Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4) (20 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4)
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"Morning sleepy head." I wiped my eyes slowly and
peered at where the noise was coming from.
"Do you have to be so fucking cheery?" I asked grumpily but my harsh
statement made me smile thinking of how Keira and I had a similar conversation
early one morning.
Millie moved to stand in front of me, "We have to be out of the room by
10.00am which gives you precisely fifteen minutes to get your arse out of
bed." Millie smiled as she turned and continued to hum.
I knew that management would get pissy if we weren't out of here in time, I
pulled back the covers and slipped from the bed and quickly put on my jeans.
"Are you always so chipper in the mornings?"
"Well stop it." I glanced at Millie and she poked her tongue out at
me. What was it with smart mouthed women? I remembered the days when they were
seen and not heard.

I laced my boots and put on my jacket and within ten minutes
I was ready to take the ride to Kent. I picked up my helmet and noticed that
Millie was also holding one. I glanced at her to see a wide smile, "I
borrowed it!"
I sniggered, "You can only borrow something that you plan to give
back." Millie rolled her eyes and picked up the new rucksack she'd purchased
containing Rev's and Bishop's cut and the evidence from my wounds.
"That's just semantics." She huffed.

We left the hotel and walked across the car park feeling a
little more comfortable than I did last night.  It was funny how refreshed I
felt and how clear my head was after a good night's sleep. CJ was right, things
do look clearer in the morning.

Two hours later
we pulled
up at the Kent clubhouse. The two prospects on the gate eyeballed me before the
larger of the two came over to us. "What's your business man?"
"Tell Delta that Locke's here." The Prospect continued to eyeball me,
"Now, or I'll make sure you never become a patched member." His
attitude quickly changed and he scarpered back into the yard and pulled out his
phone. I heard him speak briefly before he asked the other prospect to open the
gate. I'd met Delta a few times at various parties and runs but as the Sergeant
at Arms of the Kent charter he was the most senior member now at the club.
I drove through the gap and into the yard to pull up directly outside the
clubhouse, and as I turned off the ignition I heard the metal door open behind
"Locke, long time no see." Delta walked towards me with his hand held
out, "You should've called ahead Rev and Bishop aren't here."
I dismounted my motorcycle and shook his hand, "That's what I need to
speak to you about."
He looked at me confused, "Do you want to come in?"
"Nah, I haven't got long." Millie passed me the rucksack and I
unzipped it to remove the two cuts. Millie cleared her throat and stood beside
me reminding me of her presence, "Sorry, I forgot to introduce you. This
is Millie, Millie this is Delta. She's looking for some work and somewhere to
Delta looked her up and down and scratched his chin, "I'm sure we can work
something out."
"I appreciate that," I stated as I handed him the cuts.
Delta's eyes widened as he looked at what I'd just handed him and I saw him
swallow hard before he turned his gaze back to me.
"I'm assuming you've heard about the attack last night on Duke, well
they're responsible."
Delta stepped back shocked, his surprised expression reassured me that he
didn't have anything to do with the incident and I'd filter that information
back to Bear at some stage.
"No fucking way!"
"You better believe it, I followed them after the incident and dealt with
Delta took the cuts and held them close to his chest. I felt sorry for the
bloke, they were most probably friends and I could see that he was clearly
upset. "You sure you don't want to come in for a drink?" He asked
"Thanks but I've got a lot going on." I thought he may need some time
to himself and he'd have to call Church in order to tell the rest of the club.
"I'm sure Diesel or Bear will be in touch." Delta nodded slowly
understanding the severity of the situation and how the Kent chapter would now
be under scrutiny.
I turned my attention to Millie, "You'll be safe here babe."
Millie placed her hand on my arm, "I just want to say thank you. Maybe I
can repay the favour someday."
I smiled and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek before mounting my motorcycle.
"Stay safe," I shouted over the engine as I made my way from the

I rode with no destination in mind. It was a great feeling
to have closure on at least this situation. I knew Duke wasn't pleased with me
but I was hoping I'd made some progress in making amends.

