Lion of Midnight (23 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: Lion of Midnight
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Kenya squeezed her hand as Cleo watched the man pale even more. There was
mistaking the blatant honesty in Nik’s tone.

“Go!” Nik’s word cracked through the air.

The man did, with one final look at her and Kenya. Nik stared after the scared human until he vanished from sight, then he turned his gaze to her. Cleo noticed his eyes soften. One hand caressed her cheek before he looked at Kenya.

“You and your baby are okay?”

“Yes,” Kenya said. “Thank you.”

“Come, I’ll take you home.” Nik swung his gaze over to Cleo. “You can follow in my car.”

It wasn’t so much of a question as a statement. “I’ll be right behind you,” Cleo said, reaching out for his keys.

“No,” Kenya said. “It doesn’t make sense for you to go out of your way for me. I can drive myself.”

Cleo bit back a laugh at the expression that filled Nik’s face.
Kenya’s so not going to win.

Holding out his hand, Nik stated, “I never said you couldn’t drive. I said I was taking you home. Keys, please.”

Kenya glared at her. “Is he always like this?”

Cleo snorted. “Pretty much. Give him the keys, Kenya.”

Digging into her purse, Kenya dropped them into his hand. “Just like Cam, overbearing, stubborn—”

“And concerned about your wellbeing,” Nik interrupted firmly.

Nik kissed Cleo at his car and led Kenya to hers. Alone in the car, Cleo gave into the desire to laugh. She’d barely gotten it under control when they arrived at Kenya’s.

“See you tomorrow,” Cleo whispered to Kenya while they hugged. Nik had insisted on checking out the interior, and now, they stood by the front door.

“Yes. You know, I like your overbearing man; he’s good for you.” With a kiss to her cheek, Kenya stepped back and said, “Thank you, Nik. For everything.”

Nik bowed and said, “You’re welcome. Have a wonderful night.”

Cleo’s heart skipped when his brown eyes turned to her. No words passed; he just held out a hand. Cleo went to him easily, a smile on her face. His lips trailed along her neck when he held the door of his car for her. He drove back to her apartment, and when he shut off the engine, Cleo looked at him.

? What’s going on in that head of yours?”

“Thank you for being there. For defending Kenya.”

He leaned over and kissed her. “Come,
, let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow is a busy day.”

Nik made sweet love to her that night. So tender it brought tears to her eyes.

The next morning, she watched Nik and Rhys, Kenya’s brother-in-law, load the truck. Kenya helped direct them for she was forbidden to lift any boxes. Cleo did light boxes, but Nik would send her a glare if he felt it too heavy for her. She’d shed her tears with Kenya already, and now, it was she and Nik in the empty apartment.

“How are you doing, Cleo?” Nik asked, coming in, pizza in hand.

“Nervous. Scared. Hungry… That smells really good.”

He laughed. “Eat up. We’ll take a break and, then, clean.”

Cleo grabbed some paper plates, and Nik set the pizza box down on the counter. Soon, they were sitting alongside it, deep into their meal.


Nik tied off a bag of trash and found himself staring at Cleo as she vacuumed the carpet. A baggy pair of jeans did nothing to quell his ardor. He smiled when her cast came into view; he’d spent an afternoon coloring it so it wasn’t so bland.

Walking back to the bedroom, he gave it one final onceover before pulling the door closed behind him. Tonight, they were sleeping on an air mattress in the living room. Nik stopped at the end of the hallway, his gaze fixed on a strange man talking to Cleo. A quick glance to his woman, and he picked up on the strain in her stance, and he could hear it in her voice.

Running his tongue over his top teeth, Nik strode in the room to stop at her side. “Back’s all clean and closed up,” he told her. Then, he put his attention on the other man, who stood too close to Cleo for his liking. “Who are you?”

Defiance flared in the dark eyes staring back at him. “I should be asking you the same. I’m Cleo’s husband.”

The one who cheated on her. David.
Cleo stiffened beside him. Nik ran his eyes over David. “Oh, David, the

David bristled. “Who are you?”

“Not dumb enough to make your mistake. Was there
you needed?”

“Cleo, tell him to leave so we can finish our discussion.”

Nik snorted. “No way. You’re stressing my woman; I don’t like that in the slightest.”

“We don’t have anything to say to one another, David,” Cleo chimed in, exhaustion clear in her voice.

“See,” Nik said. “You leave now or I’ll help you out.”

“You threatening me, man?” David demanded, puffing up his chest.

Shifting his stance slightly, Nik shook his head. “Nope. A promise.” He glared at Cleo’s ex, his gaze validating his comment.

“I don’t want her, anyway, she wasn’t go—”

Nik’s hand was around his throat, and David was against the wall. “I tend to get upset when people say bad things about the woman I love.” His fingers squeezed.

“Nik, don’t. Let him go,” she pleaded.

He breathed deeply and dropped his hand. Eyes narrow slits, he bit off, “Go!”

David gasped for air and bolted.

In a single motion, Nik pushed the door shut and turned to the woman beside him. “Are you okay,

Cleo stepped into him. He curved his arms around her, holding her close. Her gentle scent calming his anger.

“I had it handled,” she muttered.

Nik smiled into her hair. “I know. But I can’t stop being who I am, Cleo.”

Drawing back she looked up at him. “And who’s that?”

“A man who will
protect you.”

“Even if I don’t want it?”

“Even then.”

Cleo sighed and rested against him, again. Nik kissed the top of her head. They stood together for a few minutes before she sighed deeply.

“I don’t want to move, but I still have to clean.”

Staring across the room, Nik said, “Why don’t you unpack the bed and get it blown up. I’ll start on the kitchen.” He prepared himself for her argument, but it never came.

“Okay.” Her tone was tired.

