Listen To Me: A Rock Star Romance (True North) (6 page)

BOOK: Listen To Me: A Rock Star Romance (True North)
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The doctor supported the head and as soon as both shoulders were free, the rest of the baby slid out into his arms.

“Congratulations, Mom and Dad, you have a—”

“You’re not a chicklet!” I said. “Kay, we have a boy!”

The doctor laid him in Kay’s arms and silent tears rolled down her face.

My boy.

I kissed her breathless lips. “I love you.”

My family.

My life.




I hope you enjoyed Adrian and Karen’s foray into parenthood! This wasn’t the story I planned for them, but when I sat down to start writing, this is where they wanted to be in their relationship. They’re a couple a writer doesn’t haggle with. They know their story better than me.

Guess who’s next in the
True North series? TRENT DANIELS, Mr. Crotch Rocket himself! Look for his cover coming early to newsletter subscribers (subscribe here:
and his story, RESIST ME, in late October/early November, 2014!


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