Lizzy Ford (24 page)

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Authors: Damian Eternal) Xander's Chance (#1

BOOK: Lizzy Ford
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“You’ve gotta tell her about the Gods and Guardians, whether you decide to keep her or not.”

By Jule’s tone, he suspected Xander wasn’t going to let Jessi go.

Xander lowered his head, burying his teeth into Charles’ throat. The former vamp jerked and clutched at his hands at the pain but soon went still as Xander bled him close to dry. When he drank his fill, he withdrew, content to be full again.

“That looked painful. Is he gonna live?” Jule asked.

Charles was limp in his grip. Xander balanced the man between his knees and leaned back. His pinkie nail grew to a sharp point, and he sliced his inner arm near the wrist.

“He’ll be fine,” he said, unconcerned. He placed his bloodied wrist at Charles’ lips. Charles didn’t respond for a long moment then finally began to drink. The only vamp that could change someone without them following the normal rite requiring human sacrifice, Xander had once created an army in months.

Xander didn’t let him drink long, more interested in his own full stomach than Charles’ life. He did the minimum required to keep Charles from dying. The newly turned vamp slumped to the ground, unconscious.

“He’ll be out of it for awhile,” Xander said.

“I hope you’re gentler with your women than you are your vamps,” Jule said, gaze on Charles.

Xander shrugged. He knew when and where to use his strength. Charles was disposable to him. Jessi was not.

“So … do you want to tell her or shall I?” Jule asked.

“She doesn’t need to know,” Xander said.

“She does. Whether you turn her over to us or keep her, she’s gonna find out.”

Xander knew this, but he didn’t want Jessi in his world. He didn’t like emotional attachments to anything; it was hard to leave when one was stuck. He hadn’t been stuck since he was a child, and he had no intention of giving up his freedom.

Turning her over to Jule was the easiest solution, but he didn’t feel done with her yet. He still felt the
and his intrigue with being inside her as the only means to access her mind. When she finally caved and slept with him – which she would – he would send her packing with Jule the next morning.

“At the end of the week,” he said. “I’ll turn her over.”

“I’ll let Damian know we’ve got a new breed of Natural,” Jule said. “Mind if I stick around until either Charles wakes up or she comes back?”

“Suit yourself.” Xander considered Jule. “I’ve got weapons.”

“Let’s go.”



Jessi glanced over her shoulder at Gerry as she started up the stairs. His hands were full with groceries from the list Ingrid texted her. She expected to see Xander on the porch or somewhere in the living area. He wasn’t there, though the man whose name she thought was Charlie was sleeping on the couch.

“You’re sure about this?” Gerry asked, trailing her into the condo. “He’s not the kind of person I want to piss off.”

“I’m not entirely certain, but I think if I ask him, he’ll do it,” she said. “You really want to be on his show?”

“Hello. Didn’t I tell you my goal?”

“I know. Become the next A-lister.”

“Right now, Xander is the king of the up-and-coming. Seems like he could use a sidekick.”

“I think he’s more likely to
a sidekick.”

Gerry laughed. He placed the bags on the counter. His gaze caught on something out the window, and it sharpened.

“What’s up?” she asked.

“Nothing. You got this?”


He wasn’t listening. He was headed towards the stairs. Jessi watched him.

“Men and groceries,” she muttered.  

The men around here were just … off. She’d been having a decent time with the blond hottie. He even went with her to the pet store for more kibbles after their coffee date.

She unpacked the groceries on her own and put everything away before looking out at Charlie. The man was alive, that much she was able to see. But he was beyond out. Her rustling around the kitchen – including dropping a can of chicken – didn’t wake him.

Movement on the beach caught her attention, and she stared. Gerry didn’t leave. He joined a small crowd of people gathered around the unmistakable body of Xander and his friend, Jule. They were fighting with bo staffs on the beach while a bevy of women in bikinis or tight clothing watched. Gerry was one of two men in the midst of the women.

Jessi watched Xander move for a moment, unable to shake the sense there was more to him than she was able to understand. He and his friend fought hard, with the intensity of men who fought for a purpose other than exercise. The odd sense made her uncomfortable.

She went down to the beach. Curious but unwilling to join the masses fawning over them, she kept her distance and simply watched. Xander moved with an agility she’d never seen before in someone half his size. Instinctive, powerful, and light-footed, he twirled the bo as if it was an extension of him, adapting to his opponent and absorbing any blows that fell to him without flinching.

Muscles bunched and released beneath his smooth skin, the chiseled body even more defined from the effort of battle. He wore jeans that hung around ripped hips and hugged flexing thighs, the sight of which made her fan herself as she almost let herself imagine them wrapped around her. The idea of his naked body on top of her, beneath her, any way he wanted her … She’d even let him hold her down, as much as she hated his dominant personality.

The ocean breeze did nothing to cool her off.

The two stopped fighting, and the women broke into cheers. It was useless for her to fantasize about Xander, not when a couple dozen women who belonged on the covers of magazines were gathered around. He didn’t take anyone to bed last night, but he’d have no trouble tonight.

Hating how insecure the women made her feel, she crossed her arms self-consciously. She never felt ugly or frumpy or overweight before coming here. She was comfortable with her body, until she strolled onto a beach covered in cheerleaders.

Xander caught her eye over the crowd. Assuming he was making sure she didn’t steal his car, she made a face at him. A faint smile crossed his features, before he returned his attention to his sparring partner. Jessi moved up the beach far enough she was able to sit and watch. Jule glanced her way. The two exchanged some short communication before Jule tossed the bo to none other than Gerry. Jessi watched Gerry strip off his shirt to reveal a lean, athletic frame and faced Xander.

Jule wound his way through the crowd, smiling politely at the women who placed manicured hands on his arm to stop him. He made it and gave her a rueful smile before dropping down beside her. He was breathing hard.

