Living With Syn (18 page)

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Authors: A.C. Katt

Tags: #gay, #menage, #mmf

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“Notify the rest of the council and then do
damage control. Because they were not at the meeting today they
know nothing about the cats, save that they were on the manifest,
nor do they have any idea of the growing strength of the Earthen
fem’s psy.” Tonas put down his glass.

“Is there anything else we should know?”
TeAllen asked with some asperity.

“I apologize that we hid the information. It
wasn’t until today that we had any idea of who the traitor could be
and until we found out; nothing could be said.”

“Of course, it was a need to know situation.”
TeWell calmed his BondMate.

“You all lost so much during the war and its
aftermath, after such tragedy it was only human to be more
concerned with the immediate problem rather than the long term
agenda of any council member,” Tonas said with sympathy.

“This gives us much to contemplate,” TeAllen
said as he rose. “We must call a meeting of the full council to
discuss all three issues. Your fem bring intelligence and wit along
with hope to our planet. TaSyn, TaAnya, we are in your debt.

“If we could have permission to search the
manifest for medical personnel, that would go a long way to solving
the first two issues.”

“We have a quorum, so may I assume that all
present vote aye?”

Three WarriorPairs stood and said, “Aye, we

Zaron said, “We meet in Castle Air next
rising to discuss what we found. Send PsyOps to TeAngle’s estate;
although I believe it to be an exercise in futility.”

He rose to take his guests to teleport.

“We would like to thank the lovely Syn and
Anya for their hospitality and their keen insight. We will meet
again. We have much to learn from you.” TeAllen and TeWell bade
them goodnight.

“Syn, do you need help with the kitchen? I
can clean very well, just can’t cook.”

“No, I’m fine; Brok and Tack will do what is
necessary, but thank you for offering,” Syn said as she hugged
Anya. “You are a good friend, the best I’ve ever had.”

“Ditto, Syn, ditto. Now we must all go to our
beds, in the early days of a pregnancy it is important to get

“Yes, mother,” Syn said, but as she said it a
tear dripped down her cheek. She told Anya, “Goodnight.”

* * * *

Chapter 10

“The best way to find yourself; is to lose

in the service of others.”

—Mahatma Gandhi

A general announcement was made over the com
during what passed for Sarran news of Jonal and Tonas’ elevation to
Elders and of Juraens and Mark Stern’s being raised to the title of
Princes. The Earthen fem were instructed that the formal Te and Ta
were to be used for the Elders and their bonded. The news reader
congratulated the highest Elders in the land on finding their fem,
TaSyn, and the newest Elders for completing their Triad with

Syn brought Naffie and Duchess the next
rising to see Anya. Jonal and Tonas provided the manifest and they
pored over it, looking for any medical personnel. They found three
nurses, two physician’s assistants, a pharmacist, and a
psychiatrist. Out of the seven, one had bonded on landing. The
others were still single. They contacted them by com.

Syn explained the problem. All of the nurses
had done rotations in OB/GYN and one had experience in teaching
birthing classes. One of the physician’s assistants worked at a
Veterans Administration Hospital with soldiers who had PTSD.

Ellen Macavoy, the psychiatrist said, “I
should have known with the recent history of Sarran there would be
PTSD; but they seemed so competent, and strong, I didn’t think that
they would be susceptible. We forget that they are humanoids and
made from the same star stuff from which we all are crafted. I’ll
work with you TaSyn, but we are going to have to import more
counselors from Earth; even if it is a temporary position.”

“We have to make do with what we can get.
Because of the psy, Sarran is a closed planet. We can travel
elsewhere but no one comes in without the council’s express
permission. Sometimes there are black market ships that land on
private estates but it is treason and the punishment is severe. Our
only hope for both the births and the PTSD is to tell the
WarriorPairs who go on the next trading mission to Earth to
actively seek fems in the medical professions,” Syn replied,
sighing in frustration.

“Teaching the WarriorPairs how to help their
fem give birth shouldn’t be a problem. All of the Warriors are
intelligent and as you now know have varying degrees of psy so they
will be easy to teach. We also have one male doctor, Mark Stern,
who can be teleported in for cases with complications. I’m also a
medical doctor and if I have already given birth or haven’t yet; I
can also be on call,” Anya added.

