Live In Position (50 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: Live In Position
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"We heard you reading," Gregory spoke.

"Can we listen too?" Michael finished.

"I'm sorry Sophia," Will rushed in after them. "Let's go boys." He ordered and they groaned.

"Do you care if they listen?" I raised my brow at him.

"You sure?" He looked at me questioningly. I nodded. "Okay, I'm gonna go clean up the bathroom."

"Okay," I waved him off and continued to read.

Gregory and Michael were full of questions about mermaids and the story itself. Victoria was getting irritated, but I told her they didn't get to hear from the beginning, so they needed to catch up. She took their questions for as long as she could.

"Listen, if you ask one more question then you have to get out," she barked at them.

"Victoria," I hissed. She looked up at me with a scowl. "Apologize for being so mean."

"But they keep…"

"Apologize," I warned.

She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Sorry," she grumbled.

I continued reading and the boys didn't ask any more questions.

Once I finished with the chapter they were all asleep. Victoria was on my left, Gregory on my right, and Michael was curled up with his head on my right leg. I fought the chuckle about to burst from me. I was stuck. Eventually Will showed up.

"Looks like you have a magic touch for bedtime." He smiled and picked up Michael.

I slipped to the end of the bed and grabbed Gregory into my arms.

"I can come back and get him." Will argued.

"I've already got him, so get moving."

We took the boys to the sofa bed in the suite, which surprised me. Allison wanted the boys in the suite with her. She was shocking me with things left and right. Though, her tongue was still sharp, there did seem to be some small changes about her. I told myself to focus on these good changes going forward.

Stopping back in Victoria's room on my way to bed I ran into Collin at her bedside. He was running his fingers through her hair lightly as he said goodnight to her. It made my heart flutter and my chest warm at the sight.

I moved to his side, picked up the book and tucked her in with a kiss to her cheek. He smiled when I turned to look at him, took my hand, and walked us to bed.

There was nothing I wanted more, after spending a couple of hours over a stove making spaghetti and meatballs, than to shower, but when I got into the bathroom I saw there was a bath drawn in the tub. Collin wrapped his arms around me.

"Did you do this?" I craned my neck to the side to look at him.

"Who else?" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

He grasped the bottom of my shirt and tugged on it, until he had removed it. When he unlatched my bra, he kissed my shoulder blade, and when he pulled my jeans off, he kissed a warm trail down the back of my left thigh. Once all of my clothes were removed, he took my hand and helped me into the tub. Before I even had a chance to ask, his clothes were piled with mine on the floor and he was climbing in behind me.

Lying back against his chest I closed my eyes and relaxed, until his hands began to wander. Starting at my shoulders he manipulated them firmly, I moaned. His brilliant fingers slid over my collarbone to my breasts, where he cupped, massaged, and rolled my nipples through his fingers. I moaned louder. One hand slipped down over my stomach and between my thighs. I moaned and pushed my hips up toward his hand. His lips pressed to my neck, just below my ear as his long fingers slipped between and into me. I gasped and ground against his hand.

"I love you, Sophia," he murmured against my skin and inserted a second digit.

"Oh…ah…Coll…ungh," his fingers moved quick and smooth between my legs. When his thumb found my swollen and sensitive nub I lost it, having to cover my mouth to muffle the moan. His fingers slowed as did the roll of my hips.

We lay in the tub for about ten more minutes before he carried me to the bed, soaking wet. His mouth descended upon mine and his hands grabbed the back of my knees, pulling them up and apart. The feel of his warm, wet, smooth shaft rubbed against my folds. Without the help of hands, he found my entrance and pushed forth with a low growl.

Moving slowly I lie under him watching his shoulder and bicep flex, the tension in his arms was beautiful. Just as my body coiled within Collin grabbed my ankles and placed them on his shoulders. Moaning loudly, I rolled my head back, pushing my chest forward. He moved with definition and purpose, until he moaned loudly and reached his climax.

I was so close my hips kept moving against him trying to reach ecstasy. He caught on quickly.

"We need to do something about this, don't we?" he whispered into my ear. He remained moving and brought his fingers in for assistance. I growled and grabbed his hair roughly. The ministrations were all I needed to continue my journey to oblivion.

The bed was damp from not toweling off after the bath, but I didn't care. I was so relaxed and sated I quickly slipped into slumber next to Collin. The next morning Victoria burst into the bedroom.

"Mom, Dad," she called as she bounded in.

My eyes shot open and I grasped the covers tightly over my naked body, sitting up. Collin mimicked my actions.

"Hey," I sounded a little flustered. "What's going on?" I looked to the clock. She had twenty minutes before she had to get up.

She shrugged. "I woke up."

"Okay, well, why don't you go get cleaned up and dressed for school. I will meet you in your room in ten minutes."

"Can't you come help me now?" she whined.

"Give me ten minutes and I will be in, okay?" I smiled and nodded.

"Fine," she huffed. Collin chuckled.

I sighed in relief when she left and threw myself back onto the pillows. Soon the feel of his warmth was against me, his arm slipping over my waist.

"Good morning, mommy," I felt the smile on his lips as he kissed my collarbone.

I tugged on his hair teasingly. He growled and moved his mouth lower.

"Ah, ah, ah," I slipped out of the bed and from under him. "If I don't get moving, she will be back in ten minutes. Not a good idea to start that." I said from over my shoulder.

I entered the bathroom and quickly wrapped up in a robe. Grabbing my toothbrush and the paste, I went to work on my morning breath. I leaned over the sink to spit out the foamy
toothpaste when I felt him behind me. Standing and wiping my mouth I looked into the mirror at his reflection.

