LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: LOGAN SEAL Team Seven (Book 2)
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“He seems cool, I didn’t tell him yet though, I’ll get on it as soon as we get to the site.” We hung up and I paid attention to where we were going. We weren’t expecting to be ambushed or anything like that, but we weren’t taking any chances either. The hump hadn’t called back and nothing else seems to have been done, but if they were on to us, we had to be on the alert.

At the site we looked over what had been done in our absence the day before and I was glad to see that the men and women we had working with us hadn’t slacked while we weren’t here. That was always a good look and meant we could promote men and women as needed.

Each man went to his own thing to get the job done. Nothing like hard, back breaking work, I’d take this shit over the jungles of the world any day, and I never thought I’d be saying that shit. In fact until a few weeks ago, before we got the call about the Desert Fox, I was kinda getting itchy about being out of the loop. Now that I had Gaby, I was looking at that shit different.

As I pounded nails my mind wandered between the shit that was going on and Gabriella. She was all focused on this wedding shit and I knew before it was all said and down, she was gonna have me like a little bitch, then Ty won’t ever shut the fuck up about bitch made and all the other bullshit anecdotes he came up with.

I wanted to give her the wedding of her dreams, but when the fuck did that involve me getting all the way involved in that shit? I thought all I had to do was give her cash, show up on the day and say ‘I do’ and be out. Connor that fuck had been with me on this when the girls first talked about doubling up, now it looks like Dani had worked on his ass and if he fell then my woman was gonna get her tits in a twist if I didn’t. I’d have to hear all about how I don’t love her as much as Con love Dani and all that other female shit they use to make us stupid. Fucking female.

“Whose go is it?” it was lunchtime and I had pissed myself the fuck off with my own thoughts. I threw my gloves to the side and emptied a bottle of water with one swallow. “It’s hot as a bitch in this fuck. The fuck are you fools looking at?”

“What’s up with you Cap, somebody piss in your Wheaties or some shit?” Zak and his tongue twisting ass, when he does talk he gives my ass a headache. “The fuck are you talking about?”

“Your face bro, you mad about something?”

“No, it’s Dani and this wedding bullshit.” Why the fuck that should make them laugh was beyond my ass, I think the sun was too hot or some shit.

“What does she want you to do? You not talking about that kilt fuckery again are you?” I gave Ty the stink eye for being an asshole. “No she wants me to help pick out flowers. Somebody agreed with me that we weren’t getting involved in this shit, but now it looks like they’re all in.’ Connor the fuck didn’t even have the decency to look ashamed.

“Told you about those bitch made fuckers you can’t trust them.”

“Can somebody please keep his ass off the TV, he never learns anything good from that shit.” I’d like to meet the fucker that taught Ty that bitch made shit so I could bitch slap their ass into next week.

“Look Lo, the way I see it, this wedding shit is only for one day. I say give the girls what they want this one time and get on with our lives.”

“See, bitch made.”

“Whatever asshole, all I’m saying is that when your woman looks at you all gooey eyed and say ‘but baby why don’t you care about our wedding?’ You show her that you fucking care.”

“You’ve lost your fucking mind, we do this shit they’ll have us doing some pussy whipped shit next. Don’t you get it? with you it’s the eyes with me it’s the fucking lip, just don’t look in her eyes unless you wanna get trapped into doing some shit you don’t want, that’s how I deal with that one and her shit.”

“I don’t know Lo, it doesn’t seem like such a big deal to me.” I caught the look on his face just in time.

“Fucker are you setting me up?” I looked at the rest of them as they started exchanging fist pounds. “I told them you’d never go for it. Fuck you I’m picking out flowers, Dani knows better than that shit the fuck.”

Woo, thank fuck I was beginning to wonder about my brother. “So whose turn is it to get lunch, and we never discuss this wedding shit again.”


“The fuck is it always my go, Ty you’re up.”

“Uh-uh brother, I had Monday, later for that shit.” He was a little more annoyed than the situation warranted, which caused some raised brows.

