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Authors: Barbara Huffert

Linked (33 page)

BOOK: Linked
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“Thank God.”

“In fact, I’m so not ashamed that I’m about to suggest it’s time for more. Hear that, Guy? I’m letting you know that I want to have sex again. With you. Now. Interested?”

“Hell yes!” Guy exclaimed.

For a minute, neither moved. They watched each other with smiles on their faces, both holding their breath in anticipation. The laughter that followed was simultaneous.

“What a pair of goofs,” Tori declared.

“Maybe but you sure are a pretty little goof.”

Before Tori could comment, Guy had her pinned to the bed. The heat in his eyes captured her gaze as securely as his sturdy body trapped hers. With deliberate slowness, Guy lowered his mouth to hers until they were breathing from each other.

“No games this time, tiger,” he whispered against her lips.

“No,” she agreed. “Just us.”

They started with a simple kiss that grew until their mouths devoured each other. Soon their hands were caressing everywhere. Their minimal clothes disappeared, leaving no flesh unavailable. Every time Tori looked at Guy’s face, he was watching her. His expression was intense. His eyes were so full of emotion that, to Tori, it seemed as if she was seeing straight into his heart.

After what felt like forever, Guy’s fingers finally reached Tori’s slit.

“Oh, please,” she begged, writhing beneath him.

“Please what?” he asked, teasing her by running one finger along her outer edges.

With Guy partially covering her, Tori couldn’t move like she wanted to. Instead of spreading her legs wide open to offer herself to him, she had to settle for shifting the one he didn’t have trapped. She bent her knee and raised her hip, unsuccessful in her attempt to press against his hand.

“Please don’t tease me. Touch me, Guy. I need you.”

“Sh.” His lips claimed a sweet kiss. “You have me. Don’t get upset,” he whispered as one fingertip traced her slit. Guy repeated the motion, delving slightly inside. He continued, going deeper each time. “You’re so wet,” he announced, his finger poised just inside her core.

Tori whimpered with need. She already knew Guy was controlling everything but that didn’t prevent her from trying to impale herself on his finger. “Touch me,” she pleaded again, afraid he’d keep his finger exactly where it was forever.

“Sh.” He kissed her lightly before nuzzling her neck. “Let me go slowly tonight, Tori. Let me show you how I should have loved you the first time.”

“Oh, Guy,” she cried when his finger worked its way inside her flesh.

“Feel everything. Don’t rush,” he urged, slowly stroking in and out.

“More,” she panted.

Guy added a second finger, studying her face closely. “Your pussy is so tight. I love the way it holds my cock,” he whispered, kissing his way lower. “You’re already squeezing my fingers. Are you getting ready for me?”

“Yes,” Tori gasped when Guy’s mouth covered her nipple. “Oh God!” she cried as his tongue drove her crazy.

“Sh,” Guy soothed, working his way to her other breast. He used his mouth, nipping and sucking, kissing and licking until Tori was shivering with desire. “Come for me,” he requested as his thumb massaged her clit. “My cock is so hard. I’m afraid I’ll hurt you if you don’t flood yourself with cream. Come now. Please come, Tori. I can’t wait much longer to be inside you.”

Tori was on the edge already with the way his hand and mouth stimulated her. Guy’s words pushed her over the top and sent her soaring. When Tori’s senses returned she opened her eyes to find Guy once again staring back at her. He had moved between her sprawled thighs, the tip of his hard cock poised at her opening.

“I love you,” Guy whispered as he sank slowly into her. “No, don’t close your eyes. Look at me. See how joining with you makes me feel.”

His heated gaze held her captive and Tori couldn’t have looked away even if he hadn’t told her not to. His emotions were almost too much before. Now she saw even more. Her heart wanted to reach out and take what his offered. It wanted to return his feelings and mix them with hers until they were the same. Unfortunately, even though it was muddled with passion, Tori’s mind was still stronger. It refused to release the hold it had on her in spite of the incredible sensations Guy’s body evoked.

Guy watched the turmoil play across her face. When her head began to roll from side to side he knew her unrelenting mind had won again. Very gently, he closed the gap on either side of her head until he held it steady. He looked deeply into her eyes as his shaft continued to caress her with full strokes. He may not have gained her heart this time but seeing the depth of her internal struggle filled him with such hope his heart swelled with even more love.

