Linked (11 page)

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Authors: Barbara Huffert

BOOK: Linked
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“I won’t. I want you wild. I want you rough. You won’t scare me out of this no matter how out of control you threaten to be. Not when the other choice is to keep seeing their faces as they panted over what they believe I want to do with them. I could smell their sweat. I could feel their slimy hands on my skin. I could feel them drooling on my body. Help me forget. I need you, Guy. Please help me.”

Tori had tears streaming down her cheeks but this time Guy realized they were tears of desperation. The part of him that was reared to be a decent man and treat women with respect balked at giving in to Tori’s pleas. He had never callously used a woman in the way she suggested. Even the relationships that he’d formed purely for sexual gratification were more than what she was pushing for.

On the other hand, the woman he was rapidly falling in love with needed him. She had been horrified when she described how they wanted to be with her. Her skin was practically crawling when she spoke of how real her dream had seemed. The thought of them touching her intimately stirred the Alpha male instincts in him to claim her exactly as she was urging him to. On top of that, she was right. He had promised to help her in whatever way she needed him to and he had refused the only thing she’d asked him for. Add in the feel of her hand when she’d managed to stroke him with the way she had ground her hips against his cock and brushed her stiffened nipples across his chest, and Guy’s body was primed for action.

“What about tomorrow, Tori?” Guy asked, holding her so she couldn’t reach him. “How are you going to react when you wake up, naked in my arms, sticky and smelling of sex? Are you going to pretend nothing happened between us and shut me out? Don’t bother repeating that bullshit of how this isn’t about us because if we do this every bit of it will be between us. You and me, Tori. Not you and a nameless cock. You and me. If we fuck tonight I’ll expect to make slow, sweet love tomorrow. If we do this I won’t stop myself from caressing you and cuddling you and kissing you as I have been. Are you going to push me away or will you do the same?”

“God, Guy, why are you asking all these questions? Either you want me or you don’t. That’s the only thing you should be asking right now.”

“That’s the one thing neither one of us has to ask. We both know I want you. I’m not looking for any promises of undying love forever here. But I want more than a quick fuck.”


“You know what I mean so knock it off. All I’m saying is that I deserve—no, we deserve—a chance to see if we can have something together.” Guy studied her. “It’s up to you, Tori. Do you want my cock and all that you’ll get with it? Before you answer, let me give you an alternative. If you say no, I’ll still take care of you.”


“With my hands. Not that I’m bragging but I am very capable of making you come that way. It won’t be exactly what you want but I will keep you screaming until morning.”

Tori stared until he finally released her. She sputtered, furious, before spinning to pace in the limited space of the bedroom. Guy was standing in the doorway and she knew he’d never let her leave. “You-you big French jerk! Conceited asshole! You’ll keep me screaming until morning with nothing but your hands,” she sneered, repeating his statement with an exaggerated accent. “This is blackmail and you’re doing it on purpose. You’ll give me what I need but only if I agree to keep on screwing you or I have to settle for your measly little hands fingering me like-like some horny teenager.”

“You can always use your own hands.” Guy shrugged. “Now that I think of it, I’d love to see that. Take your pick, tiger, but whatever you decide I am staying with you until you get over the idea of picking up a stranger. And don’t bother lying because I’ll know and I’ll handcuff you to me for the duration.”

Again, Tori stared in disbelief. After a prolonged silence, she scowled. “Okay. Fine. You win.” She yanked off her tank top and threw it at him. “We’ll fuck and we’ll make love and paw each other and all the rest of that shit for however long this takes. But when this is over, if I wake up one morning and realize that I only wanted you because you were the big strong man who swooped in to rescue me you have to go away and leave me alone.” She kicked off her shorts. “Well? What are you waiting for? Drop those drawers already and show me what you got. I said you’d get your chance, now I want to fuck.”

“Shut up,” Guy growled. “Come here.”

Tori hesitated at his tone. His gaze raked her boldly and she could see the lust in his eyes. No one had ever looked at her like that before and she wasn’t sure she could handle it. Then again, she’d never made the kinds of demands she just had or said anything remotely close to the things she’d said to Guy. She stayed where she was so long he finally raised an eyebrow as if questioning her nerve. She took it as a challenge and forced her feet to cross the short distance between them until she was inches from his chest.