“What’s with you bro, you on the rag?” I have to keep an eye on this one for more reasons than one. Lately he’s been getting agitated more easily. I thought it was because of the mission that’s been hanging over our heads, but this didn’t feel like it had anything to do with that.

Quinn’s stupid ass grin told me I was missing something. “What?”

“He’s afraid of the little hottie that works at the diner.” I rolled my eyes when the fuckery started. It never ceased to amaze me how grown men who’d served together in some of the most dangerous situations known to man could degenerate into high school pedantic assholes when it came to females.

“Fuck you I’m not afraid of anyone.”

“Are you blushing Ty, what the fuck?”

“Give me the damn list Lo; asshole.” That last was thrown at Quinn along with a left hook, which he ducked. “Never a dull fucking moment, and on that note.” I turned to Zak who looked like he was deep in thought about something. “Zak, Vanessa will be here sometime tomorrow or the day after, we cool?”

He didn’t look too sure there for a second and I wondered again just what the fuck had gone down between those two. From what I could remember, the two of them had been hot and heavy there for a while, which had been surprising considering the deal we’d made with each other as a team. I guess it had been acceptable because Vanessa was one of us, maybe not the same branch, but we were fighting for the same cause.

Unlike a civilian female she would understand the rigors and the ins and outs of the life.

Then one day it was like world war fucking four and the only reason things hadn’t escalated was because the shit went down while we were on a mission and both of them had to be mindful of their rank and where the fuck they were. After that, nothing! I don’t think he even mentioned her name after that last day. As mush as I like Vanessa, if there were any other way to do this, I would’ve gone with it.

“I’m cool Lo don’t start worrying about me I’m a big boy. Just let’s get to the bottom of this shit once and for all. I feel like there’s too much bullshit going on around us just lately, and we came here hoping to get away from that shit.”

He composed himself very well but he wasn’t fooling me. Hopefully whatever was going on between those two could be resolved this time. For now, I tabled it and focused on the issue at hand.

“I’m with you brother. The rest of you keep your eyes and ears open. Shit, I shoulda sent someone else with Ty.” I wasn’t thinking, didn’t think that anyone would go after one of us, especially not in broad daylight, but still. “From now on we do everything in twos until we’ve resolved this shit.”

Our talk with Robert last night only made me more uneasy. When there was that much secrecy involved and for so long, that left some serious implications. The only ones I know that could keep an operation like this under the radar for so long were governments and big time corporations.

Dealing with either is always a pain in the ass, and sometimes the only way to dismantle the shit was to cut off the snake’s head, literally.

“You think the commander found anything? If he was on the case you know he’d never give up.” We all had an opinion on that, and were pretty much in agreement.

The old man would never have left any stone unturned if he thought there was something illegal going on, especially in his little town. “He got sick though remember, so that could’ve brought his little PI game to an end. Whatever he found though it’s a safe bet that we’re gonna find it in the ledger or somewhere else in the house. I think it’s time we went through the place, maybe give Candy a few days off with pay. Dev can handle the books for that long at least, can’t you Dev?”

“Of course Cap, I say we table everything else and get to the bottom of this shit. The job here’s almost done, not much more to it but the superficial stuff anyway and we have the right people for that.” The guys all nodded their agreement and I guess that was that.

Ty came back with the grub and he didn’t look any worse for wear so I guess the hot little number that’s been giving him fits for a while hadn’t done him any harm.

For someone with so much damn lip, that boy sure had a yellow streak a mile wide when it came to that one little girl. Now wasn’t the time to rib him about it though, we had a lot to deal with. Of course the talk turned to our little night missions and the fact that we were still no closer to finding out what all was going on there, and none of us were going to rest easy until we did.

It was a pain in the ass to go around in circles when you were accustomed to taking care of shit in and orderly and timely fashion. “My only problem with the whole thing is not knowing shit. How can we let the women walk around freely when we don’t know who the fuck is who? It could be someone they know and trust. If that is true, and we know these people are onto us, then their asses are in danger.”

