Read Little Book of Fantasies Online

Authors: Miranda Heart

Tags: #Erotica

Little Book of Fantasies (4 page)

BOOK: Little Book of Fantasies
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“It’s going to be my turn to take you this morning, finally my turn to come,” he said against her mound.

She squirmed against his hot mouth, wishing he’d just be quiet and work. An unbidden image of him standing at the head of the bed, pressing his cock between her lips, had her moaning for more. His other hand slapped her ass hard enough to make her cry out, the soft fur glove that covered his hand soothed away the sting.

His teeth nipped at the back of her thighs. The bed dipped when he sat up. His firm hands spread her cheeks. Cool air caressed her exposed anus. One finger slid down between her cleft and circled her tight hole. She squeaked and tried to move away.

He slapped her ass again. “Don’t move. Don’t ask questions. Just trust me.”

She calmed, hoping he wasn’t going to put anything in her ass. He lowered himself fully over her body, gave her a peck kiss to the corner of her mouth, and retreated. In his place, he set something soft and silky against her cheek. The heavy scent of rose filled her senses. The petals tickled, but she focused on the perfumed smell.

The velvet head of his cock pressed against the entrance to her ass. She forgot about not wanting him inside of her and strained to meet him as he slid fully into her, stretching her as far as possible. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her moan of pleasure filled the train car.

“You’re about to get the spanking of your life,” he said against her ear. As he pushed himself upright, he slapped her backside even harder. Two pains at the same time, both burning, both forcing her to go deeper inside herself to accept what he offered. His hand smacked her ass to the same rhythm of his strokes. Her face buried in the pillow, to lessen her screams, as he fucked her hard and fast. She arched her burning ass towards him, begging for the pain.

He panted above her, muttering things she couldn’t understand. The fur glove stroked over the welts, cooling her. She couldn’t keep up now as he started on the other cheek. The scent of the rose distracted her; he knew it was her favorite. She groaned in pleasure, lost her ability to meet his thrusts. Her hips stopped moving, her muscles tensed as she tried to hold back her orgasm. He removed the rose from her face, and a thick rubber object was placed against her lips, he pressed it past her teeth without saying a word. She latched onto it and sucked. She groaned, needing to come, but not without permission.

The sting turned into a slow burn inside of her. Sucking on the rubber dildo left a terrible taste in her mouth and did nothing to cool her ardor. Somehow the thought of sucking cock, while being drilled from behind, was more than she could take.

He must have registered her thoughts because his guttural command of “come” sent her spiraling over the edge. He dropped down onto her, his chest flush with her back, their hips meeting in time. Their sweat mingled as he joined her in a final orgasm. He clung to her wrists; his feet slid against the bed as he tried to push himself deeper inside of her. All she could do was lay there and shudder beneath him. Helpless to pull him deeper inside her. Helpless to do more than sigh her satisfaction and drift back into sleep.

* * * *

Steven stared down at the woman in his arms. She nuzzled her cheek against his chest, her yawn interrupting his thought. He’d turned the three-way lamp on low, so that when she awoke, she could have her senses back. Fifteen very long years of interest in the lifestyle, and he was finally getting his feet wet.

She ran her hand down his chest. “I’m hungry.”

He laughed, sitting up to retrieve some snacks from the bag and two bottles of lukewarm water. “Yeah, me too.”

When he handed her a package of dried fruit and crackers, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. She gave him a nervous smile and averted her gaze to concentrate on opening the packages. He felt lame. Like a schoolboy losing his virginity. Her dark brown hair was matted against the side of her head, her cheek red from sleeping so hard on one side. Her thick lashes outlined sleepy blue eyes. In short, she took his breath away. And she didn’t deserve to be with a man like him.

“How is your backside?”

She blushed and ducked her head. “If I told you it felt great, would that sound odd?”

He reached out and caressed her cheek. “Not in the least, sweetheart.”

She took a few bites, a thoughtful expression on her face. He reached down to grab a few snacks for himself. When the words finally came out of her mouth, he couldn’t help but feel even more connected.

“This whole weekend has been strange, but not in the sense you think it might be. It just feels right. I’ve never thought of myself as a person who would enjoy these sorts of things, but it’s like I’ve been missing something my whole life.”

