Lion Lost & Found, Paranormal Romance (Ghost Cat Shifters Book 2)

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Once upon a time...

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15


Excerpt: A Catamount Christmas

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Author biography

Lion Lost & Found

Ghost Cat Shifters, Book 2

By J. H. Croix

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Copyright © 2016 J.H. Croix

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 1533290202

ISBN 13: 9781533290205

This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher with the exception of brief quotations included in critical articles and reviews.


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Centuries ago in the northern Appalachian Mountains, mountain lions fled deeper and deeper into the mountains, seeking safety from the rapid encroachment of humanity into their vast territory. Mountain lions developed the power to shift from human to mountain lion and back again, saving their species as they hid in plain sight. The majestic wild cats became creatures of myth in the East while they flourished out West. Everywhere they were known as ghost cats because they were rarely encountered in the wild and moved with prowess and stealth. The wild cats expanded their range as their shifter ancestors intermingled with them, deepening the circle of protection for the species with layer upon layer of secrecy. The infamous ghost cats had powers of stealth beyond what most people imagined. Yet, their safety relied on a contract that couldn’t be broken among shifters—they must protect the secret of their existence. In recent years, this contract had weakened due to the greed and misplaced pride of a few shifters. The unprecedented success of shifters at hiding in plain sight over centuries had emboldened some who thought secrecy was no longer necessary.

Chapter 1

“Hey Vivi!”

Vivian Sheldon turned in the direction of the voice calling her name and spotted a table full of tipsy college students. She quickly grabbed a tray from the counter and set to pouring several house draft beers. She knew if she showed up to the table with only one, she’d be turning right back around for more.

Within moments, she slipped from behind the bar at Quinn’s Restaurant and Bar and carried her tray to the table in question. Her foresight in bringing extra beers was rewarded with a hefty tip.

“Thanks Vivi! You’re a mind reader,” one of the guys declared as she turned away.

She offered a quick grin and headed back behind the bar. She worked pick-up shifts at Quinn’s usually a few nights a week. She’d have preferred not to because the hectic pace could be tiring, but she always needed the money. As a single mother to her seven-year old daughter, Julianna, she tended to barely scrape by month-to-month. She loved her small landscaping business, but working at Quinn’s filled the gaps during slow months. If it weren’t for her mother babysitting for free whenever she needed it, she didn’t know what she’d do.

Quinn’s was packed tonight, which was its usual state. Quinn’s had been a fixture in Painter, Colorado for many years. It served classic pub fare with some modern updates to the menu in terms of more creative burgers and other items. It catered to pretty much everyone from the college students to locals and tourists who passed through town for skiing in the winter and hiking in the summer.

Vivi slipped behind the bar again, which ran the full length of the back wall. She quickly wiped down a spill on the polished wooden counter, its surface worn and grooved from years of use. She moved on to serving customers who lined the bar, occasionally glancing around the room to see if any tables needed drinks. Round tables were scattered throughout the center of the large room with booths lining the walls. Pool tables and card tables were through an archway to another room.

The night passed by quickly. By the time Vivi walked out at midnight, she had earned enough in tips to pay her electric bill. She stepped out into the cool autumn air and took a slow breath. The streetlights lining Painter’s streets were on, lighting her way home. Painter, Colorado was a small town nestled in the Rocky Mountains. Vivi didn’t live far from downtown, so she usually walked to and from work. She stood on the sidewalk for a moment before she began walking, the noise from Quinn’s gradually fading as she made her way toward home.

She passed by mostly darkened storefronts with a few restaurants and bars still open. Painter was home to a state university and a ski resort, without which the small town would be a sleepy mountain hideaway. She’d forgotten to bring a jacket and shivered in the cooling air. Autumn in the Colorado Rocky Mountains could mean somewhat warm days and rather chilly nights with the temperature varying from day to day until winter took hold. She heard footsteps in the distance approaching her. Her senses sharpened, and she scented the man following her. He wasn’t a shifter, which was a relief because it meant if she needed to she could easily fend him off. The downside was she might potentially terrify him.

Vivi had been born a mountain lion shifter into a family of shifters. Shifters blended easily into the world, shifting only when necessary or when desired. Painter happened to be a stronghold for shifters out West, but shifters were scattered throughout the country with clusters in some areas. They had many advantages in the West since wild mountain lions existed in healthy populations here. If a shifter in lion form was sighted in the forest, they were assumed to be a wild mountain lion. Back East, where mountain lion shifters were born out of desperation to save their kind, there was a different set of challenges since mountain lions were believed extinct in the East. Since secrecy was important for shifters, Vivi never took her safety for granted. Revealing herself was something she only did when she chose. She hoped it wouldn’t be necessary now as she listened to the footsteps getting closer and closer.

Just when she considered it might be best if she ducked into one of the open bars up ahead, a man walked out of the very door she’d been eyeing. Heath Ashworth’s profile was instantly recognizable to her. A breath of relief washed through her. She’d known Heath for just about forever. He stood in the shadowed light and glanced around, his eyes narrowing when he saw her. He immediately turned toward her and began walking in her direction, his stride long and loose. As he approached, he caught her eyes. “Wait here,” he said as he walked past her.

