Locust (44 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey A. Lockwood

Tags: #Library, #Non-Fiction

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Map showing the Permanent, Subpermanent, and Temporary Zones of the Rocky Mountain locust (from C. V. Riley, A. S. Packard, Jr., and Cyrus Thomas,
Second Report of the United States Entomological Commission for the Years 1878 and 1879 Relating to the Rocky Mountain Locust and Western Cricket
[Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1880]).
Photograph of the Grasshopper Glacier lying above Montana’s Black Canyon, by Larry D. DeBrey (with permission of the photographer).
Aerial photograph of Knife Point Glacier, Wyoming (U.S. Geological Survey).
Postcard photograph of Bennett Avenue, Cripple Creek Colorado, 1912 (by permission of Ruth Zirkle).
Photograph of the author on Knife Point Glacier, Wyoming, by Larry D. DeBrey (with permission of the photographer).
Africa, locusts in swarm of 380 C.E.
Agassiz, Louis
and ideal of self-sufficiency
vs. industrialism
Agricultural experiment stations
Agriculture, strategically diversified
Albert’s Swarm of 1875
Alternative crops
American Entomologist
American Indians.
Native American Indians
American Naturalist
Anderson, P.W.
Andrus, Milo
Animal production.
Cattle grazing
Animal production
Anti-Locust Research Centre
Aquinas, Thomas
and federal relief assistance
and U.S. Entomological Commission’s calling to use to fight locusts
Army Signal Corps
Arthropod-Borne Animal Diseases Research Laboratory
Asia, central and insect outbreaks
Atkins, Annette
Atwood, Kimball C.
Aughey, Samuel, Jr.
background of
in Nebraska
and promotion of birds as predators of locusts
Aulocara elliotti
Baretooth Mountains
(English survey ship)
Belknap, William
Bible, ambiguous message regarding locust swarms
Big and Little Blues, crossing of nymphs
Bigheaded grasshopper
Bilateral asymmetry
Biological control
and California citrus
of locust
Biological diversity
Biology of locusts
and Albert’s Swarm of 1875
of bison vs. locusts
Birds, The
(motion picture)
and extinction of as detrimental to locusts
killing of for meat and hides
and loss of buffalo favorable to locusts
as means of suppression of American Indians
population of prior to European settlement
Biting of humans
Black Canyon Lake
Black Sea basin
and agricultural cultivation and grazing
and continued locust outbreaks
Bloomer, John and Arthur
Bomar, Chuck
Bond, Orlando
Bonnet, John
Botzen, Austria
Bounty payments
Brett, Charles
Brett, Charles H.
Brooks, Arthur
Bruner, Lawrence
Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society
Bull Lake Glacier
Burne, Jeff
Burning fields
Burning locusts
Buxton, Patrick A.
California Fruit Growers Convention
Canfield Pans
Cannon, Mary
Cantrall, Irving
Carlen, John
Carlson, Dave
Carolina grasshopper
Catastrophe theory
Cather, Willa
Cattle grazing
Central Asian locust swarms
Chalmer, Richard
Chapco, Bill
Charles the Bold
Child, Albert Lyman
Chinese citrus groves
Christian response to locusts
and Cold Springs, Minnesota Virgin Mary chapel
and offering of prayers
and repentance and entreaty for removal of scourge
and settlers as sinful deserving punishment
Christianson, Tim
Church of Jesus of the Latter Day Saints.
Citrus industry of California
Clark, Hiram
Clearwinged grasshopper
Climate and extinction of Rocky Mountain locust
Cline, Isaac
Clothes, eating of
Coal tar
Cobb, Stephen
Cold Springs, Minnesota
(television show)
Competitive exclusion
Complexity theory
Conference of Governors of 1876
Conscription fighters against locusts
Control methods.
Fighting against locusts
Cooke, Jay
Cooke City, Montana
Corn blight of 1970
Cottony-cushion scale
Crazy Mountains
Criddle, Norman
and favorable places of habitat of locusts within Permanent Zone
and Permanent Zone of Rocky Mountain locust
and phase transformation of Rocky Mountain locust
Criddle, Percy
Criddle mixture
Criminal Prosecution and Capital Punishment of Animals, The
Cromwell, Oliver
Crop diversification
Crusher machines
Dakota Boom
Dakota Territories
and day of public prayer and fasting
and federal food relief assistance
and seed assistance
Darwin, Charles
Darwin, Thomas
Davis, Cushman
Dawson, G.M.
Days of prayer and fasting
DeBrey, Bill
DeBrey, Larry
and Grasshopper Glacier expedition of 1987
and Grasshopper Glacier expedition of 1988
and Grasshopper Glacier expedition of 1989
habitat destruction theory
and Knifepoint Glacier expedition of 1989
De Geer, Charles
Desert locust of Old Testament
Devastation of fields, description of
Diet of human beings