He gave her a gentle smile. “It’s always nice to find what you’ve been missing.”

She set down her snacks. “Do you ever feel that way?”

“I have everything I need right here.” He patted her knee and leaned forward to give her a quick kiss on the lips. “Ready for sleep? Or round two?”

“Definitely sleep.” She grinned.

Chapter Six

“Come on, sleepy head, it’s time for us to leave.” His voice made her limbs tremble again. A cool hand stroked down her back.

She whined. “Do we have to?”

“Of course we do. We need to be out of here before the station manager’s shift is up.”

She rolled over and smiled in his direction. Once again, it was black as night in the train car. “Are you sure you don’t want to tie me up and slap my pussy with that little slapper again?”

He nuzzled her neck, and she wrapped her arms around him. “If I did that, we would be here the rest of the day.”

She held more tightly to him when he would have retreated. “When you take me home then?”

He kissed her forehead, and finally she released him with a sigh. “When I get you home, I want you to sleep. You’ll need it.” His hand rested on her bare belly, his long fingers spanning her waist. “You know I like a woman who’s greedy for sex.”

Slowly, she sat up, her heart still light despite having to leave. “Then you’re going to like me a lot.” She laughed.

He left the bed. She heard his feet padding across the car floor. The flick of the light on the lamp stole their solace. She stared sadly at the bag of toys and tried to shake the odd sensation of loneliness that now seeped its way into her bones. She looked up and caught him gazing off somewhere above her head. Even relaxed, his naked body resembled an Adonis.

His staring did not cease. Kaitlyn rose from the bed and walked over to him. Did he feel the same withdrawn feelings she did? Did he feel just as empty? Without saying a word, she wrapped her arms around him and clung to him as though she’d seen a scary movie. She trembled, even when his arms came around her. “Are you alright?”

He kissed the top of her head and cradled her closer to his warmth. Her heart ached. Something was off.

“I’m fine, sweetheart. We just had an intense weekend is all. I think I need some sleep and cool off time, as well.”

He didn’t let go of her though. If he had, it would have been her clue that something wasn’t right.
I could tell him I love him.
When she looked up, she disentangled her arms. He was smiling down at her with such adoration she didn’t want to add anything else to their intense weekend.

They dressed in relative silence. Kaitlyn assisted Steven in taking down the bed and packing it in the bed his truck. She had never noticed that it was right next to the train car. “You said your car was in the shop.”

He winked and opened her door. She laughed and climbed into the cab. During the ride, they both fell silent. She stole glances his way, but they revealed nothing of how he felt. He knew she’d enjoyed herself this weekend, knew she didn’t have to tell him so. Her fingers twisted in her lap. He held her clasped hands in one of his, draining away her worries with his quiet strength.

“I’m a little confused, Steven.”

His gaze, briefly, left the long strip of highway to look at her. “Why is that?”

“Is there something wrong with people who enjoy this? I mean, it’s a full kidnapping that I fantasized about.”

One corner of his lip lifted. “If there is something wrong with you, then there is something wrong with me. And we’ll be wrong together.”

They laughed. It was cheesy, but he was right. They’d figure it out together.

* * * *

Steven watched Kaitlyn cross the threshold of her front door before slowly pulling away from her home. Their houses were only ten minutes apart, which made him glad. Any longer, and he would have too much time to think.

He needed downtime; he needed space. He felt edgy, lonely, and frustrated. He couldn’t shake it. His fingers gripped the wheel when he turned out onto the main road and pressed the gas, watching the speedometer slowly move up toward sixty. And then he let up again. He didn’t want to lose his guest bed.

He just couldn’t hurt her. As much as he wanted to torture her, control her, it wouldn’t do. She had no idea what she was getting into. And who was he to initiate her? Fifteen very long years waiting to find that woman who would understand his needs, and he didn’t have the courage to take it. All the lonely nights, misguided girlfriends, somehow seemed worth finding Kaitlyn. She made the ones who thought it was fun and games, and those that thought it was sick, seem like nothing in comparison. Kaitlyn was much too open to keep her lifestyle a secret. He knew all too well how difficult it could be to hide your true self from friends and family.

