Living a Lion: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Sleeping Lions - Shifters Prime Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Living a Lion: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Sleeping Lions - Shifters Prime Book 1)
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Chapter Twenty-Nine – Kane


He had allowed himself to be captured, it was the only way he was going to get inside the house, where he was certain Amara was being held. Or was she here of her own accord? He was confused, and if it wasn’t for the strong mating bond between them, and the way he felt about her, he might be suspicious of her motives. She had, after all, been the catalyst that had brought him to Shifters Prime. Was Serrif the person behind all this, had Amara come here to the house he shared with Kane’s mother because she was part of some bigger plan? A plan to get rid of the heirs of Remus.

No, he couldn’t believe that.

The guards had met him as he neared the house. He had taken the precaution of being in human form, convinced murder was still murder, but killing a lion, how did that work? Kane still had trouble shaking off the laws he had abided by his whole life in the Otherworld.

They didn’t seem to care about using him as a punching bag, however, and on the second blow to his head, he decided to pretend to be unconscious.

“Who is that?” a voice asked.

“We found him near the house,” one of the guards said.

“Excuse me?” the voice came closer, irritated and angry, and the guards holding him took a small step back. “You let someone get this close to the house?”

“We were returning to our posts.” It seemed one guard did all the talking.

“And where were you returning from?”

“We found a lioness from Satoma in the grounds. She had come to see Leandra.”

“A lioness, from Satoma. And what did she want?” the man asked, his curiosity laced with suspicion. “And where is she?”

“We took her to Leandra. Apparently she is a seamstress, and had to take a measurement from your wife for a dress she needs altering.”

“Where?” the question was barked. “Show me, you fools. And bring him. Two intruders in one day must mean they are working together.”

Kane was half dragged along a corridor, and then into an open hallway, he felt the cool air on his face, and half looked up, only to see Amara about to escape the house.
She was safe

“Ahh, so you do have a guest,” the man said.

, he prayed silently.

But the voice spoke again, gloating, confident, as he said, “I think I have something you want.”

Kane knew she wouldn’t leave without him. He had to act.

Kane hesitated, but only momentarily, and then he straightened himself up, knocking one of the guards out with one blow, and then facing the other. His fists clenched, in his human form, these guards were no match for him. His uncle’s training in combat had paid off after all.

The guard lunged at him, and Kane dodged to the left, before bringing his two hands down on his opponent’s back, sending him crashing to the floor. A swift kick to the ribs had him doubled over, and Kane left him, to turn towards Amara.

She was gone.

The hallway was empty. Both the two women and the man, whom he guessed was Serrif, had fled. Coward. He lifted his head and took in Amara’s scent; he would know it anywhere, his lion’s senses making his own stronger.

Across the hallway and out into the night he followed her, he would always follow her, she knew that, she wouldn’t be scared because she knew he would always be there for her.

But she was scared, when he caught up with them, standing on a tennis court, with floodlights spilling down across the grass, he could see the fear clearly in her face. But it wasn’t fear for herself; it was fear for him. He understood why. This was the reason they had come to the Prime, this was the man who had killed his father and forced him and his brothers into hiding.

This was the man. This was the moment. This was his life.

And he wanted to keep it. He had so much to live for, so much he wanted to do, so much unfilled potential. Being one with his lion, even over such a short space of time, had made him understand more about life than he had in all of his years before. Being with Amara was life.

Inside him, his lion stretched, pacing backwards and forwards, ready for release. His tail swished, his lips drew back over his sharp teeth. They were waking as if from a deep slumber, their blood stirring, adrenaline pumping, they would be triumphant, here on the ground that had belonged to his father. This usurper would pay the ultimate price.

“Well, what do we have here?” Serrif said. “You look familiar. A face I haven’t seen for such a long time. Yes, I know who you are. I have been expecting you, or one of the other little cubs. I knew eventually you would have to return.”

He dragged Amara close to him, his hand travelling over her body, disrespectful, enjoying the way she tensed. Then he kissed her cheek, making Amara pull away, and he let her go, leaving her to fall to the ground as she overbalanced.