With a savage growl, Guy scooped Tori off her feet and shoved her things out of his way so he could deposit her on top of her dresser. His hands gripped her thighs and pulled her to the edge. He spread her legs and stood between them.

“Open up wider. All the way, like you would if you really wanted a man.”

Tori did as he ordered, leaning back on her hands and arching her back so her breasts were just as available. Still holding her gaze, Guy pinched her nipples so hard she gasped in surprise. She knew he was testing her and forced herself to push into his grasp instead of retreating. He chuckled wickedly and pinched even harder, tugging on her flesh almost cruelly before abruptly releasing her.

After several repeats, he added a vicious twist at the end of each tug. He kept at it until Tori’s startled expression softened with pleasure. Instantly, he assaulted her peaks with rapid flicks as if he was trying to remove them from her body. Again, the shock wore off and Tori was moaning for more. Without warning, Guy fisted his hand in her hair and yanked her face back so her mouth was open when his covered it. Even before his lips molded to hers, his tongue invaded her mouth, stroking deeply as he tasted her.

At exactly the same time as he began to claim her mouth, one finger plunged fully into her soaked core. His tongue and finger withdrew in unison. On his second thrust, he impaled her with two fingers. He used three on the third. Instead of withdrawing, his tongue explored and his fingers curled, pressing firmly against her G-spot as his thumb mashed her clit.

“Oh my God,” Tori gasped into Guy’s mouth as she climaxed almost violently, bucking against him while he held her in place.

Even before she calmed, he untangled his hand and resumed his torment on her nipples, alternating both sides and touches. The fingers of his other hand mimicked the one at her breasts as he relentlessly attacked her already sensitive bud. Within minutes, Tori was writhing with pleasure as she shattered again.

“Stop,” Tori panted when his fingers reentered her quivering sheath. “Too much.”

“I told you to shut up,” Guy reprimanded her harshly.

Tori’s struggles ended seconds later when Guy shifted her slightly off the dresser. He trapped her legs with his body. His gaze snared hers with its intensity while his fingers spread her wetness to her now-accessible anus. When she was sufficiently lubricated, Guy slowly wriggled his little finger into her tightly clenched hole. Using his other hand, he stroked her other opening, distracting her until he managed to replace his little finger with the two biggest ones. Still watching her, he began to thrust with both hands. At first, he alternated, letting her muscles adjust to his intrusion. When she attempted to move with him, he switched so his fingers all moved together, filling her fully, retreating completely and reversing rapidly, impaling her to the hilt. Tori was already shaking when he pressed his fingers together, pinching the tight barrier between her channels. The third orgasm had Tori sprawling bonelessly on the dresser. Without Guy supporting her, she would have slipped to the floor.

When Tori’s mind finally began to function, she realized Guy was standing between her legs, leaning with his hands on the outside of her hips without touching her anywhere. “Guy,” she pleaded, unsure what she was pleading for.

“Tell me, Tori, how many horny teenagers made you come like that with their measly little hands?”

“Oh God, Guy. I’m sorry. I take it back. Your hands are incredible. Amazing. Better than unbelievable. That was… I never… I mean… Oh God, Guy.”

“I need you to concentrate now, okay? Are you listening?” Guy waited for her full attention. “That was just a sample of what I can do with my hands. I think I proved that I wasn’t merely bragging when I said I could take care of you like that. I’m going to ask you one last time. Do you want me to lay you on the bed and show you how creative I can be with nothing but my hands and no other intimate contact until after you put this behind you or do you still want to give yourself to me completely, knowing that I have every intention of finding a way to keep you?”

Tori searched his face while she debated her answer. She was certain that he really would limit himself to touching her if that’s what she decided. From what she’d just experienced, she knew that his hands alone would drive any lingering images of Russ and Stan from her mind. Hell, he’d already done that with three orgasms in maybe eight minutes at most.

