Little Doll (17 page)

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Authors: Melissa Jane

BOOK: Little Doll
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Chapter Twenty- Two



“He got to you
, didn’t he?”

It was a rhetorical question.

Juan already knew the answer and a large part of me wanted to hurt him for knowing. He sauntered his way into my room, his brows creased together with mock suspicion.

It had been two days since
Aiden left. Two days since we gave in to all pretenses and indulged in each other’s body and mind. In his absence, the hours and minutes had passed slowly and his final words urging trust haunted me. I didn’t know what he was doing or why he had to leave me to fend off the pack of wolves alone.

emaining seated on the chair, I ignored Juan, my hands gripping the heavy book Aiden had lent me about Andy Warhol. Over the last two days, it had helped to cure some of the boredom, but now I was clutching it tightly in case I had to use it as an impromptu weapon.

Juan approached
, looking so sure of himself, his smug expression making me sick. Other than the sporadic visits from the maid and Sophia, I hadn’t seen anyone from the household since Aiden left and I was indebted to him for stationing his security outside my door. My temporary protector, Jorge, said very little and barely spoke a word in this time, but his presence was appreciated. It was a great reprieve from having the two asshole brutes taunting me with their leering and physical threats.

Juan eyed me curiously as he spoke, maintaining his distance, knowing that Jorge was watching closely from the opened door. I shot a nervous glance at my new sentry who already had a hand positioned on his holster. I wasn’t filled with much assurance because I also knew the gesture was all to save face. Jorge wouldn’t be so reckless as to take on the boss’s son. Reluctantly turning my attention back to Juan, I stood up from the chair, taking away some of the height advantage he had over me.

I can tell by looking at you he started to make you feel certain… emotions.” He eyed me knowingly. “I admit, for a woman in this situation, it is easy to succumb to the pleasures of flattery. But words are only words, Laila. It is human nature to say one thing and mean it or to say something just to fulfill ones needs.”

slowly stalked his way toward me, closing in the space like a sly fox ready to pounce on its prey. I took a step back only to have my path blocked by the chair I had just occupied. Juan took advantage of my position and moved to press himself against me, his body touching mine from shoulders to toe, his fingers stroking my cheek.

orge cleared his throat as a warning, but Juan simply ignored him. He wasn’t going to listen to anyone until he finished what he came to say. Juan lowered his face to mine, his lips brushing against my ear, his spicy cologne filling my nostrils with its thick scent.

“What did he do to you
, I wonder?” His whisper sent chills down my spine.

Heat flushed my cheeks as I recalled the night I had spent with Aiden. If Juan knew,
there was no telling how many others in the house were also aware. I took a step to the side, fearing further interrogation. He caught me by the arm in a vice like grip meant in every way to terrify me. A sadistic laugh and an evil gleam in his charcoal eyes told me he wasn’t done. 

“Leave her
, Juan,” Jorge’s voice boomed, but was once again ignored.

“You can trust me
,” he said obnoxiously, pulling me roughly toward his face. Not wanting him to get inside my head, I turned quickly to look at the floor.

He inched
closer, his lips grazed my cheeks and sending a shudder through my body. “What did he do to this body of yours that I didn’t do?”

With my stomach in knots, I felt sick and light headed.

His malicious laugh made me cringe. “You see, senorita, actions speak in volumes. Unlike words, they cannot be undone, especially those of a more sinister nature.” He was alluding to something. What that something was, I wasn’t sure.

“You would know!” I s
pat bitterly. I cursed myself instantly that I had been a fool to react to his obvious baiting. Not only that, but I had also gone against Aiden’s rule of not antagonizing Juan.

, that I do, mamasita.” He lowered his head until his lips now brushed against mine, his ruthless grip on my arm squeezed tighter causing me to wince in pain. “Let’s just say, not all actions are regrettable. Well, not mine anyway. Aiden on the other hand, well, I don’t think he really cares about consequences. Especially now that he has got inside that pretty head of yours and claimed a piece of that body.”

smiled like the all-knowing malevolent Cheshire cat. I was repulsed at how naked and disgusting he made me feel.

What are you talking about?” I asked. I had to know, despite the fact my blood was boiling.

released his hold and stepped back, assessing his damage. “It is not for me to say, but when the truth reveals itself, carina, you know where to find me.” His eyes travelled languidly over my body. “And I will be waiting.”



Sophia came
to my room later that evening, blinding me by switching on the ceiling light before pulling the comforter off the bed. I sat up momentarily shocked by her arrival, squinting against the harshness of the light. She barked an order that I needed to be dressed and prepared for a meeting with Hector in the lounge. What he wanted with me in the early hours of the morning I shuddered to think.

out of bed, I was silently fretting over whether I would have Jorge as protection or not. I didn’t want to be alone with Hector for even a second. The thought of facing him without Aiden present sent fear rattling through my body. On top of that, I was weary. Since trying to fall sleep that night, my mind had been plagued with images of Juan’s face. I despised him for the way he planted the seed of doubt in my mind concerning Aiden. For what it was worth, I wanted to trust Aiden.

“What’s going on
, Sophia?”

“I am sorry
, chica,” she said, her solemn voice catching me off-guard. My spine immediately stiffened. “I do not think it is good news for you.”

s face grew grave, but in noticing my alarm she changed back to her cold self. The one I was used to.

“Get ready and fast,” she ordered. “Vamos.”