Chapter 15


"To what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked opening
my front door to see Locke standing in the rain.
He shrugged, "I don't know? I drove home and this is where I ended
up." He looked more confused than I did as the water streamed down his body.
I stood motionless surprised that he'd come to me, although he'd been
suggestive with the gift of the pillows I honestly didn't think I'd see him
"Can I come in?" Locke asked bringing me from my thoughts. I slowly moved
out of the way giving him the space to enter the porch before he stomped up the
stairs to my flat.
I closed the door and secured it by adding the security chain, and made my way
up the stairs behind him. I sniggered to myself but Locke stopped forcing my
body to bump into the back of his.
"Are you looking at my arse by any chance?" Locke asked with humour
in his voice.
"Hell yeah how could I resist." I stated feeling a slight flush come
over my body, he smirked and continued up the stairs with me following closely

We entered the living room and that's when I saw his
dishevelled appearance. He caught me looking but ignored my concern, "Any
chance I can borrow your shower?" Locke asked as he stood dripping water
onto the floor.
I nodded and walked towards the bathroom pushing the door open to enter the
room. I busied myself turning on the shower first as it took a couple of
minutes to warm up properly and took some fresh towels from the airing
cupboard. Locke's close proximity was playing havoc with my senses. As I turned
I bumped into him, and raised my hand to touch his chest noticing a few bruises
and a bandage on his arm as he stood bare chested. Locke quickly pulled away,
"Can I have a shower first and then you'll have my undivided attention for
the rest of the evening."
I slowly lowered my hand and placed it deep into my pocket to stop myself from
trying to touch him again. A small smile crossed Locke's face and he stepped
aside giving me the room I needed to leave the bathroom. I pursed my lips
annoyed that I'd acted on instinct, maybe he'd come here for another reason
other than me. I racked my brains going over our earlier brief conversation but
nothing prominent stood out. I nodded my head and walked from the bathroom
feeling annoyed with myself as he watched my every move, and closed the door
behind me. I quickly removed my phone from my pocket and dialled Dec's number.

"Dec can I take a rain check this evening?" I
asked as I held my forehead. I could feel the pressure building and knew that
I'd soon get a headache.
"Why are you letting me down, has something better come up?"
It was as if he knew already, Declan had the ability to read me more than any other
person. "Erm, Locke's just turned up at the flat."
"Something better has most certainly come up!" Declan cackled.
I shook my head, "You're filthy do you know that?" I stated walking
to the kitchen to take an aspirin.
Dec sniggered, "Has he explained where he's been recently?"
"He's literally just got here and he's taking a shower." I leaned my
mobile in the crook of my neck as I poured myself a glass of water.
"So why are you on the phone to me when you could be lathering his back?"
"Because he looked like he'd been sleeping rough." I placed the aspirin
into the water and swirled it around waiting for the tablet to dissolve.
"Sleeping rough?" he asked surprised.
"Yeah or lack of sleep, I'm not sure but he wasn't his normal self."
I downed the cloudy liquid hoping that it would kick in quickly as the pressure
"Well don't bombard him with questions."
"I wouldn't do that Dec but I'm a very good listener."
Declan sniggered, "When?"
"Well, I don't usually get a word in edge ways with you so I'd consider
myself a very good listener."
"I'll give you that babe."
I heard the bathroom door open, "I've gotta go Dec."
"Not a problem, have a lovely evening," he sang.
"Thanks for understanding, I'll speak to you tomorrow."
I hung up and raised my brows as Locke walked through my living room wearing nothing
but a small towel that was wrapped around his waist. As he walked further into
the room I saw various marks on his chest more prominent now that he'd removed the
grime and dirt from his body. He looked as if he'd been involved in some type
of altercation but at least his arm had been tended to.