Diet of locusts
Dinwoody Glacier
Disappearance of Rocky Mountain locust, from 1902 until 1995
and ability to transform their form
and ambivalent reports regarding prevailing into 1950s
lack of tracking of
not noticed or reported upon
and process of the swarm is gone
sporadic early reports of
DNA testing
Dodge, Richard I.
Dodge County, Nebraska, July 1875
Double-blind experiment
of 1870s
and grasshopper invasions
and locust spread and fire
randomness of
Drowning locusts.
Dudley, N.A.M.
Dust Bowl of the 1930s
Eating of locusts
Ecology and ecological balance
and bottleneck of monarch butterflies
changing processes of to control insects
effect of loss of Rocky Mountain locust upon
and extinction of bison as cause of locust swarms
and habitat bottleneck of Rocky Mountain locust
Economic depression of 1870s
Economic entomology
Riley as father of and legacy of
Riley’s description of importance of
scale of today
and U.S. Department of Interior’s Geological and Geographic Survey
Education of ordinary citizen about entomology of locusts
Edwards, George
and bounty payments
counts of
and flooding
as key to controlling locusts
laid only in well-drained sandy cradles
and livestock tramping
and practices to destroy
Endangered Species Act
Entomological Society of America
Environmental Entomology
Eskimo curlew
Europe and control of locust outbreaks
Evans, Edward
Evans, Geoffrey
Evolutionary theory
and Agassiz
and Lamarck
and Riley
and Thomas
Exodus account of sixth plaque of Egypt
of animal species
of human beings
and loss of biological diversity
Extinction of Rocky Mountain locust
effects on ecosystem of
lessons to be learned from
and possibility of finding living examples of
Extinction of Rocky Mountain locust, habitat destruction theory of
and agricultural cultivation and grazing of river valleys
and alfalfa theory
and farmers occupying river valleys in Permanent Zone
and flooding
gradual acceptance of
and harrowing and plowing
as inadvertent
and livestock
means for not sophisticated
and motive as “hope” or “greed” of farmer/settlers
Extinction of Rocky Mountain locust, past suggestions regarding
and alfalfa theory
American Indians
continued lack of conclusive explanation as of late 1980s
and degraded ecosystem theory
and extinction of bison favorable for locusts
and extinction of buffalo as detrimental to locust
and lack of indications of prolonged decline
and role of climate
and role of fire
and search for major ecological change
Fabricus, Johann Christian
Faith and works
Falk, Peter
Fallows, strategically located
as agrarian missionaries
great increase in between 1870
and 1900
“hope” or “greed” of and extinction of Rocky Mountain locust
idealization of
numbers who died en route
and risks on the trail
and river valleys
in the Rockies
and two million people migrating to western prairies and mountains in 1870s
Farming practices, changing of in response to locusts
Farnham, Thomas
Faure, Jacobus
Federal government public assistance
of clothing and blankets
and fears of abandonment of frontier
of food and seed via Army
and grasshopper invasions of twentieth and twenty-first centuries
Female to male ratio
Fighting against locusts
and agricultural practices
and burning
and conscription of fighters
and covering plants with cloths
and flailing at locusts
and flooding
and insecticides
and invention of lethal machinery
and Mormons
and natural predators
pamphlet regarding methods
and phase transformations
and plowing
Files, F.W.
and drought and locust spread
role of in extinction of locusts
sound of locust swarm compared to
use of by American Indians to create grasslands
Fite, Gilbert
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Flamethrowing machines
caused by overgrazing
of fields
Flory Locust-Machine
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Forsling, Clarence
Founders and Leaders of Entomological Science
French wine industry
Galveston storm
Genetic testing
and Knife Point Glacier specimens
and lack of indication of prolonged decline
and material from natural state of locusts
Genitalia and taxonomy of male grasshoppers
Gentleman from England
Glaciers, melting of
Global warming
Glover, Townsend
Golden Mean or moderation in nature
Goshute Indians
Grant, Ulysses S.
as distinguished from locust
metaphors regarding
See also
Grasshopper invasions
Grasshopper Chapel
Grasshopper Glacier
early scientific expeditions to
Gurney expedition to
physical circumstances of
shrinking of
Grasshopper Glacier expedition of 1987
and age of insects

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