Lingerie and Lariats (Rough & Ready#7) (23 page)

BOOK: Lingerie and Lariats (Rough & Ready#7)
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 “You like to play the field, Dillon.” Mike frowned and put his hands in his back pockets. “I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

“The last thing I want to do is hurt Carly.” Dillon’s expression was serious.

“If Carly wants to date you then I’m not standing in your way.” Mike studied Dillon. “But you mess around with her feelings and I’m going to have to kick your ass all over the state.”

“I have a feeling that woman can hold her own real well.” Dillon slapped Mike on his shoulder. “See you at the poker game.”


* * * * *


Carly braced her hands on the back of Mike’s chair as she watched the poker game with the Cameron men along a couple of their friends, including Mike. He was holding his own and it was down to him and Dillon who had the biggest pile of chips.

Throughout the game she’d had a hard time keeping her eyes off a Dillon and again he’d caught her at it. Like the other men, he’d taken off his western tux jacket leaving him in a shirt that was snug across his muscular chest and fit his broad shoulders just right. He had his shirtsleeves rolled up and she liked watching the way the muscles in his arms flexed when he dealt. Every now and then their gazes would meet and she’d feel a warm flush throughout her body.

She looked over Mike’s shoulder. He had a straight flush. He set his cards down and shoved most of his chips into the middle of the table.

Dillon studied Mike for a moment, then his cards. “I’m all in,” he said and pushed everything he had in.

Mike looked at the remainder of his chips then looked at Dillon.

“Have anything else you’d like to wager?” Dillon asked.

Mike glanced up at Carly then back to Dillon. “Got anything in mind?”

Dillon met Carly’s gaze. “The rest of the weekend with Carly if I win. If you win you can buy Rocket.”

Carly’s jaw dropped and the other men around the table hooted and laughed.

“That is one deal too good to miss,” Ty Sharpe, Mike’s cousin, said. “Mike’s been trying to buy that stallion off Dillon for the past year.”

“I think
,” she said.

“Come on, Carly.” Wayne, Dillon’s brother, grinned. “You’ll sweeten the pot.”

Zane nodded. “I’d like to see this.”

Mike glanced up at Carly.

She put her hands on her hips. “Are you serious, Mike Sharpe? You’d trade me in a poker game?”

“Anything else you’d take?” Mike looked sheepish as he asked Dillon the question.

Dillon shook his head. “Carly or nothing.”

Wayne laughed. “It’s all in good fun, Carly.”

She held back a smile. It was kind of funny—she’d never had men fight over her before—so to speak.

“Let me see your cards again, Mike.” She sat on his knee and looked at his cards. A straight flush, ace to five. “All right.” She glanced up at Dillon. “Do I have to sit in the middle of the table?”

The men chuckled.

“You’re fine right where you are.” Dillon leaned forward. “But when I win you have to come sit on

Carly felt her cheeks flush. She tilted her chin up. “Daytime only if you win. But when you lose, Mike gets to buy that horse.”

“It’s a deal.” Dillon winked at her.

Mike laid down his cards. “Straight flush.”

Dillon’s eyes were totally on Carly as he laid down his own cards. “Royal flush.”

Carly’s eyes widened and this time she burned with heat all over. She had just been won in a poker game.

The men around the table were grinning and laughing. She tore her gaze from Dillon to Mike.

Mike wore a smile. “You know Dillon was just kidding.”

Dillon shook his head. “I wasn’t kidding.

She swallowed and met Dillon’s blue eyes again. He patted his knee and beckoned to her.

“You can’t be serious,” Mike said. “That was a joke.”

“Like I said, I wasn’t kidding.” Dillon looked at Carly. “You know I wasn’t.”

“You’re right..” She stood. “When you made the bet I knew you were serious.” She looked at Mike. “I guess I’m Dillon’s for tomorrow.”

“The deal was for the rest of the weekend,” Dillon said.

Saturday and Sunday. She took a deep breath and walked over to him, hoping she wasn’t blushing all over, and perched on his knee. He eased his arm around her waist and her whole body started tingling. Like earlier when she’d first talked to Dillon, she was at a loss for words at the moment, which was entirely unlike her.

She hadn’t been this close to him before and she hadn’t realized just how good he smelled. Of man and leather, a combination she loved.