Nik longed to sweep her off her feet and carry her somewhere no one could distract them. “Okay,” he replied and walked to the kitchen.

A while later, he peeked out and smiled. Cleo lay sprawled on her belly, sound asleep on the air mattress.

“At least she got the sheets on.” Cleaning his hands, he moved to her side and knelt down to cover her with one of the thick blankets. She barely stirred. “Rest well,

Nik cleaned the rest of the apartment, and it was well past midnight when he joined a still slumbering Cleo on the bed. Her immediately curling up and draping over him brought a tired smile to his face. With a final yawn, Nik slid into slumber.

They were awake and on the road by five. The trip was uneventful, and a few days later, he was unloading the truck at her new apartment. Marcus and Kit had come to assist. Even Marc and Evie helped. After it had been cleared out, Marcus went with him to return the truck, following behind in his vehicle.

“I hope this means we’ll be seeing more of you, now, brother,” Marcus said as they drove to a warehouse that Nik asked him to go to.

“I believe it does. I need to secure some property and get a house built.”

“Have you asked her to marry you?”

“No. No, I haven’t.” Nik sighed. “She still hardly believes I truly love her.” He frowned. “It’s like she’s trying to convince herself she doesn’t need me.” When the truck stopped, Nik got out and headed toward a waiting man, Marcus following behind.

“You Nikolas Andreyevich?” the large man asked before sending a stream of tobacco juice to the ground.

Trying not to wince over the sound of his name being butchered, Nik nodded. “Yes.” He could feel Marcus watching him but ignored him.

“This way.” The man walked off, leaving them to follow.

They waited at the end of a shipping container until the ramp was lowered to the ground. Nik smiled when he saw it had survived the trip.

A low whistle left Marcus. “For Cleo?”

“Yes,” Nik answered.

“Well, hell. I can’t wait to see her reaction to this. Let’s get going.”

Back at her apartment, Nik observed Cleo while she glanced between him and the gift he’d purchased for her.

“Oh, my God, Nik!” Cleo gasped. “I can’t—”

“You can and will. Unless you want a different vehicle. But you needed one, and I took care of it,” he injected finality into his tone.

He watched her run her hands over the Tamar blue paint. Nik had brought over a brand new Land Rover Defender 110 Utility Wagon XS, leather seats, side runners, cubby box, and more.

Cleo left it and walked to him. “Nik,” she began, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

“Cleo.” He lowered his face to hers. “This is non-negotiable. I saw how you kept going back to mine in my garage.” Nik nipped her ear. “Just take it. I made sure it’s ready for this country. Inspection cleared it, so you know even the headlights are set correctly for here. Take it, it’s all yours, filled up and waiting for you.”

Her body trembled, and he turned her toward the vehicle, saying, “Take her for a drive.”

“Come on, Cleo. We need to get some groceries for you. I’d love a ride,” Kit said.

Nik flashed Kit a thankful smile.

Cleo faced him, again. She sighed heavily before slipping her arms around his neck. “You, Nikolas Andreyevich, you are arrogant, pushy, domineering, and…absolutely wonderful. Thank you.” She kissed him quickly before scampering off to where Kit waited beside her new vehicle.

With waves and smiles, the women were gone. Nik looked down at Evie who pulled on his coat. Picking her up with ease, he asked, “Yes, little one?”

“Will you buy me a car, too?”

Past Evie’s head, Nik saw Marcus roll his eyes and begin to laugh. Glancing back to his niece, Nik nodded. “I’ll tell you what, Evie. When you graduate high school, you and I will go shopping for a car for you. How’s that sound?”


“Yes. But you have to graduate high school, first.”

“Okay.” Her lips pursed. “Does a truck count?”

He arched a brow. “You want a truck?”

She nodded, her black curls bouncing. “Yes, just like Daddy’s. Big and powerful.”

Nik laughed and hugged her close. Lifting his gaze, he saw the pride and love on Marcus’ face. “Trucks, too. Whichever you want.”

“Love you, Unca Nik,” she said kissing his cheek.

“I love you, too, Evie.”

For dinner, Marcus and Kit took everyone out. Nik observed Cleo’s interaction with the children and Kit. He winked at her when she met his gaze. Cleo’s expression grew soft and inviting with her return smile. Shifting in his chair, he swallowed hard. It was like she had no clue how attractive she truly was. Toasting her with his glass, Nik returned his attention back to his brother.

After they’d finished and had waved goodbye to the Quinn family, Nik relaxed on the passenger seat, Cleo at the wheel.

“Thank you again, Nik. For everything,” she said, placing her left hand on his thigh.

Lifting her hand, he brushed a kiss along the back. “You’re welcome,

“Are you
going to tell me what that word means?” She glanced away from the road to look at him briefly.

He chuckled. “I thought you would have asked Kit.”

“No. I didn’t want her to think…” She stopped.

“Cleo,” he said, squeezing her fingers. “I would never call you anything bad.”

“But you won’t tell me.”

“Nope,” he blurted out.

Cleo harrumphed. “Insufferable…”

That night, Cleo joined him on a trip to the stars. He fell asleep more than content. Nik stayed for a week and helped her get settled in.

The interior of her vehicle was silent as she drove to the airport. Cleo pulled up before the door for his airplane, threw the gear in neutral and set the brake. He got out, and she met him at the back. Nik placed his bags on the ground by his feet and looked at her. It wasn’t hard to see her struggling to keep a smile on her face.

“Come here,
,” he said gruffly.

She did, her arms wrapping familiarly around him. “I’m going to miss you,” she muttered.

“I know, baby. I’ll miss you, too.” He kissed the top of her head and rested his cheek there, allowing her alluring scent to embed in him. “I don’t want to leave you,” he whispered in Russian.

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