Locke watched as my eyes travel around his body taking
everything in, "Hazards of the job babe."  
but it wasn't genuine, I was concerned
that he was hurt and whether the person who'd hurt him would be coming after
him still.
I pulled my gaze away from him and sat on the sofa, Locke joined me and I
instantly moved closer to touch his chest by placing my hand over a graze.
Locke covered my hand and smiled, "Do you need anything?" I asked
feeling his heart race under my palm.
"Just you!" Locke placed his hands on my upper arms and gently pushed
me back onto the sofa.

I moved willingly as Locke positioned himself between my
thighs, and smiled as lay on top of me. "I've missed you babe," Locke
whispered as he stared at me intently just inches away from my face.
I moved my hand from beneath him to caress his neck, Locke shivered at my touch
and his eyes widened with desire before he took my mouth moving his tongue slow
and steady.
I'd also missed him more than I wanted to admit, I didn't know what was going
to develop between us but Locke was here now wanting to be with me and I was
more than ready for him.

Locke moved his hand to the front of my shirt and slowly
opened the buttons one by one until my shirt was open revealing my bra. Locke
dipped his fingers inside the cup to caress my breast sending my heart racing
at the contact. I arched my back pushing my mound into his palm greedily asking
him for more, Locke reciprocated by pulling my bra strap from my shoulder and tugging
the material from my mound to reveal my full breast. Locke broke the kiss to
move his lips across my jaw and down my neck, nipping and licking towards his
"Ahhh!" I screamed in ecstasy as Locke rolled my nipple between his
thumb and forefinger, and gently tugged on my tender peak.
"You like that Irish?" he asked before placing his mouth over my
nipple continuing the same momentum but now using his tongue and teeth.
I moaned loudly throwing my head back as the sensation intensified and gyrated
my hips towards him trying to find the desired pressure between my thighs.
Locke dipped his hand inside my waistband, touching me through the silk of my
underwear which encouraged me to spread my legs further apart, ready for him to
take me right there. One touch from Locke and my body was on fire.

When his fingers parted my slick folds, I bucked with
excitement and quivered as desire raced through me.
"So fucking wet for me babe," he groaned as his finger eased inside
I gasped at the sensation but it was short lived as Locke removed his hand and
sat upright tugging on my joggers and underwear. It wasn't long before Locke's
body was on mine again, his arms bracing on either side of my head. Pleasure
tingled along my nerve endings as I felt a nudge at my entrance, "Wrap
your legs around me Irish."
I did as I was told and wrapped my legs tightly around his body, this movement
brought Locke closer and I moaned loudly as he slid into my hole before he
moved in and out building a steady rhythm.
My hips rose instinctively to meet his but Locke pulled back on his heels,
pushing his hands under my arse and bringing it off the sofa. All reason left
me, I was aware only of the needs of my body and the driving force to reach
completion with Locke. I tossed and turned as he increased his tempo and felt
every inch of his cock as it powered in and out of my pussy. I heard someone
moaning loudly and opened my eyes to realise it was me.
I met Locke's eyes and he smirked before moving his expert fingers towards my
clit, rubbing it roughly. That's all it took, I shattered again and again as he
continued to fuck me gritting his teeth as he found his own release inside me.

The ragged sound of our breathing filled the room as we lay
on the sofa. Locke moved from between my thighs so that he was now by my side,
I wrapped my body around his holding him tight as I rested my head on his chest.
Through the haze of my afterglow, I wondered what would now come of all this. I'd
started to develop feelings for him, I couldn't just have sex with someone and
not grow attached.
All too soon drowsiness took over, and I found myself dozing, lulled into sleep
by the sound of his heartbeat against my ear. "Don't fall asleep here
babe, let's get you to bed," were the last words I heard.