“Well we know it wasn’t Robert the ass that snitched so I guess it was the woman. But with both of them claiming not to know who’s pulling their strings where do we start to look?” I looked to Quinn after Ty’s little speech since he was the one in charge of tracing the call. “So far that shit’s bouncing off of a million different places. Whoever these people are they’re good, we’re not gonna get them that easily that’s for sure. I can get to the source, but it’s gonna take time. They have a shitload of interfaces blocking shit.”

“So we’re dealing with hi-tech shit is what you’re saying, almost as good as ours.”

“Basically, yeah.” Shit, just what I was afraid of.

“Damn, that confirms my theory. This isn’t a mom and pop operation, not some low-end dealer running shit.

Not that we thought it was, but it would’ve been nice if we caught a break. If the shit had been going on for as long as we believe, not to mention the way they set up Dani’s family charity, that shit takes brains and skills.

Someone very powerful has a hand in this shit, and I’m afraid their next move is gonna be to use the Commander and his memory in some way not to our liking before all is said and done. If that should happen, I want everyone to keep their head. Ty, I’m gonna need you to go to your happy place.” I got the finger for that one but I still gave his brothers the look over his head and received their nods of understanding.

Everyone knew to keep an eye on him, it was one thing to let him hotdog it in the hills of Kabul but the streets of Georgia were a whole other story. “We know the man, so nothing they say is gonna matter.

We know how this shit works we’ve done it ourselves more than once. It’s all blowing smoke, a way to keep us focused on their bullshit while they do whatever the fuck it is they’re trying to do here.”

“Agreed, no one goes off base here. We all keep our heads and stay focused. No one does anything without all of us knowing about it; no one goes off on their own anywhere. For the next little while we’re on lock. They might not be expecting us to take it that far, but that’s what the fuck we’re gonna do, we’re gonna treat this like any other Op.”

Connor had gone into command mode. I guess he’d given this shit a lot of thought. It was different for both of us; we had women to protect now. This shit was fucked

None of us were too much into the job after that and it was no surprise when we knocked off right on time. I wanted to get back to my woman and eyeball her to make sure she was okay. I’d put an icepack between her thighs before leaving the house this morning and ordering her to keep her shit iced until it didn’t look like she’d been in a knock out bout with the champ. I’m thinking a good tongue fucking when I got through the door might be just the right medicine. Speaking of which, I pulled my phone. She answered on the first ring. “Hey babe, you got any of that cream on your pussy, you know the ointment shit?”

“A little why, you told me to remember?”

“Yeah I know but I’m on my way home and I’m feeling like dessert before dinner, so why don’t you go get yourself ready for me huh?” I could see her fucking blush through the phone. How anyone that liked to ride my dick the way she does could still have a shy bone left in her body was beyond me.

“Okay.” Damn she sounded like I was fucking her already. I couldn’t wait to get my mouth on her shaved smooth pussy. Damn, my dick was leaking already before I even got the key in the ignition. I ended up speeding and hoping no one pulled me over because there was a sure bet I wasn’t gonna stop. You’d think it had been days instead of hours since I’d had her, but suddenly I missed her like crazy.

Chapter 8




Since bringing her home my routine has changed up a lot, women will do that to ya. I left the boys as soon as we cleared the gate and headed for home. It had only been about ten minutes since I gave the heads-up, but damn. “Imagine what you could’ve done with a whole hour.” I kicked off my shit kickers and pulled my sweaty shirt off over my head before tackling my jeans.

She was spread out on the bed, naked, pussy glistening because she had started on herself with her fingers; she wasn’t allowed to stick anything else in there but me. “Open.” My eyes were already glued between her thighs on her hotspot. She opened her legs wider and bent her legs slightly so I could get a better shot of her fingers as they glided into her already slippery pussy. I loved that sound; that wet sound. My mouth watered.

She drew her fingers out and my eyes flew to hers as she pushed them past her lips and sucked. Damn, I almost whimpered at that shit. I took my cock in hand and stroked, getting some pre-cum in my palm for lube. She diddled her clit and her breath hitched as her eyes followed my hand.

I knelt on the bed between her thighs as we watched each other. “Feed me.” She fed me her sticky fingers and I reached down for one of her tits with my free hand.

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