LogansEmpath (10 page)

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Authors: Jenna Castille

BOOK: LogansEmpath
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Bree had only just met him. She couldn’t love him yet. It
still hurt, no matter that he understood it.

“I won’t lie to you,” he whispered, holding her hands
tightly. “I want it to mean more. I want to have a relationship with you. I
know what it was like loving you before and I miss it. It’s like a huge, gaping
hole in my soul that I have to live with every day of my life. I’ve known about
your existence for over a decade and I missed you every moment. But I
understand where you’re coming from and I won’t expect that from you. Not yet.”

He stared up into her doubt-filled eyes and gave her a
sweet, heartfelt smile. “But I will hope for someday while I savor the now.”

She wiped at tearing eyes, laughing under her breath. “I
guess I can’t ask for more than that.”

“No, you can’t. So quit trying to rush me already.” He
turned her head to face him, running his thumb over her lower lip again. “If
this is all I get, I damn well plan on taking my time worshipping every inch of
your body.”

She grinned and nipped at his thumb. “Far be it for me to
stop you from doing that. I just didn’t want any misunderstandings.”

Logan lowered one strap on her bra, nibbling his way up her
shoulder. “No misunderstandings here.”

He made a metal note of how she shuddered as he slid his
tongue around to the back of her neck. Logan moved behind her, his thighs lying
alongside hers. He flicked open the catch at the back of her bra and eased the
material down her arms, dropping it to the floor. He ran his fingers through
her thick hair, moving it out of the way.

Then he nipped at the back of her neck.

She gasped, wiggling against him. Her ass rubbing across his
hardening cock was pure torture—totally worth it, but still torture.

“Relax,” he breathed in her ear before sucking the lobe
between his teeth.

“Easy for you to say,” she muttered as she sagged closer to
him, her fingers digging into his thighs.

“Just let me do all the work. Let me pleasure you.”
dreamed of this moment for so long. Don’t let me screw up now.
“This is for
you, for us. Let me have this.”

He ran his fingers down her back, petting and caressing
until she sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder.

Kissing her cheek, Logan scooted around her again. He stood,
reaching down for her hand to help her to her feet. “Now, I want to see all of

She stared at his hand, not taking it. “You can see enough
of me down here, can’t you.”

“I’m a guy, remember? We’re visual. If all I’m getting is
this one time, I deserve at least one good visual.”

Bree rolled her eyes but she took his hand, letting him pull
her up.

He stepped back to get a good look at her. Sabine had been
beautiful but a harsh life and periodic lack of food had left its mark on her
form. The modern-day Bree was absolutely perfect, all firm flesh and lightly
tanned skin. Skin that turned a soft pink blush under his gaze, coral nipples
peaking in the cool air.

She reached for the button and zipper on her jeans, easing
the material down her hips.

. Logan was frozen by the sight of her.

Again Bree surprised him. Hands on her hips, she stared at
him in askance. “Well, is this a one-way show? Are you just going to stand
there and stare or do you plan on joining this party?”

He laughed, honestly and fully. She was so good for him. No
matter what she said, he refused to believe that this would be the only time
for them. He would convince her to give love a chance with him.

No matter how long it took.

Logan pulled his black t-shirt over his head and made short
work of his boots and leather pants.

“Mmm, my own private Chippendales show from a tattooed bad
boy.” She licked her lips and winked at him. “Maybe I should put some music on
and have you shake it for me.”

“If that’s what you want, I’ll have to bring all my
motorcycle leathers over one night.” As he straightened back up he sent her his
best smoldering gaze. “Then I’ll show you a real party.”

She stepped close, her body almost touching his but not quite.
She slid a finger up his arm, tracing the braided design of the tattoo wrapped
around his biceps. “Promises, promises.”

As he absorbed the heat of her flesh so close to his, Logan
mirrored her, running his hands up her arms, stopping at her biceps. He watched
as goose bumps trailed his caress. “You should know, I always keep my

She grinned, standing on tiptoe to give him a soft kiss. “I
plan on holding you to that.”