“She won’t get far. After I have beaten you, there will be nowhere to hide. I will enjoy having her in my bed, just as I have enjoyed having your mother in my bed.” He sneered, and beside him, Kane’s mother hung her head in shame.

Serrif laughed. Then he walked towards Kane, confident, in control, and Kane knew he would beat this man to a pulp and not stop until he was dead on the floor. Inside him the alpha lion woke. The lion whose task it was to protect his pride was lifting his head, ready to tell the world he was here, and he would be victorious.

“Shall we, little lion cub?” Serrif asked in a sing-song voice.

Kane did not speak, he simply moved away, gathering his lion to him, and letting him spring to life, fur erupting, claws digging into the ground, sharp teeth piercing his gums, tail flicking the air, not in anger, but in disgust at this man who had taken everything from him as a child.

Well, payback was coming. And payback was a young lion who was about to strike.

“You think you can take me on?” Serrif laughed. “I mean, really. You are already battered and bruised, it wouldn’t be a fair fight.”

Kane lifted his head and roared out his challenge, leaving no doubt to anyone who could hear that he was ready, and more than willing to fight.

“If you insist,” Serrif said, but the woman with him stepped in front of him to stop him.

“Serrif, please, let him go. Let them both go. Haven’t you done enough damage,” she pleaded.

“I am not the one who came here to fight. But if he insists, then for the sake of the Pride, and my pride.” He grinned at his own joke. “I have to do this. I promise not to kill him, my poor sweet Leandra.”

“Is that what you said to Kane’s father before you killed him? Told him you just wanted to talk?” Amara asked.

“Now, now, let’s not go dragging up the past, Leandra finds it quite upsetting, don’t you, dear?” he asked the women, who Kane now realised was his mother. “No, don’t worry, I’ll let him live, it’s much more enjoyable knowing he will be alive in Shifters Prime, while you live here with me, serving my every wish.”

He saw Amara move, knew she was going to change into her lion and take him on herself, but he didn’t want that. Serrif was his, he had to beat him, had to prove to everyone he was worthy to be his father’s heir. So he leaped forward, landing only ten paces away, and roared his challenge again.

Serrif did not hesitate. He changed in mid-air, landing where Kane had stood, only Kane had already moved away, jumping sideways and then spinning round to lash out at Serrif, taking first blood from the older lion.

Serrif roared in rage, and leaped after Kane, catching his flank but not drawing blood. Even so, his legs swayed under him and he had to fight to keep upright. He couldn’t afford to fall. If he did, Serrif would be on top of him, pinning him down. That conjured up unbidden thoughts of Serrif on top of Amara, making her submit to him. That would
happen, not while he still had breath in his body and teeth in his jaws.

With his breath coming hard, he circled Serrif, biding his time, waiting for him to make a move, but he didn’t. Kane had to remember Serrif was a seasoned fighter, he was the one who had killed Remus, so he must have a high level of skill.
Think, make no sign you are going to move, and then pounce,
he told himself.

And that was what he did. When he made his move, he was surprised Serrif did not move, or try to attack. He just stayed still until Kane slammed into him. Serif fell to the ground, and Kane leaped on top of him, pinning him down, his sharp teeth on his jugular, cutting off his breath, but still expecting some kind of retaliation. Yet Serrif lay still, looking bewildered.

Amara and his mom rushed forward, as he sank his teeth into Serrif’s neck. Beneath him, the man appeared scared, his body trembling. “Don’t kill me.”

Kane’s sharp canine teeth split his skin. He tasted blood, and found he liked it. This man, this thing that had taken his father from him and treated his mom like a whore, this man who had threatened Kane’s mate, deserved to die.

“Let him live, Kane,” Amara said, and from out of her purse, Amara pulled the collar. He shook his head. “Really, you beat him fair and square, why not use the collar to make sure it stays that way? Even if it’s only temporary.”

“She’s right,” his mom said. “I wouldn’t trust him to not turn on you once you release him. Put the collar on.”

Kane didn’t want to put the collar on Serrif. He wanted to kill him and feast on his bones. The look in his eyes must have told Amara this, or did she feel it, in the same way he felt her emotions. She placed her hand on his thick fur, winding it around her fingers. “There has been enough death because of this man. If you kill him, the authorities will hunt you, Kane. And I don’t want our child to be a fugitive.”