Tina Ferrarra, one of the physician’s
assistants, had her WarriorPair in their com room. Both of them,
Ensign Blot and Lieutenant Panner, were Sarran physicians. “The
hanger where the fem were processed is large enough to hold
meetings and classes and can be set up with holos. We have a small
population on Sarran. There are only five hundred doctors counting
the medical officers on board the ships in the fleet,” Panner

“Yes, but we could teach the doctors
planetside first; and then have them teach groups of WarriorPairs.
The graduates of these groups can teach others. We could have all
of the WarriorPairs planetside, even those without fem, taught
within three tides,” Blot calculated.

“This PTSD, do I have that right; is another
matter that is not as simple,” Panner said, “But it does solve the
mystery of some of the ailments we have seen in our practice
recently and ones that our older physicians have struggled with for
the past ten years of war. Can Sarran physicians be trained to
prescribe this medication and to do the talk therapy?”

Ellen Macavoy replied, “I was trained at the
University of New Mexico Hospital, and I practiced there too. It is
a teaching hospital and I was on staff mentoring in psychiatry. I
could hold a class for the physicians and the medical personnel we
have here. TaSyn specialized in PTSD, so she could guide me in the
right direction.”

“Hmm, I believe we have solved the problem
without involving the Elders. All we need is approval of the plan.
Ensign Blot and Lieutenant Panner, would you be willing to come to
council along with the assembled fem to present this plan in say,
two risings?”

“If our fem are going to have offspring that
quickly, I would go to each of the seven moons to ensure their
safety.” Ensign Blot looked fierce in his love for his bonded.

“As far as the PTSD, it should be as fem
Macavoy suggests.” Lieutenant Panner’s mouth set in a grim line.
“It is past time to set the planet to rights after the Zyptz. The
fem were the first step of which I admit; I was skeptical; but we
have our Tina and we couldn’t be more pleased.”

“TaSyn,” Tina Ferrara said, “We heard we have
you to thank for programming recipes and fresh Earthen foodstuffs
into the fabricator. I made eggplant parmesan last moontine and my
bonded were ecstatic. It wasn’t quite the same as fresh but it was
as good as any small Italian restaurant.”

“We also need classes in Sarran food and
nutrition in addition to the use of Sarran appliances. I don’t
intend to spend my time in the kitchen, but I should at least know
how to make coffee and boil water,” Ellen Macavoy suggested.

“Good idea,” said Anya. “I can’t boil water
and my Warriors will starve if they depend on me to eat. I love the
fabricators. But I would like to know how to work the appliances
should I get the urge to learn to cook. Besides, babies do better
with fresh food.”

Syn knew that as the fem of the WarriorPair
who ran the Elder Council she had to terminate the conversation.
“We have done very well. I expected only to present the problem;
but we now have solutions in hand to bring to the council. They
will be pleased. All of you must be busy adjusting, as are we, so
we will say goodbye for now and see you at council in two

* * * *

While Syn and Anya commed the fem with the
first two, the Elder Council grappled with the third. They didn’t
want to draw attention to themselves; so they met at Castle

PsyOps made an early rising raid and found
Castle Fire as empty as Zaron and Bron suspected. There were no
mourning flags, no fresh urns in the burial plot, it looked like
TeZuff and TeAngle left the planet.

“We have to be grateful that TeZuff’s injury
made it impossible for that WarriorPair to impregnate a fem or
there would be a raid on Earth which would sideline any delicate
negotiations we wish to undertake,” TeAwer said as he banged his
fist on the table.

TeAwer and TeZen found their bonded, TaAdele
last moonrise and were irritated that they were disturbed for the
meeting. “This could be a major setback in our rebuilding program
if TeAngle has an accomplice in the Federation.” TeZen got out of
the overstuffed chair and paced the room.