I rolled over to see Locke sound
asleep looking a little more at peace than he did when he arrived last night. I
pulled back the covers and slithered from the bed trying not to wake him. I didn't
know what he'd been dealing with lately as he wasn't one to share but I knew
that he was shattered and needed to rest.
Tiptoeing from the bedroom I made my way into the kitchen to make myself a hot
drink. I had planned to complete some paperwork this afternoon and was going to
meet up later with Louise and the twins after her picnic with Spike but I was
sure she wouldn't mind if I cancelled. I liked Louise, I'd persevered with
getting to know her and we'd grown close speaking to each other most evenings
since our chance meeting at the Karaoke evening. She was a very private person
like Locke in a way but when I'd scratched under the surface I found her to be
a very caring and loyal person, someone that I'd be honoured to have in my
life. She'd been through a lot and Spike was helping her deal with her
insecurities, he was a good man, a kind man and I was hoping that she may find
her happy ever after.

I collected Locke's clothes from
the bathroom and took them into the kitchen, laying them on the worktop. I
wasn't in the habit of routing around in people's pockets but I needed to
before I put his clothes in the wash, they were filthy like he'd been rolling
around on the ground so he couldn't possibly wear them again.
I cautiously placed my hand into his jean pocket and pulled out various pieces
of paper that looked like receipts. I placed them onto the worktop and put my
hand into his other pocket to remove his wallet, as I put it down it opened and
I saw an old photograph of a woman that looked to be in her late twenties with
a teenage boy and a toddler. The photograph was badly damaged like it had been
set alight but what I noticed were the happy faces smiling back at me.
As I looked closer, I gasped aloud quickly placing my hand over my mouth to
stifle the noise when I realised that the toddler in the photograph, matched
the tattoo that Locke had so prominently on his arm. This must've been his
younger brother that he'd mentioned which meant that Locke was the teenager
sitting with his mother. 

I carefully removed his belt and
with it the sheaf that contained his knife. I shook as I touched it and
wondered just how many times Locke had actually used it for the purpose of
hurting someone. I wasn't stupid, I was well aware what was involved in being
in a club like the Aces when I'd conducted my research but it was still hard to
swallow, we were definitely worlds apart.
I quickly put the blade onto the worktop and hung his cut on the back of the
chair. I knew that his colours were
, I
didn't want to manhandle them too much from what I read I shouldn't be touching
them at all but I wanted to put them somewhere safe.
I placed his dirty clothes into the washing machine and sniggered to myself as
I added fabric conditioner, this biker would smell sweet as he rode past people
in his fresh clothes. I hoped that he hadn't made plans to go out early this
morning as he wouldn't have any clothes to wear although that was a great ploy
of keeping him here with me for a while longer.
I took my drink into the living room and snuggled on the sofa pulling the throw
over my lower body as the central heating hadn't come on yet and picked up my
latest book to have a quiet read.

I heard the clicking of the
washing machine indicating that the cycle had finished, and placed my book on
the coffee table as I stood from the sofa. An hour had passed so quickly with
my head stuck in a book and I was surprised that Locke was still asleep.
Removing his clothes from the washing machine I placed them into the tumble
dryer hoping to get them dry by the time he needed them. I wasn't sure if he
was going out, he'd hinted that he was staying here for a couple of days but at
this stage I didn't know if he wanted to stay at mine or if he was intending to
go home.

"Good morning Irish."
"Fuck!" I jumped back and held my chest to calm my erratic heart.
"You scared me." I let out a long sigh as I tried to control my
breathing, "I hope you're not planning to go out within the next hour as
I've washed your clothes." I tried to hold in my giggles as Locke stood
boldly wearing my floral dressing gown, his muscles strained the material and
the garment just barely met at the front which gave me a pleasant surprise when
he crossed his legs and the dressing gown fell open beneath the waist.
Locke ignored my glances, "Oh honey you do care." Locke said
sarcastically throwing back the words I used on the first night we got
together. I turned my attention back to his face and narrowed my eyes before I
strolled further into the kitchen to turn on the kettle. "If it's okay
with you I'd like to stay here for a couple of days. The club doesn't know I'm
back and I'd like to keep it that way until I've sorted things out."
"Is that the only reason you want to stay here?" I asked pouting.
Locke stalked towards me with a mischievous smile and grabbed me roughly around
the waist, "You know why I really want to stay here." He brought his
lips down to mine and I opened freely enjoying the light hearted side of Locke.

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