Read Little Red Online

Authors: Justin Cairns

Tags: #Thriller

Little Red (25 page)

BOOK: Little Red
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He sat up, the boy’s dead eyes looking straight at him. He scanned the room; the blood had gone, soaked away through the carpet. He turned back to the body, it too had disappeared. He gathered himself to his feet, the wheel brace lay upon the floor and he reached down to collect it. The low grumble made him freeze stiff, it came from behind him. He attempted to look past his leg, trying to keep his frame as still as possible. The corner was hidden by darkness. The shadows were too black to peer through. He tapped the carpet with his finger tips and located the weapon. He had struck the beast, he was sure of that. But now it lay behind him, lurking somewhere in the shadows of his mind. He turned slowly to face the creature.
Come on you bastard, show yourself…………show yourself.
The words in his head weren’t heard by his opponent, it remained hidden to his front. The silver body of his torch poked out from the darkness, the handle caught his eye.
. He edged closer, his steps were small. The growl came from the shadow, he stopped to observe.

‘Don’t you fuck with me…..don’t you fucking dare!’ he spat the
warning, his eyes searched the black space. His feet began to move once again, closer and closer to his objective. He stopped and knelt down an arm’s reach from the lighting aid. He watched his front, his mind showing movement with the depths of black. He wanted to snatch the torch, his mind telling him to back-up, to move away.
Fuck it

He grabbed for the torch, grasping it in one hand. The high pitch shriek stung his ear as it came from his right. He spun on the spot and fired the light towards its location. The boy stood in the beam next to his body, the throat torn open and blood flowing from the wound. Nathan fell backwards as the scare struck him. The torch hit the floor. It rolled on the spot. The creature was illuminated for short spaces of time as the beam cr
ossed it in its spin. It seized, the light illuminating part of the corner. The fur moved as the beast breathed, its air blew the hair on its arms as it exhaled heavily. Nathan tried to stand but the beast leapt for him. Its large head clashed with his chest and sent him backwards over the bed. He pushed his body from the floor, his eyes searching for his foe.

‘Where are you……come on you fucker, where are……’

His foot was grasped and his body was dragged under the bed. The teeth ripped his flesh, the blood spewed into his face.






William Lime entered his apartment and ensured the door was fully closed behind him. He locked the catch and hooked the chain into place. The removal of his coat lifted a weight from his shoulders and he hung it up upon the rack by the door. He turned the dimmer clockwise, it offered a small click as the lighting burned to life. He kept it low, setting the relaxing mood. The night had approached quickly and he had only just finished preparing for the press conference the next day. His time to shine was nearing, he felt the excitement rush through him in an electric wave. The kitchen was as clean and tidy as usual, he set his standards high, giving the well-educated and professional appearance. He removed a bottle of red wine from the rack and sat it upon the unit. The cork gave a low pop as it was pulled from the neck, the instant aroma filled his nostrils. He collected a large glass and moved to the living room, the bottle wedged between two fingers.

The leather sofa stretched as he lowered himself onto it. The music started as he pressed the button on the small remote.

‘Ahhhhhhh, Beethoven, who else could comfort me in a time like this?’ the red liquid was poured to the top as Moonlight Sonata eased his tension. He sat back, allowing his body to recuperate. The alcohol went down like a treat, he classed himself as a connoisseur of fine wines, swilling the liquid against the insides of his cheeks before swallowing.

‘Tomorrow the conference, the next day……fame’. He closed his eyes as the piano playing relaxed his mind.






Chapter Twenty




ichard stood at the reception desk of the Metropolitan Police Headquarters. He watched as the staff passed by, no indication of interest shown towards him. Ten minutes had passed when a tired voice asked him his business.

‘I’m here to see the person in charge of the Wolf case’ he replied

‘I’m sorry but you need to arrange an appointment to see Mr Crawford. Can I make one for you?’ she asked.

‘No, I would like to see him now please’ his voice stern

‘Sir. Like I said, it’s appointments only. I can call him and……’

He didn’t give her chance to finish her reply.

‘Okay, call him then please’ he rested upon the desk, his arms crossed and starring into her eyes. She decided to give in and picked up the phone.

‘Mr Crawford, it’s the main desk, I apologise for the call but I have a man here asking to speak with you………wait one Sir. Can I take your name?’

‘Richard Crowe…….I’m the father of Megan Crowe, the girl that has been taken’

The woman paused, her face held a blank expression. Jack asked her if she was still there.

‘Erm, yes, sorry Sir……it’s Richard Crowe…..he’s the father of the recently abducted girl…….yes Sir, good bye’.

‘I’ll show you to his office’ she placed the phone down and moved around her desk.

‘Please, follow me’ she smiled.


Jack stood as Richard was offered a chair. The door was closed behind them and the men sat in privacy.

‘Can I start my giving my deepest sympathies Mr

‘Thanks, please, call me Richard’

‘Okay Richard, what can I help you with?’

I want to know what you are doing about finding my daughter’ his face offered no emotion, no signs of heart ache or pain.

‘I can ensure you that we are doing everything we can at the moment, as you are aware, this has been a difficult case but we have an assigned team that are working around the clock to find this man’

‘The Wolf’

‘Yes, the Wolf’

‘I would appreciate being kept in the loop with the investigation, if that’s okay with you?’