Guy’s expression was bland as if her response didn’t matter in the least but Tori could see how rapid his pulse was in his neck. In the brief time she’d known him, Tori felt more at ease with him than she ever had in her life. Talking with him, working together in her small kitchen, relaxing in the evenings after Todd left them alone was so different from her previous experiences. For the first time in her life, Tori was comfortable. She was beginning to understand what it felt like to belong. Somehow she forgot she needed to keep her distance and protect herself from him without even realizing it.

Sitting up, Tori ran her palms over his solid chest. “I want you to show me everything you can do with your hands, Guy.” His expression faltered. “But not right now.” His eyebrow lifted. “Now I want you to show me what you can do with your cock.”

Guy nodded once and stepped back. Watching her watching him, he dragged off his sweatpants, exposing his raging hard-on.

“You want me to fuck you,” he stated. “How?”

“Hard,” Tori whispered, not taking her eyes off his engorged cock.



“Where on your body, not where in the house,” he clarified as if she’d misunderstood.

“Everywhere,” she repeated. “I-I, well, no one else ever, um, you were the first who, I mean…”

Guy chuckled softly at her blush. “Your ass is virgin.”

“Yeah. But I liked it. Once I got used to it, it felt really, really good.”

“So good you’re curious about being filled with my cock.” He stroked it slowly while she watched with rounded eyes. “It’s a lot bigger than my fingers. Stretching you will hurt even if I manage to do it slowly. But once I have you open the pain will become pleasure.”

Tori’s expression showed that she believed him. “Can I touch you?”

“No.” Guy continued his lazy movement along his shaft. “Stand up and turn around.” Tori looked slightly intimidated but did it without hesitating. “Bend over,” he ordered, pushing on her back as he spoke. “Oh yeah,” Guy growled as his hands gripped her buttocks. “I definitely want this ass.” Tori gasped when he parted her cheeks. “Later. I need this first.” His erection found her slit and Guy buried himself with one thrust. “Christ, you’re tight,” he groaned as he began to move. His hands slid to her hips and he held her in place, pounding into her from behind.

“Guuuy,” Tori moaned, trying desperately to push back to meet him. “No,” she cried when he withdrew completely.

Guy lifted Tori and dropped her on the bed facing him. He fully appreciated the added height of the antique bed and overstuffed mattress now that she was sprawled naked on top of it. Roughly, he grabbed her thighs, yanking her to the edge and hooking them over his arms all in the same motion. Without delay, he shoved his rock-hard shaft back inside her, grinding against her mound when he was buried to the hilt.

“Much as I like watching your ass, I want to see your face the first time you come on my cock.” Abruptly, he stopped, fully impaled and rubbed his thumbs over her mound. “Soft,” he stated. “I never fucked a bare pussy before. It’s hot.” He stroked her quickly. “I like seeing your clit twitch above my cock. I’m going to love licking you.” He gave a few steady thrusts. “So tell me, is your hair natural?”

“What?” Tori was confused by his question and tried, unsuccessfully to move against him. When he kept her still she almost growled.

“Easy, tiger. Answer me.”

“Guy!” She clutched at his arms.

“Yes or no? Tell me or I won’t let you come.”

“Yes, damn you.”

Guy went back to plunging deep inside her. “There now, that wasn’t so hard.”

“Please,” she whimpered.

“Please what? Please fuck you harder?” Tori nodded with a moan when he did. “Please fuck you faster?” She panted her agreement when his pace increased. “Stop biting your lips. Don’t hold anything back from me.” With that, Guy angled her higher so he was pummeling her G-spot with every thrust. It didn’t take much more for Tori to scream her release.

Guy waited a few minutes for her shivers to subside before he repositioned them on the bed. He was kneeling between her legs without touching her but ready to trap her if she tried to move away from him.

When Tori’s eyes found Guy’s she gave him a satisfied smile. “Wow. Are you always so intense? You keep staring at me.”

“I like watching you come. If I don’t see your face, I won’t know if you’re faking.”

“Faking.” She laughed. “As if. You’re teasing, right? No way would anyone need to fake it with you.”

“Why thank you, ma’am. We aim to please.”

“We as in you and your cock? Don’t be so smug. You’re damn good and you know it, so knock it off.”

“What’s this? More praise? What happened to you’re going to hate me and report me for police brutality?”

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