Logan scooped her into his arms, shocking a giggle from her,
then tossed her on the bed. She barely had a chance to bounce once before he
followed her down.

“I thought we were taking this slow?” she asked before
kissing her way up his cheek to blow in his ear.

“Oh, we are. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun.”

She nodded, her eyes glowing with warmth. Her fingers glided
over his chest, lingering on a triangle-shaped tattoo above his heart. “This is
Celtic, right? Some sort of knot. Does it mean something to you?”

He looked down at the ink he’d gotten with his first paycheck
from Zen so many years ago. “It’s called a triquetra.” He almost purred as her
fingers followed the intricate design. “It has many different meanings, even
for the Celts. For me, it signifies my Three.”

“So I’m sitting over your heart, huh?” She pressed her palm
against it. “Me and the other guy?”

Taking her hand and kissing each finger one by one, he
answered, “Always.”

For a moment Logan caught a liquid glimmer in Bree’s eyes.
He didn’t want her to cry again. But she surprised him when she reached up and
hugged him tight.

Logan wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass him by. He
angled her head and licked her neck right where it met the collarbone.

Bree tilted her head back with a moan and a shiver, giving
herself to him. Logan kissed his way down the column of her neck, pausing to
lick at the dip at the base. Slowly, he moved down to her breasts, paying
homage to each mound. He kneaded them both with gentle fingers as he lapped at
the very tip of each nipple, one at a time.

Crying out, she dug her fingers into his scalp, pushing his
mouth down until he suckled one peak deep in his mouth. He nipped as hard as he
dared, hoping he wasn’t hurting her, but something primitive deep inside him
wanting to leave his mark at the same time.
I don’t want her body to forget

She gasped and tossed her head but didn’t loosen her grip on
his head.

Only after he repeated the process with her other breast did
she let her hands fall to her sides.

At that moment Logan felt the first faint tickle at the base
of his skull. Like butterflies fluttering against the inside of his skin, he
could feel the dimmest shadow of her emotions, her desire.

He moved down her body, kissing and licking, testing each
soft inch. When he reached the little bit of flesh over the inside of her hip,
she jerked and giggled. He changed his bite into a long laving of skin. At the
end he sucked hard, leaving a red mark but drawing a moan from her.

Needing to be closer, he spread her feet apart and slipped
between them. Stalking up between her thighs, he drew her knees over his
shoulders. She trembled as he parted her pussy to gently tap on her clit. Her
thighs clenched.

He felt her pleasure spike, a throbbing heat between the
thighs. He tapped on her clit again.
God, what a feeling. I want more. I
want to give

Dipping his head, he licked from the back of her quivering
cunt to the front, stopping to flick her clit with the tip of his tongue. Her
taste flowed together with her emotions, flaming his own desires. His cock
twitched, demanding attention. But Logan ignored his need, licking at her hot
pussy instead.

Bree bit her wrist to keep from crying out, drowning the
sound to a whimper.

Logan took that as encouragement, licking over and over
until she twisted beneath him. He knew the second her orgasm crashed over her.
It wasn’t the rhythmic clamping of her muscles or the trembling and moaning.

He felt her erotic ecstasy flow over him in thick waves. The
sensation electrified the back of his neck, shooting down to his heavy cock. He
had to pull away from her, close his eyes and grit his teeth to keep from
following her over the edge.

Not yet.
He wanted it, needed it. The urge to come
made even his teeth ache. But he wasn’t ready for it to be over yet.

But Bree was ready, ready for more. He could feel her. She
was still so hungry, so needy.

He pulled away, scooting off the end of the bed.

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” she growled,
glaring at him.

Where the hell did my pants end up?

She gave a disgusted sigh and reached over to her
nightstand. After a quick bit of shuffling, she pulled one out and shoved it at

He blinked down at his hand before leering at her, wiggling
his eyebrows. “Have many overnight guests?”

“No, not really. But I’ve got five brothers.” She pursed her
lips and shook her head. “You think I wouldn’t keep a supply on hand just in
case? They’d kill the guy if I wasn’t protected.”