She stopped on the sidewalk and turned to look behind her. The man who’d been following her slowed as Heath approached him. Heath leaned over and spoke in the man’s ear. Now that she was close enough, she could see the man was young and clearly intoxicated. He swayed back and forth on his feet as he stood in front of Heath. Heath stood tall again. When the man remained where he was, wobbling slightly, Heath gently placed his hands on the man’s shoulders and turned him around. With a little push, the man began walking back down the sidewalk. As he passed by a lighted bar, he turned and stumbled through the door.

Heath turned around and walked back, coming to a stop in front of her. Her pulse started to race, and she tried to tamp it down. Heath was her best friend’s older brother, and she’d fought a crush on him since they were teenagers. At thirty-two years old, Heath was three years older than she and her best friend Sophia. Vivi had hidden her crush from Sophia all those years ago and somehow managed to convince herself it was over when Heath enlisted in the Marines and left Painter. She rarely saw him, except for his brief visits home, for many years. About a year and a half ago, he came home for good.

In the years Heath was gone, she’d tried to bury her youthful crush and fancied herself in love with Julianna’s father. That had turned out to be nothing more than a case of some serious wishful thinking. After Julianna was born, her father quickly faded out of sight. For the first few years of Julianna’s life, he popped up here and there, but Vivi hadn’t heard from him in over three years. She’d learned her lesson well and hadn’t dated in years.

Right here, right now, in downtown Painter, Heath stood before her and every fevered fantasy she’d had about him when she was a teenager came roaring to the fore. Heath was all kinds of tall, dark and mysterious, even though she’d known him as long as she could remember. He had a body of pure muscle with the simmering power of a mountain lion shifter. His dark hair teased the edges of the denim jacket he wore. His green eyes flicked down to hers.

Okay, Vivi. Now would be the time to get a hold of yourself. You cannot start wishing for the impossible. Heath is not interested in you, so don’t give yourself any crazy ideas.
As soon as she finished that thought, she glanced up into his eyes again and what she saw there made her wonder. If it were anyone other than Heath, she’d have sworn she saw desire darkening his gaze. But this was Heath, and she was nothing more than an overworked single mother barely getting by and his sister’s best friend who he treated with the same brotherly affection.

“Don’t think that guy meant any harm. He’s young and drunk and saw a pretty girl walking down the street,” Heath said.

His husky voice was like a rough caress. It sent hot shivers through her. She tried to focus on what he said. “Oh, right. Yeah, I wasn’t too worried, but I’m glad you happened to be around.”

Heath nodded. “Wouldn’t have thought you’d be worried,” he said with a half-smile. “It’s not your style.”

She bit her lip and tried, oh she tried, to get her body to behave. But it was as if flames had encircled them. The air was so cool, and she was so hot inside. Heat suffused her and her pulse kept racing unchecked, no matter how hard she tried to slow it. She shivered at the contrast. Heath’s eyes narrowed before he shrugged out of his jacket.

“You’re cold. Here, this’ll help.”

He stepped closer to her and swung the jacket over her shoulders, his arms caging her as it settled around her. The denim was warm and held his scent. She had to close her eyes to try to gain control of the desire surging through her. When she opened them again, he was still there, inches away from her. His hands had come to rest on her upper arms. He slid them down, his touch sending an electric current swirling through her. Her pulse rocketed and her breath became shallow when she met his eyes.

His palms reached her hands, which were cold. His hands, warm and strong, curled around hers, imparting his heat to her. Just when she wondered what she should say to snap this moment, he freed one of her hands and took a step closer. He was so close now that when she took a breath, her breasts rose and brushed against his chest. She flushed straight through when she realized he could feel her peaked nipples through her t-shirt. Something flickered in the back of his eyes. Before she could ponder it, he slid his hand into her hair and dipped his head.

When his lips were but a fraction away from hers, he whispered, “I’ve been wanting to do this for too damn long.”

She was so stunned by his words, her jaw went slack and her knees wobbled. His lips met hers, and any pretense of thought dissolved into the desire pounding through her. He didn’t hesitate. He fit his mouth over hers, and she lost her mind. At her gasp, his tongue swept inside and need thundered through her. She arched into him and moved entirely on instinct, so overtaken by sensation that she couldn’t think. Her tongue slid against his as she kissed him with everything she had. His arm slipped around her back and pulled her against him. She felt the heat of his erection pressing into her belly. Hot, liquid need pooled between her legs. She slid her hands up his chest, savoring the feel of his hard muscles under her touch.

The sound of a car coming down the street filtered into her consciousness. The bright headlights arced across them. Heath tore his lips free. Awareness slid through her. She scrambled to gather herself. When she looked up, Heath’s eyes were right there waiting.
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God! What the hell were you thinking? You kissed Heath! You have to play it cool somehow. Probably means nothing to him. Take a nice deep breath and…

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