Slipping out of the long nightie Aiden had given to me, I pulled the short silk negligee over my head that Sophia had placed on the bed. I noticed with a sense of unease she was busying herself to avoid meeting my eye.

orge was nowhere to be seen. Instead, on opening my bedroom door I was greeted by the smug faces of Carlos and Raul. They both stood with their arms crossed defiantly over their chests, a self-satisfied expression in their eyes chilling me to the bone. With Sophia leading and the brutes falling into step behind me, we followed the usual path down the stairs and through the hall to the sound of my heart beating along like a marching band. Once outside the library door, Carlos elbowed past me to rap on the wood. He could have let Sophia knock, but he had an ulterior motive. Now in front, he rounded on me, his eyes filled with venom, his thin lips forming a snarl.

“This is it for you
, puta,” he growled. Although I felt like vomiting, I decided it was best to ignore his taunts. I needed my composure to be unbreakable in front of these atrocious people.

The door open
ed and Carlos stood to the side, using a grand hand gesture for me to walk through. I hated him with such a passion, no words could say. Squaring my shoulders and taking a deep breath, I crossed the threshold into the dimly lit room, my eyes quickly scanning the surroundings. Immediately I saw that Hector and Juan were at their usual posts, discussing something in hushed tones, their eyes on me as I entered. When I noted Aiden sitting on the arm of the chair I could hardly contain a rush of childlike excitement. I had missed him greatly, much to my surprise and I found my days were empty and lackluster without him or my training lessons.

My excitement soon turned to dread as
, although he inclined his head slightly to acknowledge my arrival, the grim expression on his face and the fact his eyes did not meet mine devastated me. The change in his demeanor from when he left two days ago to now was vastly different and sent my stomach plunging. A sense of foreboding hung densely in the air and the mood between the three men was definitely strange. I stopped walking once I reached my usual spot of address and a cold sweat ran over my body.

gave me his full attention, his eyes alight with joy and his mouth twisted into a satisfied grin.

“Well, well
, dear Laila, it has been a while,” he began. “I hear your training is seeing some results.”

ctor shot a glance at Aiden, whose shoulders stiffened. I remained silent and determinedly calm, resolute that whatever he said, he would not get under my skin. Aiden was here after all and he promised to protect me.

ctor walked closer, his characteristic slow, accentuated movements unsettling my resolve. The smirk remained on his face as he took in my barely covered body. This negligee revealed a lot of breast and I watched him with disgust as his eyes shamelessly appraised my curves.

someday soon I shall have the pleasure of viewing Aiden’s handiwork for myself.”

sudden movement to my side caused me to break eye contact with Hector. Aiden had shot to his feet, his fists clenched at his side, his jaw set tightly. Hector hadn’t followed my gaze, but when I looked back to him I saw nothing but fury.

, Aiden,” he spat, his eyes drilling into mine, “you obviously have some fine tuning to do in regards to teaching respect.” He paced slowly in front of me, the glass coffee table the only thing separating us. “Lucky for you, girl, I did not request your presence to exchange mere pleasantries or to critique your newfound or lack of performance skills. I do, however, have some news about your brother.”

My heart jumped to my throat at the sound of his name

“While it is unfortunate you are in this…”
– he waved his hand loosely as if searching for the right word to come to mind – “…predicament, you have to understand that if it weren’t for your brother’s impulsive behavior and his sheer disregard for my business, you would not be standing in front of me right now. I do not take kindly to being double-crossed, as I have told you before, and I am sure you can appreciate that.” He paused for effect, studying my face intently. I gave him nothing.

It has taken some time, but as of two days ago our little issue has been sorted out. Ethan was located and due to the extent of his betrayal he was later executed.”


“You’re lying to me.”

“My dear,
I can assure you your brother is gone.”

His words played
in my head, over and over again like a terrible recurring nightmare. He had killed Ethan. For what?


I shook my head in vehement denial. The room began to spin, everything in it turning into a haze. Something invisible gripped my throat, squeezing so tight I could barely breathe.

Monsters, that’s what the
se men were. Sick, twisted fucked up monsters.


My beautiful baby brother.

“I hear it was a clean death,”
Hector said, as if that were supposed to appease my broken heart. “If it were me, I would have made it a moment worth its weight in gold. However, time was of the essence and a clean death was the best we could do.”

Apparently it wasn’t enough that he had orchestrated Ethan’s cold blooded murder, now he felt the need to taunt. My brother
had died easily because of a botched job! These people who held such little value to human life had taken the life of someone who I valued with all my heart and soul. I had failed my parents, but most of all I had failed Ethan.

Hector watched
on as I wept for Ethan, my body trembling uncontrollably.

“Your thoughts?”
he queried, sounding bored by the whole thing.

“You’re a
n asshole!” I seethed through clenched teeth. I could taste the salty tears on my lips, which only encouraged more to flow. Hector didn’t flinch, but I knew he was storing that one away for future punishment.

“Perhaps it is better she hear
s the details from the one who actually carried out the execution.” The sound of Juan’s voice caught me off-guard, my brain taking a few seconds to register what he was saying. I turned to see his self-righteous face, his smile ear to ear.

What the
hell was he finding so amusing?

I don’t understand,” I said, shaking my head at him.

“Aiden, w
ould you care to enlighten her?”

Juan turned to stare
down his opponent, victory in his eyes.

“No!” my lips sounded in pained appeal. “That’s not right. Aiden
, tell me that’s not right!”

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