TeAxit rose from his spot on the couch,
dislodging Tigger from his lap. Tigger had teleported back to
Castle Air with Duchess to listen in on the Elders’ informal
meeting. “It would be prudent to assume that they also had
followers on Sarran. They had Septis. How do we find the

::At the birth meetings,::
suggested. Tigger leaped from the couch and landed on the table.
::Can someone get Duchess and me Tierest juice? Better for us
than milk, milk gives me gas.::

The whole room broke out in laughter. “By all
means, Tig, you can have Tierest juice along with the fair
Duchess,” said Tonas, wiping cat hair off his trews.

Zaron told the Concierge to find Garlance and
have him bring in a carafe of Tierest juice and two saucers.

“ Let’s get back to the business at
hand—birth meetings?” TeZuron asked, somewhat puzzled.

::The fem got together to talk about the lack
of midwives and what to do about the PTSD. They solved both
problems at once and will present the solutions to the council at
the next scheduled meeting in two risings. To be brief, each
WarriorPair has to report for birth training, even those who are
unbonded, in case a fem goes into labor when her Warriors are
absent. TaSyn and TaAnya will attend all of these classes. TaSyn
attends to attempt to evaluate the individual Warriors by the auras
for PTSD and for evil intent; TaAnya as a physician, specializing
in the care of infants and children.::

“What good would this do?” asked TeAxit.

::TaSyn can see auras, a person with evil
intent will harbor a floating black miasma which can be detected, a
dark red aura indicates diseases such as PTSD. If each Warrior on
Sarran has to attend the classes, it might take three tides, but
all could been seen and a dual purpose served,::
Duchess said,
picking up one dainty paw to wash her face.

“Three tides are twenty-nine risings too
long; but we have no choice. Duchess and Tigger plus any other
members of PsyOps who can see auras can help,” Bron suggested.

“You know, Naffie claims that Syn can fix
auras. What do you think that is all about?” Zaron asked, picking
up his glass and sipping on his Asta.

“Why don’t you ask Naffie?” Jonal said

“When do we start these classes? We should
attend the First Ones so we can hold ourselves up as an example.
Awer and I need to find out to help our Adele,” TeZen said gruffly,
embarrassed to be caught showing so much emotion in a council

“We need to give the fems one or two risings
to set up the curriculum and find the Earthen visual aids.” Jonal
twirled his Asta in his glass. “Anya and Stern will bear the brunt
of this because they are doctors. The second class, after ours,
should be the Sarran doctors, I believe we have about five hundred
including those in the fleet. Our population is at twenty thousand
not counting the fem and any offspring under the age of

“See if we can get Stern and Juraens on the
com; I want their opinion.” Zaron tapped his fingers on the

“I hope Stern and Juraens find their fem
soon. There is nothing in the Codex that says the Elder Council
must remain at five WarriorPairs, only that they have to have been
in Triad,” Jonal observed.

“The Goddess will provide. If we need them;
she will give them their fem,” Bron said, clasping his hands
together with Zaron’s.

TeZuron got up and said, “If we have to be in
Triad, then TeAxit and I are currently ineligible as are TeAllen
and TeWell.

TeAxit went over to his bonded. “The Codex
reads that they have to have been in Triad, which all of us were,
my love. And we will be again, I’m sure. The Goddess has given fem
to the other members of the council; she will not slight us. Now
let us adjourn this meeting. TeZuron and I are going to the fem
quarters to see that they are adequately housed and have what they
want and need. You’ll let us know about the class?”

“Immediately upon setting it up,” TeTonas
said as he rose to bid them farewell.

“We all better be getting back to our fem, we
don’t want them to think we are neglecting them and TeZen and I are
newly bonded.”

TeAwer came over to his beloved and said, “We
leave to go to our Adele.” They were gone in an instant.

* * * *

The Concierge said, “TaAnya will you take a
com from TeJonal and TeTonas.”

“Put them through please.” Anya looked at
Syn, “They’re over at your place.”

When they turned on the com they found four
Warriors grinning at them through the holo. “All right,” Anya said,
“What have you done?” They managed to look sheepish.

“Syn,” said Zaron, his voice cajoling, “Can
we are have Anya’s Triad over for moontine.”

“But I haven’t prepared anything,” Syn

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