would need to grant me certain favors from time to

“Your wish is my command.”

She kissed him. “I think I found my new roommate.” She
thrilled at the thought of them together all the time, but then she remembered this
still wasn’t permanent. “What happens when your jobs are over?”

He pulled her closer. “We need to talk about that. I don’t
want to be apart from you, but my family is definitely a consideration.”

“Okay,” she said, holding her breath.
What does that

“I was hoping you’d come to England with me at Christmas for
a few weeks. Meet my whole family and Gavin. He and Phillip will have the baby
by then.”

The idea of making plans with Tim made her insides flutter
with excitement. “That sounds great.” Jenna had spent the last eight
Christmases with Natalie. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d
enjoyed a real family holiday. “But what if they don’t like me?”

“Are you kidding? Gavin’s ready to trade me in so you can be
his new best friend. And now that Janey’s doing better, I know that you two
will get along like old chums. You’ll love Lucy, she’s so sweet. And my mum,
well, she’ll probably tie you to a chair to make sure you stay. She’s very
anxious to meet you.”

“So you want me to move to London?”

“That would be brilliant, but I don’t want you to have to
give up your life in New York or what you’ve already got going with your

“The boutique has one location in London and another in
Madrid. I can make jewelry anywhere.” Her mind raced at the thought of the
possibilities and what their life would be like together.

“I just know I don’t want to lose you.” He placed a gentle
kiss on her lips. “I think we have to find the right thing for us, New York or
London. As long as we’re together, I don’t care if we live in a box under a

A tear rolled down her cheek.
He really loves me
The weight of the last two weeks was gone. All she could see was the future,
details to be determined, but with Tim. That was all that mattered. “I don’t
ever want to feel the way I did when you left. I don’t think I could live
through that again.”

He smiled and returned to her neck, dotting her skin with
kisses. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I’m not letting you
out of my sight.”

Jenna’s heart felt full. She grinned and rocked her hip
against his. “You know, I never imagined myself living in London. Do you think
I’d be able to adapt?”

“You’ll get on just fine.” His lips grazed hers as his
fingers trailed along her breast. “We have everything you could ever want.
Chocolate. Kitchen tables. Unlimited condoms.” He rolled her to her back,
reaching for one of the packets he’d tossed to the floor earlier. He pressed it
into her hand and kissed her deeply, sending electricity coursing through her

“Ah,” she said, relaxing into his embrace. “Everything I
ever wanted.”

BOOK: London Calling
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