Logan ripped open the condom and rolled it over his cock.
I’m close. Not even thinking of her brothers is helping.
“Then I certainly
want to be careful. I just found you. I’m nowhere near ready to die yet.”

“Get down here.” She grabbed him by the neck and pulled him
back to her.

She gave him no time to recover or retreat. Logan groaned as
she reached down and guided his cock inside of her waiting cunt, wrapping her
ankles around his lower back to prevent any attempt at escape.

Not that he was anywhere near capable of thinking of escape

He wanted this to last. He’d waited so very long that he
wanted to take his time with her. But now that he was inside her, Logan didn’t
think he’d be able to do more than hold on for the ride. Not when it was so
obvious that Bree had no intention of taking her time.

She shoved him over onto his back, riding him as they
flipped. With her mischievous face framed by her long brown hair, she smiled
down at him as she rose up on her knees. She tossed her hair over her
shoulders, twisting her pelvis in a way that brought tears to Logan’s eyes.

Have to resist. God, I’d forgotten what it was like to feel
her, really
her. Her pleasure or mine? I don’t even care anymore.
She’s going to be the death of me.

Logan dug his fingers in her ass as she rode him, watching
her breasts bounce every time she slammed down on him. The visual added a spice
to the rhythmic clench of her cunt on his cock. But he wanted more, wanted her
to feel as out of control as he felt.

Reaching between them, he massaged her clit, wringing
whimpering little cries from her.

She sped up.

He gritted his teeth, fighting against his orgasm as she
showed him no mercy. She took him fast and hard, a punishing pace. Finally her
back arched and her mouth fell open in a silent scream. Her cunt clamped around
his cock, driving him over that edge.

Again and again he spurted cum, filling the condom.

Her powers flew open to him in that split second, feeding
him with another wave of her pleasure, so extreme his eyes rolled back in his
head and he struggled not to pass out.

The doors to their magic blasted open under the onslaught,
blazing hot.

She collapsed on him, sweat gluing their bodies together.
But he didn’t care. As satisfied as his body was, his mind flew in a thousand
different directions, all leading to the same place.

Logan knew that he didn’t have her heart yet. He wasn’t even
close. But at least now they had a better chance of living long enough for him
earn a place for himself in her life.

Chapter Twelve


~The searing heat beat down on tired heads, unbearable. The
smells of sweat, unwashed bodies, dust and blood would cause a normal person to
gag—a normal person who wasn’t struggling to live to see another day.

Laughlin stood his ground, back-to-back with Brandr. All
around, he heard the sounds of battle, the cries of friends fighting and
winning or fighting and dying. The touch of Brandr’s back against his own
helped him keep his knees steady. Having visions were sometimes more of a
hindrance than a help, letting him see all the gore and carnage beforehand. At
the same time, it gave Laughlin enough warning of the attack that their army could

Unfortunately Laughlin was also the only one who truly knew
what they were up against.

The sheer numbers were enough to make his throat close.

Brandr’s sword swung at his side, decapitating a lesser
demon. “Watch yourself.”

Laughlin sliced at the charging creature in front of him,
pulling his mind away from any possible visions and focusing on the present
moment, only the present. Numbers didn’t matter, couldn’t matter.


Gritty hours passed as the remains of demon creatures, some
in pieces and some ash, piled around them. After what seemed an eternity the
horde finally retreated to whatever nest or den they’d made for themselves.
Laughlin took a moment to look around at his men. Most still stood, a few
staggered, but way too many lay on the ground for his liking.

This can’t continue. We’re winning the battles but losing
the war.

“Well, it looks like we live to fight another day.” Brandr
cleaned and resheathed his beloved blade, an heirloom passed to him by his
father. Reddish-brown hair falling into his face, he reached back to tighten
his braid.

“So it seems.” Laughlin took care of his sword as well,
ignoring the trembling in his fingers. He looked at his friend, using his
to check for any injuries or lingering evil taint. Seeing none, he started
wiping demon blood from his own hands. If left too long, it ate through skin.

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