“I love you, Tori,” Guy whispered. “I don’t know how to say it so you know how much it’s true.” He interrupted his declaration with a kiss. “There’s so much,” his voice turned desperate as his thrusts became more determined. “Forever. I swear. Until my last breath. More and more every second.”

He could see it was too much for her but couldn’t stop himself from baring his soul. He knew he should. She’d already forgiven him for losing control so many times that he was terrified she’d reached her limit. He knew he should stop but the sensations he found in her soft body were too intense to ignore. Her mind might not be ready to accept him but her body had to know he loved her to respond as it did. It took all the self-restraint Guy had to hold back long enough for Tori to reach her climax. He had been ready to explode the second he penetrated her but was determined to wait until she was with him. When he felt her internal muscles ripple with the first wave of pleasure, Guy let himself take her the rest of the way with hard and fast thrusts. As Tori’s orgasm had her clenching around him, Guy buried himself to the hilt and pumped her full of the evidence of his passion.

Unable to help himself, Guy continued to kiss her as he professed his love repeatedly the entire time it took for his mind to recover. He wasn’t even aware of what he was doing at first but couldn’t stop once he was. He persisted until Tori sighed against his lips. When he raised his head, Guy saw a greater range of emotions than before. Her conflict tugged at his heart and he wished he could make it easier for her. He knew he couldn’t. It was something she had to resolve for herself. In the meantime, all he could do was be patient. He would continue to shower her with his love so consistently that she would realize it was as real and true as he said it was. Once she accepted that, she would be able to open her heart and share her growing feelings. Guy was positive it was only a matter of time. Knowing that was the only thing that would keep him sane while he forced himself to wait for her to catch up to him.

Guy rolled to his back, clutching Tori tightly so he stayed inside her. “Please don’t make me let go yet.”

“Okay.” Tori snuggled into his embrace.

Her mind was racing even faster than his heart was beating. Ever since the day she caught herself thinking that she was in love with Guy she fought to convince herself that it was just wishful thinking. She couldn’t be in love because love didn’t exist and even if it did she wasn’t the kind of person who indulged in such sentimental emotions. The last thing she needed was to confuse the way he made her body feel with messy emotions because that would be her biggest mistake ever. No matter what Guy said or how he acted at the moment it wasn’t real. She couldn’t start thinking it would last because she knew it was impossible. She knew it as surely as she knew anything so why was she even wasting time thinking about it? She was frightened. Guy rescued her from her dream and made her feel safe. They had sex. It was that simple. Just misplaced gratitude, not love. No sense reading more into it than there was because as soon as this was over he would be history. Sure, she’d miss his incredible body but who wouldn’t with the things he did with it? At the moment she was swamped with physical sensations, pure lust and nothing more.

Chapter Twenty


Tori looked around her kitchen and felt as if she was a stranger in her own home. The outrageously handsome man at the sink was her lover. His best friend stood next to him, helping to wash dishes. Two women sat at the table with her. One, her boss and first true friend, the other, her friend’s niece who was also married to her lover’s friend, who had been a friendly acquaintance until very recently when she had become an honest friend. In addition, there was a little black-and-white kitten scampering everywhere in his never-ending quest to be involved in everything that was going on around him. She knew this had all come about from her nightmares but it was still very much a mystery to her.

“Guy tells me you’re going to Todd’s open house tomorrow,” Barry said casually as he lounged against the counter.

“Don’t remind me.” Tori shuddered.

“Sounds like you’re not looking forward to it,” Barry commented.

“Hardly. Between the things Guy’s told me about his family and his behavior at your house last Sunday I can’t help thinking I should wait in the car while he goes in and visits.”

Diana didn’t miss the look that passed between her niece and husband or the way Guy dropped his eyes. “Oh my. I must have missed something,” Diana mused.

Tori knew no one else would respond so she stalled by scooping up Harry and cuddling him to her face. Too bad he was too small to hide her completely because she knew she was blushing.

“I’m sorry.” Diana reached over and patted Tori’s arm. “I shouldn’t pry into something that’s clearly none of my concern.”