He turned to her, trying to comprehend what she was saying. And in that split second, she placed the collar around Serrif’s neck and snapped it shut.

Kane turned back to his human form, his eyes filled with wonder. “A child?”

She nodded happily. “I was trying to find the right time to tell you.”

“Why did you come here and risk yourself and our child?” he asked.

“Because I wanted to see your mom. I wanted to know if there was a way to end this without you being in danger,” she said, falling into his arms. “I should have thought it through, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. Frasier wanted us to leave, and I didn’t want to run. I want to have our child here, where he belongs, surrounded by his family.”

Kane held her close, his face buried in her hair as he remembered the long, lonely days of his childhood, and he said, “That’s what I want too.”


Chapter Thirty – Amara


“I thought you deserved breakfast in bed,” Amara said, placing the tray down on the edge of the bed.

“I know what else I think I deserve,” Kane said, and she knelt down beside him, kissing him gently.

“I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you,” she said, her fingers running over his cheek, while she looked at his black eye, and the various other bruises that coloured his face.

“I am a big, bad lion, a little kiss won’t hurt me,” he said, pulling her down next to him. “Damn, I thought I was going to lose you.”

“Never,” she said, kissing him again.

His hands went to part her robe, tugging it open to reveal her pyjamas. “These will have to go too.”

“Is that the new law, o great and mighty lion?” she asked, giggling when he tried to put on a stern face. “It doesn’t work when you look like that. You are not going to make a good first impression when you go to meet your loyal subjects.”

“Will they be loyal?” he asked, pushing her top off her shoulders, and throwing it down on the floor. He kissed her breasts, and she sighed, cradling his head in her arms.

“I think so. When I spoke to Leandra last night, she was convinced that most people will be glad to see the back of Serrif. He nearly destroyed your father’s business. The pride is poor; they will follow you if you can turn their economy around.”

“And there was me thinking you were just a pretty lioness to be petted and stroked.” He pushed her pants down and turned her on her back. She eased her thighs apart, letting him move between them.

“I like to be stroked,” she said.

“Here?” he asked, his fingers covering her mound and then slipping down to stroke her clit.

“Oh yes,” she said.

“And here?” he asked, his fingers moving back to slide into her wet sex.

“Oh, right there,” she said as he found the place inside her that made her arousal peak.

“Damn it, I want you,” he said, and he withdrew his fingers, only to push his hard cock inside her. “Oh, that is worth fighting for.”

She giggled. “Don’t let anyone else hear your pillow talk.”

“I won’t, it is only ever for you.”

“Good,” she said, her hands stroking his back, urging him on.

“I love you, Amara,” he said as he impaled her on his cock. “I feel so blessed you came into my life.”

“Even … if … I … turned it all … upside down,” she managed to say, while her orgasm gathered, her body tense, waiting for release.

“Yes,” he said, his voice rising as he came, his cock spurting deep inside her. She followed, her sex gripping him, milking his essence until they were both utterly spent.

“I love you too, Kane.” She kissed him, smoothing his hair back from his face.

“I couldn’t wish to have a better mate by my side as we try to rebuild Talamo,” he said.

“My family will help. It would be good to bring more prides together. The leader of the Satoma is old, he has no heir, he has never found his mate; and so one of my brothers might be the new leader. It would be good to form an alliance,” she said.

“And Darius? Do we bring him back here?” Kane asked.

“I think you need to talk to your mom about that,” Amara said. “Which reminds me, we are meeting them all in an hour, you need to eat and get dressed.”

“Don’t we have time for a little more fooling around?” he asked.

“No,” she said, pushing him off gently.

“Ouch, the ribs, watch the ribs,” he said.

“Sorry,” she said, cringing at the thought of causing him pain. “Once we have been over to your pride lands, let’s take off for a few days. You can rest, and I can show you some of the sights. There is so much of the Prime you haven’t seen.”

BOOK: Living a Lion: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Sleeping Lions - Shifters Prime Book 1)
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