Dillon stood, easing Carly to the floor and taking by the hand. “Time to cash out and head home.” He looked at her. “How did you get here?”

“Mike.” She glanced at Mike who had a bemused expression then she looked at Dillon. “He picked me up at my house.”

Dillon slid his fingers over the back of her waist. “I’ll get you home tonight and then in the morning, you’re mine.”

# # #


Champagne and Chaps

Cheyenne McCray

Wyatt Cameron’s gaze slowly traveled the room as he leaned up against the bar, one elbow and forearm on the polished hardwood surface. The lights were low, the wood-bladed fans stirring the air that carried smells of bar food and beer.

Stampede Bar was warm from all of the bodies packed into it and filled with music, laughter, and chatter. Wyatt tapped one boot in time with the song the live band, El Rio, was playing. Cowboys and cowgirls danced a lively two-step on the sawdust-strewn dance floor.

A pair of pool tables took up one end of the massive room and it looked like some serious games were going on while a couple of cowboys were throwing darts at a dartboard at the other end of the room. Most of the high tops were filled and every stool at the bar was taken.

“See anything you like?” Mike Sharpe said over the fiddle playing.

Wyatt gave his buddy a quick grin then took another drink of his longneck beer. “Still looking,” he said after a swallow. “I’ll know her when I see her.”

“Damn.” Mike glanced toward the door and gave a low whistle. “Take a look at that tall, sexy drink of water.”

Wyatt turned his attention to the door. His gaze went straight past the curvy woman to the petite gal behind her and his gut tightened. Light brown hair with blonde streaks, big eyes, and the type of smile that lit up even the dim bar. She was so damned pretty that he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

Wyatt said as he studied the woman who’d caught his eye, “I think I just fell in love with that little thing next to her.”

Mike looked amused. “Why don’t you turn on that Cameron charm and go meet the lady?”

Wyatt considered it for a moment. He didn’t want to pounce the moment they walked in the door. Well, maybe he did, but it wasn’t the real smart thing to do. “I’ll give them a moment to settle in.”

He watched the two as they made their way to the only available high top in the room. The petite woman wore a red blouse and blue jeans that hugged her cute little ass. A silver chain with a small medallion was at her throat and small silver hoops on her ears.

He couldn’t get himself to look away. She must have felt his gaze on her because she looked up and gave him a little smile before turning back to her friend.

“If that isn’t your cue, I don’t know what is,” Mike was saying. “I think you’d better get your ass over there before someone beats you to it.”

Wyatt grinned to himself. Damn, that woman was cute as hell. “I think you’re right.”

He set his empty longneck on the bar and headed toward the woman he had to have.


“That cowboy you just smiled at is on his way over.” Carly’s startling lavender eyes met Sabrina’s gaze. “I knew you’d be flirting from the moment you walked in.”

“I was not flirting.” Sabrina’s heart beat a little faster. “And you know I’m not ready to meet any guys.”

Carly combed her fingers through her dark hair. “You’re plenty ready. It’s been seven months since you and the idiot broke up.”

Idiot was right. Stephen was definitely one of those not-so-rare breeds.

Sabrina shook her head. “That’s not all. You know what I mean.”

“No, I don’t know,” Carly said. “There’s no reason you can’t get out and start living now.”

Sabrina held one palm to her belly. “I don’t know. I think it’s too soon—”

“That is one incredibly fine cowboy,” Carly interrupted. “Fine, fine, fine.”

That was so true, Sabrina thought as she watched the man’s easy approach from the corner of her eye.

He was tall and had a cowboy’s build with broad shoulders and lean hips. He wore a white dress shirt and a white Stetson along with Wrangler jeans. The shirt in no way disguised his muscular chest and arms.


Sabrina’s stomach flipped as the cowboy held her gaze and walked up to their table. He touched the brim of his hat as he looked from Sabrina to Carly.

“I’m Wyatt Cameron,” he said with a sexy smile that made her stomach drop to her toes.

Carly extended her hand. “Carly Abbot.”

Sabrina jumped when Carly elbowed her. Sabrina cleared her throat and offered her own hand. “Sabrina Holliday.”

His touch was warm as he gripped her hand for a few moments and held her gaze. A shiver ran down her spine as she met his gorgeous brilliant blue eyes.

“Are you part of the Cameron crew that I hear so much about over in the San Rafael Valley?” Carly tilted her head to the side. “You have a bunch of brothers.”