To make matters worse, over the short time they had been together, it had become increasingly difficult not to dominate her. Every fiber in his body screamed for him to take control. He knew, from his limited contact at clubs and from his friends in the lifestyle, that this would not happen unless the other person was also willing. Submission was written all over her. From the way she quietly stood during a meal to fill his drink to the way she allowed him to control her in the bedroom.

There were days she refused to meet his gaze, sought out his needs and desires, would seem content to just curl up in his arms. Nights she had ended engagements with friends to spend the evening with him. The breathless way she answered the phone, as though she’d run for it. She wanted to please him.

And then, there were those days that her headstrong nature would rear its head, and he couldn’t even so much as step left without permission. She could meet him word for word, curse him to hell and back again. Still, there could be no telling what her response may be. Without talking to her, he’d never know. He couldn’t take being rejected. Not again. Not from the woman he loved and wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

“I just need a few days to recoup. That’s all. Just a few days.”

Chapter Seven

He hadn’t called in three days. The high Kaitlyn had been on slowly registered as the worst low ever. She felt cold at night, weepy during the day. The previous day at work, she had cried at her desk. The overwhelming sense of abandonment kept her on shaky ground. His not calling made it worse. Kaitlyn wondered if the barrage of emotions had anything to do with the intense level of play she’d just experienced. She wrapped her sweater more tightly around her body and hunkered lower into her desk, staring at the numbers in front of her.

Her gaze traveled to the bent red rose drying on her desk. A rose she would keep forever. One that held memories of everything she never thought she’d experience again.

A knock sounded near her open door. She looked up. Janine, a woman who worked two offices down stood there with worry written clearly on her face. “How’s it goin’, hon?”

Kaitlyn shook her head, and tears formed in her eyes. Her friend shut the door and crossed the room. Bending low, she gathered Kaitlyn to her in a bear hug.

“Janine, I don’t know what’s going on.”

“What did he do? Tell me about it.”

Kaitlyn pulled away and wiped at her eyes. She felt her experience might be too difficult for others to accept, so she kept her answer short. “He hasn’t called in three days. We had an amazing weekend, and then he just disappeared. No phone call, no note, and no flowers. Nothing.” She sobbed, buried her face in her hands.

“Oh, Kaitlyn, I’ve never seen you so worked up about a man before.”

“I’ve never been dumped before.”

Janine laughed and, when Kaitlyn shot her an angry scowl, she tried to apologize. “Oh, sweetie, I don’t think you’ve been dumped. What happened this weekend? Maybe I can help.”

Kaitlyn’s face heated all the way to the roots of her hair. “I don’t think I could tell you about it. You would think I’m weird.”

Janine snorted. “With everything I’ve been through in my life, I doubt you could surprise me.”

Kaitlyn sighed and gave Janine a sidelong glance. She couldn’t hold eye contact for this conversation. She told the story slowly, leaving out very few details.

Janine listened intently, never said a word, until Kaitlyn finished. “You two certainly had a very intense weekend”

“Wouldn’t it mean he’d want to talk to me? I always thought the more I allowed in a relationship, the more the man would want me. I’ve never opened up like this before to anyone.”

“Maybe it isn’t you he’s scared of. Maybe he’s scared of himself. What you’ve told me about Steven suggests he isn’t the sort to just walk out on a woman without an explanation. Maybe he just needs some time. Maybe he has no idea how he’s to top this and freaked out.”

Both of them laughed, and it eased Kaitlyn’s tension, slightly. “I think I’ll call him again.”

Janine patted Kaitlyn’s knee. “Why don’t you take the rest of the day off and go see him instead. Sounds like you two need to sit down to a heart-to-heart.”

Kaitlyn nodded. The client she was setting up the advertising campaign for could wait, there were much more important matters to take care of.

* * * *

Nervously, Kaitlyn knocked on Steven’s door. His job as a loan processor allowed him to work from home. A perk she didn’t have. His modest, suburban home engulfed her in loneliness, but she smiled remembering the times she’d played housewife.

BOOK: Little Book of Fantasies
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