“It’s all right, Diana,” Tori tried not to mumble. “I brought it up so I should explain. You already know we all spent last Sunday afternoon together. What they were kind enough not to mention was the way it ended. You see, um, Guy got a little over-emotional and couldn’t keep his mouth shut and I had a meltdown and accused the three of them of all sorts of awful things before I stormed out of the house and went to pout in the car.”

Diana met each gaze before commenting. “Forgive me for asking but I’d like to know what you said, Guy, if you don’t mind.”

“Tori?” He waited for her to nod. “I told Tori the truth about how I feel about her.” Diana remained silent so Guy continued. “I said I loved her with all my heart and I would spend my life proving it to her. Unfortunately, I didn’t think how saying that with others in the room might upset Tori and I was too stupid to shut up when she asked me too.”

“We didn’t interrupt,” Barry added, “So Tori decided we were helping Guy embarrass her for our entertainment.”

“I know, Aunt Diana,” Carla joined in when her aunt glanced at her. “I should have done something but the expression on Guy’s face was so amazing and I was so happy for them that I didn’t realize what was going on until afterward and by then Tori was already gone.”

“Fortunately for me,” Tori smiled shyly, “Guy was right and Carla and Barry really are my friends and are willing to forgive me when I lose my mind.”

Again, Diana looked at each of them. “I’m stunned. Tori, may I ask one more question?”


“First, let me say how thrilled I am that you finally understand what I’ve been trying to tell you about Carla.”

“Thank you. Believe it or not, Carla and I had quite a talk about all that too. You were absolutely right that I could have more friends if I’d stop hiding behind my fears.”

“I’m so proud of you,” Diana’s voice was filled with emotion. “Please understand that I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable but I can’t help wondering how you feel about Guy. If you prefer to wait until we’re alone, please say so, Tori. I really don’t want to embarrass you but you seem unusually relaxed with Carla and Barry.”

“I don’t mind. They already know what I’m going to tell you. I’m sure all three of them will want to argue with me but they won’t because they know it’s pointless,” she paused for them to nod their agreement. “Guy says he loves me. I think he’s caught up in the moment. We’ve been over this before. He’s still the hero sent to save me, the damsel in distress. I like him and enjoy his company and really hope we can stay friends once this is over. When it is, he’ll see that he was overreacting to the situation and he doesn’t love me after all and he’ll get on with his life. I wish him all the best and hope he finds the right woman soon because he really is a sweetheart and deserves to have someone as nice as he is who is able to make him happy.”

“You are the right woman, Tori,” Guy insisted.

“Stop beating a dead horse, Guy,” Tori countered.

While the two of them glared at each other, Diana exchanged glances with Carla and Barry. She could tell they agreed with Guy just as she did. She wondered how long it would take for Tori to stop resisting and accept what was right under her nose.

“I guess you have spoken about this at length,” Diana interrupted. “And I agree with Tori that it’s pointless to argue with one who is so stubborn.”

“Thank you.” Tori’s attention was on Harry so she missed the sympathetic look Diana gave Guy. “Isn’t he amazing?” she asked. “He goes full-speed ahead and then is out cold before you can blink. And he’s so curious about everything. Guy keeps telling me that all kittens are like this but I’ve never had one before so it’s all new to me.”

“He sure is a little sweetie,” Diana agreed, letting Tori change the subject. “He seems remarkably resilient.”

“Mm.” Tori frowned at her thoughts. “I wish he didn’t have to settle for me as his consolation prize.”

“We all wish things were different for him.” Guy claimed the seat next to her and rested his arm on the back of her chair. “But you’re certainly not a consolation prize. You are the kind-hearted woman who cared enough to find him. You’re going to give him a happy life and will love him not only for yourself but doubly because you have Kimmie’s love in your heart too.”

“Knock it off before you make me cry again.” Tori sniffled.

“Yeah, Guy, shut up,” Barry growled. “You get Tori started and then Carla will have to join her and then Diana won’t be able to resist and what are we going to do with three weeping women?” Everyone laughed at his comment as he intended. “Now, getting back to tomorrow night. I’m sure Guy will behave himself.”

BOOK: Linked
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