“That would be me.” Wyatt had a spark of amusement in his eyes as he released Sabrina’s hand. “Three brothers and a sister.”

Carly smiled. “I figured.”

“Mind if my friend and I sit with you?” Wyatt nodded in the direction of another good-looking cowboy who was leaning up against the bar.

“We don’t mind at all,” Carly said.

Sabrina felt mute. Wyatt Cameron had all the makings of a man she could really enjoy being around. But she didn’t want that… Didn’t want to get close to any man. She was all for Carly’s determination that tonight was all about flirting and fun.

Wyatt took a seat at the high top and gave a signal to the other cowboy who started coming their way. When the cowboy arrived, Wyatt made introductions.

“Mike, this is Sabrina and Carly.” He gestured to each of them. “Sabrina and Carly, this is Mike Sharpe who’s also from the valley.”

“A pleasure.” Mike smiled and shook each of their hands.

Carly gave a slow nod. “I think I’ve heard of your family, too,” she said to Mike. “You own Sharpe Feed and Tack in Patagonia?”

“My cousin, Ty Sharpe, owns the feed store,” Mike said. “I have a ranch on the other side of Wyatt’s.”

“The Sharpe family owns this bar, too, don’t they?” Carly asked. “A friend mentioned it the last time I was here.”

“That would be another cousin who owns Stampede.” Mike glanced around the room. “Brady’s probably around here somewhere.”

“Where are you ladies from?” Wyatt’s gaze settled on Sabrina.

Her cheeks warmed at the intense look of interest in his eyes. “Tucson.”

“What part of town?” he asked.

She cleared her throat. “The foothills.”

His gaze slid to Carly. “Whereabouts are you? Tucson, too?”

Carly shook her head. “Patagonia.” She glanced at Sabrina. “Sabrina is staying with me for the summer.”

Sabrina wanted to kick Carly under the table but she was afraid she would kick one of the men. She really didn’t want these cowboys to know she’d be a lot closer to them than Tucson. This Wyatt might think she’d be interested in seeing him more, and all she wanted was a little fun.

But then again, she might be thinking too much into this. She’d barely met the guy. Still, she really didn’t want to seem accessible to anyone. That was part of the reason why she’d let Carly talk her into staying for the summer. She needed time alone.

Wyatt’s smile made Sabrina’s toes curls. Damn, he was hot.

“Dance?” he asked and gestured to the floor as a new tune started.

Carly was busy chatting with Mike when Sabrina looked over at her friend.

I should just let loose just like we planned, Sabrina thought. She missed her old self. There was a time when she would have been flirting like Carly and just having fun without worrying about the possibility that the guy would want to get into a relationship. She needed that again. She needed to let her hair down and just have fun.

With a smile she looked back at Wyatt. “Sure.”

He surprised her by helping her down from the tall stool at the high top, then took her hand and led her to the dance floor.

Butterflies batted around in Sabrina’s belly as they made it onto the floor, and he brought her close and they started to two-step. “I’m not very good at this.” She raised her voice over the loud music as she stepped on Wyatt’s boot. “To me two-stepping means one step on the floor and one on your boot.”

“You’re doing fine.” He met her gaze, a glint of humor in his eyes. “Just don’t run off is all I ask. I’d like to get to know you.”

She didn’t answer. She didn’t plan on letting any man get to know her well. But it wouldn’t hurt to have a little fun dancing with a cowboy. This was all about a fun night out.

“I’ll think about it,” she said with an answering smile.

By the time three songs had passed, Sabrina was laughing and enjoying herself more than she’d expected. Her skin was covered in a light film of perspiration and her heart was beating a little faster from the fast-paced tunes that they’d danced to.

She’d been having so much fun that she forgotten all about Carly. When she glanced back at the table, her friend was gone. She searched the dance floor with her gaze and smiled when she saw her friend talking with Mike to one side of the room.

Carly looked like she was having fun flirting with the cowboy, which was no surprise. If Carly was anything when it came to men, she was a flirt and a heartbreaker. Poor Mike, Sabrina thought and mentally shook her head. You’re in for some heartache if you’re not careful. Unless Carly actually considered settling for one man.

Ha. That’ll be the day. Not after Carly’s breakup. Ever since then she’d decided to flirt and play and that was good enough for her.

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