‘Well, I’m sure you understand that certain details may not be disclosed. But updates can be given to you if you like. May I also suggest we organise press conference for the next couple of days, it helps to send a message out’

‘No, there will be no media involvement. I’m not standing in front a millions and emptying my heart and soul for the sick bastard to laugh up. It’s not happening!’

‘I see’ Jack realised that the man before him was not a sympathetic person. But he respected his call to reject the conference.

‘Look, I’m pretty tied down here at the moment. But I would like to speak to someone close to me who is helping with this case, is that okay with you?’ he thought quickly about organising the meeting between Richard and Nathan, it would also help with keeping Lime away from the man sitting before him.


Jack smiled and removed his mobile phone, he searched down through the vast amount of contact numbers. He stopped upon
and selected the green phone symbol. The receiving phone began to ring.

‘Nathan, it’s Jack…….yeah I’m good, look, I have someone here in my office that I think you should meet……no not here, I’m thinking your place, or a coffee or something
………great, I’ll get Malcolm to bring him to the hotel, look, keep me informed mate…..yeah, right he’s on route….bye’.

He ended the call and put the phone back into his pocket.

‘Okay, he wants to meet. I think this would be better as I have no time at the moment, I do apologise Richard’

‘It’s fine, who is it I’m meeting?’

Jack stood and ushered him to his feet.

‘I’ll explain on the way’.


Nathan answered the door as the knocks alerted him. Richard stood in the hall, Malcolm by his side.

‘Morning Malcolm’ he nodded toward his guest

‘Nathan, if you need the car just call me okay, Jack said I’m at your disposal’

‘That’s nice of him, cheers….please, come in’ Richard accepted the invitation as Malcolm headed back to the car park.

Nathan closed the door as Richard entered

‘I’m Nathan’

‘Richard, so why is it that Crawford wants me to meet you?’

‘Ah, you got me, not sure really’

Richard walked the room, spotting the walls of information.

‘What’s this?’ he aimed a finger at the wall

‘Oh, I don’t think you should…..’

‘Is this the case file on the Wolf?’

‘Yeah, parts of, it’s mostly what I’ve been piecing together….it’s what I do’

‘Well now I know why I was sent here to you!’

‘Excuse me?’

‘This room has more information in it than the police offices
had, you say this is what you’re good at?’

‘Yeah, catching serial killers’

‘How many you caught?’

‘Shit, not sure……five or six’

Richard nodded his head.

‘Not bad, you just help or did you actually catch them?’

‘Bit of both really, look, what is it that you’re after….I mean, I understand your interest in catching him but what exactly are you wanting with me?’

Richard pulled over a chair and lowered himself into it. He placed a foot on one of his knees, balancing the leg.

‘I want this fucking Wolf and I want him alive!’

‘I’m not sure I follow’ Nathan remained standing

‘Look, I have a certain qualification, certain background which I want to use on this Wolf person. I want you to help me catch him!’

‘I still don’t get you’

‘Okay, you’re ex-police yes?’

‘Detective Inspector, yes’

‘Right, well I see why they’re using you on this case. What I want is for you to help me catch him’

‘You’re asking me to forget about helping the police, the Metropolitan Police Force and help you instead…….what exactly are you planning on doing to the Wolf?’

‘Firstly, no, I don’t want you to ditch your job helping the police, but I do want you to give me the same results as you give them. Secondly, I want this prick so I can cut his fucking throat and bleed him slowly, people like this deserve what’s coming to them!’

Nathan couldn’t believe what he was hearing,
This man, who he had only just met, was asking him to help him murder the Wolf. To help track and locate the killer, so that he could unleash justice.

‘I know it may be something you need to consider. But look at it this way, as a policeman or ex-policeman, there are limits and boundaries that you m
ust adhere to. Whereas me, well, I don’t have those limits and I can cross my boundaries. I have methods which I use, just like you have your methods’ he nodded to the wall of evidence.

‘I’m asking you to help me Nathan, and in return I can help you!’

‘Help me with what?’

‘Anything, look, here’s my number. Do me a favour, whatever you decide to do please let me know, but I would really appreciate your help on this, my daughter is counting on it’
he stood and walked towards the door, his hand searched for his cigarettes.

‘Nathan’ he stopped and turned.

‘Can I ask that you don’t mention any of this to the police?’

‘Of course’

‘Thanks, it would ideal to have an answer as soon as possible. I don’t plan on photos of my daughter reaching that wall of yours. I can do it without you, I have my own sources, but, I really want your help Nathan’ he smiled and extended his arm. Nathan accepted it and they said their goodbyes. The closed behind him and Richard headed out of the building.

Nathan sat himself upon the chair that his guest had used.

‘What the fuck was all that about?’ he said to himself

His eyes passed over the walls of the case, the young girls faces fear struck and bloody.
Maybe he’s right…, no it can’t be…’s an accessory to murder. But fuck I would like to see that piece of shit pay!






Jack’s eyes stalked Lime as he entered the building. He noticed that the Doctor had actually made an effort with his dress, the reporter followed his side. He stopped after every few steps to talk with the woman. She held a small Dictaphone to his mouth as he spoke about the case and his role in the investigation. Jack stood and left his office, he headed straight for Lime, their eyes met and Jack was greeted with a cocky smile.

‘Morning Jack’

‘Lime, can I have a word?’

‘I don’t see why not, but make it quick, I’m a busy man….as usual’ the last words aimed to the reporter.

BOOK: Little Red
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