"What are you –?"

He pulled the robe up quickly and slipped into me from behind. My toothbrush slipped from my hand, landing in the porcelain basin. The palm of his left hand pushed me down toward the counter. My hands grasped the sides of the sink as he moved in and out of me, grunts and moans falling from his lips.

It was amazing and dangerous. At any moment Victoria could come back into the room, and while that worried me, I couldn't help but drown in the excitement of the whole thing. He pumped in and out a few more times, and then grabbed my right leg, pulling it out to the side. The change in position sent bursts of heat through my body and when his other hand moved from my hip to press down on my back I lost it. My body convulsed around his hard flesh.

"That's it baby," He growled and returned his hands to my hips. With a loud moan he followed me.

Panting heavily against the counter, he pulled my robe back down and slipped away and into the shower.

"Good morning to you to," I gasped out. He chuckled.

"That was the proper way to say good morning to you." His voice carried from the steamy shower.

"That was a dangerous risk of getting caught by a seven year old." I countered, though inside my inner girl was doing back flips.

"You liked it." He laughed. I didn't say anything else. I had to dress quickly and get to Victoria's room.

When I got to her room she was trying to brush through her hair. I walked up behind her and helped her brush and braid it before we went down stairs for breakfast.

Since we had extra time this morning I made pancakes and bacon. The twins slowly drug themselves into the kitchen with their uniforms on and Will carrying their backpacks. They sat down, perking up at the sight of pancakes.

"Can we have some?" they asked at the same time.

I giggled and nodded.

"Are you sure?" Will asked.

"I made extra for them." I smiled at him.

"Thanks," he smiled.

"I thought they had to register with the school?" I questioned.

"They do, but Mrs. Bed, I mean, Ms. Bishop is pretty sure they will get shown to class today."

I nodded. Of course she could get them signed up and attending in the same day, she was a Bishop of course.

Allison had been correct, because William and she returned from the school without the twins. Allison went directly up to her room and Will to his. I didn't hear from either of them for a couple of hours; however, I ran into Will while he was on his way to the laundry room.

"Are you doing her laundry too?"

He shook his head. "No, she has everything dry cleaned."


And that was the extent of the conversation between us, until Will met me at the front door to go pick up the kids. We decided to drive over at the same time, but still in separate cars since Victoria and the twins had separate after school activities. Apparently Allison had gotten the twins in with the fall soccer league, even if it was a month after registration.

Pulling up to Victoria's horseback lesson, she was going on and on about Halloween coming up and she was already starting to think of different costumes. I had to admit I was surprised she didn't say a mermaid again. Instead she was talking about dressing up as a princess.

Victoria was halfway into her lesson when ten years was taken from me. I was sitting on the fence talking with Anna, another nanny, when I heard the horse's loud "Neh", Victoria's scream, and her instructors call for her. When my head snapped toward the commotion a multitude of things washed over me. Anxiety crashed unto my shoulders as Claire grabbed for the reigns of Victoria's horse, fear coursed through my veins as the horse jerked her body around roughly, and panic grasped my chest when she flew from the horses back and hit the hard dirt.

I was off the fence and sprinting toward her without any concern of a horse trampling me. Screaming her name the entire way, she didn't answer and didn't move. I slid toward her body like she was home plate of the World Series. Fighting my instinct to wrap her up in my arms, I appraised her body for damage.

"Don't touch her," Claire yelled when my hands reached out for her instinctually.

I placed a hand on her forehead and yelled her name to her. Nothing, there was no response at all.

"I called 911," a random voice yelled from behind me.

Claire appeared next to me on her knees.

"Victoria, sweetheart, can you hear me?" Again nothing.

Tears began to roll in large drops down my face.

"I tried to get her, I thought I could get the horse in time…" Claire chanted and rocked slowly as she looked down on Victoria's still body.

Laying my head on her chest, I could hear her heart beating ferociously. I breathed in relief and then placed my cheek next to her mouth. Warm breath collected on my cool skin. More relief washed over me. Then she stirred.

"Victoria?" I leaned over her.

Tears started quickly when she tried to move and then came the cries of pain.

"What hurts, baby?" I scanned her body for the hundredth time.

"My arm," she cried.

I looked to her right arm, but it seemed fine. Her left arm however had a bright red patch and purple was already forming. Closer examination of the arm and I assumed it was broken.

"Is there anything else?"

"My head," she sobbed and tried to sit up.

"Stay lying down," I slipped next to her and curled to her body.

The sirens announced the ambulance's arrival and the paramedics surrounded us quickly. They checked her over, asked some questions and then braced her before moving her body to the board. I followed them to the back of the ambulance and pulled out my cell phone.

During the ride to the hospital I called Collin to let him know about the accident. I got his voicemail, which was normal, so I left a message and sent a text message to his phone.

When we arrived to the hospital and after I answered some preliminary questions, I told the nurse to have Dr. Bishop paged. Once she realized Victoria was his daughter, she rushed from the room. The emergency room doctor was going over her diligently before he ordered her to get an x-ray of her arm and an MRI of her head.

Victoria was conscious and still upset, but they had given her pain medication and an IV to settle her down. I wiped at the tears still streaming down my face as I watched everything.

Once they took her to x-ray, I had to wait for her return. With the wave of emotions starting to calm, I began to feel exhausted. I walked to the closest coffee vending machine for some liquid lucidity. On the way back I halted at her room door and looked upon a familiar face.

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