Read Living in the Abundance of God Online
Authors: John Osteen
erhaps as you’ve been reading this book, you’ve discovered that the reason you’re not living in the abundance of God is because you’ve never had a personal relationship with God. If you’re not walking with God, you’ll never understand His will and all of His provisions for your life. But you can change that.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). If you have never received Jesus Christ into your life as Lord and Savior, this is your moment. He has done all that is necessary for you to become His child. In order to complete that desire, all that is necessary, is a prayer.
“Dear God
I admit that I am a sinner in need of Your help
I ask you to forgive me of all my sin
Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God
and You died for my sins and
rose from the dead
I invite You to come into my life and be my
Lord and Savior
Help me to live in a way that pleases and honors
You. God, I thank You that You are now
my heavenly Father and I am Your child
and that You have a plan for my life
I want all that You have for me
and I ask You to baptize me in Your
Holy Spirit to help me live an abundant life
I want Your supernatural power to touch others
I pray in Jesus’ Name
It is so wonderful
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1. An Abundance of Grace for Your Every Need
2. An Abundance of Forgiveness for Every Relationship
3. An Abundance of Righteousness for Every Accusation of Satan
4. An Abundance of Joy for Your Heartache and Pain
5. An Abundance of Provision for Your Every Lack
6. An Abundance of Love to Reach Out to Others
7. An Abundance of Power for Your Weakness
8. An Abundance of the Holy Spirit for Changing the World
9. An Abundance of Freedom for Every Stronghold
10. An Abundance of Miracles of Your Impossibilities
A Prayer for the Abundant Life
Copyright © 2013 by Dodie Osteen
Commentary and Foreword © 2013 from Joel Osteen
Unless otherwise indicated, Scriptures are taken from the
New King James Version
. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers. All rights reserved.
Scriptures noted AMP are taken from the
Amplified® Bible
. Copyright © 1954, 1962, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
Literary development and design: Koechel Peterson & Associates, Inc., Mpls., MN.
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First ebook edition: May 2013
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ISBN 978-1-4555-7856-6