Jessi looked from him to Gerry. The blond moved with the same purpose and skill, leaving her confused. It was like they were trained the same way or something.

“You’re figuring things out, I take it?”

Jule’s focus was on her. She returned her gaze to him.

“I’m quitting today. I came back to return his keys,” she said.

“You just decided to sit on the beach and watch the man you can’t stand.”

“Actually, I’m Gerry’s ride.”

“You have no interest in Xander.”

“Nope. He’s an asshole.”

Jule chuckled, his dark eyes warm. “I see. Do you want to know our secret?”

She eyed him.

“Gerry and I are also …different. We’re not vamps, like Xander. We’re the Guardians charged with standing between vamps like Xander and humans he preys on,” Jule started.

“You’re doing a horrible job. He sucks the blood of a new girl every night.”

“We have an agreement. As long as he doesn’t kill or turn them into vampires, we leave him alone. A man’s gotta eat.”

She stared at him, horrified.

“Pardon the dark humor.” Jule laughed. “Xander and I are quasi-friends. Gerry’s been keeping an eye on you to make sure Xander doesn’t cross any lines.”

“All Xander does is cross lines,” she said, perplexed. “But you’re saying Gerry is here because you ordered him to be here?”

“Something like that.”

it!” she sighed. “It’s not possible for someone who looks like Gerry to be interested in me.”

“Xander warned him off. But, if you like Gerry, I can arrange something. Someone like you is going to end up in our private society anyway. It’s just how it goes.”

“Xander is interested in women for one reason,” she said firmly. “I don’t want to be used by him or Gerry.” She tilted her head. “What do you mean someone like me?”

Jule smiled. “Some humans are born with unique, supernatural talents. We call you Naturals. Your skill appears to be that your mind can’t be manipulated, and you are … undetectable to our heightened senses. Really useful, given that Xander is a master at messing with people’s minds.”

She raised an eyebrow in disbelief. So that was why Jonny chose her!

“Some Naturals have different gifts. My wife is like a battery. She can absorb and channel the gifts of others. My sister-in-law is a Healer. Charles up there is a Tracker. The gifts are almost like enhanced senses.”

Jessi listened. Jule spoke calmly and factually, his explanations making some strange sense, after her interactions with Jonny and meeting a real vampire. She liked the idea of being special, especially with the hoard of beautiful women in front of her whose perfect bodies left her feeling plain.

“I can see that about Xander,” she said. “He definitely likes toying with people. Can he mess with you?”

“He can, though I’m aware of it. We’re what I’d call mandatory friends. We have a shared history and a truce that keeps us from fucking the other over.”

“He doesn’t seem like the kind who has friends.”

“Xander is complicated. He doesn’t necessarily want to be understood.”

“Or to relate to anyone. He didn’t even name his cat. Losing his family at such an early age, I understand why,” she said, thoughts on her cousins. “Still, sometimes he’s decent enough that I think there’s more to him.”

“There is a great deal to him,” Jule confirmed. “I’m surprised you know about his family.”

She glanced at him, uneasy with the idea she knew something private about Xander. It made her feel quasi-guilty again. Jule’s look was too intense. She cleared her throat.

“It makes me happy that I might frustrate him as much as he does me,” she said. Her resistance to his charisma made more sense with Jule’s explanation.

“You do,” Jule assured her. “He loves the challenge. If you don’t plan on sticking around long, you’re going to find yourself in a bind.”

Fear filtered through her. Some part of her knew this. She didn’t know what to do about it.

“So people like me … with these weird gifts … what happens to us?” she asked, needing to change the subject.

“Normally, I’d assign you a Guardian like Gerry, and we’d pull you into our organization, where you can meet others like you. Your kind are targets for bad guys. The same skill you have that we would help you learn to use is also of interest to those we are trying to protect humans from.”

“The bad guys are vampires?”

“Yes. Xander could turn you into a vamp and you would then serve Jonny, who controls the vamps.”

“Jonny,” she said, tensing.

Jule searched her face. “Jonny, the Black God and polar opposite of my brother, Damian, the White God. Damian controls the Guardians and Jonny the vamps.”

“Jonny controls Xander?” she asked.

“No. There are five of us who are pretty much … untouchable. I am one, and Xander is another. Xander is the Original Vampire, the only one born as a vampire and not made into one. He’s the only one who can create a vampire just by a blood exchange, instead of the normal rite new vamps go through. He started the vampire race tens of thousands of years ago.”

“So he’s stronger than … wait, what? Did you say thousands?” she asked, frowning.

“Tens of thousands.”

“Up until then, you had me. Now I’m pretty sure this is all a huge joke. Please tell me it is!”

“It’s not,” Jule said. “Xander can protect you from Jonny. They are close to being equal, with the exception that Jonny is a teenager and can’t control his power yet. Xander can outsmart and overpower him, if he feels like it. Whatever your beef is with Jonny, you want Xander on your side.”

“I don’t need …I have no…” she stopped. Until he called Jonny a teen, she’d been able to pretend it might be two different Jonnys.

Jule was clearly disbelieving.

Jessi looked away, gaze settling on Xander once more. The way he moved, his healing power, the effect he had on others, his fascination with people, the fangs and eyes …

There was nothing normal about him. Was he a ten thousand year old vampire? It definitely wasn’t something she was able to dismiss. Satisfaction bloomed within her at the thought that she had to be one of the few people he’d ever met over the thousands of years that was immune to the strange mind games he played with others.

She realized his interest in her wasn’t likely to be passing, not if she snared his curiosity. Gerry and Jule both warned her about drawing his attention. A creature that bored with life was going to corner and sink his fangs into anything that challenged him. She wasn’t able to risk that. If what Jule said was true, she was already in trouble.

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